Getting yourself involved with electronics can be a really rewarding thing. Creating autonomously operating circuits or objects that obey laws of physics in hidden and secret ways using obscure little bits of silicium encased in blobs of plastic. If you ever wanted to become a magician but were wondering how ?.. This is how.
Conversely, as with everything close to magic, it can also be hard to get into it. There's a lot to learn and know about it and you could learn electronics each day of your life and still not know all the parts that are out there, all the chips people made for specific purposes, etc.
To take the pain out of trying to get behind what things are useful for what, and why... here's a page that aims to help get you up to speed with howtos, references and tricks/tips that have helped others.
Electronics Basics
A super-simple power-supply design for low-voltage DC applications
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