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|ProjectPurpose=World domination
=Hackers Tribes=  
(imagine) "a society with a modest standard of living, conservative of natural resources, with a low constant fertility rate and a political life based upon consent" --Ursula K. LeGuin
"In our present numbers and enacting our present dreams,
the human race is having a lethal impact upon the world." --Daniel Quinn
"You cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources." --Albert Bartellet
"I’m fighting on behalf the species we’ve not yet driven to extinction.
I’m fighting to increase the odds that Earth will be vibrantly green 10 million years from now." --Guy McPherson
=Hackers Tribes (Saving the World) =  
==Why are hackers like tribes?==
==Why are hackers like tribes?==
==About hackers in general==
==About hackers==
* Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking by Gabriella Coleman http://codingfreedom.com
* http://www.puscii.nl/blog/content/limits-inclusion
* http://lifesoperatingmanual.com by Tom Shadyac http://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/138190455?
* http://techcrunch.com/2013/10/26/the-war-on-hackers/
* http://techcrunch.com/2013/10/26/the-war-on-hackers/
(related projects, with links: [[Internet_Governance_and_hackers]],
* Which Side are you On -- http://www.phrack.org/issues.html?issue=68&id=16&mode=txt
* http://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/article/16274/1/read-a-five-point-guide-for-a-better-internet
Hacker Culture: Smári: Hacker culture is all about being able to learn and experience and interact. It takes an "anything goes" approach
to altering reality. A hacker is somebody who has read-write-execute permissions on the universe.
Within this mindset there is no right and wrong - such moral judgements are separate from hacker culture,
and although hackers might argue heavily about what is right and wrong,
they will all agree that tinkering is a good idea. A side effect of this is an incredibly liberal attitude towards almost everything.
Once you recognize moral relativism for what it is, then we can move forward to do more interesting things than opining at each other,  
such as working together to build better communities.
The free exchange of information is a necessary precondition for this.
* Speech by Eleanor Saitta at "Observe Hack Make" https://noisysquare.com/ethics-and-power-in-the-long-war-eleanor-saitta-dymaxion/
* "The hacker is someone one can imagine as still having some shred of a utopian practice." Interview with @McKenzieWark http://owl.li/rPYGN
* "IG & hackers" [[Internet_Governance_and_hackers]]
* Civic hacking / Who are the hackers, Catherine BRacy http://www.ted.com/playlists/10/who_are_the_hackers *Why good hackers make good citizens*
* Jaromil, on TEDx: Hackers Ethic "What hackers do", video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJNUUkx-_38
* Weev and the definitions of hacking, Quinn Norton  https://medium.com/quinn-norton/d3ed1ce63615
* Which Side are you On -- http://www.phrack.org/issues.html?issue=68&id=16&mode=txt
* From Ken Thompson (August 1984) - about trust - and what "hacking" (breaking into computers" is (or is not)  http://cm.bell-labs.com/who/ken/trust.html
"You can't trust code that you did not totally create yourself."
* Five ways hackers can build better cities -- Detroit -- World Economic Forum Davos: http://forumblog.org/2014/07/five-ways-hackers-build-better-city/
* End of the World Hack http://rewiredstate.org/event/end-of-the-world-hack.php // https://lilithlela.cyberguerrilla.org/?p=6596
* Wisdom hackers http://www.wisdomhackers.com
* Seriously?! For the lull?? http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/technology/jamiebartlett/100014174/for-the-lulz-the-apple-icloud-scandal-4chan-and-why-hackers-hack/
* .. and "not for the Lulz" http://interference.io/not-lulz
November 2014:
* http://www.vice.com/read/our-generation-of-hackers-111
* http://i.liketightpants.net/and/hackers-culture-and-the-fear-of-wysiwyg                                 
* The five commandments of hacker dome (interview with Steven Levy, writer of Hackers Ethics" http://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1411/msg00025.html
* August 2015: http://aeon.co/magazine/technology/how-yuppies-hacked-the-original-hacker-ethos/
"The hacker ethos is wild and anarchic, indifferent to the trappings of success.
Or it was, until the gentrifiers moved in" Brett Scott
* Funny videos about hackers :)
** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpMvS1Q1sos (It's all about Pentiums)
**  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9qYF9DZPdw (Too white & nerdy)
* History of Italian hackers: https://www.tommasotozzi.it/HACKprom/HACKTIVISM-Vol123-promozione.htm
==About hackerspaces==
* Maxigas http://peerproduction.net/issues/issue-2/peer-reviewed-papers/hacklabs-and-hackerspaces/
* Hackerspace Design Patterns // Building a Hackerspace https://www.slideshare.net/OpenSlidesArchive/1003-building-a-hacker-space
* http://www.monochrom.at/context-hacking-essay/ && >> http://www.monochrom.at/hacking-the-spaces/   
** http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Rewriting_Hacking_the_Spaces
** https://lists.hackerspaces.org/pipermail/discuss/2013-July/008163.html                                                                  
* http://becha.home.xs4all.nl/hackers-philosophers-utopian-network-dec-2012-becha.pdf
* Bilal Ghalib , "The Hackerspace Revolution" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsAcD5z9OtQ (2012, INK conference)
* Mitch Altman, "The Hackerspace Movement" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkiX7R1-kaY (2012, TEDxBrussels)
* http://opensource.com/life/11/3/how-hackerspaces-make-city-open-source-city
* Article [2014] “Production and governance in hackerspaces: A manifestation of Commons-based peer production in the physical realm?” http://p2plab.gr/el/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/IJCS.pdf
* April 2015: https://readfold.com/read/elplatt/i3-detroit-the-making-of-a-hackerspace-HJbifeqd
* April 2015: http://www.velochicdesign.com/2015/04/03/making-a-makerspace-part-1/ & http://www.velochicdesign.com/2015/04/08/making-a-makerspace-part-2/
* October 2015: http://becha.home.xs4all.nl/hackerspaces-patriarchy-equality.html             
* "Barefoot into Cyperspace"     
* (December 2014) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/273776999_Hackerspaces_collaborative_spaces_of_creation_and_learning                                         
===Learning from the mistakes===
* a hackerspace died, and no-one cared: https://medium.com/@tdfischer_/rip-synhak-7093ade6b943
* Open-source project surviving the toxic people: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q52kFL8zVoM
* "Don't follow our example" http://texrat.net/tarrant-makers-fall-of-a-foundation/
* What's wrong with the kids these days?  by groente on Tue, 03/26/2013 - 14:51 On the moral decay of the Dutch hacker scene http://www.puscii.nl/blog/content/whats-wrong-kids-these-days
* The gentrification of hacking http://aeon.co/magazine/technology/how-yuppies-hacked-the-original-hacker-ethos/
* Selling out and the death of hacker culture https://medium.com/@folz/selling-out-and-the-death-of-hacker-culture-fec1f101b138
* 2016: https://thump.vice.com/en_ca/article/4chan-trolls-diy-spaces-oakland-fire (also mentions other vulnerable communities & GamerGate)
==Why are hackerspaces like tribes?==
==Why are hackerspaces like tribes?==
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"... Internet’s spirit of permissionless innovation, open entry, diversity and competition." http://www.internetgovernance.org/2013/10/20/plans-for-internet-commission-on-internet-cooperation-revealed/
"... Internet’s spirit of permissionless innovation, open entry, diversity and competition." http://www.internetgovernance.org/2013/10/20/plans-for-internet-commission-on-internet-cooperation-revealed/
* http://becha.home.xs4all.nl/hackers-philosophers-utopian-network-dec-2012-becha.pdf
* & why are hackerspaces as "commons"?
“A commons must be animated by bottom-up participation, personal responsibility, transparency
and self-policing accountability.” http://bollier.org/commons-short-and-sweet
===Hackers Ethics===
* Toward New Hackers Ethics, Allison Parish, Open Hardware Summit 2016 
** http://opentranscripts.org/transcript/programming-forgetting-new-hacker-ethic/
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker_ethic#The_hacker_ethics
* Ethics in Network Measurements:
** https://fosdem.org/2017/schedule/event/network_measurement_ethics/
** https://fosdem.org/2017/interviews/vesna-manojlovic/
** https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/File:Pdf-slides-only-ethics-draft-vesna-fosdem-2017.pdf
** https://labs.ripe.net/Members/kistel/ethics-of-ripe-atlas-measurements
** SHA2017 "Ethics in Technology" lecture announcement: https://program.sha2017.org/events/311.html
*** Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDfkQo0DOYo
*** https://program.sha2017.org/system/event_attachments/attachments/000/000/107/original/PDF-sha2017-ethics-ripe-atlas-v2.pdf
* http://becha.home.xs4all.nl/hackers-ethics-for-the-world-after-collapse-december-2013.html
* http://www.puscii.nl/blog/content/philosophy-hacking
* http://ccc.de/de/hackerethik
* http://www.tommycollison.com/blog/2014/12/30/ethical-foundations-of-hacking-motivation-and-limits
* http://peerproduction.net/issues/issue-3-free-software-epistemics/peer-reviewed-papers/the-ethic-of-the-code-an-ethnography-of-a-humanitarian-hacking-community/
* http://opentranscripts.org/transcript/programming-forgetting-new-hacker-ethic/
* Who? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304832771_Hacktivism_interrupted_Moving_beyond_the_hacker_ethic_to_find_Feminist_Hacktivism
* Sofie Toupin http://peerproduction.net/issues/issue-5-shared-machine-shops/peer-reviewed-articles/feminist-hackerspaces-the-synthesis-of-feminist-and-hacker-cultures/
* Who? http://peerproduction.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/a-hackerspace-of-ones-own.pdf
* Hacking ideology: (Free SW vs) Open Source = capitalist movement VIDEO -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wP7RU1Eog8
===Teaching Hackers Ethics=== 
* Mailing list: https://lists.puscii.nl/wws/info/hacker-ethics
* Wiki            http://wiki.netresearchnet.org/index.php/Hacker_Ethics
* Links:
** http://opensource.com/education/14/2/teach-hacking-schools-open-education
** http://www.hackerhighschool.org/
** http://opensource.com/sites/default/files/articles/About_Hacker_Highschool.pdf
** http://opensource.com/education/13/2/next-generation-open-source-hackers
** http://mackenty.org/index.php/dev/comments/hacking_in_high_school_yes_but
** http://www.certified-ethical-hacker.co.uk/
* Teaching Linux: http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/80290.html?rss=1
* Maker Education in NL: http://makered.nl/
==Hackerspaces Governance Models==
===Tips for Volunteer Organisations===
* Not-for-profits incorporated:
** In Holland: association, foundation, cooperative... https://ondernemersplein.kvk.nl/overzicht-rechtsvormen/
* Not-for-profit management:
** Basics of running a not-for-profit https://internetfreedomfestival.org/wiki/index.php/Nonprofit_Management_101:_Understanding_the_Basics_of_Running_a_Nonprofit
** Handbooks for decentralised organising https://hackmd.io/@yHk1snI9T9SNpiFu2o17oA/Skh_dXNbE?type=view
* Funding & (cutting) costs
** links towards available fundings collections: https://wiki.techinc.nl/MeshNet#Funding
** tips about cutting costs (In Dutch) https://www.kvk.nl/advies-en-informatie/bedrijf-starten/een-bedrijf-starten-met-minder-kosten/
===On Consensus===
* http://p2pfoundation.net/Consensus
* http://p2pfoundation.net/Consensus
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*  IETF draft https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-resnick-on-consensus/
*  IETF draft https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-resnick-on-consensus/
* Wired 3.10: How Anarchy Works www.wired.com/wired/archive/3.10/ietf.htm
* Wired 3.10: How Anarchy Works https://www.wired.com/1995/10/ietf/
* http://www.unconference.net/facilitating-consensus-process/
* http://www.unconference.net/facilitating-consensus-process/
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* on asking questions in questionaries, surveys , pols & consensus building: http://www.people-press.org/methodology/questionnaire-design/question-wording/
* on asking questions in questionaries, surveys , pols & consensus building: http://www.people-press.org/methodology/questionnaire-design/question-wording/
* (get some links from anarchist web sites!!)
* How not to ask for consensus: "Hum Theatre" thread from IETF after "we'll fix the Internet security" discussion https://www.ietf.org/ibin/c5i?mid=6&rid=49&gid=0&k1=933&k2=73839&tid=1385193555
* RIPE Policy Development Process: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-500                                                                       
* How to make a decision like a tribe https://www.fastcompany.com/26244/how-make-decision-tribe
* - a handbook on Formal Consensus decision making http://www.ic.org/pnp/ocac/
* - http://starhawk.org/short-consensus-summary/
* http://www.intellitics.com/blog/2011/10/13/tree-bressen-the-top-10-most-common-mistakes-in-consensus-process/
* (facilitating &) meeting skills for inclusive moderators: https://youtu.be/FNgxawnTpMM
* http://www.acorncommunity.org/pointA/tiki-index.php?page=Consensus+Decision+Making
=== Governance in general ===
* Open Data Governance http://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2013/apr/16/open-data-governance-jay-naidoo
* Internet Governance & Hackers [[Internet_Governance_and_hackers]
===On Leadership===
===On Leadership===
** Montevideo statement & the email discussion: https://www.ietf.org/ibin/c5i?mid=6&rid=49&gid=0&k1=933&k2=72823&tid=1385193833
**"leaders statement" https://www.ietf.org/ibin/c5i?mid=6&rid=49&gid=0&k1=933&k2=72919&tid=1385193833
** MM blog "Core internet organisations abandon US government" https://www.ietf.org/ibin/c5i?mid=6&rid=49&gid=0&k1=933&k2=72980&tid=1385193972
* Talk about / dedicate yourself to / what you love
"Leaders are the ones who are brave enough to ACT on what they know to be true "
"Leadership is a choice"
"Bring the choice about what you do into alignment with what you love, and become a leader."
* Examples of other organizations - Red Cross:
"The Red Cross is a classic example of an organization that's been around too long
and whose focus has shifted from fulfilling its mandate to guaranteeing its own success and survival.
Typically, they're arrogant and unassailable. Individuals behave much the same way,
only within a shorter time span. We have much to learn about how we handle change."
* Oxfam
" Leading by example means addressing and questioning inequity and abuse as they manifest in ourselves, and our organisations. Really practicing what we preach."
& " We actually have to continually be addressing structural oppressions as they show up"
====p2p management====
*self management, worker ownership, social enterprise, workplace democracy…*
* Why we removed all the management positions http://ryancarson.com/post/61562761297/no-managers-why-we-removed-bosses-at-treehouse
* http://www.quora.com/Company-Culture/What-successful-companies-with-more-than-100-employees-are-unconventionally-managed?srid=cfH&share=1
* https://internetfreedomfestival.org/wiki/index.php/Nonprofit_Management_101:_Understanding_the_Basics_of_Running_a_Nonprofit
===Other hackerspace related project===
===Other hackerspace related project===
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Hackerspaces_tour
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Hacker_in_residence
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Hackerspaces_exchange
* http://www.tog.ie/2013/10/dublin-hacks-disaster-smart-cities/
* http://www.tog.ie/2013/10/dublin-hacks-disaster-smart-cities/
* GNUnion http://snuproject.wordpress.com/2013/12/03/gnunion-global-networked-labour-union-join-the-one-big-meshwork-now/
We are organized and unorganized individuals like you, fighting for our rights, for democracy, equality, justice,
freedom and solidarity, for our and the planets’ survival.
GNUnion is a new type of transnational and p2p networked social movement union.
GNUnion strives with its entirity, to build and stregthen ties among all the nodes untill the humanity becomes
One Big Meshwork.
* Flora Fauna Hack (and links) http://florafaunahack.tumblr.com
==Why are tribes important?==
==Why are tribes important?==
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Story_of_B  
* "The Story of B" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Story_of_B  
* http://www.davidsheen.com/b/                                                                               
* http://www.davidsheen.com/b/                                                                               
1) The Great Forgetting
**1) The Great Forgetting
** http://www.davidsheen.com/b/b1.htm
** https://www.filmsforaction.org/articles/have-you-heard-of-the-great-forgetting/
** https://www.filmsforaction.org/articles/the-great-forgetting/
2) The Boiling Frog
**2) The Boiling Frog
3) The Collapse of Values
**3) The Collapse of Values
4) Population: A Systems Approach
**4) Population: A Systems Approach
5) The Great Remembering
**5) The Great Remembering
* The parable of tribes, Andrew Bard Schmookler
* The parable of tribes, Andrew Bard Schmookler
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* http://secessio.com/vol-2-no-1/to-each-his-tribes-from-contract-to-pact/
* http://secessio.com/vol-2-no-1/to-each-his-tribes-from-contract-to-pact/
==Becha's Talks and Presentations==
* Tribal beauty http://edition.cnn.com/2013/10/21/world/africa/tribal-beauty-photographer-vanishing/index.html // http://www.beforethey.com 
* http://www.survivalinternational.org/news/9694
* "Immediate-Return Societies: What Can They Tell Us About the Self and Social Relationships in Our Society?" http://psychology.uga.edu/sites/default/files/CVs/Hunters%20and%20gatherers_0.pdf
* Gender equality in early bands & tribes: [[Ladies_Night#In_bands]]
* James C. Scott: Review of "The World until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies?" by Jared Diamond http://www.lrb.co.uk/v35/n22/james-c-scott/crops-towns-government
** "Anthropology can show us radically different and satisfying forms of human affiliation and co-operation that do not depend on the nuclear family or inherited wealth. "
** "our world of grains and states is a mere blink of the eye (0.25 per cent), in the historical adventure of our species."
** "As Norbert Elias pointed out more than half a century ago in The Civilising Process, what the state does is to centralise and monopolise violence in its own hands"
** relative non-violence and physical well-being of contemporary hunters and gatherers when compared with the early agrarian states.
** strong social forces mobilised by kinsmen to restrain anyone contemplating a hasty and violent act that will expose all of them to danger.
**  It’s hard to imagine Diamond’s primitives giving up their physical freedom, their varied diet, their egalitarian social structure, their relative freedom from famine, large-scale state wars, taxes and systematic subordination in exchange for what Diamond imagines to be ‘the king’s peace’.
** ((I also refer to "Against Leviathan", "Debt" by David Greaber, "Full House" by Stephen J Gaud, Daniel Quinn & Deric Janssen)
* http://timefortribe.com/ (Oregon, USA)
** http://timefortribe.com/types-of-community/
** http://timefortribe.com/about/vision-core-communities/
** (http://sacred-economics.com/)
* September 2013, (h)ACTA Open Day, Amsterdam Hackerspace Technologia Incognita (slides to be added later)
* How to make a decision like a tribe https://www.fastcompany.com/26244/how-make-decision-tribe
* Easter Island (tribes) did NOT collapse due to overpopulation & overconsumption! http://arstechnica.com/science/2016/02/new-evidence-easter-island-civilization-was-not-destroyed-by-war/
* https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn27945-myth-of-pristine-amazon-rainforest-busted-as-old-cities-reappear/
* The Great Forgetting, or,
** https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2017/mar/19/yuval-harari-sapiens-readers-questions-lucy-prebble-arianna-huffington-future-of-humanity
*** ignoring the pre-history: "Religions, nations and money, Harari argues, are all human fictions that have enabled collaboration and organisation on a massive scale."
*** ignoring the climate change "You can’t just stop technological progress."
*** ignoring the implicit violence: "there is less violence than ever before in history. Today more people die from eating too much than from human violence,"
*** ignoring the material reality: "economy switched from being a material-based economy to the knowledge-based economy."
* https://www.thesunmagazine.org/issues/304/saving-the-indigenous-soul
** interview with a Tzutujil Mayan shaman
=Becha's Talks and Papers =
* September 2013, (h)ACTA Open Day, Amsterdam Hackerspace Technologia Incognita [[Hackers_tribes_Story-of-B]]
* October 2013, RIPE67, synopses for the undelivered talk [[Hackers_tribes:42_questions]]
* October 2013, RIPE67, synopses for the undelivered talk [[Hackers_tribes:42_questions]]
* during #30c3, December 2013: Reply to "No middle ground in the Burning World" http://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Reply_to_no_neutral_ground_in_the_burning_world
* 2014, January 25, lightning talk at RevSpace  [[:File:revspace-lightning-talk.pdf]] {pdf}
* Proposal for the "Inverting Globalization" conference, topic of "Unsustainability, Precarity, Ecology" (refused) '''[[Hackers_tribes_GCC]]'''
* 7 May 2014 , Application for Anthropocene Curriculum Project (refused) http://becha.home.xs4all.nl/application-for-anthropocene-project.txt
* August 2014, Proposal for Interference.io (refused): [http://becha.home.xs4all.nl/interference.txt How to prevent the destruction of the biosphere?]
* November 2014, Nature Speaking on Future of Technology at RIPE69, my contribution [[:File:nature-speaking-on-future_of_the_internet-RIPE69.pdf]]
* September 2016: https://becha.home.xs4all.nl/Speaker_for_Squirrels-GogBot-2016.pdf
'''* MAILING LIST! https://lists.puscii.nl/wws/info/uncivilization'''
== Hackers Ethics==
* 31st December 2013, essay on Nature Bats Last http://guymcpherson.com/2013/12/hackers-ethic-for-the-world-after-collapse/
** http://becha.home.xs4all.nl/hackers-ethics-for-the-world-after-collapse-december-2013.html
=Beyond Civilization=
=Beyond Civilization=
Is this culture ever going to undergo '''voluntary''' transformation
to a sane and sustainable way of living? Derric Jensen
* Daniel Quinn
"books are ocularcentric, dumbing down things that shifts us out of our full body perceptions
and into virtual spaces of detachment, just as much as whatsapp or email" mp
* Daniel Quinn: http://www.ishmael.org/Origins/Beyond_Civilization/
* Derrick Jensen: Endgame   
* Derrick Jensen: Endgame   
* Guy McPhearson  
* Guy McPhearson Going Dark http://www.amazon.com/Going-Dark-Guy-R-McPherson/dp/1629074284 / http://books.google.nl/books?id=0LwVAgAAQBAJ
* Uncivilization - The Dark Mountain Manifesto http://dark-mountain.net/about/manifesto/
** and a criticism https://convivialeconomy.com/2016/11/20/the-dark-mountain/
** 2016 update: http://dark-mountain.net/blog/2016-you-want-it-darker/
* (2011), Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed: A User’s Guide to the Crisis of Civilization: And How to Save It  
* A User’s Guide to the Crisis of Civilization: And How to Save It -- (2011), Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed:
* NOT to be confused with
* "Civilization and its Latest Discontents" http://www.prole.info/texts/civilization.html
** "The CLash of Civilizations", Samuel Huntington, also criticized with "The Clash of Ignorance" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Clash_of_Ignorance
* Running on Emptiness: The Pathology of Civilizatio ... , John Zerzan
* "Against Civilization: Readings and Reflections"
* "Against His-Story, Against Leviathan" Fredy Perlman , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Against_His-Story,_Against_Leviathan, http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/perlman-fredy/1977/revolutionary-leaders/index.htm
** the whole book, chapter by chapter: http://noblesavagery.blogspot.nl/2007/03/fredy-perlmans-against-his-story.html
* Tom Shadyac, "Life’s Operating Manual" http://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/138190455? http://lifesoperatingmanual.com
* Beyond Geogrpahy - The Western Spirit Against the Wilderness http://books.google.gr/books?id=UbLRtCig7XkC
* Mankind and Mother Earth
** contents http://davidderrick.wordpress.com/contents-of-mankind-and-mother-earth-2/
* The Collapse of Complex Societies http://monoskop.org/images/a/ab/Tainter_Joseph_The_Collapse_of_Complex_Societies.pdf
* Naomi Klein - This Changes Everything
* http://rebeccasolnit.net/books/
* Underminers: https://underminers.org/
* https://tarnac9.wordpress.com/texts/the-coming-insurrection/
* Norbert Elias: The Civilising Process,
* http://www.zero-books.net/books/malign-velocities Malign Velocities: Accelerationism and Capitalism , Benjamin Noys
* "There is no such thing as western civilisation" https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/09/western-civilisation-appiah-reith-lecture
* http://www.bookofentropia.com/ - Entropia: Life Beyond Industrial Civilisation by Samuel Alexander
* The Future We Deserve from Appropopedia http://www.appropedia.org/Book:The_Future_We_Deserve
* (not sure about this one...) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapiens:_A_Brief_History_of_Humankind
* Edward Abbey's "Desert solitaire?: a season in the wilderness", New York: Ballantine Books. 1971         
* Abbey: "The Monkey-Wrench Gang" is a classic story set in the Utah/Arizona wilderness -- it's the original inspiration for what is now called 'eco-terrorism'!                                   
* "The Man Who Walked Through Time" By Colin Fletcher - about a 3-month solo trip hiking the Grand Canyon    &&  "The Complete Walker" was one that kept me dreaming for the times in the wilderness!             
* Thoreau -- "Into the Maine Woods" is a classic http://thoreau.eserver.org/mewoods.html                   
* John Muir "Steep Trails" (and his other books)
* Collection of books & articles, in French:
** https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Théories_sur_les_risques_d'effondrement_de_la_civilisation_industrielle
** http://www.collapsologie.fr/
Quotes on Sharing, spirituality, Culture or "the new way of thinking" [[Hackers_tribes_quotes_culture ]]
=== New way of thinking ===
Quotes on Sharing, spirituality, morality, ethics, religion, Culture or "the new way of thinking" [[Hackers_tribes_quotes_culture ]]
* In the Absence of the Sacred, Jerry Mander
* In the Absence of the Sacred, Jerry Mander
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Are we distroying the planet just to be a little bit more comfortable for a short while? Dimitry Orlov
Are we distroying the planet just to be a little bit more comfortable for a short while? Dimitry Orlov
What does a life well lived look like?  
What does a life well lived look like?
Socratic Questions / Social Justice issue : http://goodmenproject.com/social-justice-2/social-justice-climate-change-is-a-social-justice-issue/
* "Myth" : The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. John F. Kennedy
* https://medium.com/@danprisk/the-10-ways-you-can-counter-13-impossible-crises-964544514238#.wksgq7pqv
7. Build consciousness of alternative stories
Many of the above show by example that a better world is possible, but that won’t be enough.
Without a narrative to backup our actions we are easily ignored and relegated to the sidelines.
The current paradigm lauds competition, deems wealth a reward for being good, hard working,
and smart, and equates poverty with personal failing.
We need to counter this with stories of cooperation and community. We need to strip poverty of it’s stigma.
We need to show people that we can build on empathy and not greed.
* "We are the Vogons" (spoof of "We are the robots" by Kraftwerk & HHGttG"  
* Aesthetic of uncivilization  http://dark-mountain.net/blog/seeing-through-a-glass-darkly-towards-an-aesthetic-of-uncivilisation/
* Artists engaged with Climate Change http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2014/may/12/when-nature-calls-artists-climate-change-art-and-ecology-in-pictures
* http://openhumanitiespress.org/books/download/Marder-Tondeur_2016_The-Chernobyl-Herbarium.pdf
* http://www.radicaljoyforhardtimes.org/global-earth-exchange/gallery/gex-photo-gallery-2015/
* http://shiftregister.info/post/150441338724/launch-workshop-rixc-art-science-festival
* http://imaginations.csj.ualberta.ca/?p=8791 // “Location and Dislocation: Mapping Geographies of Global Data”
* "Cloud and Field -- On the resurgence of “field guides” in a networked age. We’ve moved from birding to dronewatching, from natural history to dark ecology. But are we still looking through colonialist binoculars?" https://placesjournal.org/article/cloud-and-field/
* The Road, Cormac McCarthy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Road
"the most important environmental book ever written. It is not Silent Spring, Small Is Beautiful or even Walden. It contains no graphs, no tables, no facts, figures, warnings, predictions or even arguments. Nor does it carry a single dreary sentence, which, sadly, distinguishes it from most environmental literature. It is a novel, first published (in 2006) , and it will change the way you see the world."  
* The Swarm, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Swarm_(novel)
* The Mysterious Stranger, Mark Twain , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mysterious_Stranger
* Galapagos (novel) Kurt  Vonnegut http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9593.Gal_pagos
* O-ZOne: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/671587.O_Zone
* (essay) http://boingboing.net/2015/11/16/our-generation-ships-will-sink.html
* High-Rise, J. G. Ballard  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Rise_(novel)
** Super-Cannes (2000) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super-Cannes & https://failedarchitecture.com/how-j-g-ballards-science-fiction-tells-the-future-of-our-privatized-cities/
* Generation A, Player One (Douglas Coupland)
* Carl Hiaasen: Sick Puppy, Stormy Weather, etc: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Hiaasen#Fiction
* Pingvin Island, Anatole France
* The Passage, Justin Cronin
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Passage_(novel)
* Combined and Uneven Apocalypse, Luciferian Marxism "From salvagepunk to zombie hordes, wastelands to plagued cities, Combined and Uneven Apocalypse grapples with the apocalyptic fantasies of our collapsing era."
* Great list, all on .onion: https://sindominio.net/futurereview/
** 1984 - George Orwell, 1949. An operator manual for the modern surveillance society.
** Accelerando - Charles Stross, 2005. A post-singularity novel.
** The Bone Clocks - David Mitchell, 2014. Fantasy with good, realistic dystopian after-apocalypse.
** Brave new world - Aldous Huxley, 1932. What to do in a prozac society.
** The Circle - Dave Eggers, 2013. Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple merge and everything is just awesome!.
** Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell, 2012. Stories of the resistance across time and space.
** Daemon and Freedom - Daniel Suarez, 2006, 2009. Near-future technological dystopia/utopia.
** The Dispossessed - Ursula K. Le Guin, 1974. Post-revolution anarchist self-criticism with interesting language. One of the most influential anarchist books of all time.
