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There are a number of ways you can contact us. Here are a few:
Visiting address:
Technologia Incognita ACTA Broedplaats Louwesweg 1 1066 EA Amsterdam The Netherlands
When at the front door, call +31 85 201 6320 to have someone open the front door for you
We have many mailinglists , each with their own focus.
See more about them here , and choose an appropriate one. They are all open for subscription, but posts are only allowed for subscribers.
Unofficial TechInc communication platforms
- IRC: #techinc on OFTC
- Facebook: techincognita
- Twitter: @techincognita @TechIncog @Techlnc- also, please feel free to use the hashtag #techinc
- Mastodon: @TechInc
- Meetup: Technologia Incognita Hackerspace Events - Anybody can join the group. If you're a member and care to become an organiser on Meetup, please contact User:Chotee to get that role.
What you need to know: Organisation • Rules • Membership • Space • Contact • Donations |