
From Technologia Incognita
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There are many small and little things that need doing, that we could all do, which would go a long way to help make the space a nicer place. We are going to call these things papercuts. We aim to list these papercuts so users of the space can identify and maybe eradicate them.

What will doing a Papercut achieve

These are the sort of papercuts we're after:

  • Improves the general usability of the space
  • Asked repeatedly by newcomers
  • Makes it a nicer place

What is a Papercut

If you add a papercut it must meet these critera

  • Easily identifiable job that can be done by at least one person (more the merrier)
  • The task should be obvious to achieve, or have clear instructions provided on its page.
  • Will not negatively affect anything else

Feel free to add suggested solutions, but please add a date to any suggestions so we don't get knee-jerk fixes (putting four tildes, ~~~~, at the end of the point will sign and date it). You can also use the talk-page for discussions. If suggested solutions are complex, please create a separate wiki page (subpage) and link it. If you've already fixed something, put it in <s>strikethrough</s>.

Add Papercut

Click here


Papercut Assigned SubGroup Status Type Contact
Moar Papercut-Types Pending Infrastructure
Wallpaper Pending Beautifying Hamish
add iframe Communications Pending Infrastructure smoke
audio setup glitches AV Pending Infrastructure Justa
bug tracker Pending Other
drupal touchup Network Pending Other
sort cabinets Tools Pending Infrastructure Justa
wiki additions Pending Other


Papercut Assigned SubGroup Status Type Contact
Add ICBM coordinates to the SpaceAPI Done Other
Close firehose-hole Done Beautifying
Displaying Rules in the space Done Other Amx109
ElectricityManagement Done Infrastructure p, ultratux
Fit dirtyroom-door Done Other
HTTPS cert Network Done Other
Hang up more lamps Done Infrastructure
Heighten storage shelves Done Infrastructure
Isolate soundleaks Done Other
Paint walls Done Beautifying Narya
Wide horizontal-logo Design Done Beautifying Amx109
Workbench light Done Other
a working announce list Communications Done Other Amx109
improve 'Membership' page Communications Done Other Amx109
make the iCal version of events Communications Done Other
revbank extra features for finance control Done Other
test Wiki Done Other Dreamer