** Distress - Greg Egan, 1995. Anarchists living in a beautful island called “Stateless”, until…
** “The Enemy” series (Enemy, Dead, Fear, Sacrifice, Fallen, Hunted, End) - Charlie Higson, 2009. Dystopian after-apocalypse: how kids & teenagers survive and organise without adults.
** Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury, 1953. Dystopian future where books are burned by firemen.
** Fire on the mountain - Terry Bisson, 1988. Revolutionary abolitionist alternate history of US + Afro-futurism.
** The Girl with all the gifts - M.R. Carey, 2014. Dystopian after-apocalypse.
** He, She, and It - Marge Piercy, 1991. Award winning radical feminist cyborg cyberpunk.
** Imperial Radch trilogy Ancillary Justice, Ancillary Sword, Ancillary Mercy - Ann Leckie, 2013. She (and her AI) attempt to revenge herself on the ruler of her civilization.
** Lilith’s Brood: Dawn, Adulthood Rites, and Imago - Octavia Butler, 1987. Post-nuke alien sex, gender, race, and species (prepare to be mindfucked).
** The Iron Council - China Miéville, 2004. Fantasy. On the challenges of revolution and everything that can go wrong.
** The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin, 1969. Gender, aliens, solidarity.
** The man in the high castle - Philip K. Dick, 1962. Alternate universe where the nazis won and the US is occupied.
** Mars trilogy Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars - Kim Stanley Robinson, 1993-1996. Human settlement of mars: science, revolution, utopia. Robinson is an earnest socialist.
** Oryx and Crake, The Year of the Flood, MaddAddam - Margaret Atwood, 2003. Near future bio-dystopian environmental activists.
** Parable of the Sower, Parable of the Talents - Octavia Butler. Post-Trump apocalypse with radical evangelism to reach the stars.
** A Scanner Darkly Philip K. Dick, 1977. Paranoia sect drug cloak.
** Seveneves, Neal Stephenson, 2015. Can’t tell much. The moon, the space, humanity.
** Silo Series: Wool, Shift - Legacy, Shift - Order, Shift - Packt, Dust Hugh Howey, 2011 . No spoilers!.
** Woman on the Edge of Time - Marge Piercy, 1976. Cannon feminist utopia scifi.
** The Word for World is Forest - Ursula K. Le Guin, 1972. Alien anti-colonial resistance to human invaders.
Cli Fi (#CliFi) is a label coined by activist/blogger Dan Bloom in 2008.
Other names for it include anthropocene fiction, slow apocalypse fiction, climate fiction
and hyperobject fiction.
* http://www.sffworld.com/2016/06/interview-with-cli-fi-author-cat-sparks/
** Cat Sparks: The Bride Price, Lotus Blue,
** George R. Stewart’s Earth Abides (1954), J.G. Ballard’s 1960s drowned world disaster sequence and Brian Aldiss’s Hothouse (1962).
** Barbara Kingsolver’s Flight Behaviour or Kathryn Heyman’s Floodline.  Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandell
** Margaret Atwood, Colson Whitehead, Cormac McCarthy, Claire Vey Watkins, Lionel Shriver.
** John Joseph Adams’s anthology Loosed Upon the World. Kim Stanley Robinson’s Science in the Capital trilogy, (Green Earth).
** James Bradley’s Clade, George Turner’s The Sea and Summer, Saci Lloyd’sThe Carbon Diaries, Paolo Bacigalupi’s Ship Breaker and The Drowned Cities, A Wrong Turn at the Office of Unmade Lists by Jane Rawson, Julie Bertagna’s Exodus.
* http://eco-fiction.com/
* http://cli-fi.net
“Anyone can do a dystopia these days just by making a collage of newspaper headlines.”  Kim Stanley Robinson
*  J.G. Ballard. His books “The Drowned World” and “The Burning World” are pretty good for predicting some of the problems of climate disruption.
* Charleton Heston movie Soylent Green.
* Bruce Sterling’s 1994 novel “Heavy Weather“ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_Weather_(Sterling_novel)
* The Fifth Sacred Thing is a 1993 post-apocalyptic novel by Starhawk.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fifth_Sacred_Thing
* Essay about utopia/dystopia : http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2018/09/do-my-homework.html
* https://www.tor.com/2018/09/18/six-stories-that-find-the-drama-in-utopian-settings/
* "This Other Eden", Ben Elton https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Other_Eden_(novel)
* "Stark", Ben Elton https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stark_(novel)
* Female SF writers: [[Female_experts#Science_Fiction]]
* http://www.e-flux.com/architecture/positions/191258/is-ornamenting-solar-panels-a-crime/
** https://medium.com/solarpunks/solarpunk-a-reference-guide-8bcf18871965
** http://hieroglyph.asu.edu/book/hieroglyph/
** http://eco-fiction.com/interview-with-adam-flynn-on-the-Solarpunk-movement/
** https://medium.com/solarpunks/on-the-political-dimensions-of-solarpunk-c5a7b4bf8df4
** https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/06/05/a-golden-age-for-dystopian-fiction
** https://solarpunks.net/
* Kim Stanley Robinson's "Ministry for the future"
** critique https://www.currentaffairs.org/2021/01/the-ministry-for-the-future-or-do-authors-dream-of-electric-jeeps
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(and unrelated, but worth it: http://stevecutts.com )
(and unrelated, but worth it: http://stevecutts.com )
* There is no tomorrow", animation
* "There is no tomorrow", animation
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* http://vimeo.com/35554292 take nothing for granted
* http://vimeo.com/35554292 take nothing for granted
* http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/sep/14/high-rise-director-ben-wheatley-tom-hiddleston // http://www.jgballard.ca // http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462335/
* http://www.joesgarage.nl/events/black-and-white-movie-night-the-road-2009 // http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0898367/
===Video & documentaties===  
===Video & documentaties===  
* "There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside, first." - Jim Morrison  // The sustainable Man
* What a way to go - LIfe at the end of the empire // WhatAWayToGomovie.com  
* What a way to go - LIfe at the end of the empire // WhatAWayToGomovie.com  
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* Crisis of Civilization  
* Crisis of Civilization  
* Al Gore interview: Why civilization will not survive next 100 years:
* And of course, "The Inconvenient Truth"
* "There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside, first." - Jim Morrison  // The sustainable Man
* http://vimeo.com/41764194 The Fuck-It Point
*  Films: "What the Economic Crisis Really Means" & "Peak Oil and Economic Contraction"
* 60 seconds animation: http://www.motherjones.com/blue-marble/2014/12/video-climate-change-explainer-denial-60-seconds
* http://www.chasingice.com/
* "http://endciv.com"
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Curtis : Century of the Self: 1. Happiness Machines (17 March 2002) 2. The Engineering of Consent (24 March 2002) 3. There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed (31 March 2002) 4. Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering (7 April 2002) && All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace: 1.1 Love and Power 1.2 The Use and Abuse of Vegetational Concepts 1.3 The Monkey In The Machine and the Machine in the Monkey
* youtube: Earth The Climate Wars – Episode 1 // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xggbkmFIt6o
* The day the Earth caught Fire: http://www.screenonline.org.uk/film/id/525337/
* Disruption - http://watchdisruption.com
* Documentary directed By: Angela Sun  http://rapidmoviez.com/release/plastic-paradise-the-great-pacific-garbage-patch-2013-webrip-xvid-ac3-millenium
* Future Generations: SORRY https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=16&v=eRLJscAlk1M    #EarthDay2015
* Comedian, EarthDay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5Miv4NHsDo
* http://racingextinction.com/
* Trouble in Paradise - stop ecocide - Vivienne Westwood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X062GHDjEw0
* Sustainable Ability https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9mQ7Ss4r2A&feature=youtu.be Lucy Neal
* http://www.demain-lefilm.com/ "As humanity is threatened by the collapse of ecosystems, Cyril, Melanie, Alexandre, Laurent and Antoine Raphäel, all in their thirties, go explore the world in search of solutions that can save their children and, through them, the new generation. From the most successful experiences in all fields (agriculture, energy, housing, economy, education, democracy ...), they will try to put the puzzle that will build another history of the future."
* A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity  Download the film at http://happenfilms.com/a-simpler-way
* Enough is Enough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ-LYElvtEU
* Down to Earth!
* A Farm for the Future: https://vimeo.com/34816525  Wildlife film maker Rebecca Hosking investigates how to transform her family's farm in Devon into a low energy farm for the future, and discovers that nature holds the key. With her father close to retirement, Rebecca returns to her family's wildlife-friendly farm in Devon, to become the next generation to farm the land. But last year's high fuel prices were a wake-up call for Rebecca. Realising that all food production in the UK is completely dependent on abundant cheap fossil fuel, particularly oil, she sets out to discover just how secure this oil supply is. Alarmed by the answers, she explores ways of farming without using fossil fuel. With the help of pioneering farmers and growers, Rebecca learns that it is actually nature that holds the key to farming in a low-energy future.
* #UnCiv #tech #hacker movies:
** 0) Hippes From Hell, Dutch hackers group (I walk by for a second in one scene!) https://archive.org/details/hippies-from-hell
** 1) history of ccTLDs in ex-Yugoslavia  "From .yu to .me" https://vimeo.com/95833310
** 2) "Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World"
** 3) "Net of Rights" https://hrpc.io/wp-content/uploads/videos/netofrights.io.mp4
** 4) The Congress: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Congress_(2013_film)
* Pearl Jam: Yield , album inspired by Ishamel (Daniel Quinn)
* Pearl Jam: Yield , album inspired by Ishamel (Daniel Quinn)
* * "We are the Vogons" (spoof of "We are the robots" by Kraftwerk & HHGttG"
* Nature Bats Last: https://soundcloud.com/afrizen/nature-bats-last
* Amish Paradise, Weird Al Yankovic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOfZLb33uCg
==Other examples==
* Gypsies
* Circuses
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribalism
* Homeless people
** https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/jan/27/squatters-open-oligarchs-empty-london-property-as-homeless-shelter
* Squatters
** https://medium.com/@RayJoha2/lauri-love-rebel-and-hacktivist-occupies-15m-london-mansion-here-is-what-they-need-e4e2ab5db11d#.whutril1m
=Against Anthropocentrism=
* ANTHROPOCENTRISM -- crazy idea that _people_ are more entitled to food / water / shelter then any other living beings!
[[File:capitalism.jpg|300px]] [[File:anthropocentrism.png|300px]]
* http://www.publicseminar.org/2015/10/the-capitalocene/
"object-oriented philosophy, a recent movement that resists
the notion that only the relation of humans to things matters."
* "Going beyond anthropocentrism and no longer seeing humankind as normative" http://ecologywithoutnature.blogspot.nl/2013/09/a-polar-bear-called-suzan-interview.html
** http://environmentalcritique.wordpress.com/
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Morton#Ecological_theory
** Timothy Morton: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Morton
* https://glennaalbrecht.wordpress.com/2015/12/17/exiting-the-anthropocene-and-entering-the-symbiocene-via-sumbiocracy-symbiomimicry-and-sumbiophilia/
* Donna Haraway http://www.e-flux.com/journal/tentacular-thinking-anthropocene-capitalocene-chthulucene/
* http://thearchdruidreport.blogspot.nl/2016/10/the-myth-of-anthropocene.html
* http://salvage.zone/in-print/against-the-anthropocene/
* https://www.versobooks.com/books/1886-molecular-red Molecular Red: Theory for the Anthropocene by McKenzie Wark
* "Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene"
** https://www.pnas.org/content/115/33/8252
** https://www.pnas.org/content/suppl/2018/07/31/1810141115.DCSupplemental
* https://aeon.co/essays/should-we-be-suspicious-of-the-anthropocene-idea  - March 2015
* http://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/elist/eListRead/the_anthropocene_its_not_all_about_us/
* http://paper.li/watersecurity/1390406369
* http://www.justmeans.com/blogs/scientists-debate-the-anthropocene-era
* https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nCYRTjpe8jUxYuoo320B7LtMe46zUDRdoFtAO5XGsdU/viewform
* http://www.anthropocene-curriculum.org/
* Plastic http://www.newstatesman.com/sci-tech/2014/06/our-plastic-waste-changing-geology-earths-rocks
* http://www.livingbooksaboutlife.org/books/Extinction#The_Anthropocene
* Book: http://www.openhumanitiespress.org/stolen-future-broken-present.html
* Book: http://www.openhumanitiespress.org/architecture-in-the-anthropocene.html
* http://www.publicseminar.org/2015/10/the-capitalocene/ McKenzie Wark — October 15, 2015
* art in the age of anthropocene (sic!) http://www.versobooks.com/blogs/2964-speculative-aesthetics-freeports-as-the-art-caves-of-high-finance
* https://glennaalbrecht.wordpress.com/2015/12/17/exiting-the-anthropocene-and-entering-the-symbiocene-via-sumbiocracy-symbiomimicry-and-sumbiophilia/
* https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/01/generation-anthropocene-altered-planet-for-ever
* http://www.localfoodrevolution.net/2016/10/13/our-ark-through-the-anthropocene/
* http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/jan/07/human-impact-has-pushed-earth-into-the-anthropocene-scientists-say
* http://arstechnica.com/science/2016/01/for-the-second-time-we-are-witnessing-a-new-geological-epoch/
* "The Anthropocene is functionally and stratigraphically distinct from the Holocene" http://science.sciencemag.org/content/351/6269/aad2622
* https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2016/01/07/scientists-say-humans-have-now-brought-on-an-entirely-new-geologic-epoch/
* https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2016/02/08/what-the-earth-will-be-like-in-10000-years-according-to-scientists/
* "Consequences of twenty-first-century policy for multi-millennial climate and sea-level change" http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nclimate2923.html
* http://we-make-money-not-art.com/post-anthropocentric-art-an-interview-with-maja-smrekar/
* http://supercommunity.e-flux.com/topics/apocalypsis/
* Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZkFj9uPKXo Eileen Crist: Confronting Anthropocentrism (Human Supremacy)
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* Human Difference / Supremacy
** The Mysterious Stranger, Mark Twain
* Ecomodernism - & the criticism of it:
** http://www.ecomodernism.org/
** http://www.ecomodernism.org/responses/
** http://www.theecologist.org/essays/2985997/the_ecomodernist_manifesto_is_a_program_for_genocide_and_ecocide.html
** http://www.theguardian.com/environment/georgemonbiot/2015/sep/24/meet-the-ecomodernists-ignorant-of-history-and-paradoxically-old-fashioned
** http://dark-mountain.net/blog/dark-thoughts-on-ecomodernism-2/
** http://entitleblog.org/2015/06/19/love-your-symptoms-a-sympathetic-diagnosis-of-the-ecomodernist-manifesto/
* (blah) "letter to humanity" .. (ADD LINK)
** my criticism.. (ADD LINK TO TEXT)
** collected replies: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/may/05/the-great-climate-silence-we-are-on-the-edge-of-the-abyss-but-we-ignore-it (supremacy, "great silence"..)
** https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/29/climate-alarmist-global-warming-crime-humanity
* BEES BEEN DECLARED AS THE MOST VALUABLE LIVING BEING ON OUR PLANET https://www.thesciearth.com/2020/08/the-bee-is-declared-most-important.html?m=1 (august 2020)
* Eco-sexual!
** https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/you-can-literally-have-sex-with-the-environment-in-this-ecosexual-bathhouse
** http://sexecology.org/research-writing/ecosex-manifesto
** http://www.huffingtonpost.com/stefanie-iris-weiss/the-nine-commandments-of-_b_804828.html
** http://sexecology.org/ecosex-lab/
** http://elizabethstephens.org/eco-sexual-history/
** http://www.vice.com/read/ecosexuals-believe-having-sex-with-the-earth-could-save-it
** biophilia, topophilia, ecophilia, soliphilia and eutierria = http://healthearth.blogspot.com.au/2011/09/creating-language-for-our.html
** Donna Harroway: Tentacular Thinking: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene https://www.e-flux.com/journal/75/67125/tentacular-thinking-anthropocene-capitalocene-chthulucene/
** https://www.britannica.com/topic/ecofeminism
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7oise_d%27Eaubonne
** https://www.autograf.hr/patrijarhat-ubija-ljude-i-prirodu/ (patriarchy is killing people & nature)
** https://newrepublic.com/article/154879/misogyny-climate-deniers
** https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/2066124582_Martin_Hultman
==Responsibilities instead of rights==
[[File:rights of nature.jpg|right|200px]]
* http://unwin.wordpress.com/2014/09/01/prolegomena-on-human-rights-and-responsibilities/ & http://lanyrd.com/2014/odc14/sddyrz/
* "water is a human right" -> NO, keeping the water available and clean for plants and SQUIRRELS is a human RESPONSIBILITY!
* instead of "civil liberties",  responsibilities to the landbase (Derrick Jensen)
===Animal Rights===
& Animal Intelligence, Empathy, Emotions, Communication
* The '''Nonhuman Rights Project''' loses its appeal to grant personhood to Tommy the chimpanzee http://decisions.courts.state.ny.us/ad3/Decisions/2014/518336.pdf
* http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/08/chimps-dont-have-same-legal-rights-as-humans-must-remain-in-research-lab/
* http://www.nonhumanrightsproject.org/
* "bestow onto monkeys the legal status that humans enjoy" (copyright!) http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/09/peta-wants-court-to-grant-copyright-to-ape-that-snapped-famous-selfie/
* People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
* "emotional support animals or psychiatric service animals" -- https://www.thedodo.com/turkey-flight-plane-emotional-support--1550531785.html
* Donna Haraway : xenopraxis.net/readings/haraway_companion.pdf & a defense: http://www.nobleworld.biz/images/Vanderwees.pdf
* Artist's paintings tell powerful story of survival with our animal allies buff.ly/1XiZfRL
* Elephants... https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/oct/31/traumatised-elephant-helped-me-overcome-abuse
* Why we love animals (patronising, but emotional..) http://www.bdcwire.com/this-is-why-you-care-more-about-some-animals-than-you-do-about-humans/
* Parrots!
** "Fierce Invalids, Home from the Hot Climates" (Tom Robbins)
** Cacatoo... https://twitter.com/guardian/status/798924940695207936
** http://supercommunity.e-flux.com/texts/the-great-silence/ 
* http://thebaffler.com/salvos/whats-the-point-if-we-cant-have-fun
** Animals play
** "those species that cooperate most effectively tend to be the most competitive in the long run." (Kropotkin:  Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution,)
** " We can understand the happiness of fishes—or ants, or inchworms—because what drives us to think and argue about such matters is, ultimately, exactly the same thing."
** snowboarding crow!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dWw9GLcOeA
* Animals love http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/04/does-your-dog-or-cat-actually-love-you/360784/
* Ravens can make plans for the future: https://www.theatlantic.com/amp/article/533466/
* https://www.opendemocracy.net/transformation/gary-l-francione-anna-e-charlton/why-we-must-respect-rights-of-all-sentient-animals
===Respect for Nature===
* http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/2986925/mother_natures_invisible_hand_strikes_back_against_the_carbon_economy.html
* November 2014, Nature is Speaking: on Future of Technology at RIPE69: https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/File:Nature-speaking-on-future_of_the_internet-RIPE69.pdf
* A campaign for nature, in UK - represented by the squirrel Bob: https://www.voteforbob.co.uk/
* The Nature and Wellbeing Act // law to protect nature & wildlife http://www.theguardian.com/environment/georgemonbiot/2014/nov/21/we-need-nature-wellbeing-act-protect-wildlife-decline
* End Ecocide - law to protect the planet https://www.endecocide.org/
* https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/aug/09/forget-the-environment-new-words-lifes-wonders-language
** Let’s stop using the word environment, and use terms such as “living planet” and “natural world” instead,
** Instead of extinction, let’s adopt the word promoted by the lawyer Polly Higgins: ecocide.
* https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/15/climate/wildlife-population-collapse-climate-change.html
[[File:ooooo.jpeg| 100px|right]]
*  "braiding sweetgrass" by Robin Wall Kimerer. '''She''' talks about the kind of mutually beneficial relationships we can have with the land, from the perspective of a scientist, an indigenous woman, and the person trying to balance those 2 worlds in life.
==Consider the Squirrels!==
Squirrels symbolize imperative of considering more then just humans,
making "the commons" less anthropocentric.
* Speaker for the Squirrels (like Naomi Klein is speaking for Earth, and Derrick Jensen speaking for the Salmon)
* 2016: https://becha.home.xs4all.nl/Speaker_for_Squirrels-GogBot-2016.pdf
* Squirrel whisperer (Jaguar Whisperer http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22429890.800-the-jaguar-whisperer-who-gave-them-a-voice.html )
* Empathy to animals & artificial animals in Bladerunner / Do Android Dream... http://www.gradesaver.com/do-androids-dream-of-electric-sheep/study-guide/section8/
* Animals are persons too
** http://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/eij/article/animals_are_persons_too/
** The Nonhuman Rights Project loses its appeal to grant personhood to Tommy the chimpanzee http://decisions.courts.state.ny.us/ad3/Decisions/2014/518336.pdf
* Carl Safina: "Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel" | Talks at Google // youtube.com/watch?v=SR4ewP
* A campaign for nature, in UK - represented by the squirrel Bob: https://www.voteforbob.co.uk/
* https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/blogs/fox-squirrels-use-chunking-sort-and-organize-their-nuts
* Misc:
** Veverica, eekhoorn, squirrel... in 300 languages! http://www.angelfire.com/fl/scalisti/languages.html
** http://www.rebeccaruppresources.com/?p=2964
** http://squirrelcensus.bigcartel.com SHOPPING FOR SQUIRREL merchandise ;-)
** Emoji campaign: https://www.change.org/p/unicode-give-us-the-squirrel-emoji-now
** https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/local/wp/2017/04/13/squirrels-on-parade-meet-the-winners-of-the-2017-squirrel-week-photo-contest/
===Squirrels against technology===
* Squirrels cause infrastructure disruptions
** Squirrel causes power loss... http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-norfolk-38253074
** http://www.motherjones.com/mixed-media/2014/11/squirrel-steals-gopro-camera-runs-tree-becomes-internet-celebrity
** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRrJugyk1Yw
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squirrel-sponsored_cyberterrorism
** 2019: https://twitter.com/mahtin/status/1145818865370202112 & https://insidetowers.com/cell-tower-news-tasty-fiber-network-appeals-to-kentucky-squirrels/
** https://mastodon.social/@cypnk/111537927684587397
* Space Rogue - 35 Years of Cyberwar: The Squirrels are Winning
** http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/01/whos-winning-the-cyber-war-the-squirrels-of-course/
** Video: https://archive.org/details/ShmooCon2017
** https://jerichoattrition.wordpress.com/2013/09/02/10-greatest-squirrel-attacks-of-all-time/
** http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/01/opinion/sunday/squirrel-power.html
** https://twitter.com/CyberSquirrel1
** http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/science/2013/08/how-one-nuclear-missile-base-is-battling-ground-squirrels/
* "War on Squirrels" http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/in-1918-california-drafted-children-into-a-war-on-squirrels
* Flying squirrels shut down the observatory due to the AI experiment gone wrong https://twitter.com/GreenBankObserv/status/1357801118613598212?s=20
* GOT0: 5G/ZeroG -> https://wiki.techinc.nl/User:Becha/InternetPlumbing/5G [[InternetPlumbing/5G]]
===Other animals against Technology===
* Bevers:  https://coloradosun.com/2024/04/19/fighting-wildland-fire-with-beavers-colorado/
* 2024: Racoon https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/raccoon-behind-downtown-toronto-power-outage-affecting-thousands-hydro-one-1.6752553
* Orcas attacking yachts! https://www.npr.org/2023/11/07/1211269495/orca-boat-yacht-attack-spain-morocco
* Sea otters (2023) https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jul/12/sea-otter-surfing-santa-cruz-california
** https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20230713_92910112
* Vultures (2020) causing havoc: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/10/us/vulture-customs-border-protection-trnd/index.html
* Bevers, 2021
** https://www.circleid.com/posts/20210427-beavers-chewing-through-fiber-cable-cause-hundreds-lose-internet/
** "Beavers Chewing Through Fiber Cable Cause Hundreds Lose Internet in a Canadian Remote Community"
* Racoons, 2017
** https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/mar/24/raccoons-of-the-resistance-you-cant-dismantle-capitalism-if-you-have-a-headache
** A raccoon family has taken over a Toronto bank causing it to shut down. https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2017/09/28/raccoon-family-takes-over-toronto-bank.html
*** [small brain] change your bank [larger brain] regulate banks [big brain] nationalise banks  [galaxy brain] let raccoons take over banks
* Jellyfish Attack Nuclear Reactor  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/01/jellyfish-clog-swedish-nuclear-reactor-shutdown
* First Dog on the Moon!!! https://www.theguardian.com/profile/first-dog-on-the-moon
==Consider the Squids!==
* Kraken? http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20141212-quest-for-the-real-life-kraken
[[File:tip of the middle finger of life on Earth.jpg|right|400px]]
* https://medium.com/quinn-norton/infection-ba3521edcf52
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_House:_The_Spread_of_Excellence_from_Plato_to_Darwin
* Among Trillions of Microbes in the Gut, a Few Are Special http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/among-trillions-of-microbes-in-the-gut-a-few-are-special/
* Bugs (and insects & bacteria) https://t.co/3MPEnDcmdT
*  an appreciation of diverse and dynamic bacterial communities (e.g. vaginal microbiome) http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/40006/title/Characterizing-the--Healthy--Vagina/
* http://www.the-scientist.com/?home.beyond-the-gut
* http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/40600/title/The-Body-s-Ecosystem/
* "But living in and on the human body is an ecosystem of microorganisms that outnumber our own cells by at least a factor of ten." http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/31755/title/Who-Are-We-Really-/
* https://phys.org/news/2017-01-microbes-altruistic-behavior.html
* Mycelium Running
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycelium_Running
** https://decroissons.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/paul-stamets-mycelium-running-how-mushrooms-can-help-save-the-world.pdf
** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xqdWPlramQ
* Mycelium http://www.anbg.gov.au/fungi/mycelium.html
** http://www.anbg.gov.au/fungi/aboriginal.html
* Donna Harroway: Tentacular Thinking: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene
* Anna L. Tsing: The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins http://press.princeton.edu/titles/10581.html
* Vesna Manojlovic: Mycelium Post-Singularity (among other things) https://becha.home.xs4all.nl/Speaker_for_Squirrels-GogBot-2016.pdf
* "trees message their distress via their roots and across fungi networks.."  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/sep/12/peter-wohlleben-man-who-believes-trees-talk-to-each-other
* "In the Malheur National Forest of eastern Oregon, a really gigantic specimen of Armillaria ostoyae, or the Honey Mushroom, is growing. The fruiting bodies of this vast organism are seen as clusters of mushrooms, but the continuous underground part of the fungus extends over 3.5 miles and an area of around 2200 acres. Such size is not attained without age, and this organism has been dated variously from 2400 years old to over 7000 years old. " http://www.viewzone.com/plants.html
* http://networkcultures.org/contesting-capture-technology/2016/08/15/when-fungus-punched-anthropos-in-the-gut/
* Slime Mold :)
** https://www.wired.com/2010/01/slime-mold-grows-network-just-like-tokyo-rail-system/
** https://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2008/02/complexity-th-1/
** https://www.wired.com/2015/12/airbuss-newest-design-is-based-on-slime-mold-and-bones/
** https://www.wired.com/2013/06/slime-mold-computers/
* Ants who domesticated fungi http://www.popsci.com/ants-farming-fungi
* How to grow mushrooms!!
** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S10emA5pO-s
** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ystRW4rlqTk
** http://youtu.be/XDvlQPzaNww
* Mycorrhizal Meditation http://furtherfield.org/mm
** http://furtherfield.org/gallery-files/Mycorrhizal-Meditation.mp3
* Super-fungi
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilobolus
* Mushrooms making sounds we can hear =) https://twitter.com/redsunO21/status/1356623647176327169?s=20
* Wise women's work is like the root of the tree
** "The work of networking, nourishing, sustaining and giving begin with the roots. They are the foundation and sustenance for the entire tree, and their influence, while largely unnoticed, goes even further than just nurturing the tree. This below-the-surface network supports and generates life on so many other levels as well."
** http://www.elephantjournal.com/2015/12/loving-the-root-a-daoist-perspective-on-trees-and-wise-women/
* "trees message their distress via their roots and across fungi networks.."  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/sep/12/peter-wohlleben-man-who-believes-trees-talk-to-each-other
* http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20141111-plants-have-a-hidden-internet
* Lorax!
* "The word for world is forrest" , Ursula LeGuin
* https://www.harpercollins.co.uk/9780008104665/the-wood-for-the-trees
* The Hidden Life of Trees
** http://www.peter-wohlleben.de/engl-home.html
** http://www.treehugger.com/natural-sciences/trees-forest-are-social-beings.html
* Plants have feelings too
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagadish_Chandra_Bose#Plant_research
** http://www.viewzone.com/plants.html
* HOLLAND: plans to plant new forests!! http://nos.nl/artikel/2139341-plan-voor-massale-aanplant-nieuwe-bossen.html
* Aspen voices... http://sandiegofreepress.org/2016/11/ecopsychological-imperative-dismantle-civilization/
* Edible Garden / Forest Garden / AgroForestry: Thriving 23-Year-Old Permaculture Food Forest - An Invitation for Wildness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GJFL0MD9fc
* TreeSisters http://www.feminineawakeningseries.com/recordings?platform=hootsuite
* Photos of trees:
** http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/28/beth-moon-photographs_n_7451988.html
** https://www.demilked.com/ancient-trees-portraits-of-time-nature-photography-beth-moon/
* In praise of forests (and wanderings, and libraries) http://lithub.com/rebecca-solnit-on-a-childhood-of-reading-and-wandering/
* "Trees can help us reduce our obsession with being the center of everything and expose the folly and selfishness of short-term thinking" https://www.mindful.org/a-moment-of-awe/
* Healing Forest - how Nature can make us healthy & happy
** https://healingforest.org/about/
** A movie, lots of scientific papers, walks, stories...
* SW & Fractals!!! http://richdecibels.com/fractal-tree/
* After-care of "hacking" plantations https://www.youthkiawaaz.com/2019/10/why-to-care-after-plantation
* http://waitbutwhy.com/2013/08/putting-time-in-perspective.html [[File:APerspectiveonTime_526027e81ba41_w1500.png.jpg|right |40px]]
* http://news.distractify.com/avril-simmons/12-astonishing-facts-that-will-warp-your-perception-of-timeforever/
"If the history of Earth were compressed to a single year, modern humans would appear on December 31st at about 11:58pm."
[[File:what has the civilization ever done for us.jpg|right|300px]]
* The Myth of "Takers": Greatness, Power over, Pinnacle of Evolution, God's chosen children
* Peak Oil
* Peak Oil
* Overpopulation
* Climate change
* Climate change
* Overpopulation
* Over-Consumption  
* Over-Consumption  
* Pollution
* NTE  
* NTE  
==Takers Myths==
The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest,
but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.
  John F. Kennedy
===The myth of superiority===
* The Great Delusion: The Myths Greatness, Power over, Pinnacle of Evolution, God's chosen children...
** Daniel Quinn: Ishmael, Story of B, etc
Takers exhibit three characteristics:
(1) They believe (i.e. act as if) the world was made for humans to conquer and rule;
(2) they practice totalitarian agriculture, a form of agriculture predicated on the notion that all food on this planet belongs to humans exclusively; thus (a) food dedicated to human use may be denied to all other species, (b) any species that would compete for human food may be destroyed at will, and (c) food needed by other species may be destroyed at will to make room for the production of human food;
(3) they believe their way is the One Right Way for people to live and everyone in the world should live that way---and be forced to live that way, if necessary
** Takers & Leavers http://harmonhouse.net/archive/fdl/friends017.html
* "The people's history of United States" http://www.historyisaweapon.com/zinnapeopleshistory.html
* "What this culture is doing to our very selves, what it's doing to the planet, is wrong. " http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/2102-you-cant-kill-a-planet-and-live-on-it-too (Derick Janssen)
===The myth of progress===
* Disproving the "progress" as the force of evolution -- Stephen Jay Gould -- Full House : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_House:_The_Spread_of_Excellence_from_Plato_to_Darwin                       
* Book: The World as It Is - Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress http://www.indiebound.org/book/9781568586403
* "On Progress and Historical Change" , by Ada Palmer: http://www.exurbe.com/?p=4041
** Vesna's comment: https://lists.puscii.nl/wws/arc/uncivilization/2017-01/msg00067.html
** "mp" comment: https://lists.puscii.nl/wws/arc/uncivilization/2017-01/msg00068.html
* "genocide of the Holocaust and totalitarian systems [were] unnatural but the logical consequence of modernity. They were the culmination of '''the idea of progress''' and purity which, according to Bauman, were of crucial importance for the dynamics of modernity." https://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1701/msg00017.html
Myth of progress: Now is the best time, we never had it as good as now
{| border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" rules="all" style="clear:right; width:750px; margin:5px 0 1em 1em; border:solid 1px; border-collapse:collapse; background-color:#F9F9F9; font-size:95%; empty-cells:hide" class="wikitable"
|- style="background: #DDDDDD; color: #000000; text-align:center;"
|  <b>PRO</b>
|  <b>AGAINST</b>
| Bill Gates: By almost any measure, the world is better than it has ever been. http://annualletter.gatesfoundation.org/
| Seven out of ten people live in countries where economic inequality has increased in the last 30 years (1)
| The bottom half of the world’s population owns the same as the richest 85 people in the world. (2) 
| * There are no problems, we never had it better then now, it's been only progress since 1850: http://slatestarcodex.com/2013/10/20/the-anti-reactionary-faq/ (first part only! = "1: Is everything getting worse?")
| http://www.businessinsider.com/charts-that-will-restore-your-faith-in-humanity-2013-5
| majority-of-us-public-school-students-are-in-poverty (3)
| (we will live to be 150) https://techcrunch.com/2016/10/03/what-happens-if-we-live-to-be-150/
| (BigData = loss of privacy, BigPharma = inequality; false analysis of the bubble finance models; case of techno-optimism induced blindness; see "Criticism of Capitalism" below)
(1) http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-01-22/top-1-has-65-times-more-wealth-bottom-half-and-global-elite-it-way
(2) http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/jan/20/oxfam-85-richest-people-half-of-the-world
(3) http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/majority-of-us-public-school-students-are-in-poverty/2015/01/15/df7171d0-9ce9-11e4-a7ee-526210d665b4_story.html
[[File:feudalism then and now.jpg|right|400px]]
* Inequality http://ow.ly/Dxsu3
** Oxfam report http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/jan/20/oxfam-85-richest-people-half-of-the-world
** http://www.oxfam.org/sites/www.oxfam.org/files/bp-working-for-few-political-capture-economic-inequality-200114-summ-en.pdf
** http://www.huffingtonpost.com/philippe-dousteblazy/a-tale-of-two-reports-glo_b_4661037.html
* June 2016: Global Peace Index 2016: There are now only 10 countries in the world that are actually free from conflict -- We are now further away from world peace than at any time in the past 10 years - and it’s creating a global ‘peace inequality’ gap -- http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/global-peace-index-2016-there-are-now-only-10-countries-in-the-world-that-are-not-at-war-a7069816.html
* http://pantograph-punch.com/post/let-the-eat-cake-poverty-experiment-nz
=== Colonialism ===
* Basics
** http://www.essential-humanities.net/history-supplementary/european-colonialism/                               
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_colonialism
* ""Decolonising my syllabus" is to decolonisation what "reducing my carbon footprint" is to climate change - it's vital and ethical to take individual action, but it's not the main challenge. The language of radical change is being peddled by institutions (from petroleum companies to polytechs, from uranium mines to unversities) who want us to focus on individual choice precisely so they DON'T have to make systemic changes. Decolonisation =/= a change to the reading list and a land acknowledgement. It means land back and (at minimum) shared governance. That doesn't mean we shouldn't do what we can with what we have, but we need to be truthful about the scale of our efforts
You're 100% right, but the right thing to do may be to subvert this by interpreting decolonization more radically. It's not just land back etc. It's stopping the economic system which is still today destroying the lifeworld of the colonized to benefit the colonizers
* Controversial essay, and the blow-back:
** Original: http://fooddeserts.org/images/paper0114.pdf (Case For Colonialism)
** http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/uk/journals-editorial-board-resigns-over-colonialism-essay/articleshow/60754617.cms?
** "ignoring all manner of violence, exploitation and harm perpetrated in the name of colonialism (and imperialism) and that causes offence and hurt and thereby clearly violates that very principle of free speech"
** My reply, to GAIA list: https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/gaia/current/msg01898.html
* https://popularresistance.org/the-apocalypse-of-settler-colonialism/
* https://failedarchitecture.com/amsterdams-architecture-of-colonial-exploitation/
* Colonialism & TEA!
** https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-34173532
** https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/british-colonialism-ruined-perfect-cup-tea-170918113331476.html
** https://www.thedailyvox.co.za/the-colonial-history-of-tea-fatima-moosa/
** https://www.dw.com/en/bitter-cup-the-dark-side-of-the-tea-trade/av-44495056
** https://leftfootforward.org/2010/07/revealed-the-shocking-conditions-of-kenyan-and-indian-tea-plantation-workers/
** https://theecologist.org/2011/apr/13/pg-tips-and-lipton-tea-hit-sexual-harassment-and-poor-conditions-claims
** https://newint.org/blog/2014/03/25/sri-lanka-tea-pickers/
* https://nodecenter.net/course/decolonizing-art-practices
===The myth of humanity===
It's NOT all the humans that are a problem -- it's just one CIVILIZATION (right now, 21st century) -- the TAKERS!
* e.g. "Humans are “the ultimate invasive species” having spread from Africa to every corner of the planet (and beyond) in 100,000 years. In doing so, we have removed the habitats of other species, or affected them by moving other invasive species around, causing pollution and driving climate change."
NO -- for 90,000 years they stayed POOR and did not cause pollutions & extinctions!
Only in the last 10.000 years, since totalitarian agriculture, have we been waging a war on Nature!
==Limits to Growth==
==Limits to Growth (Oil, Population, Consumption)==
[[File:Picture 15.png|right|400px]]
* video from '69 by albert bartlett, on laws of sustainability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI1C9DyIi_8                                                               
* Video from '69 lecture by Albert Bartlett, on laws of sustainability: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI1C9DyIi_8                                                               
* and transcript                                                                                                                                       
* and transcript                                                                                                                                       
* quote:
         "You cannot sustain population growth and / or growth in the                   
         "You cannot sustain population growth and / or growth in the                   
         rates of consumption of resources."
         rates of consumption of resources."
* quote
  "The greatest shortcoming of the human race is                                                             
  "The greatest shortcoming of the human race is                                                             
  our inability to understand the exponential function."                              
  our inability to understand the exponential function."      
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limits_to_growth                       
* http://www.resilience.org/stories/2013-09-15/albert-bartlett-on-message-about-exponential-growth-to-the-end
* http://www.resilience.org/stories/2013-09-15/albert-bartlett-on-message-about-exponential-growth-to-the-end
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* The Dream of the Earth, Thomas Berry; "The Great Wok"
* The Dream of the Earth, Thomas Berry; "The Great Wok"
* "Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the Safe Operating Space for Humanity" http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol14/iss2/art32/
* http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/01/how-economic-growth-has-become-anti-life
* November 2013: Imminent Peak Oil... http://www.theguardian.com/environment/earth-insight/2013/nov/19/peak-oil-economicgrowth
* January 2017 -> Peak Oil will cause set of crisis-es in 2018: https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/brace-for-the-financial-crash-of-2018-b2f81f85686b#.n3998vm5n
* Population: 10 Billion, by 2100:
* Hans Gosling, Peak Child: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezVk1ahRF78#t=12
* http://www.slideshare.net/amenning/growth-in-a-finite-world-sustainability-and-the-exponential-function
* ""exponential growth has given us terrible habits. One of them is to discount the present."    "http://idlewords.com/talks/web_design_first_100_years.htm                                                                     
* #ScaledToDeath How to Avoid the 6 Traps of Exponential Growth
* Economic growth is *the* problem http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/nov/24/consume-conserve-economic-growth-sustainability
* It took 200.000 years for our human population to reach 1 billion and only 200 years to reach 7 billion  youtube.com/watch?v=PUwmA3 https://t.co/COiJyFpNjp
==The Population Myth==
it's NOT overpopulation, it's INEQUALITY & overconsumption
* https://lists.puscii.nl/wws/arc/uncivilization/2015-08/msg00032.html
* “Too Many People?” by Ian Angus
** impact of corporations, military & extremely-rich people is much greater then just the pure numbers of (poor) people
* http://www.monbiot.com/2015/06/23/curb-your-malthusiasm/
* Mahatma Gandhi ("there is enough for everyone's needs, not for everyone's greed'),
* Mahmoud Mamdani: the Myth of Population Control). here's a short review:                                                                                               
* http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-01-22/top-1-has-65-times-more-wealth-bottom-half-and-global-elite-it-way                   
* http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/jan/20/oxfam-85-richest-people-half-of-the-world                                     
* http://www.oxfam.org/sites/www.oxfam.org/files/bp-working-for-few-political-capture-economic-inequality-200114-summ-en.pdf   
* http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/mar/16/inequality-costs-uk-billions
* Inequality http://ow.ly/Dxsu3
** Oxfam report  (2014) http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/jan/20/oxfam-85-richest-people-half-of-the-world
** http://www.oxfam.org/sites/www.oxfam.org/files/bp-working-for-few-political-capture-economic-inequality-200114-summ-en.pdf
** http://www.huffingtonpost.com/philippe-dousteblazy/a-tale-of-two-reports-glo_b_4661037.html
** http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/majority-of-us-public-school-students-are-in-poverty/2015/01/15/df7171d0-9ce9-11e4-a7ee-526210d665b4_story.html
* http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/04/business/economy/economists-take-aim-at-wealth-inequality.html
* Global power & wealth - unequal distribution, causes & consequences
** https://globalsociology.pbworks.com/w/page/14711184/Global%20Poverty%20and%20Wealth
* 2016 http://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2016/apr/08/global-inequality-may-be-much-worse-than-we-think
* http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/what-ancient-history-has-say-about-near-future-doom-2354723
* https://morecrows.wordpress.com/2016/05/10/unnecessariat/                                                       
moving from precariat to unnecessariat
* Mortality and Morbidity in the 21st Century https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/casetextsp17bpea.pdf
** https://www.brookings.edu/blog/brookings-now/2017/03/23/working-class-white-americans-are-now-dying-in-middle-age-at-faster-rates-than-minority-groups/  &
* "The disappeared — and the dispossessed, the demolished, the displaced — are still demanding an honest resolution from their cities." http://www.telesurtv.net/english/analysis/Slumdog-vs.-Millionaire-How-The-Few-Plan-to-Eradicate-the-Many-20161020-0026.html
* https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2016/nov/17/diversity-can-distract-us-from-economic-inequality 
** "Rich western liberals, Michaels argues, don’t want to challenge the economic structures that produce inequality because that might seriously impact on their own standing and wealth. Instead they insist on the elite being as diverse as the poor, as a way to justify the very existence of the elite."
** "If a Muslim woman is better at doing the job than a white man, the logic of capitalism is entirely non-discriminatory. She rightly gets the job. Thus capitalism is applauded as an agent of social progress. And yet the poor get poorer and the rich get richer." -> ''The issue, of course, is NEOLIBERAL capitalism.''
** '''social justice CAN mean a commitment to both social diversity and economic equality'''
* https://morecrows.wordpress.com/2015/04/24/poverty-wealth-and-the-future/
So your meditation for today is this: Who would you be in a refugee camp?
* 2017: Oxfam report: 8 people own as much as the poorest 50% of the world population (3.6 BILLION PEOPLE)
** https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2017/jan/16/worlds-eight-richest-people-have-same-wealth-as-poorest-50
** http://policy-practice.oxfam.org.uk/publications/an-economy-for-the-99-its-time-to-build-a-human-economy-that-benefits-everyone-620170
** http://oxfamilibrary.openrepository.com/oxfam/bitstream/10546/620170/1/bp-economy-for-99-percent-160117-en.pdf (PDF)
===No Growth = Economic Collapse ===
* https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2017/feb/15/luxury-water-for-80-a-bottle-its-ignorant-insensitive-and-irresponsible
* "the world’s 25 richest clans control $1.1 trillion of wealth" 2018: Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2018-richest-families/
* 50 richest property owners in UK: https://www.zoopla.co.uk/discover/property-news/who-are-the-wealthiest-property-owners-in-the-uk/#FqVStxPP2hLIxbvv.97
* Coronavirus inequality : https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/15/world/europe/coronavirus-inequality.html & https://wiki.techinc.nl/User:Becha/COVID-19
* USA aristocracy https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/06/the-birth-of-a-new-american-aristocracy/559130/
** The meritocratic class has mastered the old trick of consolidating wealth and passing privilege along at the expense of other people’s children.
** We are the principal accomplices in a process that is slowly strangling the economy, destabilizing American politics, and eroding democracy. Our delusions of merit now prevent us from recognizing the nature of the problem that our emergence as a class represents... History shows quite clearly that, in the kind of game we’re playing, everybody loses badly in the end.
** If your parents are high on the ladder, the (elastic) band will pull you up should you fall; if they are low, it will drag you down when you start to rise.
** We are the people of good family, good health, good schools, good neighborhoods, and good jobs. We may want to call ourselves the “5Gs” rather than the 9.9 percent. We are so far from the not-so-good people on all of these dimensions, we are beginning to resemble a new species.
** We 9.9 percenters live in safer neighborhoods, go to better schools, have shorter commutes, receive higher-quality health care, and, when circumstances require, serve time in better prisons. We also have more (successful) friends
** We have figured out how to launder our money through higher virtues.
** New forms of life necessarily give rise to new and distinct forms of consciousness. ... Class accretes faster than we think. It’s our '''awareness''' that lags, trapping us within the assumptions into which we were born.
** "On the game": finance, management consulting, medicine, or law; pharmaceutical, software, and entertainment sectors;
** Who is not in on the game? Auto workers. Caregivers. Retail workers. Furniture makers. Food workers.
** when educated people with excellent credentials band together to advance their collective interest, it’s all part of serving the public good by ensuring a high quality of service, establishing fair working conditions, and giving merit its due. That’s why we do it through “associations,” and with the assistance of fellow professionals wearing white shoes. When working-class people do it—through unions—it’s a violation of the sacred principles of the free market. It’s thuggish and anti-modern.
** Education: Instead of uniting and enriching us, it divides and impoverishes.
** This economic and educational sorting of neighborhoods is about the consolidation of wealth in all its forms,
** Gilded zip codes deliver higher life expectancy, more-useful social networks, and lower crime rates. Lengthy commutes, by contrast, cause obesity, neck pain, stress, insomnia, loneliness, and divorce,
** Zip code is who we are. It defines our style, announces our values, establishes our status, preserves our wealth, and allows us to pass it along to our children. It’s also slowly strangling our economy and killing our democracy.
** In part what we have here is a listening problem. Americans have trouble telling the difference between a social critique and a personal insult. Thus, a writer points to a broad social problem with complex origins, and the reader responds with, “What, you want to punish me for my success?”
** ... routinely conflate the stress of status competition with the stress of survival.
** The source of the trouble, considered more deeply, is that we have traded rights for privileges. We’re willing to strip everyone, including ourselves, of the universal right to a good education, adequate health care, adequate representation in the workplace, genuinely equal opportunities, because we think we can win the game. But who, really, in the end, is going to win this slippery game of escalating privileges?
** Perhaps the best evidence for the (inequality of) power is to be found in the degree of resentment it provokes.  The surest sign of an increase in resentment is a rise in ... division and instability.
** No one is born resentful. As mass phenomena, racism, xenophobia, anti-intellectualism, narcissism, irrationalism, and all other variants of resentment are as expensive to produce as they are deadly to democratic politics. Only long hours of television programming, intelligently manipulated social-media feeds, and expensively sustained information bubbles can actualize the unhappy dispositions of humanity to the point where they may be fruitfully manipulated for political gain. Racism in particular is not just a legacy of the past, as many Americans would like to believe; it also must be constantly reinvented for the present. Mass incarceration, fearmongering, and segregation are not just the results of prejudice, but also the means of reproducing it.
** The toxic wave of wealth concentration that arose in the Gilded Age and crested in the 1920s finally crashed on the shoals of depression and war.  Death and destruction & The financial collapse were the real agents of change.
** In The Great Leveler, the historian Walter Scheidel makes a disturbingly good case that inequality has reliably ended only in catastrophic violence: wars, revolutions, the collapse of states, or plagues and other disasters.
===No Growth != Economic Collapse ===
* 2020
** https://www.vox.com/21450911/climate-change-coronavirus-greta-thunberg-flying-degrowth
** https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-16941-y
** https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959378020307512#f0015
* Insurance company's list of risks http://www.lloyds.com/the-market/tools-and-resources/research/exposure-management/emerging-risks/emerging-risk-reports
* https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/the-transition-process-the-simpler-way-perspective-f2a64a0a1d6a
** Much simpler lifestyles, far lower per capita resource consumption.
** Mostly small, highly self-sufficient local economies, putting local resources into meeting local needs.
* Ursula K Le Guin: a-non-euclidean-view-of-california-as-a-cold-place-to-be
** https://web.archive.org/web/20180628075056/http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/ursula-k-le-guin-a-non-euclidean-view-of-california-as-a-cold-place-to-be
** "a society with a modest standard of living, conservative of natural resources, with a low constant fertility rate and a political life based upon consent"...
===Food = Totalitarian Agriculture ===
===Food = Totalitarian Agriculture ===
* We eat "fossil fuels" "Against the Grain" (a book) Richard Manning (Last Stand, too),
* We eat "fossil fuels" "Against the Grain" (a book) Richard Manning (Last Stand, too)
** an interview: http://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/unbound/interviews/int2004-04-01.htm
* " Civilization will eat itself" Ran Prieur & "Superweed"
* " Civilization will eat itself" Ran Prieur & "Superweed"
* Peak Soil -- http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/earth-insight/2013/jun/07/peak-soil-industrial-civilisation-eating-itself
* Peak Soil  
** http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/earth-insight/2013/jun/07/peak-soil-industrial-civilisation-eating-itself
** https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/mar/25/treating-soil-like-dirt-fatal-mistake-human-life
* Acheiving food security in the face of climate change
* Acheiving food security in the face of climate change
* http://www.thecroforum.org/food-and-its-impact-on-the-risk-landscape/
* Feast or famine: http://www.lloyds.com/the-market/tools-and-resources/research/exposure-management/emerging-risks/emerging-risk-reports/business/foo-dreport
* Food based on artificial fertilizers = population explosion (in Dutch, Tinkebel) http://www.trouw.nl/tr/nl/14268/Tinkebell/article/detail/3547393/2013/11/19/Per-ongeluk-de-mensheid-naar-het-einde-van-de-wereld-helpen.dhtml
* Solution -- Food as a Common Good https://blog.p2pfoundation.net/10-policy-ideas-to-make-food-a-shared-resource-in-europe/2017/03/11
* ECOLOGICAL overshoot!! (not *only* population!)
* World Overshoot Day
** https://www.overshootday.org/about-earth-overshoot-day/
** https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/let-us-stop-living-of-resources-stolen-from-future-generations-c831cb1906d3
** https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/rolling-back-earth-overshoot-day-ac81dff1b4ea
* "Overshoot" -- the ecological basis of revolutionary change  
* "Overshoot" -- the ecological basis of revolutionary change  
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* Footprint & "energy slaves" = equivalent of human work , done by machines, using energy & resources  
* Footprint & "energy slaves" = equivalent of human work , done by machines, using energy & resources  
* "Unguarded gates" Otis Graham  
* "Unguarded gates" Otis Graham
* "as Perlman makes plain, population growth is purely a product of civilization: 'a steady increase in human numbers [is] as persistent as the Leviathan itself. This phenomenon seems to exist only among Leviathanized human beings. Animals as well as human communities in the state of nature do not proliferate their own kind to the point of pushing all others off the field.' "
* http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/jun/30/stephen-emmott-ten-billion
* Infection: Watching Life and Death Evolve in the World https://medium.com/quinn-norton/ba3521edcf52
* CRITICISM of overpopulation / overshoot theories*
VIDEO: 6 million years of human evolution in 30 seconds  https://t.co/W5cwJScE23
* (May 2017) We need 1.7 Earths at this rate of consumption (great graphics too!) https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/world/ecological-footprint/
===Energy & society===
> Bailey, K.D., 2006. Living Systems Theory and Social Entropy Theory. Systems  Research and Behavioral Science, 23, pp.291–300.                                                     
> Georgescu-Roegen, N., 1976. Energy and Economic Myths, New York: Pergamon Press.                     
> Price, D., 1995. Energy and Human Evolution. Population and Environment: A  Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 16(4), pp.301–320.                                             
> Pimentel, D. & Pimentel, M.H., 2008. Food, Energy, and Society 3rd ed., Boca  Raton, FL: CRC Press.                                                                               
> Cottrell, F., 2009. Energy and Society, Available at:    http://www.eoearth.org/view/article/51cbedae7896bb431f693338/                                           
> Cimbleris, B., Economy and Thermodynamics. Available at:    http://ecen.com/eee9/ecoterme.htm
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000-watt_society
* DataViz!!!
** Maps (May 2020) http://www.karstenhaustein.com/climate
** Graphs http://ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/meant80n_anomaly.uk.php
* http://guymcpherson.com/climate-chaos/
* http://guymcpherson.com/climate-chaos/
** March 2018: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/03/the-paris-climate-accords-are-starting-to-look-like-fantasy.html
* https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/
* http://climate.diplomacy.edu  
* http://climate.diplomacy.edu  
* Maps, facts-sheets http://www.fastcoexist.com/3033566/visualized/be-horrified-at-all-the-ways-climate-change-will-destroy-us-kindly-collected-in-o
** http://www.fastcoexist.com/3033566/visualized/be-horrified-at-all-the-ways-climate-change-will-destroy-us-kindly-collected-in-o#7
** http://www.fastcoexist.com/3033566/visualized/be-horrified-at-all-the-ways-climate-change-will-destroy-us-kindly-collected-in-o#5
* [[http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14693062.2013.835705#.UmutEhZsN3Y Going beyond two degrees? The risks and opportunities of alternative options]] // [[http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/14693062.2013.835705 PDF]]  
* [[http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14693062.2013.835705#.UmutEhZsN3Y Going beyond two degrees? The risks and opportunities of alternative options]] // [[http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/14693062.2013.835705 PDF]]  
* "The Paryt's Over" , Richard Heinberg  
* "The Party's Over" , Richard Heinberg  
* The World according to Pimm, Stuard Pimm  
* The World according to Pimm, Stuard Pimm  
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* http://www.rtcc.org/2013/11/01/france-cranks-up-climate-diplomacy-ahead-of-2015-un-summit/
* http://www.rtcc.org/2013/11/01/france-cranks-up-climate-diplomacy-ahead-of-2015-un-summit/
* Jane Godal (of chimpanzees) talks about Environmentalism http://billmoyers.com/content/dr-jane-goodall-on-environmentalism/ (video & transcript)
* Caring for climate report: http://htl.li/qX0W1
* Carbon Atlas http://www.globalcarbonatlas.org/
* Chasing ICE http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/cc-its-the-ice-stupid-the-art-and-science-of-climate-change
* Lots of books: http://www.openhumanitiespress.org/critical-climate-change.html
* Climate MAYHEM  http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/31372-getting-our-story-straight-honestly-framing-the-climate-crisis
* Predictions from 2008: http://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2008/mar/01/scienceofclimatechange.climatechange
* YouTube video from 2014: 13 misconceptions about global warming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWXoRSIxyIU
* Extreme temperatures / warming: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/06/22/climate/95-degree-day-maps.html
===Capitalism & Climate===
"“The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses.” – Utah Phillips
* (2020) '''We can stop climate change with class war''' https://tribunemag.co.uk/2020/10/we-cant-stop-climate-change-without-class-war
** the richest 1% of people alone are responsible for double the emissions of the poorest 50% of the global population.
** Green capitalism will never facilitate the scale of action that is necessary to keep warming below 1.5ºC because it refuses to '''take on''' the powerful people and industries that are fuelling the climate crisis in the first place.
** '''actively dismantling the economic structures that facilitate the wealth accumulation'''
* https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959378020307512#f0015                                                     
As ecological breakdown looms, the basic material needs of billions remain unmet.                                                                                                                                                                             
We estimate the minimal energy for providing decent living globally & universally.                                                                                                                                                                             
Despite population growth, 2050 global energy use could be reduced to 1960 levels.                                                                                                                                                                             
This requires advanced technologies & reductions in demand to sufficiency levels.                                                                                                                                                                             
But sufficiency is far more materially generous than many opponents often assume.
* https://www.vox.com/21450911/climate-change-coronavirus-greta-thunberg-flying-degrowth
* Scientists’ warning on affluence: Thomas Wiedmann, Manfred Lenzen, Lorenz T. Keyßer & Julia K. Steinberger https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-16941-y
* 2019: "Just 100 companies are responsible for more than 70% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions since 1988. The guys who run those companies – and they are mostly guys – have gotten rich on the backs of literally all life on Earth."
** https://decolonialatlas.wordpress.com/2019/04/27/names-and-locations-of-the-top-100-people-killing-the-planet/
** 1989: Stark, by Ben Elton: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stark_(novel) (same plot, but "fiction"...) 
* China Mieville: http://salvage.zone/in-print/the-limits-of-utopia/                                                               
*  November 15, 2013 by Adbusters 'Sleepwalking to Extinction': Capitalism and the Destruction of Life and Earth
by Richard Smith https://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/11/15-3#.UoukAlRq0jc.twitter // http://www.paecon.net/PAEReview/issue64/Smith64.pdf // Upcoming book: "To Save the Planet, Turn the World Upside Down"
* http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/nov/20/ursula-k-le-guin-national-book-awards-speech
* Capitalism & climate change http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/09/19/capitalism-and-climate-change-redux/
* "Greed and Capitalism Have Wrecked The Planet" http://robinwestenra.blogspot.nl/2015/07/tom-hartmann-on-capitalism-and-planet.html
* "Capitalism and Climate Change: The Science and Politics of Global Warming" by David Klein, illustrated by Stephanie McMillan https://gumroad.com/l/climatechange
* 2018: “Standing in the way is capitalism. Can you imagine the global airline industry being dismantled when hundreds of new runways are being built right now all over the world?
** https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/apr/26/were-doomed-mayer-hillman-on-the-climate-reality-no-one-else-will-dare-mention
** the world’s population must globally move to zero emissions across agriculture, air travel, shipping, heating homes – every aspect of our economy – and reduce our human population too. Can it be done without a collapse of civilisation? “I don’t think so,” says Hillman. “Can you see everyone in a democracy volunteering to give up flying? Can you see the majority of the population becoming vegan? Can you see the majority agreeing to restrict the size of their families?”
* 2018: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/43pek3/scientists-warn-the-un-of-capitalisms-imminent-demise
* 2018: https://godsandradicals.org/2018/08/28/everything-is-going-according-to-plan-being-an-activist-in-the-anthropocene-in-progress/
** "Capitalism is going to collapse, but it won’t require the revolution of the working class. It’s going to happen through the natural process of capitalism doing what capitalism does: consuming forests, species, and human potential and excreting carbon dioxide, toxic chemicals, and radioactive waste–in short, eating everything in sight and shitting where it eats."
===IPCC 5th report===
===IPCC 5th report===
In the HAIKU form: http://daily.sightline.org/2013/12/16/the-entire-ipcc-report-in-19-illustrated-haiku/
* 27 sept 2013 the 5th IPCC report got published, and results from their year study are summarized :                                         
* 27 sept 2013 the 5th IPCC report got published, and results from their year study are summarized :                                         
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"Today, after two decades of bluff and lies, the remaining 2°C budget demands revolutionary change to the political and economic hegemony"

"Today, after two decades of bluff and lies, the remaining 2°C budget demands revolutionary change to the political and economic hegemony"

===Water Shortage ====
* 2016: https://motherboard.vice.com/read/how-the-world-breaks
* 2018: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/08/01/magazine/climate-change-losing-earth.html
** Thirty years ago, we had a chance to save the planet.
** Long-term disaster is now the best-case scenario. Three-degree warming is a prescription for short-term disaster: forests in the Arctic and the loss of most coastal cities.
** Four degrees: Europe in permanent drought; vast areas of China, India and Bangladesh claimed by desert; Polynesia swallowed by the sea; the Colorado River thinned to a trickle; the American Southwest largely uninhabitable. The prospect of a five-degree warming has prompted some of the world’s leading climate scientists to warn of the end of human civilization.
** Everybody knew. In 1958, on prime-time television, “The Bell Science Hour”  — aired “The Unchained Goddess,” a film about meteorological wonders, produced by Frank Capra, warning that “man may be unwittingly changing the world’s climate” through the release of carbon dioxide.
** These theories share a common principle: that *CIVILIZED* human beings, whether in global organizations, democracies, industries, political parties or as individuals, are incapable of sacrificing present convenience to forestall a penalty imposed on future generations.
** If human beings really were able to take the long view — to consider seriously the fate of civilization decades or centuries after our deaths — we would be forced to grapple with the transience of all we know and love in the great sweep of time. ->> BUT THERE WERE / ARE "human beings" THAT ARE ABLE!!
===Water Shortage ===
* https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/04/03/599207550/michigan-oks-nestl-water-extraction-despite-over-80k-public-comments-against-it
* commons:
** Berlin Water Table : BERLINERS DEFY GOVERNMENT AND WIN WATER REMUNICIPALISATION http://transformativecities.org/atlas-of-utopias/atlas-18/
** VALLADOLID RESIDENTS REGAIN PUBLIC CONTROL OF WATER http://transformativecities.org/atlas-of-utopias/atlas-17/
* https://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/problems/corporate-control-water
* https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2017/jan/16/water-energy-food-challenge-davos
* https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2017/feb/15/luxury-water-for-80-a-bottle-its-ignorant-insensitive-and-irresponsible
* The Global Search For Liquid Gold, Urban Times, 11 June 2013 http://act.sumofus.org/go/2394?ak_proof=1&t=5&akid=.1859150.b05Aq7
* Bottled Life: The Story, Bottled Life, 1 January 2012
* Water Facts, Food and Water Watch http://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/water/interesting-water-facts/?ak_proof=1
===Sea level raise===
* (ART) http://www.nltimes.nl/2015/05/13/amsterdam-museumplein-virtually-flooded-in-light-exhibition/
* https://marcodevisser.wordpress.com/2015/05/13/amsterdam-flooding/
* http://www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21590349-worlds-seas-are-becoming-more-acidic-how-much-matters-not-yet-clear
* How pollution etc increases risk of cancer, and whose problem that is: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/feb/04/cancer-personal-lifestyle-environment-world-health-organisation
* photos... http://takeandbake.net/20-haunting-photos-of-environmental-pollution/
* https://blog.vonwong.com/dell/ & https://www.treehugger.com/culture/4100-lbs-electronic-waste-transformed-art-benjamin-von-wong.html
* Gadgets
** (April 2015) Microwaves and dishwashers dominate e-waste mountain http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-32353659
** iPhone: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-11-07/an-iphone-tester-caught-in-apples-supply-chain
** Ethically Sources Smartphone (hard) http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-09-20/why-its-hard-to-make-an-ethically-sourced-smartphone
** the raising tide of e-waste http://oneworld.org/2013/12/09/the-rising-tide-of-e-waste/
** http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/14/ghana-dump-electronic-waste-not-good-place-live
=> solution?! http://www.step-initiative.org (solving the e-waste problem, UN)
* Artistic approach to exposing e-waste: [[Hackers_tribes_transmediale_2014]]
* http://www.newsweek.com/only-third-europes-e-waste-goes-where-it-should-366884
* the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations, a Dutch NGO: http://genderchangers.org/docs.html
** Corporate social responsibility issues in the ICT hardware manufacturing sector.
** Also by SOMO: Critical issues in the mobile phone industry.
** And one by Greenpeace: Toxic chemicals in computers.
* http://detox.greenpeace.org/en/?cultureKey=en
** Dirty energy / Workers Health / E-waste / Programmed Obsolescence / Toxics Chemicals
** Renewable Energy / Workers Safety / Closed Loop / Smart Design & Repairability / Toxic Free
* http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/news/Blogs/makingwaves/smarphones-planet-toxic-waste/blog/58828/
* http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/FINAL-10YearsSmartphones-Report-Design-230217-Digital.pdf
* https://www.nature.com/articles/s41560-017-0032-9 Published: 08 December 2017 "Understanding future emissions from low-carbon power systems by integration of life-cycle assessment and integrated energy modelling" " On average, a solar panel generates 26 units of solar energy for every unit of fossil energy required to build and install it. For wind turbines the ratio is 44 to one."
== Litter -- Garbage -- Rubbish ==
* http://diply.com/trendyjoe/anti-littering-ad-campaigns/51266/1
* What we leave behind, Deric Jansen
* waste Pickers: http://wastenarratives.com
The Global Search For Liquid Gold, Urban Times, 11 June 2013 http://act.sumofus.org/go/2394?ak_proof=1&t=5&akid=.1859150.b05Aq7
* http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2017/03/humans_are_creating_a_new_geological_layer_of_technofossils.html
Bottled Life: The Story, Bottled Life, 1 January 2012
Water Facts, Food and Water Watch http://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/water/interesting-water-facts/?ak_proof=1
* Plastic bottles .. turned to art , with the mermaid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdZ5AWaNQqc
** By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish left in the sea :(
** Pledge to re-use: https://www.change.org/p/i-pledge-to-re-use-because-mermaid…
** Final photos: www.450years.com
** Prints available at cost: http://www.vonwong.com/Store/MermaidsHatePlastic/
==Near Term Extinction ==
==Near Term Extinction ==
* 2016: http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/04/a-human-extinction-isnt-that-unlikely/480444/
“A typical person is more than five times as likely to die in an extinction event
as in a car crash,” says a new [http://globalprioritiesproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Global-Catastrophic-Risk-Annual-Report-2016-FINAL.pdf report].
* Has runaway greenhouse guaranteed near-term extinction?  https://program.ohm2013.org/event/180.html
* Has runaway greenhouse guaranteed near-term extinction?  https://program.ohm2013.org/event/180.html
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* "The World is Blue" (a book)  
* "The World is Blue" (a book)  
* A Good House" (water shortage!)  
* A Good House" (water shortage!)
* 'Sleepwalking to Extinction': Capitalism and the Destruction of Life and Earth (Published on Friday, November 15, 2013 by Adbusters) https://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/11/15-3
* apocalyptic places http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-essential-guide-to-places-that-could-destroy-the-world
* Requiem for a species http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Requiem_for_a_Species
* Book: Extinction: * http://www.livingbooksaboutlife.org/books/Extinction
===Animals extinction===
Instead of extinction, let’s adopt the word ecocide.
* https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/aug/09/forget-the-environment-new-words-lifes-wonders-language
See also: [http://wiki.techinc.nl/Hackers_tribes#Animal_Rights Hackers_tribes#Animal_Rights] & SQUIRRELS
[[File:Screen Shot 2015-01-01 at 16.26.27.png|right|400px]]
* http://projects.propublica.org/extinctions/
** [[:File:extinction graphic pdf.pdf]]
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sixth_Extinction:_An_Unnatural_History
* WWF: 50% of wildlife gone in the last 40 years http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/29/earth-lost-50-wildlife-in-40-years-wwf
* Land mammals XKCD http://xkcd.com/1338/
* http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/dec/16/five-ways-to-stop-mass-extinction -->
* http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/dec/14/earth-faces-sixth-great-extinction-with-41-of-amphibians-set-to-go-the-way-of-the-dodo
* http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/arts-and-life/life/too--hot--to-handle-302334711.html
Image:5 extinctions 2634144251.jpg
Image:mass extinctions.jpg
Image:extinction logo small.jpg
* http://www.extinctionsymbol.info/
* Bees...
* June 2015:
** https://theconversation.com/earths-sixth-mass-extinction-has-begun-new-study-confirms-43432
** http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/jun/21/mass-extinction-science-warning
** http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/jun/19/humans-creating-sixth-great-extinction-of-animal-species-say-scientists
** http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/prehistoric-world/mass-extinction/
** http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-33209548
** http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/new-report-suggests-earth-brink-great-extinction/
** http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/1/5/e1400253.full
** http://www.livescience.com/51281-sixth-mass-extinction-is-here.html
* (21 October 2015) http://www.theguardian.com/environment/radical-conservation/2015/oct/20/the-four-horsemen-of-the-sixth-mass-extinction
* "'We may lose some of those species before we even discover them'" http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/giant-antarctic-sea-spiders-1.3392483
* http://racingextinction.com/ - a 2015 movie!!
* http://www.extinct.ly/
* Extinction A RADICAL HISTORY, by ASHLEY DAWSON http://www.orbooks.com/catalog/extinction-by-ashley-dawson/
* * https://www.theguardian.com/environment/radical-conservation/2016/nov/19/extinction-remembrance-day-theatre-ritual-thylacine-grief
** https://www.lostspeciesday.org/
** Funeral for Lost Species https://vimeo.com/25260994
* http://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2016/12/specials/vanishing/
* http://blog.sfgate.com/morford/2015/09/14/the-silence-of-the-birds/#photo-686168
* 2017: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2017-05/fmon-mbb051217.php "Migratory birds bumped off schedule as climate change shifts spring"
* "Average lifetime of a species is about 100.000 years" Noam Chomsky quoting Ernst Mayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TK0R_06zOOY (5:00)
* 2017: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jul/10/earths-sixth-mass-extinction-event-already-underway-scientists-warn && full paper: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2017/07/05/1704949114.full.pdf
* 2018: "since the dawn of civilisation, humanity has caused the loss of 83% of all wild mammals and half of plants, while livestock kept by humans abounds." https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/21/human-race-just-001-of-all-life-but-has-destroyed-over-80-of-wild-mammals-study
* 2020: Giraffe :(
** https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/607939/world-without-giraffes/
** The Last Giraffe on Earth https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/04/how-to-tackle-a-giraffe/606787/
** (2016) https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/12/the-fall-of-the-giraffe/510062/
* BEES BEEN DECLARED AS THE MOST VALUABLE LIVING BEING ON OUR PLANET https://www.thesciearth.com/2020/08/the-bee-is-declared-most-important.html?m=1
===Trees and forests destruction===
* Pillage, Plunder & Pollute, LLC - The Silent War on Trees http://witsendnj.blogspot.nl/p/pillage-plunder-pollute-llc.html
* An essay: http://witsendnj.blogspot.nl/2016/04/earth-embalmed.html
* Dead trees dying forest http://www.deadtrees-dyingforests.com/
Line 273: Line 1,914:
* "5 stages of collapse" & "6th stage"
* "5 stages of collapse" & "6th stage"
* http://3es.weebly.com/
*  Crash Course by Chris Martenson  http://www.chrismartenson.com/crashcourse
*  Extremely Interesting Time To Be Alive and Some Opportunities For Change http://www.doingitourselves.org/sites/default/files/zine1v3.pdf
* Kees van der Pijl:
".. a frozen constellation, in which the oligarchies collude with the national security apparatus,
keeping each other in power,  is unable to deal with popular demands and with
'''objective, life-threatening crises that result from the destruction of the Earth’s biosphere."'''
* "Nomads, empires, states", 2 books
* Human and Nature Dynamics (HANDY): Modeling Inequality and Use of Resources in the Collapse or Sustainability of Societies
** https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921800914000615
** (broken?) https://www.sesync.org/sites/default/files/resources/motesharrei-rivas-kalnay.pdf
** http://www.elsevier.com/connect/q-and-a-when-a-theoretical-article-is-misinterpreted                                                                       
** http://nasawatch.com/archives/2014/03/its-the-end-of.html                                   
** http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/barbara-hollingsworth/ivy-league-statistician-debunks-nasa-funded-socialism-or
* https://thenib.com/it-s-the-end-of-the-world-again
* http://bayoakomolafe.net/project/what-climate-collapse-asks-of-us/
* April 2018: https://libcom.org/news/nazi-hipsters-heading-london-racist-weekend-11042018
* March 2018: https://web.archive.org/web/20180309225139/https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2018/03/09/multipolar-spin-how-fascists-operationalize-left-wing-resentment
* March 2018: https://splinternews.com/the-fascist-right-is-bloodied-and-soiled-1824093337
* https://ravingsofaradicalvagabond.noblogs.org/post/2018/01/15/an-investigation-into-red-brown-alliances/
** "As radical leftist anti-fascists, anti-racists, anti-colonialists, and anti-capitalists struggling for liberation, we can fight against imperialism, against racism, and against fascism at the same time, and we can oppose the American war machine and oppose colonialism without siding with reactionary and oppressive entities. We can support liberation in Palestine, Bahrain, India, Venezuela and everywhere else where people are struggling against oppression without allying to fascists and/or liberals or allowing them to try co-opting our movements."
* https://alternativeright.hopenothate.com/my-year-inside-the-international-alt-right
** "a young, gay, anti-racist activist from Sweden has been undercover inside the alt-right for HOPE not hate. He risked all to go undercover in some of the most notorious far-right networks in the US and the UK, culminating in the violent clashes in Charlottesville."
2016: Brexit, Trump, AltRight, Neo-Nazies, Refugees...
* https://decorrespondent.nl/5694/2016-is-het-1933-van-mijn-generatie-tijd-om-op-te-staan/218905830-21723e38
* https://medium.com/@theonlytoby/history-tells-us-what-will-happen-next-with-brexit-trump-a3fefd154714#.4ge8c9n7q
* narcissistic personality disorder: https://medium.com/@nziehl/coping-with-chaos-in-the-white-house-697fa2ca3ddf#.4xd6ham04
* https://medium.com/redrawing-the-maps/when-the-maps-run-out-8cc5f5f4f5e#.naaa0ba9j
* https://morecrows.wordpress.com/2016/03/11/donald-trump-is-not-hitler/
* A People’s History of the Third Reich: How Great Man theory allows us to abdicate collective responsibility http://thebaffler.com/blog/great-men-carpentier
* "It's About The Country Vs. The City" http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-reasons-trumps-rise-that-no-one-talks-about/
* https://www.onfocus.com/2016/11/6845/anti-authoritarian-immune-system
=Partial Solutions=
=Partial Solutions=
== Goals ==
Guy McPhearson: "I’m fighting on behalf the species we’ve not yet driven to extinction.
I’m fighting to increase the odds that Earth will be vibrantly green 10 million years from now."
* https://eco.bios.fi/
** Ecological reconstruction
==Bright Side==
==Bright Side==
* Always look on the bright side of life...
* Always look on the bright side of life...
* "I am planning on living forever -- so far, so good"  (Groucho Marx)
* Comedians! (Russel Brand, Ship of Fools....)
* Comedians! (Russel Brand, Ship of Fools....)
Line 287: Line 1,993:
* "Revolution will be Hilarious" http://www.standupplanet.org/  
* "Revolution will be Hilarious" http://www.standupplanet.org/  
* OSTE (anti-commercials for Norvegian housing corporation) (thanks, Patrice!)  
* OBOS (anti-commercials for Norvegian housing corporation) (thanks, Patrice!)
* Annoying peasant, Monthy Python http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAaWvVFERVA&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DrAaWvVFERVA&app=desktop
* Save Santa's Home: https://www.savesantashome.org/cards Funny Xmas Cards (broken link)  
* http://steadystate.org/discover/humor/
==Changing Culture==
==Changing Culture==
(see "quotes") [[Hackers_tribes_quotes_culture]]
[[File:covek praznih saka.JPG|right|400px]]
* Dispossessed society (Covek Praznih Saka) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dispossessed (by Ursula Le Guin)
* You can and must be the one to change the world. You are the One. "saving the world isn't the work of specialists" - Daniel Quinn
* (see "quotes") [[Hackers_tribes_quotes_culture]]
* Other examples (BOOKS):
** Small Is Beautiful http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_Is_Beautiful
** "My name is Chellis and I'm in Recovery of Western Civilization"
** Off the Map , Chellis Glendinning
* "Pirates are the only hope that culture has left" http://falkvinge.net
** "Pirate Cinema", Cory Doctorow
* Naomi Klein: http://climateimc.org/en/other-press/2014/01/07/naomi-klein-climate-movement-needs-radicals-mandela
"fighting climate change requires “a clear moral vision of the alternative being fought for,” said Klein. Just as Mandela fought for a new “rainbow egalitarian society” rather than simply against racism, environmentalists need to establish a new approach to society.
It is time for a new generation of environmental activism to emerge, she said—one that is not dominated by acceptance of the prevailing world view, but one that breaks free from the “ideologically shackled environment in which we all operate”.
Failure to challenge an ideology based upon self-interest and an all-powerful market ...  the ideas that have been our greatest obstacles—especially the idea that there is no society, that we are defined by self interested, consumer desires.”
* How to make people care about climate change: https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/01/04/psychologists-have-discovered-the-secret-to-making-people-care-about-climate-change/
** leaving a positive legacy / desire to be remembered positively
** care for the well-being of future generations
** Improving Public Engagement With Climate Change: Five “Best Practice” Insights From Psychological Science DOI: 10.1177/1745691615598516
===No Techno Fix===
* "I am a Luddite" http://www.ludditeluddite1812.blogspot.nl
* 1984, Thomas Pynchon: Is it OK to be a Luddite? http://www.themodernword.com/pynchon/pynchon_essays_luddite.html
* https://peopleandnature.wordpress.com/2013/08/14/were-all-luddites-now/
* http://crookedtimber.org/2013/11/19/something-changed/ "Something changed on the Internet", November 2013 -> see other projects [[Internet_Governance_and_hackers]] & [[P2pbgpsec]]
* http://www.eco-action.org/dod/no6/luddites.htm
* No, not even the bitcoin... https://al3x.net/2013/12/18/bitcoin.html
* To Fix Climate Change, Scientists Turn To Hacking The Earth, by NPR STAFF
* AntiTechnology http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anonymous-antitechnology-0
* "We need to talk about TED" http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/dec/30/we-need-to-talk-about-ted (technology - economy/entertainment - design)
* "not so fast"
** Book / blog: http://thequestionconcerningtechnology.blogspot.nl/
** Review http://librarianshipwreck.wordpress.com/2014/01/21/hey-slow-down-a-review-of-doug-hills-not-so-fast/
* Review of "Who Owns the Future" by Jaron Laniers
* http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/26295-is-modern-technology-killing-us
delusion that we are separate from nature is the perilous essence of the techno-topian myth.
* "Technology, our interstellar god, will sort it out.." / "'Superficial age of plenty" http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/nov/11/interstellar-insane-fantasy-abandoning-earth-political-defeatism
* Internet is the answer to all the questions of our time http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jun/15/internet-answer-questions-of-our-time
** and my reply to Cory https://twitter.com/Ms_Multicolor/status/612167529134485504
* Not even helping in education/schools! http://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/06/04/technology-wont-fix-americas-neediest-schools-it-makes-bad-education-worse/
* http://www.uncomputing.org/
* Creating a Taxonomic Tool for Technocracy and Applying it to Silicon Valley http://t.co/LdBxmtUZ5i
* Protecting our privacy from corporations & governments http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/11/if-youre-not-paranoid-youre-crazy/407833/
* http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/01/why-i-am-not-a-maker/384767/ "When tech culture only celebrates creation, it risks ignoring those who teach, criticize, and take care of others."
* https://archive.org/details/DesertingTheDigitalUtopia // http://www.crimethinc.com/texts/ex/digital-utopia.html
* Same as It Ever Was: Why the Techno-optimists Are Wrong, By Martin Wolf
* https://aeon.co/essays/innovation-is-overvalued-maintenance-often-matters-more (care!)
* https://theconversation.com/is-internet-freedom-a-tool-for-democracy-or-authoritarianism-61956
* "The extinction crisis is the mother of all crises. There will be no society, there will be no economy, there will be no art and culture on a dead planet basically. " http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/technology-stopped-evolution-destroying-world
* Arne Naess = "deep ecology"
** https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2009/jan/15/obituary-arne-naess
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arne_N%C3%A6ss
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecosophy
* Ha ha ha: FALC (Fully Automated Luxury Communism) https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2015/mar/18/fully-automated-luxury-communism-robots-employment
* https://www.boundary2.org/2016/08/what-technology-do-we-really-need-a-critique-of-the-2016-personal-democracy-forum/
* Funny but to the point ... http://www.theonion.com/article/world-agrees-just-take-down-internet-while-until-t-55200
* "The tech industry has long been criticized for failing to acknowledge its own complicity in social problems while adopting change-the-world rhetoric." http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/why-protesters-gathered-outside-peter-thiels-mansion-this-weekend
** "“The banality of evil today is the person sitting in a cubicle in San Francisco, or in Silicon Valley, building the tools of digital fascism that are being used by those in Washington,” "
* Anti-Singularity
** Really old discussion about singularity: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.history.what-if/MhTiTblxQCA
** Charlie Stross (2011): "Three arguments against the singularity" http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2011/06/reality-check-1.html
===Internet and Capitalism===
* Internet's Unholy Marriage to Capitalism http://monthlyreview.org/2011/03/01/the-internets-unholy-marriage-to-capitalism/
* https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-problem-george-monbiot
* http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jan/25/facebook-annual-bullshit-report
"[IT companies/Social Media] are, in fact, just the latest version of the large capitalist enterprise:
  John D Rockefeller 3.0"
* "Hackers ((ALONE)) can't solve surveillance" http://www.dmytri.info/hackers-cant-solve-surveillance/
** & my reply to it: https://lists.puscii.nl/wws/arc/uncivilization/2015-01/msg00007.html
* "IT industry is a dictatorship" Heather Marsh's post: https://georgiebc.wordpress.com/2014/10/03/world-war-iii-stateless-ponzi-schemes-of-power/
** selected parts in https://lists.puscii.nl/wws/arc/uncivilization/2014-12/msg00009.html
* "Beyond whistleblowing" http://www.crimethinc.com/blog/2014/12/24/beyond-whistleblowing/
** Beyond sysadmins, whistleblowers, hackers...  https://lists.puscii.nl/wws/arc/uncivilization/2014-12/msg00017.html
* Fuck Off Google -- The Invisible Committee
** https://events.ccc.de/congress/2014/Fahrplan/events/6459.html
** https://lists.puscii.nl/wws/arc/uncivilization/2014-12/msg00024.html
** http://anarchistnews.org/content/invisible-committee-returns-fuck-google
** http://www.crimethinc.com/texts/ex/digital-utopia.html
** http://bloom0101.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/fuckoffgoogleeng.pdf PDF!!!
** https://tarnac9.wordpress.com/texts/the-coming-insurrection/
* Revolving door with governments
** Google: http://www.googletransparencyproject.org/articles/googles-european-revolving-door
** Neelie Kroes & Uber https://medium.com/@UberPubPolicy/announcing-ubers-public-policy-advisory-board-f7e6758ba9bd#.f8pbublk9
* Surveillance Capitalism
** 2014 http://monthlyreview.org/2014/07/01/surveillance-capitalism/
** 02.05.2016 https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/may/02/google-microsoft-pact-antitrust-surveillance-capitalism
** 05.03.2016, von SHOSHANA ZUBOFF http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/debatten/the-digital-debate/shoshana-zuboff-secrets-of-surveillance-capitalism-14103616-p2.html
"We need new interventions that interrupt, outlaw, or regulate                                                                   
1) the initial capture of behavioral surplus,                                                                                   
2) the use of behavioral surplus as free raw material,                                                                           
3) excessive and exclusive concentrations of the new means of production,                                                       
4) the manufacture of prediction products,                                                                                       
5) the sale of prediction products,                                                                                             
6) the use of prediction products for third-order operations of modification, influence, and control, and                       
7) the monetization of the results of these operations.                                                                         
This is necessary for society, for people, for the future, and it is also necessary
to restore the healthy evolution of capitalism itself."
* https://thebaffler.com/salvos/all-effd-up-levine
** "Google’s emerging surveillance-based advertising business"...
** "That shitty internet we all inhabit today? That system dominated by giant monopolies, powered by for-profit surveillance and influence, and lacking any democratic oversight? EFF is directly responsible for bringing it into being."
* "Robber barons and silicon sultans" [https://wiki.techinc.nl/images/a/aa/Robber_barons_and_silicon_sultans_The_Economist.pdf PDF] <<<<<<---- PDF
** original http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21637338-todays-tech-billionaires-have-lot-common-previous-generation-capitalist?fsrc=scn/tw_ec/robber_barons_and_silicon_sultans
* "the platforms that connect citizens to government must be neutral and nonpartisan." http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/15/world/views-about-internet-turn-negative.html
* Big Tech is too powerful http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/20/opinion/is-big-tech-too-powerful-ask-google.html
* More proofs that Internet (business) is new Oil (business) 
** " like the Middle Eastern sovereign wealth fund I met with yesterday, Google is trying to trade their oil money for something more refined, like self-driving cars, life extension (Calico) or home automation (Nest)." https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/apples-brilliant-assault-advertising-google-jason-calacanis
** (Big Data) "technical innovation often asks economic and social questions to which technology does not have the answer." http://www.internetsociety.org/blog/tech-matters/2014/10/they-say-“personal-data-new-oil”-thats-good-thing
** http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21721656-data-economy-demands-new-approach-antitrust-rules-worlds-most-valuable-resource
* What did the Internet cost: http://boingboing.net/2011/05/06/what-did-the-interne.html
* Data Center outage costs ... http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2016/09/08/delta-data-center-outage-cost-us-150m/
* Low-wage workers & the Internet Industry http://informationobservatory.info/2016/01/04/low-wage-workers-the-internet-industry/
* Rosa Luxemburg’s Internet? For a Political Economy of State Mobilization and the Movement of Accumulation in Cyberspace1 http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/viewFile/2045/1076
* Morozov.. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/apr/24/the-new-feudalism-silicon-valley-overlords-advertising-necessary-evil
* Are Telcos Becoming Slum Landlords? Jan 21, 2016 http://www.circleid.com/posts/20160121_are_telcos_becoming_slum_landlords/
* FAIR CITY: BEYOND THE IDEOLOGICAL TRINITY OF INNOVATION (Sebastian Olma) http://amsterdamalternative.nl/articles/1890
[digital technologies are] upholding the status-quo: a simulation of social or political progress
that simultaneously upends current practices and studiously protects existing wealth and power inequities.
* Seeing like a state" http://www.cato-unbound.org/issues/september-2010/seeing-state-conversation-james-c-scott
* http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/08/11/today-s-tech-oligarchs-are-worse-than-the-robber-barons.html
* "My name is Chellis and I'm in Recovery of Western Civilization"  
* https://aeon.co/essays/the-internet-as-an-engine-of-liberation-is-an-innocent-fraud
* Off the Map , Chellis Glendinning
"how the network would funnel the energies of the people into a centrally administered, tightly monitored
information system organised to enrich a small group of businesses and their owners."
* Techno-Utopianism, Counterfeit and Real , Kevin A. Carson, Center for a Stateless Society Paper No. 20 (Spring 2016) https://c4ss.org/content/43515                                                                                   
** http://skewednews.net/index.php/2015/07/22/called-post-capitalism-just-another-crappy-capitalist-snowjob/       
** https://www.opendemocracy.net/transformation/kate-aronoff/have-reports-of-death-of-capitalism-been-greatly-exaggerated#
** https://roarmag.org/essays/john-holloway-cracking-capitalism-vs-the-state-option
* Internet is a Failed Utopia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPJTE640ogg&feature=youtu.be
* Internet is not an answer
** (to surveillance, un-equality & unemployment)
** http://thenextweb.com/insider/2014/12/07/ten-reasons-internet-answer-2/
** https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/book-review-the-internet-is-not-the-answer-by-andrew-keen/2015/01/02/8627999a-7973-11e4-9a27-6fdbc612bff8_story.html
** http://www.groveatlantic.com/?title=The+Internet+is+Not+the+Answer
** "Internet is the answer to all the questions of our time" http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jun/15/internet-answer-questions-of-our-time
*** and my reply to Cory https://twitter.com/Ms_Multicolor/status/612167529134485504
* "Why Europe needs a digital regulator - Citizens, governments and technology startups deserve a regulator to keep the monopolistic instincts of the Googles, Facebooks, Amazons and Apples at bay" https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/apr/27/digital-regulator-europe-google-facebook-amazon-apple
* (2014) http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/05/what-do-we-save-when-we-save-the-internet/370885/
* https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/nov/28/technology-our-lives-control-us-internet-giants-data
** The so-called hippy libertarians in Silicon Valley are more like unelected tyrants. They demand free speech and low tax to suit them but impose de facto censorship, surveillance and behavioural correction on us.
** None of the internet giants has unionised employees.
** ... (I'm) "heading off to the dark woods to join the resistance."
* https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/dec/04/google-democracy-truth-internet-search-facebook
* https://www.statista.com/statistics/277483/market-value-of-the-largest-internet-companies-worldwide/
* "the tech industry, powered largely by a culture of smug free-market libertarian self-congratulation, has seen fit to revolutionize personal debt under the banner of “financial technologies” " https://roarmag.org/magazine/debts-of-the-american-empire/ (& gentrification)
technology *is* ideology
* https://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1703/msg00013.html
** The left failed to figure out that  technologists are not new coal miners or industrial workers, but mercenaries for the ruling class, the new         
Pinkertons, and that ideology is deeply embodied in centralized services, asymmetric bandwidth, the culture of     
mediation, and Newspeak of instant messaging. Instead, the left, as bumbling idiots, cheered the use of apps to   
organize "protests". The left interpreted this ideology as inevitable technological progress, and lost the         
battle and the war at that very moment. Instead of reading McLuhan, the best it could think of was to use the     
same centralized ideotechnology from its masters to indoctrinate crowds, but for the left causes. It's             
fascinating how it manages to stay repeatedly surprised as it gets beaten into the ground over and over again.     
Fuck such left and its "academic crowd". The faster it dies out, the better.
* Geoff Huston: "The Internet's Gilded Age" (March 2017) http://www.potaroo.net/ispcol/2017-03/gilding.html                                                         
** "that monopolies are unconditionally an intolerable imposition on the proper functioning of society. The notion of "crony capitalism" and the use of money to purchase political power to further corporate aggrandisement is both an historical and a current problem with large entrenched monopolies"
** "The result was much the same as before: a small number of corporate behemoths dominated the Internet and its portfolio of services and content."
** "Who are these new barons of today’s Gilded Age? Any casual poll would nominate Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft."
** "these new corporate giants have a far smaller workforce and far shallower social roots."
** "In today’s world, there is once more a massive concentration of corporate power. There are fewer public companies and more are disappearing than appearing while this process of concentration and aggregation is underway. Now corporatism is the new thinking, and any politician that has a desire to curb corporate influence and social power is forced to work with a sparse set of thin regulatory frameworks to advance the cause of the public good. The more common mantra is to surrender the ground to so-called industry self-regulation, and hope that the resultant feeding frenzy does not generate an unpalatable level of collateral damage."
** This is no longer just a conversation about carriage and communications. It is probably not even a conversation about carriage and communications at all. The changing face of the Internet is no longer a matter of public communications, but a matter of public services. And with this observation we are back to a more basic theme. The essential topic of the conversation is how to strike a sustainable balance between a rapacious private sector that has amassed overarching control of the digital service and content space, and the needs of the larger society in which we all would like some equity of opportunity to thrive and benefit from the outcomes of this new digital age.
** PLUS (Economist, May 2017) http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21721656-data-economy-demands-new-approach-antitrust-rules-worlds-most-valuable-resource
* Trump & Internet & news-media (and the end of freedom of information & speech ) https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/27/trump-free-speech-media-bans-tweets-internet-deregulation
** "The internet-access industry has become a tight oligopoly,"
** "The large internet providers are now acquiring the media properties for which, increasingly, their services are essential. ... A large portion of the news media will soon be owned by enormous companies with very strong special interests of their own.
** "kleptocracies and dictatorships don’t usually appear overnight; they creep up on you gradually. And this would definitely be one of those times to start looking over your shoulder, early and often."
* Hacking ideology: (Free SW vs) Open Source = capitalist movement VIDEO -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wP7RU1Eog8
* (2017) "We didn’t lose control – it was stolen" https://ar.al/notes/we-didnt-lose-control-it-was-stolen/
* "I Hate The Internet"
** https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/may/16/i-hate-the-internet-jarett-kobek-san-francisco
** http://www.ihatetheinternet.net
** http://weheardyoulikebooks.com/releases/i-hate-the-internet/
* Who Owns the Internet by Elizabeth Kolbert http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/08/28/who-owns-the-internet
* "Coders of the world, unite: can Silicon Valley workers curb the power of Big Tech?" https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/oct/31/coders-of-the-world-unite-can-silicon-valley-workers-curb-the-power-of-big-tech
** The idea that computer networks are inherently democratic and democratising has deep roots in the counterculture that emerged in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1960s.
** "Hippies and rebels [and hackers] ... claimed personal computing as an instrument for personal liberation."
** "digital platforms have become inextricably entangled in the political process."
** activists within the industry ... want to teach their colleagues to see that tech work is work; Then, they want to organise them, .. [to] bring political transparency and democratic accountability to the platforms they have worked to build.
**  Tech Workers Coalition : https://techworkerscoalition.org/
** what engineers do is work; & white-collar professionals are not the only tech workers ; Engineers are not immune to the forces of capitalism;
** Leigh Honeywell, a security manager at Slack, who has since become a Tech Fellow at the ACLU, Ka-Ping Yee, a developer, and Valerie Aurora, a diversity consultant, released a public statement called the Never Again Pledge: http://neveragain.tech/
** the Democratic Socialists of America, which has grown from 7,000 to more than 30,000 members in less than 12 months: http://www.dsausa.org/
** acknowledging that platforms are political. Banal engineering decisions have political consequences.
** engineers should establish codes of conduct, like doctors or librarians. (There was one such organisation in the 1980s, called Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.)
** "'''The daily work of organising takes time.''' TWC members shyly struck up conversations with the people who cooked and served their meals and cleaned up after them. "
** ''the possibility of collectively shaping the world we must live in together.''
* Review of "Surveillance Valley" http://www.boundary2.org/2018/06/zachary-loeb-all-watched-over-by-machines-review-of-levine-surveillance-valley/
* Big Tech (2018) https://newrepublic.com/article/149483/conservatives-hoodwinking-big-tech
* "Challenging the Tech Companies from Within" via LibrarianShipwreck (about ethics in technology) https://librarianshipwreck.wordpress.com/2018/06/28/challenging-the-tech-companies-from-within/
* 2018: https://www.ngi.eu/news/2018/07/05/aral-balkan-and-laura-kalbag-were-not-sleepwalking-into-a-dystopian-future-were-there-today/
** "Surveillance capitalism – the social system we inhabit – is based on a feedback loop between surveillance (the accumulation of information) and capitalism (the accumulation of wealth). It is the present reality of the internet, not its future. We are not sleepwalking into a dystopian future, we are there today. "
* tech industry compared to tobacco industry: AT&T to new acquisition HBO:
** “We need people staring at screens for more hours a day so we can siphon more data from them and monetize it.”
** https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/08/business/media/hbo-att-merger.html
* June 2018 https://www.economist.com/special-report/2018/06/28/how-to-fix-what-has-gone-wrong-with-the-internet
** Internet has failed to deliver the positive, constructive society many of us had hoped for.
** this pattern—a disruptive new network being infiltrated by a new hierarchy—has many historical precedents. (“The Square and the Tower”, Niall Ferguson; The Master Switch, Tim Wu)
** the extensions the internet has spawned now greatly outweigh the original network: billions of smartphones and other devices, and cloud-computing factories the size of football fields, containing unimaginable quantities of data.
** http://lsolum.typepad.com/legaltheory/2018/06/pasquale-on-jeffersonian-hamiltonian-visions-of-tech-platforms.html
** The political consequences of the internet’s growing centralisation are even more troublesome, if less obvious.
** https://www.economist.com/special-report/2018/06/30/there-is-no-single-solution-to-making-the-internet-more-decentralised
* The Curse of Bigness: Antitrust in the New Gilded Age, Tim Wu
** https://globalreports.columbia.edu/books/the-curse-of-bigness/
* March 2020: https://www.ft.com/content/ba94c2bc-6e27-11ea-9bca-bf503995cd6f
** "Inside China’s controversial mission to reinvent the internet (Financial Times)= NY Pravda ;) "
* August 2020: The Internet is for the End User
** RFC8890:
** blog
** https://labs.ripe.net/Members/becha/the-internet-is-for-empowerment-of-end-users
** "All Tech Is Human" https://www.scribd.com/document/476272088/Guide-to-Responsible-Tech-How-to-Get-Involved-Build-a-Better-Tech-Future
* October 2020 : Geoff Huston: Internet was a bad idea ;-)  https://www.zdnet.com/article/digital-pioneer-geoff-huston-apologises-for-bringing-the-internet-to-australia/
====Decolonising Internet====
When Fanon was talking about "decolonization" he was talking about land return,
native sovereignty, wealth redistribution, etc, things that can only be achieved
thru violent struggle.
So, no, you can't "decolonize academia," "decolonize our English dept" or whatever.
( see also: https://wiki.techinc.nl/Hackers_tribes#Colonialism )
* https://digitalfreedomfund.org/decolonising/
* https://digitalfreedomfund.org/what-decolonising-digital-rights-looks-like/
* https://digitalfreedomfund.org/the-first-steps-to-decolonise-digital-rights/
* https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.04068 Decolonial AI: Decolonial Theory as Sociotechnical Foresight in Artificial Intelligence Shakir Mohamed, Marie-Therese Png, William Isaac
* #DigitalDivide http://www.ipsnews.net/2018/10/developing-countries-losing-digital-giants/
** data "National data policies should be designed to address four major issues: who can own data, how data can be collected, who can use such data, and on what terms. They should also address the question of data sovereignty, e.g., which data can leave the country, and consequently are not governed by domestic law. South-South and regional cooperation can help small developing countries build their digital skills, capacities and capabilities."
** infrastructure? IP addresses, equipment, fiber, satellites, telcos?
** knowledge?
* "Decolonizing the Internet Summary Report October, 2018" https://whoseknowledge.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/DTI-2018-Summary-Report.pdf
* Fibre Feudalism
** https://manypossibilities.net/2018/10/fibre-feudalism/
** (& the discussion on GAIA list: https://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/gaia/current/msg02194.html )
* "A Brief Introduction to Decolonial Computing", Ali, Syed Mustafa (2016).
** http://oro.open.ac.uk/46718/1/__userdata_documents8_sma78_Desktop_A_Brief_Introduction_to_Decolonial_Compu.pdf
* Decolonizing the Internet, 2018 report: https://whoseknowledge.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/DTI-2018-Summary-Report.pdf
** https://www.apc.org/en/blog/reporting-back-decolonizing-internet-2018
* "decolonizing technology" A Reading List by Beatrice Martini, May 2017 https://beatricemartini.it/blog/decolonizing-technology-reading-list/
* https://artificeofintelligence.org/non-consensual-bots-and-personal-space/ Flavia Dzodan
** the coloniality of the algorithm (ie the way technology perpetuates colonial practices of resource accumulation and the foundational moment of capitalism as a system based on taxonomies and hierarchies designed to maintain control of resource accumulation).
** In this coloniality, non consent remains a necessary feature, an underpinning that sustains these practices through time.
* Digital / physical colonization :
** http://networkcultures.org/blog/2018/10/30/report-on-radical-networks-in-berlin/
* On Techno-Colonialism https://archive.psg.com/150613.on-technocolonialism.html randy bush
* ""Strike out against techno-colonialism." randy bush https://archive.psg.com/020405.rhodes.html
** "Technology is not an end in itself, it is only a tool to assist our humanity, and should be used for good. That is technologists must take responsibility for the social results of our work. Techno-colonialism is as dangerous as political imperialism, at least to us nerds and those we enable. Life is not just about money and capital success; education and privilege come with responsibility to our societies and to humankind which follows us all our lives. And each of us, as individuals, through our daily acts, can and must do what we can to affect positive social evolution and change."
* "IP Neo-colonialism" Robert Beverly https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.12436.pdf (August 2023)
* IXP data neocolonialism (August 2024) -- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/policy-def-con_policyatdefcon32-cyberpolicy-globaltrade-activity-7228130362818736128-27i1/
==Internet, Electrical Energy Efficiency, Pollution ==
===Sustainability & the Internet===
* event & links: 7.7.2022 https://wiki.techinc.nl/Internet_Footprint_Dilemmas
* Energy-hungry data centers are quietly moving into cities: Companies are pushing more server farms into the hearts of population centers. By Michael Waters June 22, 2022 https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/06/22/1053889/city-server-farms-energy/
* Computing Within Limits
* Data Centers as Impermanent Infrastructures, Julia Velkova (University of Helsinki) 2019 https://culturemachine.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/VELKOVA.pdf
* 11 October , Dutch "news" commentary: https://www.vpro.nl/zondag-met-lubach/kijk/afleveringen/seizoen-12/aflevering-4.html
* April 2020 https://blog.google/inside-google/infrastructure/data-centers-work-harder-sun-shines-wind-blows
* https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jan/06/why-irish-data-centre-boom-complicating-climate-efforts
* https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2020-04-01/how-much-water-do-google-data-centers-use-billions-of-gallons
* https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/sustainability/
* https://wiki.mozilla.org/Projects/Sustainability
* https://digitalfreedomfund.org/when-climate-justice-and-digital-rights-collide/
* DataCenters (in Dutch) https://www.ftm.nl/artikelen/amsterdamse-servers-stroomslurpers
* https://newrepublic.com/article/155993/can-internet-survive-climate-change
* Energy Usage Reports: Environmental awareness as part of algorithmic accountability https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.08354.pdf                                                                           
* Carbon Footprint of the Internet https://livestream.com/internetsociety/radnets19/videos/198024419                                                                                                                                 
* ACM's SIGPLAN "Engaging with Climate Change"  https://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Climate/
''"a clear responsibility to understand and explore ways of reducing the costs of its conference-focused approach to promoting exchange of ideas"                                                                                   
* https://www.iea.org/digital/
* Data is the New Oil https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/burcukilic/big-tech-is-pushing-for-a-new-kind-of-free-trade
* Lights Out: Climate Change Risk to Internet Infrastructure
** http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~pb/anrw18_final.pdf
** https://pc.nanog.org/static/published/meetings/NANOG74/1768/20181001_Barford_Keynote_Lightsout_Climate_v1.pdf
* https://sustainability.google/reports/environmental-report-2018 
* Code Ecologies: an open forum to explore the environmental impact of computation. December 15, 2018. 1~6pm. Free event at the School for Poetic Computation. sfpc.io/codeecologies/
* https://greenhost.net/2018/02/22/making-greenhost-even-greener/
* https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/17/internet-climate-carbon-footprint-data-centres
** The energy used in our digital consumption is set to have a bigger impact on global warming than the entire aviation industry
* "Lights Out: Climate Change Risk to Internet Infrastructure" http://ix.cs.uoregon.edu/~ram/papers/ANRW-2018.pdf
* LIMITS 2018 -- Workshop on Computing within Limits -- The LIMITS workshop aims to foster discussion on the impact of present and future ecological, material, energetic, and societal limits on computing. http://computingwithinlimits.org/2018/computingwithinlimits.org/2018/
* https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/17/internet-climate-carbon-footprint-data-centres
* bitcoin = Death Processors https://medium.com/ill-ixi-lli/-da9326e97d1f
* https://www.wired.com/story/bitcoin-mining-guzzles-energyand-its-carbon-footprint-just-keeps-growing/
* https://blog.p2pfoundation.net/face-value-bitcoin-proof-work-labour-theory-value/2018/02/01
* https://longreads.com/2018/02/15/blockchain-just-isnt-as-radical-as-you-want-it-to-be/amp/
* https://al3x.net/2013/12/18/bitcoin.html
* https://networkcultures.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/23-bitcoinmyths.pdf
* http://suitpossum.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/crypto-patriarchy-problem-of-bitcoins.html
* blockchain & energy usage
** http://www.ianwelsh.net/bitcoin-is-a-bad-way-to-do-something-necessary/
** https://grist.org/article/bitcoin-could-cost-us-our-clean-energy-future/
** https://spectrum.ieee.org/energy/policy/the-ridiculous-amount-of-energy-it-takes-to-run-bitcoin
** http://mashable.com/2017/12/01/bitcoin-energy/#B_n3FS05OPqi
** VS https://files.dyne.org/readers/Bitcoin_end_of_taboo_on_money.pdf
** https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/d3zn9a/ethereum-mining-transaction-electricity-consumption-bitcoin 
** https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/ypkp3y/bitcoin-is-still-unsustainable
* art + z.cach project HARVEST by @julianoliver: http://technology.inquirer.net/67031/wind-power-cryptocurrency-in-a-combo-that-funds-climate-change-research & https://julianoliver.com/output/harvest
* https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/aek3za/bitcoin-could-consume-as-much-electricity-as-denmark-by-2020
* Bitcoin & the energy usage/waste  http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-10-06/quiggin-bitcoins-are-a-waste-of-energy/6827940 
* https://ourworldindata.org/scale-for-electricity
* https://labs.ripe.net/Members/michael_oghia/sustainability-is-good-for-the-internet-and-business-too
* http://www.circleid.com/posts/20170619_internet_governance_for_sustainability/
* http://www.circleid.com/posts/20170815_aviation_the_dirty_not_so_little_secret_of_internet_governance/
* networking in the long emergency http://www1.icsi.berkeley.edu/~barath/papers/longemergency-greennet11.pdf
* Tips from SIGPLAN report: reducing (climate) costs of conferences https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VLIjocofEzDkjFBvHj3i7YeW9h14weWkG7DRw2e7f70/edit#
* https://thestack.com/data-centre/2017/10/02/data-centre-influx-squeezing-irish-electricity-network/
* An Environmental History of Computing http://homes.sice.indiana.edu/nensmeng/files/ensmenger-dirty-bits.pdf
* https://medium.com/@bert.hubert/honouring-david-mackay-s-contribution-to-the-future-of-energy-being-pro-arithmetic-58fd1de99643
* LinkedIn datacenter using " 4.2 megawatts of allocated power" https://engineering.linkedin.com/blog/2016/04/linkedin-first-international-data-center-live-singapore
** http://www.zdnet.com/article/linkedin-opens-first-international-data-centre-in-singapore/
* Greenpeace report: http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/global-warming/click-clean/#updates
* Extracting precious metals to make mobile phones & computers & other electronic / connected / Internet devices
** http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20161017-your-old-phone-is-full-of-precious-metals
* Very good report: Greening The Cloud: https://www.nederlandict.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/greeningthecloudweblr-2.pdf
* http://www.circleid.com/posts/20170321_shedding_light_on_how_much_energy_internet_and_ict_consume/
* "The Environmental Toll of a Netflix Binge -- The data centers that support the Internet use a huge amount of energy." http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/12/there-are-no-clean-clouds/420744/
* Energy usage https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Hackers_tribes:42_questions#energy
* http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/11/to-go-green-facebook-puts-petabytes-of-cat-pics-on-ice-and-likes-windfarming/
* http://grist.org/science/can-something-called-the-cleanweb-help-fight-climate-change/
** cleanweb TV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLfqfLI5-Ib0FNXfC5C3ZlA
* CO2-neutral ISPs & datacenters in Holland: http://www.ispam.nl/archives/1054/co2-neutrale-webhosting/
* https://www.hivos.nl/nieuws/co2-uitstoot-van-datacenters-dreigt-uit-de-hand-te-lopen/
** https://www.hivos.nl/assets/2015/04/Hivos-final-datacenter-rapport-digitaal-v2.pdf
* http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/23/technology/data-centers-waste-vast-amounts-of-energy-belying-industry-image.html
* http://www.isptoday.nl/achtergrond/de-energie-verspilling-van-datacenters/
* http://www.computable.nl/artikel/opinie/datacenters/5260482/4907128/datacenterbranche-is-geen-vervuiler.html
* http://www.wisenederland.nl/groene-stroom/ranglijst-duurzaamheid-stroomleveranciers-nederlandse-stroom-vergrijst
==No Fossil Fuels==
==No Fossil Fuels==
* 2019: economists statement on carbon tax https://clcouncil.org/economists-statement/
* Low-Carbon Society  
* Low-Carbon Society  
Line 305: Line 2,535:
** ... too slow (November 2013) http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/blog/transition-low-carbon-economy-fails-pace-report
** ... too slow (November 2013) http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/blog/transition-low-carbon-economy-fails-pace-report
* (anti)  Fracking report http://www.whatthefrack.eu/
* 2018: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/apr/26/were-doomed-mayer-hillman-on-the-climate-reality-no-one-else-will-dare-mention
** “We’ve got to stop burning fossil fuels. So many aspects of life depend on fossil fuels, except for music and love and education and happiness. These things, which hardly use fossil fuels, are what we must focus on.”
* Solar http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-06-23/the-way-humans-get-electricity-is-about-to-change-forever
* "an engine that develops electricity from heated waste water" https://fora.ie/exergyn-engine-waste-water-2791969-May2016/
* http://www.survivopedia.com/how-to-start-your-electrical-energy-stockpile/
* http://www.survivopedia.com/4-easy-solutions-for-lighting-your-indoor-plants/
* http://www.survivopedia.com/8-things-to-keep-under-the-radar-during-a-blackout/
* "Green Wizardry" lessons
* appropopedia
===Bikes instead of cars===
Human-powered transport!!
* http://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2010/09/the-velomobile-high-tech-bike-or-low-tech-car.html
* My own idea: multi-user-rickshaw-with-roof :)
* [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14693062.2013.759726 Climate policies in a changing world context: is a paradigm shift needed?]]
* http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/apr/07/climate-change-violence-occupy-earth
* True costs of driving http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/10/driving-true-costs/412237/
* Thrivability as a criticism to sustainability  http://p2pfoundation.net/Thrivability
===Public transport===
* Permaculture (alternative food production ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permaculture
===Train Travel===
* Transition Towns http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transition_Towns
* https://www.seat61.com --> how-to / guide / tips for routes & tickets:: "The Man in Seat Sixty-One"
* No stress https://aeon.co/essays/what-makes-train-travel-such-an-antidote-to-life-s-stresses
* 2020
** https://theconversation.com/could-sleeper-trains-replace-international-air-travel-130334
** https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2020/jan/13/rail-itineraries-europe-tarian-holidays-austria-netherlands-coast-france-burgundy-vineyards
** https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2020/jan/11/cologne-to-vienna-night-train-sleeper-car-austria-state-railway-nightjet
** https://www.newstatesman.com/world/europe/2020/07/europe-s-train-lines-are-brilliant-broken-five-ways-fix-them
* Night train / sleepers
** https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2020/jan/11/cologne-to-vienna-night-train-sleeper-car-austria-state-railway-nightjet
** Night Train To Lisbon, a novel :)
** https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/11/travel/europe-overnight-trains.html                                           
** https://www.worldtravelguide.net/features/feature/10-of-the-best-night-trains-in-europe-2/                                                                           
** https://amateurtraveler.com/11-exciting-european-night-trains/ 
* Trans-siberian 2011 https://medium.com/gone/one-month-on-the-worlds-longest-train-ride-for-1-000-a681fdaf0b6b                                   
* Trains per country:
** Dutch travel agency: https://www.treinreiswinkel.nl
** Dutch trains: ns.nl
** Croatian trains: https://prodaja.hzpp.hr
** German bahn.de & https://www.bahn.com/en/view/offers/regional/day-ticket-for-germany.shtml                                         
** Swiss sbb.ch
** Austrian oebb.at
** France
* enjoy armchair travelling with the Shirika la Reli la Tanzania https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcEa8iWmDYc 
* https://www.flixtrain.com/                                                                                       
====hackathon on a train====
** https://trainhack.cz
** https://www.hackatrain.nl
** https://ormdigital.com/insights/48-hour-hackathon-on-a-train-hacktrain-2017/
** https://hackpartners.com/events/hacktrain-innotrans/
** https://trainhack.com
** http://trainjam.com
** https://www.africatravelhack.zulunomad.com
==Alternatives to Consumerism==
==Alternatives to Consumerism==
* TEA! http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/gallery/2014/feb/14/8-things-you-didnt-know-about-tea-and-5-things-that-will-help-secure-its-future?CMP=twt_gu
* http://www.alternet.org/activism/people-across-america-are-waking-effects-disaster-capitalism-much-better-way-life-possible?paging=off&current_page=1#bookmark (alternatives to Disaster Capitalism & to economic, energy, environment crisis) 26 Sep 2013
* http://www.alternet.org/activism/people-across-america-are-waking-effects-disaster-capitalism-much-better-way-life-possible?paging=off&current_page=1#bookmark (alternatives to Disaster Capitalism & to economic, energy, environment crisis) 26 Sep 2013
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* http://www.popularresistance.org/ten-things-you-can-do-to-democratize-the-economy/
* http://www.popularresistance.org/ten-things-you-can-do-to-democratize-the-economy/
* President of Uruguay September 2013  http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=45989&Cr=general+debate&Cr1#.UnTdeBZEB3Y // http://en.mercopress.com/2013/09/25/mujica-blasted-consumerism-and-called-for-political-heads-to-rule-the-globalized-world // http://thewanderlife.com/human-happiness-and-the-environment-address-by-uruguayan-president-jose-mujica-at-rio-20-summit/ // http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mw-9XvcoHXo#t=54 //  
* President of Uruguay September 2013  http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=45989&Cr=general+debate&Cr1#.UnTdeBZEB3Y // http://en.mercopress.com/2013/09/25/mujica-blasted-consumerism-and-called-for-political-heads-to-rule-the-globalized-world // http://thewanderlife.com/human-happiness-and-the-environment-address-by-uruguayan-president-jose-mujica-at-rio-20-summit/ // http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mw-9XvcoHXo#t=54 //
* buy nothing day http://www.koopniets.nl
* http://www.moneylessmanifesto.org/
* all things alternative (move this to another category) -- http://www.omslag.nl
* '''Subsistence is resistance''' http://terranovavoice.tamera.org/2013/10/subsistence-is-resistance/478
crisis regions can learn from ecovillages // applied sustainability:
- Natural water management.
- Decentralised energy autonomy.
- Local food autonomy.
- Community based economy.
- Holistic Planned Grazing.
- Community Knowledge
*  http://www.appropedia.org/Welcome_to_Appropedia Eco-living portal:
* REconomy Helping you transform your local economy http://www.reconomy.org/inspiring-enterprises/
* Not spending (extra) money https://www.theguardian.com/money/blog/2016/nov/26/no-spending-year-over-new-way-living-wealthier-wiser
* https://roarmag.org/magazine/debts-of-the-american-empire/
* How does an eco village reduces carbon footprint https://www.dancingrabbit.org/about-dancing-rabbit-ecovillage/eco-living/cutting-our-carbon-footprint/
* Fallacy of the "Tragedy of the Commons":
** http://steadystate.org/the-fallacy-of-the-tragedy-of-the-commons/
** http://www.onthecommons.org/debunking-tragedy-commons
** http://crookedtimber.org/2004/05/06/fallacy-of-the-commons/
** The Myth of the Tragedy of the Commons by Ian Angus http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2008/angus250808.html
** http://anarchism.pageabode.com/afaq/seci6.html
** https://medium.com/dark-mountain/myth-of-the-tragedy-of-the-commons-3ae140e1d01e
** https://medium.com/dark-mountain/regurgitating-the-myth-of-the-tragedy-of-the-commons-8c9aa93e50c
* https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-tragedy-of-the-tragedy-of-the-commons
* Definition: http://www.onthecommons.org/magazine/elinor-ostroms-8-principles-managing-commmons
1. Define clear group boundaries.
2. Match rules governing use of common goods to local needs and conditions.
3. Ensure that those affected by the rules can participate in modifying the rules.
4. Make sure the rule-making rights of community members are respected by outside authorities.
5. Develop a system, carried out by community members, for monitoring members’ behavior.
6. Use graduated sanctions for rule violators.
7. Provide accessible, low-cost means for dispute resolution.
8. Build responsibility for governing the common resource in nested tiers from the lowest level up to the entire interconnected system.
* Elenor Ostrom
** http://www.nobelprize.org/educational/nobelprize_info/ostrom-edu.html
** Ostrom, Elinor (1990). Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521405997.
** http://www.onthecommons.org/magazine/elinor-ostroms-8-principles-managing-commmons
* About commons: http://evonomics.com/tragedy-of-the-commons-elinor-ostrom/
* https://selforganizedseminar.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/federici-feminism-and-the-politics-of-commons.pdf
** https://selforganizedseminar.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/hardt_negri_commonwealth.pdf
==Economy of No Growth==
==Economy of No Growth==
* Life in the DEGROWTH economy http://www.filmsforaction.org/articles/life-in-a-degrowth-economy-and-why-you-might-actually-enjoy-it/
* http://www.reddit.com/r/AskSocialScience/comments/1pevhm/are_there_any_wellestablished_economic_theories/cd25sd0
* http://www.reddit.com/r/AskSocialScience/comments/1pevhm/are_there_any_wellestablished_economic_theories/cd25sd0
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* Sweden : http://www.slate.com/articles/business/billion_to_one/2013/10/sweden_s_billionaires_they_have_more_per_capita_than_the_united_states.html
* Sweden : http://www.slate.com/articles/business/billion_to_one/2013/10/sweden_s_billionaires_they_have_more_per_capita_than_the_united_states.html
* Applying permaculture principles to finance
* Degrowth - embraced by Morozov! http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2014/01/degrowth_movement_challenges_more_information_is_always_better_status_quo.html
* "Triple bottom line investing (TBLI) reflects an enlightened understanding of self-interest: we profit most by contributing to something greater than ourselves."
* Eco-economics -- Extraeconomics is a new kind of economic thinking, fit for the renewable energy age.  http://greencheck.nl/?p=1625
* http://motherboard.vice.com/read/endless-growth-part-1
* Steady State (add links)
** http://steadystate.org/discover/enough-is-enough/
** http://www.eoearth.org/article/Herman_Daly_Festschrift:_Hicksian_income,_welfare,_and_the_steady_state
** http://www.eoearth.org/view/article/153492/
* Dutch sustainability network: http://rijksduurzaamheidsnetwerk.ning.com/
* DEGROWTH http://www.spookmagazine.com/capitalisms-fetish-for-growth-is-killing-us-but-there-may-be-a-solution/
* Sufficient - ENOUGH - economy -- http://simplicitycollective.com/sufficiency-economy-enough-for-everyone-forever
* Degrowth – real anti-capitalism https://winteroak.org.uk/2015/03/30/the-acorn6/#2
* (degrowth.org)
* http://www.thesufficiencyeconomy.com/
* https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2015/sep/23/developing-poor-countries-de-develop-rich-countries-sdgs
===Caring Economy===
* http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/12/work-life-balance/419361/
"valuing all the activities that society needs for humans to flourish."
** http://rianeeisler.com/press-release-caring-economy-campaign-launches-new-indicators-beyond-gdp/
** http://www.indiebound.org/book/9780812994568
* http://caringeconomy.org/
* Riane Eisler, The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics.
* http://www.pbs.org/newshour/making-sense/why-this-gender-crossing-economist-prefers-motherly-libertarianism-to-government-paternalism/ ( minimum income)
* female sources on alternative economy:
** https://georgiebc.wordpress.com/2013/02/28/an-economy-for-all/
** Naomi Klein, THE SHOCK DOCTRINE http://www.naomiklein.org/shock-doctrine
** Arundhaty Roy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arundhati_Roy#Further_reading
** Riane Eisler, The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics.
* http://thenextsystem.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/NewSystems_RianeEisler.pdf e.g. "these Nordic nations... often call themselves *caring societies* — another way of describing partnership-oriented cultures."
* http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/01/why-i-am-not-a-maker/384767/
* "caregivism" http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/12/opinion/sunday/how-to-fix-feminism.html
* http://globalwomenstrike.net/
International network for recognition & payment for all '''caring''' work,
and the return of military spending to the community starting with women the main carers everywhere.
* http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/10/opinion/sunday/payback-time-for-women.html
* You have to value care-giving http://qz.com/806516/the-secret-to-patagonias-success-keeping-moms-and-onsite-child-care-and-paid-parental-leave/
* Intersection of working Less, Feminism, anti-capitalism, and equal right for sex-workers & domestic workers:
** http://www.versobooks.com/blogs/2658-no-condom-no-pussy-housework-is-real-work-sex-work-is-real-work-under-capitalism-all-work-is-shit
** https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Female_experts#on_alternative_economy.2C_against_capitalism
* https://medium.com/@anabjain/making-as-an-act-of-caring-6a8ec70cebed#.r0ibsrn8x
* https://serendipstudio.org/sci_cult/leguin/
** The mother tongue is language not as mere communication but as relation, relationship. It connects.
** the art of making order where people live
** Art as a way, a skillful and powerful way of being in the world.
** NVC: "using the whole intellect not half of it, talking with one another, which involves listening. We tried to offer our experience to one another. Not claiming something: offering something."
* https://internetfreedomfestival.org/wiki/index.php/How_Activists_Organize_Self_Care_and_Collective_Care%3F
https://jacobinmag.com/2018/06/bullshit-jobs-david-graeber-work-service -> layer about CARE!!!
(reference to feminist theory within broader society&economy..) http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/mar/26/caring-curse-working-class-austerity-solidarity-scourge
(maintenance = caring) https://aeon.co/essays/innovation-is-overvalued-maintenance-often-matters-more
gendered, hierarchical division between “production” and “reproduction” is a defining structure of capitalist society
and a deep source of the gender asymmetries hard-wired in it.
There can be no “emancipation of women” so long as this structure remains intact.
feminist ideas are being twisted to serve neoliberal, capitalist ends.
* "The Care Crisis: What Caused It and How Can We End It?" (January 2021)  by Emma Dowling https://www.versobooks.com/books/3667-the-care-crisis
* https://seasonalight.com/2019/12/19/on-structural-love-learning-through-shared-pain/
===Working Less===
* http://www.newphilosopher.com/articles/work-less-live-more/
* https://medium.com/bad-words/the-asshole-factory-71ff808d887c#.u62xqmeh7
* http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/05/26/no-time 
* http://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/you-really-dont-need-to-work-so-much
* http://pericastalian.tumblr.com/post/132342738759/time-work-and-postcapitalism
* http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/01/inequality-work-hours/422775/
* https://opendemocracy.net/transformation/lucy-purdy/work-less-play-more
* http://www.pbs.org/newshour/making-sense/why-americas-favorite-anarchist-thinks-most-american-workers-are-slaves/
* https://www.opendemocracy.net/transformation/nasima-begum/workaholics-anonymous-how-i-learned-to-stop-working-and-take-time-for-my
* http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/04/quit-your-job/471501/
* https://www.1843magazine.com/features/why-do-we-work-so-hard
* Fallacy of the "wage labor" necessity: https://medium.com/mooria/a-five-hundred-year-moment-3d002843f6dd#.pc3o1a3go
* "unneccesariat" https://morecrows.wordpress.com/2016/05/10/unnecessariat/
* Bying less https://www.theguardian.com/money/blog/2016/nov/26/no-spending-year-over-new-way-living-wealthier-wiser
* https://aeon.co/essays/what-if-jobs-are-not-the-solution-but-the-problem
* http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/12/books/review/arianna-huffington-rest-alex-soojung-kim-pang.html && "Why You Get More Done When You Work Less, By Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, Basic Books"
* https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/dec/22/why-time-management-is-ruining-our-lives
* Dangers of over-working https://medium.com/zero-infinity/overworking-6d082fed56d6 / If working less is so productive, why is it so hard?
* https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/05/smarter-living/workplace-burnout-symptoms.html
* Burnout https://medium.com/@zenpeacekeeper/take-a-break-f877907877bc
* Bullshit Jobs:
** https://strikemag.org/bullshit-jobs/
** http://evonomics.com/why-capitalism-creates-pointless-jobs-david-graeber/
** https://maymay.net/blog/2014/04/20/david-graeber-on-death-by-bureaucracy-if-we-had-a-basic-income-we-wouldnt-need-to-decide-who-needs-food-and-who-doesnt/
** more bureaucracy: https://hbr.org/2016/07/more-of-us-are-working-in-big-bureaucratic-organizations-than-ever-before
** https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/nov/23/from-inboxing-to-thought-showers-how-business-bullshit-took-over
** https://www.debalie.nl/agenda/podium/david-graeber-+-bullshit-jobs/e_9783508/p_11771909/
* "How I lost my 25-year battle against corporate claptrap" / business buzzwords / bullshit language: https://www.ft.com/lucycolumn
===Sharing Economy===
* http://www.alternet.org/environment/real-sharing-economy-booming-and-its-not-one-venture-capitalists-are-cashing
* http://p2pfoundation.org (EVERYTHING about peer to peer & sharing!!)
*  Binding Chaos, the new book by Heather Marsh
** http://georgiebc.wordpress.com/2013/05/24/binding-chaos/ (pdf, ePUB)
** http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/an-economy-for-all/2013/10/28 (part)
** http://roarmag.org/2013/12/heather-marsh-binding-chaos-review/ (review)
*  http://suitpossum.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/crypto-patriarchy-problem-of-bitcoins.html
"Interestingly, women are pioneers in the so-called sharing economy, which conservative Milo Yiannopoulos slated as an "emasculating, dispiriting and demotivating" realm of insipid do-gooders. Poor Milo, frightened by the thought of his manhood being threatened by people actually wanting to co-operate and share stuff.)"
(this links to my Women in Technology page [[Ladies_Night]]
* Sharing = libraries  [[User:Becha/LibrarianShip#Libraries ]]
* Purpose economy - the case for generosity: http://www.fastcompany.com/1722708/case-generosity
* Why Gig Economy will not last http://www.fastcompany.com/3042248/the-gig-economy-wont-last-because-its-being-sued-to-death
* Social solidarity economy: http://www.ripess.eu/ Intercontinental Network of the Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS)
* Gift Economy http://gift-economy.com/
* http://powertopersuade.org.au/2015/08/06/stop-calling-it-the-sharing-economy-that-isnt-what-it-is/
* http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/2015/10/15/infographic-the-real-mythical-creatures-of-the-collaborative-economy/
* https://medium.com/@resilience_me/resilience-a-fully-voluntary-wealth-sharing-network-6873c927736a#.f55gy18xu
*          Share like a Sherpa: Class Inequality in the "Sharing" Economy http://www.opednews.com/articles/Share-like-a-Sherpa-Class-by-Anthony-Kalamar-Class_Inequality_Language_Sharing-Economy-151026-178.html
* https://medium.com/@trebors/platform-cooperativism-vs-the-sharing-economy-2ea737f1b5ad#.kb7crx4qs
* Sebastian Orma...
* Universal Basic Income (UBI)
** http://www.furtherfield.org/features/articles/universal-basic-income-neoliberal-plot-make-you-poorer
** See discussions on UnCiv list...
** https://medium.com/economicsecproj/technological-inheritance-and-the-case-for-a-basic-income-ded373a69c8e#.ayxejglhs
** See "MoneyLab#3" conference...
** http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/01/08/basic-income-basic-issues/
* Universal Basic Services
** https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/igp/sites/bartlett/files/universal_basic_services_-_the_institute_for_global_prosperity_.pdf
* @casparhenderson : As @jimmy_wales said, 'communism' may not be right word, but recalling @davidgraeber, whenever action proceeds from each according to their abilities to each according to needs, we have 'everyday communism.' More neutral terms include 'solidarity,' 'mutual aid,' 'conviviality'...
===Criticism of capitalism===
* http://www.thewhitereview.org/features/seventeen-contradictions-and-the-end-of-capitalism/
* http://review31.co.uk/interview/view/16/ponzi-scheme-capitalism-an-interview-with-david-harvey
* (add all the other links from the above)
* Capitalism must die:
** “Capitalism Must Die! A Basic Introduction to Capitalism: What It Is, Why It Sucks, and How to Crush It” http://stephaniemcmillan.org/shop/ (also available as eBook, pay-what-you-can
** http://stephaniemcmillan.org/2011/05/09/50-ways-to-prepare-for-revolution-2/
* LET IT DIE: Rushkoff on the economy  http://arthurmag.com/2009/03/16/let-it-die-rushkoff-on-the-economy/
unfettered capitalism is unstable, empowers predatory behavior and worsens inequality
* review of the movie on history of capitalism: Boom Bust Boom (Terry Jones)
** http://www.salon.com/2016/03/09/hillarys_predicament_and_the_history_of_capitalism_former_monty_python_member_explains_it_all/
** Boom Bust Boom
** The Big Short
* Birth of Thanaticism  ,  McKenzie Wark -- April 3, 2014  http://www.publicseminar.org/2014/04/birth-of-thanaticism/ >
* video: "the purest, most intense expression ever made of the essential logic of neoliberal capitalism:" https://twitter.com/shaviro/status/718567378850676737 // https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=oSPT27XyY1U
I do coke so I can work longer so I can earn more so I can do more coke
** 20th century was: I drink to forget...
* https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21228354-500-revealed-the-capitalist-network-that-runs-the-world/
* Colonialism, displacement, belonging.. & capitalism http://www.lisagye.com/unsettled-history-time-space-and-belonging/
* Postcapitalism
** Paul Mason, the book:
** "capitalism being replaced by a stagnant net-feudalism." https://medium.com/mosquito-ridge/postcapitalism-and-the-city-6dda80bc201d#.x1w6ouzhz
** Criticism
* Concerning Violence: Frantz Fanon
** "Angered by the racism he witnessed on Martinique during the Second World War, Fanon here examines the roles of class, culture and violence, and expresses his profound alienation from the idea of colonialism and its bloodshed. More than four decades on, Fanon's work still inspires liberation movements today."
* https://bookshop.theguardian.com/wretched-of-the-earth.html
** Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon
** Provides inspiration for anti-colonial movements ever since, analysing the role of class, race, national culture and violence in the struggle for freedom. In this book, the author makes clear the economic and psychological degradation inflicted by imperialism.
* http://www.focaalblog.com/2018/06/22/patrick-neveling-hau-and-the-latest-stage-of-capitalism/
** capitalism feeds on the exploitation and superexploitation of workers ...
** tax evasion; and the inertia of national governments and international institutions in the face of this blatant refusal to partake in social contracts
** academia (is) an integral part of the capitalist world-system. In fact, scientific research and theorizing were central components to the rise of capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, fascism, and neo-imperial postcolonialism and to all the major crimes against humanity.
* The Power of Neighborhood http://www.autonomedia.org/node/198
** description of existing (urban) communities and action plan for building the world based on "holon" theory & commons 
** http://www.o500.org/invitation.html (o500 New urban institutions for living and working together, respecting nature, leading to a fullfilled and happy life)
* (Another mention of holons..) http://www.joannamacy.net/livingsystems/the-holonic-shift.html
* Cooperation in a village in Serbia: http://afflatusnews.com/Serbia/1/Svi_stanovnici_jednog_sela_u_Banatu_su_se_udružili_da_bi_svi_ziveli_bolje  
* Cooperation in a village in Serbia: http://afflatusnews.com/Serbia/1/Svi_stanovnici_jednog_sela_u_Banatu_su_se_udružili_da_bi_svi_ziveli_bolje  
* http://opensourceecology.org The Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) is a modular, DIY, low-cost, high-performance platform that allows for the easy fabrication of the 50 different Industrial Machines that it takes to build a small, sustainable civilization with modern comforts. - See more at: http://opensourceecology.org/#sthash.0FWPjs5Y.dpuf
* Sustenance Farm
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000-watt_society                                                                   
* by LaDonna Harris there's "Indigeneity, an Alternative Worldview: Four R’s (Relationship, Responsibility, Reciprocity, Redistribution) vs. Two P’s (Power and Profit).
* Sharing the Journey Towards Conscious Evolution" (w J Wasilewski), also
* Vanessa Watts "Indigenous place-thought & agency amongst humans and non-humans (First Woman and Sky Woman go on a European world tour!)".
* In the Chamoru culture, we call this inafa'maolek. I would argue that this is our most important value. It's the idea of everyone doing good for everyone, such as through our practices like chenchule' (reciprocity) or patte (sharing).
===Against Individualism===
* Teach your child the importance of communal achievements as opposed to the banality of narcissistic goals.
* The case for Generosity // http://lukkin.com/status/58861/f90e9530-990d-44f3-b536-6bc519db28b3
* see "sharing" & "altruism" as part of the "new way of thinking" : https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Hackers_tribes_quotes_culture
* About individualism: Jitterbug Parfume, book by Tim Robbins
* Altruism & evolution: http://www.prospect.org/article/evolutionary-roots-altruism
* Families , lack of community http://www.salon.com/2016/03/06/were_not_meant_to_do_this_alone_american_individualism_is_destroying_our_families/
* https://phys.org/news/2017-01-microbes-altruistic-behavior.html
* Difference between individual freedom & autonomy & connection
It is thus precisely in this binding we do with other human beings that our autonomy lies.
* ^^ From https://norasamaran.com/2016/07/21/for-men-who-desperately-need-autonomy-make-it-dont-take-it/
* From "The Invisible Committee" (https://events.ccc.de/congress/2014/Fahrplan/events/6459.html)
** "Freund” and “frei” in German come from the same Indo-European root, which conveys the idea of a shared power that increases. Being free and having ties was one and the same thing. I am free because I have ties, because I am linked to a reality greater than me.
** how ridiculous and what a scam the individual freedom of “I do what I feel like doing” is. If they truly want to fight the government, the hackers have to give up this fetish. The cause of individual freedom is what prevents them from forming strong groups capable of laying down a real strategy,
===Existing Communities===
[[File:imagine9-en.jpg| right |400px]]
* http://www.tamera.org/index.php?id=1&L=0
* (Discussion) https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/op-n-m
* http://wetheuncivilized.org/
* http://azart.org -- Ship Of Fools, planning the European tour & world-tour :)
* https://calafou.org
* http://www.ooooo.be/S14/ 
* http://bwcd.vdcn.org/doku.php
* http://www.tokyohackerfarm.org/
* http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Infinity Infinity (Dharamshala, India)
* http://unmonastery.eu/ unMonastery (Matera, Italy)
* http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Cyberhippietotalism
* Marinaleda : A Terra de Todos - The Land of Utopia (Cooperative / Utopian village in Spain)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rlqT4NPM9E
* Marinaleda : A Terra de Todos - The Land of Utopia (Cooperative / Utopian village in Spain)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rlqT4NPM9E
* http://opensourceecology.org The Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) is a modular, DIY, low-cost, high-performance platform that allows for the easy fabrication of the 50 different Industrial Machines that it takes to build a small, sustainable civilization with modern comforts. - See more at: http://opensourceecology.org/#sthash.0FWPjs5Y.dpuf
(and many more… http://bwcd.vdcn.org/doku.php/links/similar_projects )
* Out of place: Where will I be 10 years from now: http://tynan.com/where-ill-be-in-2024
* http://neustartschweiz.ch
* http://danach.info
* http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/green-living/easy-living-the-truth-about-modern-communes-2020668.html
** http://lammas.org.uk/
** http://www.brithdirmawr.co.uk/
* CONTRIBUTE to the existing collections:
** http://www.moneylesssociety.com/get-involved/
** thischangeseverything
* They built it, no-one came: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/05/17/style/they-built-it-no-one-came.html
* Eco villages :
** Dutch http://www.omslag.nl/wonen/ecodorpen.html
** On the Bali: Green School & local eco-village : http://studentvillage.greenschool.org/
** Gubavcevo Polje in Lika?!?! https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/User:Becha/Lika
* http://www.o500.org/invitation.html -- o500 New urban institutions for living and working together, respecting nature, leading to a fullfilled and happy life
* Diggers & Dreamers - in UK http://www.diggersanddreamers.org.uk/
* http://www.thefec.org/
* http://autonomecollective.org/ollie/community/emma-goldman-finishing-school-seattle/
*  https://soundcloud.com/point-a-gpaul/income-sharing-across-the-pond
* http://www.kommuja.de/core-principles/
* https://english.lasindias.com/the-book-of-community-in-english
* https://payhip.com/b/Bz4o
* Compersia http://www.mnn.com/your-home/at-home/blogs/DC-commune-values-meals-shared-along-personal-income & http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/09/income-pooling-commune-inequality/501053/
* Ganas http://nymag.com/news/features/16711/
* Twin Oaks http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/08/utopia-erik-reece/494741/
* Federation of Egalitarian Communities http://www.thefec.org/
* Millenial share-pads http://www.mnn.com/your-home/remodeling-design/blogs/co-living-hipster-commune-dorm-grown-ups-or-new-model-sharing
* Co-housing experiments http://www.treehugger.com/green-architecture/cohousing-test.html
* TED talk - choosing (co-housing) makes you happier & makes you live longer https://www.ted.com/talks/grace_kim_how_cohousing_can_make_us_happier_and_live_longer
* Tiny-house movement (example) http://www.mnn.com/your-home/remodeling-design/blogs/small-is-beautiful-casts-honest-often-heartbreaking-light-on-tiny
* Army-base in Germany http://www.designboom.com/architecture/carlo-ratti-assocaiti-patrick-henry-village-germany-09-28-2016/
* https://embassynetwork.com/ "a global housing layer for the new world // We are building a cooperative movement for those leveraging housing towards greater aims, where those aims are strengthened by operating in community with others, global fluid mobility, and by connection to other networks."
* "Our Village" by Dmitry Orlov (g00gleD0c warning!) https://docs.google.com/document/d/11CHdKaxGZRAN2ia99Qy03KuzNyTJcDmVEDF7n53XxRQ/edit
* A  community in Australia
** Download the film at http://happenfilms.com/a-simpler-way
** "A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity" is a free feature-length documentary that follows a community in Australia who came together to explore and demonstrate a simpler way to live in response to global crises. Throughout the year the group build tiny houses, plant veggie gardens, practice simple living, and discover the challenges of living in community. This film is the product of hours and hours of footage that I shot during that year-long experiment in simple living.
* http://www.ic.org/directory/black-bulga/
* Fellowship for Intentional Communities http://www.ic.org/
* https://ecohackerfarm.org/
* LE JARDIN VICTOR - Community house in Coulanges-Sur-Yonne https://lejardinvictor.wordpress.com
** This beautiful house is the property of Patrice and his sister Brigitte, who would like to turn it into a community hub for organisations working on the common good, while serving the local community. An association is in the process of being formed to bring together all individuals and organisations who...
* Center for Alternative Technologies (Wales) https://cat.org.uk/
* http://grist.org/politics/an-occupy-founder-says-the-next-revolution-will-be-rural/
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Hackers_tribes#Partial_Solutions
* They Built it, no-one came http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/05/17/style/they-built-it-no-one-came.html
* GetAway http://www.mnn.com/your-home/remodeling-design/blogs/harvard-startup-offers-hire-tiny-houses-middle-nowhere
===Building Communities===
Community Building
* https://www.opendemocracy.net/transformation/charlotte-millar/how-to-stop-competing-and-start-building-community
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/User:Becha/Lika#2016
* https://lists.puscii.nl/wws/arc/uncivilization/
* Building the village 3.0 https://medium.com/village-3-0/building-village-3-0-3fbff72372e8#.8ar5fyhsw
* http://zylstra.org/blog/How_to_Unconference_Your_Birthday.pdf
* (maybe move to another category?) http://www.chelseagreen.com/lean-logic
** "Lean Logic is David Fleming’s masterpiece, the product of more than thirty years’ work and a testament to the creative brilliance of one of Britain’s most important intellectuals.
** A dictionary unlike any other, it leads readers through Fleming’s stimulating exploration of fields as diverse as culture, history, science, art, logic, ethics, myth, economics, and anthropology, being made up of 472 engaging essay-entries covering topics such as Boredom, Community, Debt, Growth, Harmless Lunatics, Land, Lean Thinking, Nanotechnology, Play, Religion, Spirit, Trust, and Utopia."
** http://thackara.com/learning-institutions/lean-logic-a-dictionary-for-the-future-and-how-to-survive-it-2/
* http://www.diggersanddreamers.org.uk/resources/low-impact-living-communities-in-britain
* http://www.gfxtrra.com/ebooks/354710-the-impossible-community-realizing-communitarian-anarchism.html
* http://anarchistnews.org/content/why-i-broke-anarchist-community
* http://indigenousrising.org/blog-the-battle-ahead-lies-in-our-hearts-by-cherri-foytlin/
** How do we build, in what looks to be one of the most regressive and oppressive eras of our time?
** "birth and growth are painful exercises. "
** "wealth as example, wealth as inspiration, wealth as knowledge, wealth of understanding "
** "birth and growth are also not passive deeds. We must then take ourselves to the battle grounds, and organize and educate -- must we be standing in defiance of that injury or assault."
** "we must recognize the basic humanity in each of us. Yes, there will be arguments, frustrations, and challenges within our circles. Tactics will be different, skills will vary, leadership will shift and change, along with strategies and narratives....  and give each other the benefit of allowance of growth, understanding, and opportunity to make mistakes along the way."
* https://mic.com/articles/161864/here-s-the-thing-standing-rock-protesters-did-differently-and-won#.FTfsriRXa
** http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/stories/time-standing-rock/
** Direct Non-Violent Action http://ruckus.org/training-action-support/trainings-we-offer/
* Among other things - what can we do - is to BUILD COMMUNITIES: https://medium.com/@danprisk/the-10-ways-you-can-counter-13-impossible-crises-964544514238#.wksgq7pqv
** (and squatting is another way: https://medium.com/@RayJoha2/lauri-love-rebel-and-hacktivist-occupies-15m-london-mansion-here-is-what-they-need-e4e2ab5db11d#.dytb3t1ae
* "According to researchers, the key to hooking new recruits into any movement, and to getting them increasingly involved over time, is to simply give them activities to participate in. This often precedes any deep ideological commitment on the recruits’ part and, especially early on, is more about offering them a sense of meaning and community than anything else."
* "The Fifth Sacred Thing"
** https://starhawk.org/writing/books/starhawks-vision-of-san-francisco/
** Utopia, Non-Violence, Healing, Water Sharing, Sexuality (PolyAmory), Renewable Energy, Bees, Gardens, Concensus, Diversity, Listening to Rivers & Coyotes, Love / Spirit as the fifth sacred thing...
* https://www.torrisuperiore.org/en/making-community/
* "Courage Before Hope: A Proposal to Weave Emotional and Economic Microsolidarity" (Rich Bartlett, December 2018)                 
** https://www.microsolidarity.cc/articles/2-update-2020
====Reusable templates====
* unMonastery
** http://unmonastery-wiki.mirelsol.org/doku.php?id=book_of_mistakes:working_texts:start
** http://unmonastery.org/bios/#process-map
** http://unmonastery.org/#remote-contribution
** https://github.com/unmonastery
** http://www.methodkit.com/unmonastery-in-a-box/
* POC21
** http://www.poc21.cc
** http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2015/sep/21/eco-geeks-hold-open-source-alternative-to-un-climate-talks
** https://vimeo.com/poc21cc
** http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/poc21-eco-hacking-a-fossil-free-collaborative-future/2015/10/08
* Hackerspace Design Patterns // Building a Hackerspace https://www.slideshare.net/OpenSlidesArchive/1003-building-a-hacker-space
==== Tips for organising events====
* BarnCamp
** "How to runa BarnCamp (Patrice) ... which is a small-scale (70 pax), rural setting hackers-activists one week camp. This one is in a community farm, on the border between England and Wales, high on a hill. The pup is down   
the hill, across the river on an old, disused ramshackle railwaybridge, in Wales (better beer!)             
** http://mbharris.co.uk/articles/barncamp-a-diy-skillsharing-event/
** https://hacktionlab.org/hacktionlab/index.php/BarnCamp_201
* Adaconf - How to make a conference in 31 days https://events.ccc.de/congress/2017/wiki/index.php/Lightning:Adaconf
** Slides https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wQnVwZr-jghr50Ud44oBf4LBE7UvRs6l/view?usp=sharing
** Video starts at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdVxyXveDz0#t=42m50s
* THIS THREAD! https://twitter.com/fox/status/948049543978823687
* (in Dutch) http://www.doehetnietzelf.org/pdf/handleiding.pdf
* THK meetup notes: http://lists.autistici.org/message/20171231.172311.e4e9e6e8.en.html
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/User:Becha/Lika#Reusable_templates
* "Hosting a gathering during a pandemic: How to take care of people at an event that could kill them" (Nov 24, 2020)  https://richdecibels.medium.com/hosting-a-gathering-during-a-pandemic-70ab1be95d1b
* http://earthfirstgathering.org/  
* http://smallisfestival.org/
* http://www.forever-now-festival.com/en/
* http://bollier.org/blog/diggers-2012-set-camp-runnymede
=====Help & Funding ======
* http://linkis.com/permaculture.co.uk/5EkQN
* https://www.mysociety.org/mysociety-around-the-world/apply-for-support-and-development-from-mysociety/
* [[MeshNet#Grants]]
====Conflict Resolution====
==Protests & Revolutions & Resistance==
[[File:30c3-602390_10201416200219376_1439175017_n.jpg|right |400px]]
* Sustenance Farm
* http://guymcpherson.com/2014/11/diy-resistance-grasp-things-at-the-root/
==Protests & Revolutions==
* http://deepgreenresistance.blogspot.de/2014/11/will-falks-diy-resistance-series.html
* http://news.psu.edu/story/292702/2013/10/25/research/penn-state-doctoral-student-creates-digital-map-global-future
* http://news.psu.edu/story/292702/2013/10/25/research/penn-state-doctoral-student-creates-digital-map-global-future
Line 348: Line 3,235:
* Russel Brand (see below)
* Russel Brand (see below)
* Swarmwise, Falkvinge: http://falkvinge.net // The Book http://falkvinge.net/files/2013/04/Swarmwise-2013-by-Rick-Falkvinge-v1.1-2013Sep01.pdf
* How to start the revolution, Meaning conference (link later)
* Global Uprisings http://www.globaluprisings.org/global-uprisings-conference-full-programme/
* "Legal" revolution -- The Book -- "Revolution Justified" ; also basis for Dutch citizens case against government: http://www.revolutionjustified.org/
Energy issues will also set the stage for more aggressive geopolitics and will substantially destroy the ecosystem services
on which society is wholly dependent. These are but a few of the impacts that the double energy problem
of climate change and oil decline have in store for us.
* The Nature and Wellbeing Act // law to protect nature & wildlife http://www.theguardian.com/environment/georgemonbiot/2014/nov/21/we-need-nature-wellbeing-act-protect-wildlife-decline
* http://cultureofresistance.tumblr.com/
* Ripe for rebellion? http://www.economist.com/news/21589143-where-protest-likeliest-break-out-ripe-rebellion
* January 2014, Kiev, Ukraine: http://zyalt.livejournal.com/984735.html
* http://deepgreenresistance.org/en/who-we-are/guiding-principles-of-deep-green-resistance
Political Action: DGR groups will only engage in aboveground, nonviolent activities. These can include legal demonstrations as well as civil disobedience.
Solidarity: Non-indigenous members of DGR remember that we are living on stolen land in the midst of an ongoing genocide. The task of the non-indigenous is to build solidarity with indigenous people in defending the land, preserving traditional cultures, and protecting sacred ceremonies from exploitation.
Justice: We are enmeshed in overlapping systems of sadistic power built on stolen wealth, white privilege, misogyny, and human supremacism. As individuals, it is our responsibility to acknowledge those systems, overcome our entitlement, and make alliances with the dispossessed. Collectively, it is our task to bring those systems down.
Liberty: DGR groups have a zero-tolerance policy for abuse of anyone, human or nonhuman. Physical integrity and emotional safety are basic human rights that DGR is sworn to defend. DGR will banish any members who rape, batter, or abuse any living creature. Masculinity, with its militarized psychology and its violation imperative, has to be abandoned personally and dismantled globally.
Character: DGR is a serious undertaking that requires loyalty, commitment, integrity, and courage. Members are expected to treat everyone with respect.
Security: All DGR members are required to abide by principles of security culture and to address breaches directly. Both lax security and paranoia are dangerous to our organization. All non-political illegal activity puts everyone at risk and is inappropriate for members. DGR groups are required to educate new members on security culture.
* "Social revolution"
** https://www.tes.com/news/school-news/breaking-views/we-value-people-how-hard-they-work-result-has-been-sacrifice-our
"If we say that it is wrong to make schools uber-competitive through testing and the response is that "life is competitive",
the conversation will naturally move to whether we should change life, change our culture, change absolutely everything.
Increasingly, the Western world tends to value people by how hard they work, how much money they earn and
how many possessions they have. These values are instilled in children from the minute we compare them with one another
and the result has been the sacrifice of our collective mental health. We’re talking revolution, here."
* Example os small-scale rebellion: http://www.salon.com/2017/01/15/from-company-town-to-rebel-city-california-town-shows-how-progressives-can-win_partner/
* DECLARATION OF INTERDEPENDANCE // calling for civil disobedience to the corrupt laws http://daily.represent.us/matt-damon-blows-your-mind/
* August 2018: Being an Activist in the Anthropocene
** https://godsandradicals.org/2018/08/28/everything-is-going-according-to-plan-being-an-activist-in-the-anthropocene-in-progress/
** "Nothing short of a global socialist revolution is going to be enough"
** "I am grieving for the death of human civilization. "
* Intersection between protest (activism), art & ecology: http://creativeecologies.ucsc.edu (but mainly academic..)
* Civil Disobedience (in Dutch) https://www.parool.nl/columns-opinie/burgerlijke-ongehoorzaamheid-extinction-rebellion-is-de-sleutel-tot-verandering~bfac628e/
===Digital Activism===
* Data and Activism https://ourdataourselves.tacticaltech.org/posts/20_intro_activism/
* https://data-activism.net/about/
* ICT's for feminist movement building / activist toolkit http://www.donestech.net/ca/news/icts_feminist_movement_building_activist_toolkit
* http://dpi.studioxx.org/en/hacktivism-art-practicing-life-and-computer-hacking-feminist-activism
[[File:enemy according to DHS.jpg|right|100px]]
* Activists considered terrorists http://www.theguardian.com/environment/earth-insight/2014/jan/21/fracking-activism-protest-terrorist-oil-corporate-spies
* Security vulnerabilities of oil & gas industry http://www.lyncmigration.com/news/2013/11/17/7546268.htm
===Digital Safety===
* https://tacticaltech.org/projects/security-in-a-box-key-project/
* https://ssd.eff.org/en/playlist/journalism-student
* https://files.gendo.ch/Books/InfoSec_for_Journalists_V1.1.pdf
* How to protect ourselves https://www.ucl.ac.uk/steapp/research/projects/digital-policy-lab/g-iot-resource-list
* https://www.takebackthetech.net
* https://gendersec.tacticaltech.org/wiki/index.php/Manuals_with_a_gender_perspective
* https://gendersec.tacticaltech.org/wiki/index.php/Complete_manual
* http://en.flossmanuals.net/bypassing-censorship/ch007_chapter-2-censorship/
* Anarchist library http://theanarchistlibrary.org/
** https://theanarchistlibrary.org/category/author/david-graeber
* The Dispossessed - Ursula K. Le Guin, 1974 One of the most influential anarchist books of all time.
* TeenVogue Anarchism https://www.teenvogue.com/story/anarchy-explained-what-it-is-why-pop-culture-loves-it
* A Little Philosophical Lexicon of Anarchism from Proudhon to Deleuze: http://www.minorcompositions.info/?p=902
** https://anarchiststudies.noblogs.org/article-the-affinity-for-affinity-or-how-to-read-the-petite-lexicon/
** https://anarchiststudies.noblogs.org/article-the-concept-of-representation-is-this-a-trap/ by Teresa Xavier Fernandes
* Anarchist Studies https://anarchiststudies.noblogs.org/
** https://anarchiststudies.noblogs.org/post/2018/08/30/using-an-anarchist-approach-in-geopolitics/
** https://anarchiststudies.noblogs.org/post/2018/05/21/notes-on-an-anarchist-pedagogy/
** https://anarchiststudies.noblogs.org/article-anarchism-and-peer-review/ by Judith Suissa
* Misc articles that mention anarchism & anarchists
** Accounting for Ourselves: Breaking the Impasse Around Assault and Abuse in Anarchist Scenes https://crimethinc.com/2013/04/17/accounting-for-ourselves-breaking-the-impasse-around-assault-and-abuse-in-anarchist-scenes
** Wired 3.10: How Anarchy Works http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/3.10/ietf.htm
** http://www.pbs.org/newshour/making-sense/why-americas-favorite-anarchist-thinks-most-american-workers-are-slaves/
** http://anarchistnews.org/content/why-i-broke-anarchist-community
** http://libcom.org/library/angry-not-apathetic-what-anarchists-do-instead-voting-anarchist-federation
** Polyamory & anarchism http://dysophia.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/polyamory1-6_web.pdf
* Anarchist Writers http://anarchism.pageabode.com/
** Anarchist FAQ !!! http://anarchism.pageabode.com/afaq/intro.html
** http://anarchism.pageabode.com/anarcho/ursula-le-guin-utopia
** http://anarchism.pageabode.com/anarcho/kropotkin-modern-science-anarchy-published
** http://anarchism.pageabode.com/anarcho/why-thanos-malthus-wrong
** http://anarchism.pageabode.com/anarcho/voting-kropotkin-trade-union-congress
* An anarchist taoist manifesto, Anna Prouty https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anna-prouty-an-anarcho-taoist-manifesto
* Why I broke up with the anarchist community : https://anarchistnews.org/content/why-i-broke-anarchist-community
* Accounting for Ourselves: Breaking the Impasse Around Assault and Abuse in Anarchist Scenes https://crimethinc.com/2013/04/17/accounting-for-ourselves-breaking-the-impasse-around-assault-and-abuse-in-anarchist-scenes
* Dutch anarchism & post-colonialism https://abeautifulresistance.org/site/2017/8/17/white-privilege-in-dutch-anarchism
* Anarchism & COVID-19: https://wiki.techinc.nl/User:Becha/COVID-19#Anarchism
* Video explanation, with illustrated figures... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsyIXqdMZTc
* paper: Anarchist Direct Actions: A Challenge for Law Enforcement , 2005
** https://www.indymedia.nl/media/2010/01/65044.pdf
====Green Anarchism====
Green Syndicalism vs. Anti-Civ: Social Revolution or Primitivist Reaction? / http://ecology.iww.org/node/283
Primitivist Primer: http://www.primitivism.com/primer.htm
Queer ecology (Timothy Morton) http://www.academia.edu/1050754/Queer_Ecology
===Participating in existing Political structures===
* The empty quadrant https://medium.com/@azeem/the-empty-quadrant-8c4b1e9d0ac1 in the political compass http://www.politicalcompass.org/
* Jeremy Corbyn !!!!!!
* Greek crisis 2015
** Voicing Opposition: Against Neoliberal Europe http://www.thenextlayer.org/node/1335 Armin Medosch
* Tor, Technocracy, Democracy http://www.uncomputing.org/?p=1647
* Criticism of democracy
** http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/05/russell-brand-democratic-system-newsnight 
** http://roarmag.org/2013/10/crisis-representation-autonomy-self/
To overcome the crisis of democracy and reaffirm our autonomy,
we first of all need to liberate our empty self from mindless consumerism and conformity.
Representation places the source of legitimacy outside of oneself.
Whether it is a corporate brand name, political party, an ideology or slogan,
one looks for objects of representation through which
something inside can be projected out onto the world.
Slowly Boiling Frog (just like in "the story of B")
People are moving more and more outside of electoral politics. A call is arising for a new type of governance,
for a real democracy where each person participates directly and manifests their own voice.
This is a political act, but  it is also much more. The current crisis of democracy is a crisis of representation.
Images that perpetuate illusions about ourselves can no longer sustain our humanity.
* System Change, not Climate Change
** System Change requires fundamental respect for human rights, particularly the rights of Indigenous Peoples, as well as the rights of Mother Earth
** http://ittakesroots.org/call-to-action-the-cop21-paris-failed-humanity/
* Alternatives to "democracy" https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jan/25/democracy-broken-distrusted-trump-brexit-political-system
===Recovery from Privilege, Supremacy, Abuse, Opression===
* https://weeklysift.com/2012/09/10/the-distress-of-the-privileged/
* http://freeandresponsible.blogspot.nl/2014/03/recovery-from-privilege.html
* https://medium.com/@tingeber/on-male-privilege-and-networks-437a1ad1e51e#.ap962w64d
* Myth of Human Supremacy, Derrick Jansen: http://www.derrickjensen.org/myth-of-human-supremacy/
* Simmilar feelings about racism & patriarchy:
** https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/24/us/black-burning-man-race-film.html
** https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=624&v=IpBzqH8RowU
* Racism: https://extranewsfeed.com/we-should-be-meaner-to-racists-f34973e46a0f#.t2r96v13w
** coddling white feelings is not the way to get people to change. In fact, we need to call out racism more often and more vehemently than we have been.
** Comfortable people don't change
** Most people want to be seen as a good person more than they want to actually do the work of being a good person.
** white people need to take up the mantle of actually conducting the painful, uncomfortable conversations about racism
** Call out racism every time you see it — and then be ready for the long, hard work of educating the people who are willing to listen.
** (kind of funny..) http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-helpful-answers-to-societys-most-uncomfortable-questions_p2/
** FLOWCHART!! https://www.buzzfeed.com/mirajacob/the-frustrated-white-persons-guide-to-discussing-racism?utm_term=.feWNMnwwO#.rdno2G886
** https://footnotesblog.com/2018/06/20/guest-post-is-your-departments-website-anthrosowhite/
* Do startups have a drinking problem? https://t.co/73xaUTvvlE
** & "fuck you startup world" https://medium.com/startup-grind/fuck-you-startup-world-ab6cc72fad0e#.8lked2735
** https://medium.com/reboot-leadership-resiliency/its-not-you-it-s-the-startup-life-9290a5183ee9#.mtbjvtkod
* Why women drink
** https://www.vox.com/2016/8/23/12584530/women-alcohol-wine
** http://qz.com/762868/giving-up-alcohol-opened-my-eyes-to-the-infuriating-truth-about-why-women-drink/         
** https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/jmkj4g/staying-sober-in-trumps-america
* "any revolution that does not shelter the most vulnerable and allow for difference of thought and belief is no revolution worth having." http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/feminism/2016/12/i-ate-sushi-enemy-and-got-my-hope-back
* If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. ~ Desmond Tutu (from https://medium.com/@hiralvt/a-vote-against-empathy-c7b92e034885#.sxvueyyqf)
* Coping with / surviving gaslighting
** https://medium.com/athena-talks/being-a-woman-and-being-right-dcef62459751
**  https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/mar/16/gaslighting-manipulation-reality-coping-mechanisms-trump
** https://norasamaran.com/2016/06/28/on-gaslighting/
** https://norasamaran.com/2016/10/24/why-dont-survivors-speak/
** https://medium.com/@sheaemmafett/10-things-i-wish-i-d-known-about-gaslighting-22234cb5e407
** https://theestablishment.co/what-the-facebook-live-murderer-can-teach-us-about-domestic-abuse-e0827ca8daf0
* See also: Anxiety [[Hackers_tribes#Anxiety]]
* Taking Male Entitlement Seriously (Abuse / Violence / Intolerance ) http://tim.dreamwidth.org/2035407.html
** "Abuse is not "sharing an opinion". Being an abuser is not an identity; abusing is something you do, not something you are. Abuse is not "questioning assumptions" or "challenging conversations". Abuse is not justifiable, and should not be tolerated, accommodated, or empathized with."
** Neutrality is a myth; being "neutral" in this conflict means siding with the abuser.
** abuse is about power; it means that a person is taking advantage of a power imbalance to exploit or control someone else." (Bancroft, p. 123)
** Entitlement is central: Domestic abusers (Bancroft writes) feel entitled to physical, emotional, and sexual care-taking; deference; and freedom from accountability from their partners.
** "Anger and conflict are not the problem; they are normal aspects of life."
** '''non-abusive people find non-abusive ways to express their hurt feelings.
* https://medium.com/@sheaemmafett/abuse-in-polyamorous-relationships-d13e396c8f85
* https://theestablishment.co/what-the-facebook-live-murderer-can-teach-us-about-domestic-abuse-e0827ca8daf0
* https://www.damemagazine.com/2018/01/24/gun-violence-is-not-an-act-of-passion/
** Our culture teaches boys to feel entitled to girls' attention, affection, and love, which breeds a vicious cycle of misogyny and violence.
** weaponized misogyny and male entitlement, the hallmarks of a culture of toxic masculinity that teaches boys and men that they are owed the time and bodies of girls and women—any girls and women, anytime. Toxic masculinity teaches us that “boys will be boys” and that girls will soothe and accommodate. Non-compliant girls and women are punished in all kinds of ways, by society and boys and men. Sometimes they are punished violently. Sometimes they are killed. We often call this love.
** Women know this. Hell, we don’t just know it, we feel it. We live it, every time we smile and shift away from a boss’s hand instead of throwing a stapler at his temple.
* the famous quote attributed to Margaret Atwood about domestic violence: “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.”
* https://www.damemagazine.com/2014/10/14/sex-can-be-complicated-consent-not/
* https://themindsjournal.com/dating-emotional-predator-signs-narcissists-sociopaths-psychopaths/
* Book "Why Does He Do That" Bancroft
Guiding Principles for Community Care
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Lika_Guiding_Principles#Examples_of_Guiding_Principles
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Lika_Guiding_Principles#Problems:_Harassment_and_other_abuse
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Lika_Guiding_Principles#Resolving_Conflicts
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Lika_Guiding_Principles#Giving_or_not_giving_consent
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Lika_Guiding_Principles#Building_Consensus
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Lika_Guiding_Principles#Dealing_with_harassment
===LInks to Anti-Globalisation Movement===
* "To Our Friends", by The Invisible Committee https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/our-friends (pdf: http://bloom0101.org/?parution=to-our-friends)
* Alex Foti...
* (add some other/more links here)
* (example of lack of awareness impact of globalisation ) -> http://www.npr.org/sections/money/2015/05/18/404991483/how-machines-destroy-and-create-jobs-in-4-graphs
==Small Steps==
==Small Steps==
[[File:Eco-drawing-mind-map.jpg| right |400px]]
===Get prepared===
* Links about "preparation & transformation" rom "What a Way to Go"
* Scientists say new approach to climate preparedness essential to help people adjust to coming changes
* http://www.resilience.org/
* http://www.resilience.org/stories/2014-03-07/paul-kingsnorth-on-living-with-climate-change
* "The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch" http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/159420523X/
(heaven read yet!)
* http://www.survivopedia.com/how-to-choose-a-stove-for-off-grid-house/
* Start With These 3 steps: https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/how-to-change-the-world-in-three-easy-steps-92d7ca576fc1#.6mzs3yd41
** One — Start with you
** Two — Continue with those around you
** Three — Create something new
===Clean Energy===
* http://thecleanrevolution.org/
* Batteries http://reneweconomy.com.au/2013/the-battery-storage-system-that-could-close-down-coal-power-38259
* Open Souce ecology http://opensourceecology.org "A Network of Farmers, Engineers, and Supporters Building the Global Village Construction Set - See more at: http://opensourceecology.org/#sthash.dzqMYSI2.dpuf "
* http://www.theclimategroup.org/what-we-do/news-and-blogs/new-us-report-showcases-numerous-clean-tech-solution-to-curb-carbon-emissions/
* http://platformlondon.org/p-publications/energy-beyond-neoliberalism/
* http://prepperswill.com/the-ups-and-downs-of-an-off-grid-life/
* http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/ourwork/ourstories/smokeless-cookstoves--spreading-like-wildfire-in-india-.html
* Toyola Coalpot -- http://africanclimate.net/en/node/6169 // http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/ourwork/ourstories/smokeless-cookstoves--spreading-like-wildfire-in-india-.html
* small water mills http://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jan/24/the-innovators-water-mills-a-boon-for-green-households?CMP=twt_a-environment_b-gdneco
* http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2016/05/12/3776728/climate-change-solutions/
* What *CAN* technology help with? http://worrydream.com/ClimateChange/ (November 2015)
** the lack of attention to climate change in the tech industry
** “How do you think the tech community (startup community, or any community) can contribute to tech and/or policy solutions on a global scale?”
(put your money where your mouth is)
* http://gofossilfree.org/new-report-the-financial-case-for-divestment/
* ikstapover.nl
* http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/apr/10/divest-fossil-fuels-climate-change-keystone-xl
===Managing environment===
* Using wetlands https://openminds.swissre.com/stories/502/
* Mountain regions in Europe... Sustainable Land-use Practices in European Mountain Regions under Global Change: an Integrated Research Approach
* Essay "Thinking like a mountain" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thinking_like_a_mountain //
* Sensors for flooding: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en-GB#!topic/oxfloodnet/fGkIyLxhfnI
* Letting the forests grow (back) http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/24/science/earth/restored-forests-are-making-inroads-against-climate-change-.html
===Urban Gardening and Food===
* http://skyfarms.io
* https://heirnis.wordpress.com/
* Amsterdam / Holland http://www.urbaniahoeve.nl/project-locaties/
* Farm Hack http://farmhack.net/
* http://www.technologywater.com/post/69995394390/un-report-says-small-scale-organic-farming-only-way-to
* Going vegan (1) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/21/know-before-going-vegan-diet_n_4602943.html
* http://www.shareable.net/blog/the-sharing-garden-shows-the-way-to-a-moneyless-food-system
* http://www.shareable.net/blog/the-open-food-foundation-free-software-for-better-food-systems
* Sustainable Revolution: Permaculture in Ecovillages, Urban Farms, and Communities Worldwide (a book) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1583946489/
* http://www.motherearthnews.com/homesteading-and-livestock/year-round-food-production-zbcz1411.aspx
* on being a farmer http://www.resilience.org/stories/2016-01-25/so-you-want-to-be-a-farmer-thirteen-words-of-wisdom-from-me-to-myself
* http://www.thegreenbackyard.com/
* "Agriculture: Sowing the city; Laura Lawson Nature 540, 522–524 (22 December 2016) doi:10.1038/540522a; Published online 21 December 2016"
** http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v540/n7634/full/540522a.html?WT.ec_id=NATURE-20161222&spMailingID=53046054&spUserID=MjA1NzQ5NzY0NgS2&spJobID=1064092277&spReportId=MTA2NDA5MjI3NwS2
* Urban cultivation in allotments maintains soil qualities adversely affected by conventional agriculture http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2664.12254/full
* ""half farmer, half X" http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.nl/2017/04/millennials-are-homesteading-buying.html
* Home Grown Food
** http://www.homegrown.org/forum/topics/sprouting-101
* Foraging , plucking , growing...
** making drinks / teas: https://companydrinks.info/event/picking-making-online/
** wild & well https://companydrinks.info/event/wild-well-online/
===Bees Keeping===
* http://www.sustainablecitiescollective.com/wricities/1093071/why-cities-should-invest-beekeeping
* Green Cross International http://www.gcint.org  
* Green Cross International http://www.gcint.org
* Technical: computer recycling http://www.freegeek.org/ (reducing e-waste)
** http://www.peacefuldumpling.com/5-steps-to-a-sustainable-minimalist-wardrobe
** http://www.theminimalists.com/sentimental/
** https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/dec/10/on-12th-day-christmas-present-junk
===Practical Survival===
===Practical Survival===
* http://yearzerosurvival.com
* http://yearzerosurvival.com
* Purifying water http://www.fastcoexist.com/3020170/meet-the-inspiring-18-year-old-who-built-a-simple-water-purifier-that-could-save-lives?partner=rss
* http://trailmob.com/outdoor-skills/type/survival-skills
* Self Building http://selfbb.nl
* Self Building http://selfbb.nl
* Cob-house for 250 Pounds: http://www.treehugger.com/green-architecture/farmer-hand-builds-cob-house-for-250-dollars.html
* http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/cc-wife-live-tiny-home/ (yurt)
* Weave a tent: http://www.abeerseikaly.com/weavinghome.php
* Shipping Container houses! http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2015/02/home-sweet-shipping-container-not.html
* SHARED housing - cooperative housing - https://embassynetwork.com/
* The feelings of belonging or displacement = home? https://aeon.co/essays/why-theres-no-place-like-home-for-anyone-any-more
** & http://www.lisagye.com/unsettled-history-time-space-and-belonging/
* Solastalgia, simply put, is “the homesickness you have when you are still at home”.
** https://theconversation.com/the-age-of-solastalgia-8337
* http://www.treehugger.com/modular-design/smart-affordable-portable-prefab-kasita-registration.html
** http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2014/nov/19/waterless-toilets-turn-human-waste-into-energy-and-fertiliser
** http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2014/nov/19/world-toilet-day-business-coalition-open-defecation
**http://www.fastcoexist.com/3051149/this-toilet-as-a-business-startup-is-turning-kenyan-poop-into-fuel-briquettes Toilet-as-a-service ;-)
** http://www.indiaspend.com/indias-great-challenge-health-sanitation/157-million-indians-without-toilets-8-olympic-sized-pools-of-poo-daily-62663
** What We Leave Behind, Derrick Jensen
** Using shit as compost: https://biocontrolbeat.wordpress.com/2010/07/24/compost-for-sustainable-soil-fertility-disease-suppression/
** http://dougald.nu/dealing-with-our-own-shit-dark-mountain/
** https://www.gatesnotes.com/Development/Reflections-on-the-Reinvent-the-Toilet-Challenge
===Spend time in Nature===
* http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/nhe-one-father-overturned-his-relationship-with-his-kids-heres-how-he-did-it/
* http://www.theguardian.com/news/oliver-burkeman-s-blog/2014/jan/21/spending-time-nature-mental-health
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biophilia_hypothesis : our deeply rooted evolutionary preference for "affiliat[ing] with other forms of life"
* http://www.mnn.com/health/fitness-well-being/blogs/how-walking-in-the-woods-benefits-your-health
* http://www.mnn.com/lifestyle/arts-culture/blogs/hilarious-nature-rx-frames-great-outdoors-prescription-drug
* (Indigenous) Attachement to the Earth https://roarmag.org/essays/standing-rock-interview-eryn-wise/
* "people find happiness in person-to-person (p2p!) relationships, contact with nature, and being in harmony with themselves" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y395J6W6i1E (TEDxTokyo!!!) = de-growth, de-materialization, de-ownership
===Nomadic life===
* http://www.workinfinland.com/berry-picking-season-in-finland [www.workinfinland.com]                                         
* and http://finland.fi/Public/default.aspx?contentid=160045&nodeid=37598&culture=en-US [finland.fi] 
* caravane@riseup.net                                                                                                               
* http://nomadness.com/amazon-44-for-sale
* http://azart.org
* Early retirement / frugal living http://www.vox.com/2015/5/1/8518455/extreme-early-retirement
* http://nomadtribe.net/
* http://www.treehugger.com/tiny-houses/hotelprius-man-converts-prius-mobile-home-chris-sawey.html
** https://chrissawey.wordpress.com/
* http://www.nomadicresorts.com/
* http://www.treehugger.com/tiny-houses/without-bound-documentary-mobile-living-nomads.html
** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg37Cbx-kak
** http://www.michaeltubbs.com/
** http://www.technomadia.com/
* "Digital Nomads"
** https://www.fastcompany.com/3062911/out-of-office-with/10-super-affordable-international-cities-for-digital-nomads
** http://www.fastcompany.com/3062111/seven-jobs-that-let-you-live-and-work-abroad-as-your-own-boss
** https://www.fastcompany.com/3062795/set-sail-as-a-high-seas-solopreneur
** http://www.fastcompany.com/3061542/lessons-learned/how-ive-built-my-own-business-while-traveling-the-world
* https://www.scribd.com/doc/190223054/Nomadic-Furniture
===UN, EU & other attempts to solutions===
* "How to feed the world in 2050", a video etc
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjtIl5B1zXI&feature=youtu.be //
* "Achieving the food security..." http://ccafs.cgiar.org/sites/default/files/assets/docs/climate_food_commission-final-mar2012.pdf
* Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for Environment " The Benefits of Green Infrastructure" http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-13-880_en.htm, November 2013
* Diplo: http://climate.diplomacy.edu
* Tyndal - Conference in December 2013: http://www.tyndall.ac.uk/radical-emission-reduction-conference
* Davos - politicians & economists: http://www.eenews.net/stories/1059993197
* EU2030 http://www.e3g.org/library/europe-dithers-while-the-door-closes-on-a-2c-future
===Gender & Climate Change===
* http://wecaninternational.org/womenspeak/
* http://unfccc.int/gender_and_climate_change/items/7516.php
* Women for results : http://unfccc.int/secretariat/momentum_for_change/items/7318.php
* http://energydesk.greenpeace.org/2016/03/08/why-climate-change-gender-equality/
* http://www.un.org/womenwatch/feature/climate_change/downloads/Women_and_Climate_Change_Factsheet.pdf
* http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-cara-augustenborg/its-a-mans-world-when-it-comes-to-climate-change_b_12722490.html
* [[Female_experts#on_Climate_Change]]
* Solastalgia and the gendered nature of climate change: an example from Erub Island, Torres Strait. : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21882055
* TreeSisters http://www.feminineawakeningseries.com/recordings?platform=hootsuite
==Emotional Healing==
* Geneen Roth - the feeling of *enough*
* Brene Brown: Vulnerability, and "Daring Greatly"
* Byron Katie:
** '''Loving What Is''' and
**  '''How to live in harmony with the way things are''' (A Thousand names for Joy, Tao te Ching)
** The Work
** (scientific research to confirm "question the assumptions" http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/psp/69/6/1069/) : "consider-an-alternative strategy for debiasing judgments."
* "We build to experience the joy of its every fleeting defeat. Hoping for more joy, for longer, each time, longer and stronger;" China Mieville http://salvage.zone/in-print/on-social-sadism/
* "How people learn to be resilient" http://www.newyorker.com/science/maria-konnikova/the-secret-formula-for-resilience
* Crying - and the data analysis/data visualisation http://www.robinwe.is/explorations/cry.html
* In defense of a good cry https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/07/smarter-living/coronavirus-losing-control.html
===Mental Health===
* "Resilience as resistance: Mental health and well-being (in human rights)" https://www.opendemocracy.net/openglobalrights/mental-health-and-well-being-in-human-rights
* Resources, by Tiffany Howard @OnlineWithTiff1
** 1) Open Path Collective is a directory of U.S therapists that offer therapy at lowered rates than normal. openpathcollective.org
** 2) Recovery Inc: This saved my life. Online and in person group therapy mtgs based on proven therapy methods. recoveryinternational.org
** 3) @7Cupsot: Online community offering free trained "listeners" and also online chat, and small steps you can do each day for mental health.
** 4) One of many online therapy options. Cheaper than traditional therapy. Will work with you if you have $$ issues. betterhelp.com
** @SipandOm meditation podcast. Meditation goes a long way in promoting mental well being, reduced stress. Host Mary Meckley is wonderful.
** 7) @therapy4bgirls podcast hosted by a black female therapist covering issues that pertain to black American women specifically.
* Non-Violent Communication & Self-empathy
** http://morelikepeople.org/active-listening-social-change/
** NVC Active Listening Facilitation https://2016.dareconf.com/evening-courses
* Software, hacking, NvC:
** Open Source and Feelings (#OSSfeel) http://www.osfeels.com/
** Non-Violent Communication for Fun, Profit, and Self Defense http://osfeels.com/speakers#isaac-z.-schlueter
** Compassionate Communities https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3685/presentations/compassionate-communities/index.html
** How NVC can help in the Open Source Software “business” : http://blog.izs.me/post/112818868228/letter-to-marshall-rosenberg
** Words That Work in Business -- A Practical Guide to Effective Communication in the Workplace by Ike Lasater, with Julie Stiles http://nonviolentcommunication.com/store/words-that-work-business-p-119.html
** https://www.targetprocess.com/blog/2013/08/non-violent-communication-for-agile-teams/
** https://www.targetprocess.com/blog/2013/10/non-judgmental-communication-for-agile-teams/
** (possible support) http://1440multiversity.org/contact/propose-a-program/
** http://1440.org/how-we-work/
** podcast: http://geekjoypodcast.libsyn.com/12-the-joys-and-dangers-of-nvc
* Empathy in Tech (Eric Romijn)
** The empathy in tech talk is on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuLi3Uegn9g
**  mental well-being: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmoMUKbJLJU
** https://www.papercall.io/speakers/erikr/speaker_talks/10429-helping-communities-products-thrive-by-fostering-empathy
** https://www.papercall.io/speakers/erikr/speaker_talks/4727-healthy-minds-in-a-healthy-community
** https://www.papercall.io/speakers/erikr/speaker_talks/27388-the-code-of-conduct-is-here-for-you
* "The Little Guide to Empathetic Technical Leadership" http://empathetictechnicalleader.com
FREE to read online: https://leanpub.com/littleguide/read // PDF (soon)
* Deeyah Khan On Radical Compassion with Russell Brand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkux4MsjK_k
** Privilege is a responsibility!
* Empathy
** "The Willow Tree", Herbert Hubert Selby, Jr.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Willow_Tree_(novel) & http://www.gadflyonline.com/archive/August99/archive-hubertselby.html
** "Nevertheless, Say "Yes" to Life: A Psychologist Experiences the Concentration Camp)" or "Mens search for meaning" by Viktro Frankl
** Against empathy?! http://www.bostonreview.net/forum/paul-bloom-against-empathy#.VAxLG0FNwZE.twitter
** http://fortune.com/2014/09/04/employers-new-hires-empathy/
** Empathy (to animals!) in Bladerunner / Do Android Dream... http://www.gradesaver.com/do-androids-dream-of-electric-sheep/study-guide/section8/
** http://www.alternet.org/activism/empathy-heroes-5-people-who-changed-world-taking-compassion-extreme?paging=off&current_page=1#bookmark
** http://empathylibrary.com/
** * http://charleseisenstein.net/of-horseshoe-crabs-and-empathy/
We all need your compassion and empathy. Start with yourself.
Know that my acceptance depends on yours.
* https://medium.com/@joe_brewer/cultivating-empathy-for-the-next-crisis-8c7c9e909b6f#.ji5qjao12
* https://aeon.co/essays/do-we-need-a-telepathy-machine-when-we-already-have-empathy
* http://charleseisenstein.net/of-horseshoe-crabs-and-empathy/
** (2014) Compassion (many links & examples, and videos) http://www.alternet.org/personal-health/5-habits-highly-compassionate-men
** (2015) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3685/presentations/compassionate-communities/index.html
** (2016) (many links & examples, and videos) http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/three_insights_from_the_cutting_edge_of_compassion_research
* Healing of Love http://www.dieter-duhm.com/node/12
* http://thebaffler.com/blog/show-me-where-it-hurts-alvarez
* http://www.npr.org/sections/13.7/2015/11/30/457835780/how-psychology-can-save-the-world-from-climate-change
** (I want to be like) Someone with healthy '''boundaries''' (who) is confident enough in their own ability to say yes and no that they can act interdependent and responsive to others without losing themselves, either in the moment or in the long term. If it takes you a month to know that you did a thing you didn’t want to do, your boundaries may be overly porous and need healing. If you erect walls that are so rigid you cannot hear or see when someone you love needs you, your boundaries may be overly hard and you may need to develop responsiveness and receptivity. Ideally, someone with healthy boundaries can trust in live time their own capacity to listen to their body, needs, and feelings, and not need external permission to do so, while they also have the resilience and self-awareness that lets them empathize with and respond in the moment to those they care about. Healthy boundaries let you assess your own needs and the needs of others, in a moment-by-moment way. They let you act responsive to others and responsive to yourself.
** When he does something wrong, his adults show him how to make it right and they also let him know they love him and he is good just as he is. He is loved and good, he did a thing that hurt someone, and he has to make it right. These are not mutually exclusive, but connected. https://norasamaran.com/2016/08/28/variations-on-not-all-men/
** http://www.guidetopsychology.com/boundaries.htm
** http://polyamoryonpurpose.com/abuse-boundaries-and-incompatibilities-in-monopoly-relationships/
** https://medium.com/@whatjosaid/bad-dates-boundaries-and-why-i-might-just-burn-my-bra-e314c94f1278
* https://norasamaran.com/2016/02/12/overt-and-covert-boundary-crossings/
* Tea and Empathy: https://www.teaandempathy.org/aboutkate
===Group Empathy===
* PreConquest Consciousness: https://www.functionalhumanoperatingsystems.com/post/preconquest-consciousness
** "empathetic intuitive rapport", "heart-felt rapprochement based on integrated trust", "unconditional open trust" ; "small populations surrounded by tracts of open territory into which anyone can diffuse at will", "sociosensual type of infant and child nurture", "absence of private property, which allows constant cooperative usage (sharing) of the implements and materials of life for collective benefit." // liminal awareness was the principal focus of mentality in the preconquest cultures contacted; simultaneously individualistic and collective—traits immiscible and incompatible in modern thought and languages; unabashed open honesty is the foundation on which their highly honed integrative empathy and rapport become possible "
* https://unherd.com/2023/05/left-brain-thinking-will-destroy-civilisation/
* Mature Societies Tim Fox (from Dark Mountain: https://dark-mountain.net/rivershift/ )
** It’s as simple (and as difficult) as promoting ways of human living where communication is direct eye to eye and voice to ear, where mobility is accomplished with feet, where the sources of food, water, shelter and all other material necessities can be accessed by those feet, and where the stories, songs and celebrations that matter most are those that directly bind us, our families and communities to the land which gives us our existence at every level: physical, emotional and spiritual.
** > deflection, obstruction and blockage of [capitalist] business-as-usual
** "our stories will frame this transformation to a steady-state in terms of maturation rather than collapse, stagnation, regression or a devolutionary ‘going back’. Thus we will stop struggling at all costs to preserve a ten thousand year condition of arrested development (ceaseless adolescent growth) and embrace our long-postponed adulthood."
* "Brain of Eden": https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22713882-return-to-the-brain-of-eden
** "...our culturally acquired left-brain dominance has cost us our sanity, but if we have alienated ourselves from nature and our original state of wholeness, there may be a way back."
** ... author(s) say that this happened for multiple reasons: change in food from fruits to grains, "mutations" that created individuals with predominant rational,linear,agrressive style -- and their short-term advantages against the more *trusting* people; and the way to "get back" to exprience that kind of connection to others is: (psychoactive) drugs!
* in the book "Between Us" by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batja_Mesquita " on "(HOW) CULTURES CREATE EMOTIONS" , there is a merger between anthropology & psychology, claiming: emotions are NOT individual, they happen BETWEEN people!
*  https://imahentaotaotano.com/2018/10/18/inafamaolek/
* https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/sres.631
* https://norasamaran.com/2016/07/21/for-men-who-desperately-need-autonomy-make-it-dont-take-it/
*  Dreamtime: "the relationship between people, plants, animals and the physical features of the land; the knowledge of how these relationships came to be, what they mean and how they need to be maintained in daily life and in ceremony" (wikipedia).
* Anxiety , depression, stress...
** caused by individuality... & pursuit of consumerism...http://www.theguardian.com/global/commentisfree/2016/may/07/mental-health-policy-anxiety-natasha-devon-young-people
** caused by inequality... https://www.tes.com/news/school-news/breaking-views/young-peoples-mental-health-getting-worse-government-doesnt-want
Recommended: focus on  '''commonality''':
happiness can never result from the exercise of choice alone: we are social beings,
and the building blocks of happiness lie in looking out for each other, acting together, being in teams
and pursuing common goals for the common good.
Families, schools, colleges, unions, newspapers, sports clubs and even firms should all understand that
such commonality should be part of their core
* scared or hopeful? http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/may/12/how-scared-or-hopeful-should-we-be-in-a-warming-world
* http://www.weareplanc.org/blog/we-are-all-very-anxious/
* http://www.lisagye.com/unsettled-history-time-space-and-belonging/
* https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/jul/02/how-to-be-happy-when-the-news-is-bad-brexit-trump-oliver-burkeman
* Radical Joy
* http://www.npr.org/sections/13.7/2015/11/30/457835780/how-psychology-can-save-the-world-from-climate-change
* http://www.cracked.com/blog/how-other-people-are-getting-rich-off-your-anxiety/
* https://roarmag.org/essays/age-of-anxiety-precarity/
* http://sandiegofreepress.org/2016/11/ecopsychological-imperative-dismantle-civilization/
** The awe I feel with the beauty of it all is an antidote for despair. Instead of ruminating, I am celebrating. The lie that the world seeks to destroy me is replaced with the truth that the land is conspiring to give me life. For the next six hours, I lose myself trying to describe the color of the sky, the wisdom of stones, and the fragrance of pines.
** The aspens have given me a great gift. They have reminded me how to step out of my own small mind into the communities surrounding me and giving me life. They have taught me that there is no such thing as isolation in the natural world. They have given me a weapon against the despair: listening. While I am busy listening, I am not ruminating. The less I ruminate the healthier I am.
** Aspens give me medicine as effective as the anti-depressants my psychiatrist prescribes me. Aspens teach me an invaluable skill for resisting rumination as effective as the techniques my therapist teaches me. In doing so, aspens become allies in my personal struggle to overcome depression. As I get better, my mind is less dominated by rumination, and I am better able to contemplate problems beyond myself.
* Listening to Earth - John Berger - Fellow Prisoners https://t.co/hnNAdWgmuq
* See also: Recovery From Abuse [[Hackers_tribes#Recovery_from_Privilege.2C_Supremacy.2C_Abuse.2C_Opression]]
* Notice-Shift-Savour (to Rewire) http://hackspirit.com/3-steps-rewiring-brain-overcome-anxiety-live-peaceful-life/
* This is Fine https://www.theverge.com/2016/5/5/11592622/this-is-fine-meme-comic
* Grief due to "Planet of the Humans" https://medium.com/@goodgriever/triggered-planet-of-the-humans-a-call-for-emotional-intelligence-630c8b510f5
** any meaningful solutions will come from those of us who have been courageous enough to take the time and energy to feel these scary and discomforting feelings. Through processing our griefs and facing reality, we open to new solutions that were previously unavailable to us.
** We cannot start unweaving until we courageously face the truth that this way of life is killing us. And if we keep pushing forth measures to prop up our lifestyles, we, too, will die. Sit with that realization. Be with the feelings that arise from reading those words. It’s a lot, I know. But it’s also true. We must face our mortality and the mortality of everything. Everything we know and love will die. Our lifestyles have been desperate attempts to ward off our deaths. We are ephemeral beings who have gotten lost in our quest for immortality. These truths don’t change in relation to our ability to stomach them.
** For those of us privileged enough to have our basic needs met and a stable income, it is on us to use that privilege to start scrutinizing the current paradigms. It is time to start unraveling the threads of our toxic culture. It’s on each of us to begin to heal from the inside out. You must tend to those feelings overwhelming you right now. You are responsible for feeling your full range of feelings, acknowledging your privilege, and taking seriously the situations in which you find yourself. You, and everyone else, is obliged to deconstruct your belief systems and come from a place of curiosity and nimbleness. You are not alone in doing this nor are you responsible for fixing everything yourself. Many of us are entering into collective spaces to heal these wounds and build courage for the road ahead. This is your invitation to come together in heart-centered community to build consciousness around these predicaments.
** Allow meaning, compassion, insight, and grace to direct the way. There is no more time to waste.
* Trauma Healing
** http://www.mindful.org/point-of-view-when-vulnerability-and-trauma-collide/
* Intergenerational trauma
** http://www.gal-dem.com/integenerational-trauma-thing/
** "War, famine and persecution inflict profound changes on bodies and brains. Could these changes persist over generations?" https://aeon.co/essays/how-the-sufferings-of-one-generation-are-passed-on-to-the-next
** http://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/051214p18.shtml
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgenerational_trauma
* Trauma & Climate Change:
** https://www.yaleclimateconnections.org/2018/09/scientists-on-emotional-responses-to-climate-risks/
** Anger & Grief & "Cognitive Dissonance" https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=MYFlRxJ5Sh0
** (some link from Guy McPhearson's colleagues, a woman, on grief-work...)
* https://matthewremski.medium.com/terror-and-salvation-from-plandemic-director-mikki-willis-a0acbf67e523
** "Cult researchers recognize these paradoxes not as eccentricities of leaders and groups, but as a technique. The history of cults is largely a history of extremely paranoid leaders who lock followers into their description of a double world. The outside, conventional world is a place of demonic danger, while the inner world of the leader and his group offers love and safety.
In the field of cultic studies, the rhythm of the double world is understood as a driver of disorganized attachment and trauma bonding. The cult member is actively confused by the oscillation between terror danger and care. The leader’s main impact is not to communicate content, but to forge an exploitative relationship through that confusion, which can only be resolved by staying, committing, and investing.
Psychologist and cult survivor Alexandra Stein is the pioneer in the field of applying disorganized attachment theory to cultic bonds. Her thesis is that disorganized attachment, a condition first observed by child psychologists studying young children who develop erratic and high-stress responses to traumatizing caregivers, is the very model for cultic bonding, in which the group member feels contradictory impulses of terror and love that can only be resolved through devotion."
(see also: CARING ECONOMY on this wiki) [[Hackers_tribes#Caring_Economy]]
* Caring = husbandry
** https://www.opendemocracy.net/transformation/julie-nelson/husbandry-feminist-reclamation-of-men-s-responsibility-to-care
** http://cje.oxfordjournals.org/content/40/1/1.full
* Hacking With Care
** https://hackingwithcare.in/
** https://hackingwithcare.in/wiki/doku.php/self-care_in_times_of_psychological_distress
* http://empathetictechnicalleader.com/
** http://empathetictechnicalleader.com/etl-workshop/
** https://leanpub.com/littleguide/read
* "Labor can be outsourced. Caring can't."  @mipsytipsy
* Taking care of yourself, and Occupy http://blog.loomio.org/2014/04/14/marianne-manilov-grassroots-organising-and-looking-after-yourself/
* (maintenance = caring) https://aeon.co/essays/innovation-is-overvalued-maintenance-often-matters-more
* (why am i not a maker) http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/01/why-i-am-not-a-maker/384767/
** Follow-up: Making as an act of Caring (also MAINTENANCE, repairing, repurposing https://medium.com/@anabjain/making-as-an-act-of-caring-6a8ec70cebed#.azq11vazx)
** "Things don’t come out of nothing. That’s one of the reasons I try not to use the verb “make” in my projects." https://medium.com/@felipefonseca/knowledge-skill-and-labor-1c8f5d89a1b4#.zc3zk0gv9 // "the transformation of matter: using knowledge, skills and labor to turn materials into things. Or to turn things into other things. Or to modify things. That applies to what is now being called “making”. But also to repairing things. And adapting, personalizing, customizing. It might as well extend to cooking, taking care of a garden, growing food and animals." (&& taking care of CHILDREN!)
* (You have to value care-giving)  http://qz.com/806516/the-secret-to-patagonias-success-keeping-moms-and-onsite-child-care-and-paid-parental-leave/
* Nurturing:
** soup-makers or token-exchangers https://norasamaran.com/2016/09/30/two-models-of-nurturance-which-one-are-you/
** Nurturance Culture: LOTS of articles by Nora Samaran: https://norasamaran.com/category/nurturance-culture/
** The book:  https://www.akpress.org/turn-this-world-inside-out.html
** https://norasamaran.com/2016/02/11/the-opposite-of-rape-culture-is-nurturance-culture-2/
===Emotional Labor===
* https://www.themarysue.com/emotional-labor-pdf/
** 70-page PDF!!! With Links!! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0UUYL6kaNeBTDBRbkJkeUtabEk/view?pref=2&pli=1
* ""emotional labor"
** "Everyone and everything I love is gone, but a man needs comforting!" https://twitter.com/Iron_Spike/status/811843549641797632
** https://thespanofmyhips.wordpress.com/2016/09/21/the-five-love-languages-expanded/
*** involves so much of the mental calculus that women and femmes are taught to do, and men and masc folks are taught to expect to have done for them.
*** examples of ways that emotional labour play out in relationships, especially mixed gender relationships: meal planning, chore-planning, maintaining relationships on your partner’s behalf (e.g. checking in with and planning get togethers with their mother, sister, cousins, etc), sending birthday cards, making dentist/doctor/therapist appointments, being their main–or only–outlet for processing feelings, soothing them, reassuring them, doing the bulk of domestic chores, doing the bulk of child-raising, taking the lead on parent-teacher issues
** https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0UUYL6kaNeBTDBRbkJkeUtabEk/view?pref=2&pli=1
** http://the-toast.net/2015/07/13/emotional-labor/
** Nurturance = Emotional Labour https://norasamaran.com/2016/02/11/the-opposite-of-rape-culture-is-nurturance-culture-2/
** https://norasamaran.com/2016/09/30/two-models-of-nurturance-which-one-are-you/
** https://byrslf.co/it-seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time-a9eaa246546b
***  he continued to try to extract unpaid intellectual and emotional labor from me
** https://medium.com/@roxy5moxy/hetero-love-is-a-scam-on-emotional-labor-c5a2f2d46e04
*** If one person is doing all the emotional labor in a relationship, that’s not an equal partnership. I see way too many smart, accomplished, interesting women doing everything for breathing potatoes. Get out, girl. You got this one precious life.
*** Or, I don’t know, if you feel like maybe he can learn, see what happens if you just stop. Stop doing the stuff. Stop figuring out the logistics, cleaning up the messes, calling *his* relatives on their birthdays, scheduling all social activity, etc., etc., et fucking cetera. Let him see what you do. What he *doesn’t* do.
* Ironic & political https://thebaffler.com/blog/laurie-penny-self-care
* https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/feminism/2018/01/life-lessons-weightlifting-strong-women-are-used-justify-inequality
* Oxfam
**  We need to take steps to heal ourselves. We need to value the time and space that takes.
** https://medium.com/@maryannmhina/thousands-of-passionate-people-and-a-few-bad-eggs-f46af6a90fa7
* Jijaze is about recognising that taking care of and healing yourself is a core component of creating lasting change.  http://www.jijaze.com
* https://thebaffler.com/latest/the-queer-art-of-failing-better-penny
** queerness is gently suggested as an antidote to the hot mess of toxic masculinity under late-stage capitalism. I am absolutely here for it, as long as we all get paid.
** descend on one hapless, shlubby, usually straight (white) guy and sort his life out... give him a whole new look, redesign his home and wardrobe, teach him some basic kitchen skills, and provide scripted space to talk about his feelings
** heterosexuality is a disaster, toxic masculinity is killing the world, and there are ways out of it aside from fascism
** On this show, men do not compete with each other. They touch each other, a lot, They cry and admit to one other how much it hurts to be alive. There are no winners on Queer Eye—just better losers.
** it is possible to live well without a woman to take care of you—and if you’re lucky enough to have one offer to do so anyway, maybe you should show her some consideration by picking up after yourself
* Further Materials Toward a Theory of the Man-Child By MOIRA WEIGEL AND MAL AHERN, JULY 9, 2013
** https://thenewinquiry.com/further-materials-toward-a-theory-of-the-man-child/
** Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt later used the phrase “affective labor” to describe the emotional exertion that white-collar jobs increasingly require.
** Women’s long history of performing work without its even being acknowledged as work, much less compensated fairly, may account for their relative success in today’s white-collar economy
** "In institutions that reward competence with more unpaid labor, the Man-Child needs the Grown Woman to take care of him, and she needs him to need her."
** almost a definition of "hipster sexism": When casual sexism pervades leftist theory, one assumes it is ironic; when progressive institutions ignore gender politics, one assumes this is because struggles for equality have already been won, or must be deferred so we can attend to more pressing political needs. Intellectuals tend to show class allegiance, bracketing or ignoring casual sexism in their own circles. They project misogyny outward, onto Middle America megachurches and racialized others, or onto the powerful men that pander to those masses.
** In many radical political groups in the 20th century, sex and gender {and race} were treated as issues for “after the revolution.” ... (in order to) put off thinking about how differences of gender, sex, and sexuality {and race} operate in diverse lives. '''That sort of thinking takes work,''' work that many of us would often rather avoid. Because utopia never arrives, '''this labor gets passed on to the exploited''', who do not have the choice of temporarily ignoring the question. In many workplaces, including academic departments, this means that race becomes the “job” of people of color; sexual politics the “job” of people who are female and/or queer and/or transgendered.
** What would Preliminary Materials for a Theory of Motherhoodlook like? Maybe instead of more smarter-than-thou critiques, we need more imagination, more courage. In place of obscurantism, clarity and organization. In place of indecision and irony, a praise song and a program
* Hipster sexism
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hipster_sexism
** https://www.bitchmedia.org/post/hipster-sexism-is-sexist-feminist-magazine-irony-culture-racism-sexism
* http://libcom.org/library/aufheben/aufheben-14-2006/keep-on-smiling-questions-on-immaterial-labour
* Polyamory & anarchism http://dysophia.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/polyamory1-6_web.pdf
* Polyamory & tantra: Radical Ecstasy
** http://www.salon.com/2013/03/17/my_tantric_awakening_turned_me_off_sex/
* Polyamory primer: The Ethical Slut http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ethical_Slut
* "I’m finding it relatively easy to enjoy polyamorous harmony in my life because I know that it’s a projection of inner harmony. Being able to love multiple people is the same thing as being able to love the various parts of myself." http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2010/08/dream-lovemaking/
* Consent: https://www.morethantwo.com/blog/2013/10/guest-post-on-consent-in-romantic-relationships
* http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2017/03/science-of-polyamory-open-relationships-and-nonmonogamy.html
* https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2480139/On%20Being%20The%20Only%20Ones.pdf
* https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/07/fighting-loneliness-with-cuddle-parties/373335/
* https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/09/at-group-sex-parties-strict-rules-make-for-safe-spaces/379572/
* https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/jul/23/polyamory-new-way-to-love-men-women-sex-relationships-elf-lyons
* http://polyamoryonpurpose.com/
** http://polyamoryonpurpose.com/polyamory-and-mental-illness-blog-series/                                           
** http://polyamoryonpurpose.com/living-with-anxiety/
** http://polyamoryonpurpose.com/depression-polyamory/
** http://polyamoryonpurpose.com/poly-advice-for-the-mentally-ill-jealousy/
** http://polyamoryonpurpose.com/polyamory-and-ptsd/
** http://polyamoryonpurpose.com/polyamory-and-ptsd-and-other-trauma-and-stress-related-disorders-part-2/
** http://polyamoryonpurpose.com/abuse-boundaries-and-incompatibilities-in-monopoly-relationships/ 
** http://polyamoryonpurpose.com/meeting-your-metamour/
* NVC (as opposed to passive communication) & Poly/Open Relationships  http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/louisa-leontiades/how-passive-communication_b_5653487.html
* Louisa Leontiades
** http://louisaleontiades.com/essential-ingredient-open-relationships/
** http://www.nerve.com/love-sex/polyamory-is-pain
** http://louisaleontiades.com/crossroads-polyamory-c-ptsd/
** http://louisaleontiades.com/im-solo-polyamorous-living-community/
** http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/louisa-leontiades/how-passive-communication_b_5653487.html
* https://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2018/05/10-surprises-about-open-relationships/
===Accepting Death===
* Olivia
** https://becha.home.xs4all.nl/olivia/
* https://medium.com/@krisgage/you-are-not-entitled-to-other-people-d46a968b5452
** Love each moment like it’s the last
* "What we leave behind", book about decomposing and activism by Dereck Janssen
* Embracing Life-Affirming Awareness of Death: How to Transform Yourself and Possibly Save Human Civilization  http://bit.ly/1aPbdK0
* Last day of her life: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/05/17/magazine/the-last-day-of-her-life.html
* How to live with Death in mind http://tayen-lane.squarespace.com/extinction-dialogs/
* http://stillharbor.org/anchormagazine/2016/11/9/american-shadow-healing-our-wounds-facing-our-grief (by Carolyn Baker)
** Dark Gold: the Human Shadow and the Global Crisis (2016)
** Love In The Age Of Ecological Apocalypse: The Relationships We Need To Thrive (2015),
** Collapsing Consciously: Transformative Truths For Turbulent Times (2013),
* https://glennaalbrecht.wordpress.com/2016/11/20/memerosity-and-the-new-mourning/
** Albrecht G.A., (2016-7) Solastalgia and the New Mourning,
** Mourning Nature: Hope at the Heart of Ecological Loss & Grief, McGill-Queen’s University Press (in publication); in Ashlee Cunsolo Willox and Karen Landman, (ends)
* https://entitleblog.org/2016/11/23/hows-that-for-an-ending-a-political-ecology-of-apocalypse/
* http://stillharbor.org/anchormagazine/2016/11/9/american-shadow-healing-our-wounds-facing-our-grief
* https://www.theguardian.com/environment/radical-conservation/2016/nov/19/extinction-remembrance-day-theatre-ritual-thylacine-grief
** https://www.lostspeciesday.org/
** Funeral for Lost Species https://vimeo.com/25260994
* Stories about death
** (death of the child in the car accident, asteroid & extinction) http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2004/03/01/chicxulub
** Surveillance of Death and Miscarriage https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/04/fashion/modern-love-pregnancy-miscarriage-app-technology.html
* https://alexmabbs.com/2016/12/13/loss/
* https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/video/2016/dec/14/i-had-a-miscarriage-and-im-not-afraid-to-talk-about-it-video
* https://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jul/12/desmond-tutu-assisted-dying-right-to-die-nelson-mandela
* Bogdan
** https://becha.home.xs4all.nl/bogdan/
* Grief:
** "What we talk about when we talk about grief" By Patrick Galey https://medium.com/@patchgaley/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-grief-2a5ef40517ff
** https://lists.puscii.nl/wws/arc/uncivilization/2018-09/msg00000.html
** https://optionb.org/category/grief-and-loss/resources
** Dealing with grief - because of loss, illness, death http://articles.latimes.com/2013/apr/07/opinion/la-oe-0407-silk-ring-theory-20130407
** Grief: http://ritualfields.com/project/grief-is-a-beast/
** https://www.npr.org/programs/death/readings/spiritual/gibran.html?t=1535310681742
* Love each moment like it’s the last https://medium.com/@krisgage/you-are-not-entitled-to-other-people-d46a968b5452
* https://godsandradicals.org/2018/08/29/die-early-and-often-being-attis-in-the-anthropocene-in-progress/
* https://godsandradicals.org/2018/08/28/everything-is-going-according-to-plan-being-an-activist-in-the-anthropocene-in-progress/
* Before I Die, I Want to: ... http://beforeidie.cc/site/blog/category/walls/
* Funeral
** Mycelium funeral https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/sep/15/first-funeral-living-coffin-made-mushroom-fibre-netherlands                   
** Green Funeral http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/nov/30/are-woodland-funerals-ethical
** Funeral as celebration http://www.richard-hall.org/2018/08/28/for-joyce-canaan/
** DO IT YOUSELF funeral!!! https://www.npr.org/programs/death/971208.death.html
** Lisa Carlson: Book: Caring for Your Own Dead (followed 10 years later by Caring for the Dead: Your Final Act Of Love ).
** Checklist... (canada) http://www.calgarymemorial.com/upon-loss.html
** checlkist for the ceremony -> very "straight" but detailed (mostly UNNEEDED) https://www.everplans.com/articles/checklist-pre-planning-your-funeral-or-memorial-service
** Green Burial: https://www.everplans.com/articles/important-facts-to-know-about-green-burials
** Legal: There are a number of options available when a person does not, or can not, handle their financial and personal affairs. ​Choose someone you trust to make financial decisions for you while you are alive http://www.calgarymemorial.com/personal-and-financial-decision-making-options.html
USA https://funerals.org/start-an-fca/
Other options: http://www.architarium.com/funeral-planning-help/
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speaker_for_the_Dead
* https://coronavirustechhandbook.com/end-of-life
* October 2020 Climate Grief https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/oct/15/the-great-unravelling-i-never-thought-id-live-to-see-the-horror-of-planetary-collapse
* "Culture", "Myth", "Ethics", "Spirituality", "Empathy", "Community", relationship with Nature -> "RELIGION"
* Spiritual crisis
** https://morecrows.wordpress.com/2016/06/14/lessons-learned/
When people have lost their sense of participation in or meaning relative to anything larger than the day-to-day,
I have no problem calling that a spiritual crisis, even if the roots can be found in hard economic and political realities.
** (Islam) http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2016/06/the-meaningless-politics-of-liberal-democracies/486089/
* ETHICAL TRUTHS (from the anarchist collective The Invisible Committee)
* Thomas Oord’s work, The Uncontrolling Love of God,
** https://uncontrollinglove.com/2016/10/25/a-decolonial-love-of-god/
* Frantz Fanon "The Wretched of the Earth"
* (strange..must check if I agree & with which part ;-) https://uncontrollinglove.com/2016/10/13/the-divine-disregard-for-boundaries/
* Graham Hancock: The War on Consciousness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxvQusr9cwc
* "Bad" example: "The making of a racist, sexist religion of nihilism on 4Chan" http://reallifemag.com/apocalypse-whatever/
* Indigenous and Aboriginal traditions, ceremonies, spirituality - and prison inmates counselling http://www.cbc.ca/radio/tapestry/wounded-healer-1.3934287/prison-guard-and-inmate-transformed-through-indigenous-spirituality-1.3934306
* "climate activists reinventing themselves as storytellers." As myth-makers.http://mythgap.org/lecture-at-the-royal-society-of-arts/
* "The Myth Gap" && http://mythgap.org/lecture-at-the-royal-society-of-arts/
* Catholicism:
** 2015, Laudate Si: "ON CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME" (in many languages!) https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html
** 2023: Laudate Deum: "ON THE CLIMATE CRISIS" https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/20231004-laudate-deum.html
* (zen / buddhist monastery & Leonard Cohen) http://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/magazine/leonard-cohen-profile-pico-iyer
Being physical, feeling with all your senses, being "in the body"
Sexuality, Flexibility, Strength, Health
* Yoga
* Exercise: cycling
* Movement: Dance, Swimming, Skating...
* Connection between body and emotions and spiritual
* Connection between body and Nature
* Desire
** https://offdry.com/2017/06/02/day-1439-desire-isnt-lack/
** https://medium.com/@natalieportman/that-obscure-subject-of-desire-f2e2bd09db8c
*** Considering what someone else desires isn’t a bad thing. Actually, it’s a form of empathy. The consideration just needs to be reciprocal, and not at the expense of one’s own desire.
*** This is what I want. This is what I need. This is what I desire. This is how you can help me achieve pleasure.
* Pleasure
** https://www.dawnserra.com/blog/relationship-with-pleasure/
* Links here [[Ladies_Night#Anger_Rage]]
* Anger, love, boundaries, feminism: https://medium.com/@whatjosaid/bad-dates-boundaries-and-why-i-might-just-burn-my-bra-e314c94f1278
* Nudism, Barefoot, Nudity
** https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2017/jan/26/just-dont-stare-a-night-of-nudity-and-dancing-at-the-art-gallery
* Saunas :)
** https://morningchores.com/diy-sauna-hot-tub/
* Self-reliance, becoming a producer, enabling cooperation  http://the21stcommons.blogspot.com/2015/03/self-reliant-production.html
* http://www.radicaljoyforhardtimes.org/
* Addiction
** http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/vivek-murthy-report-on-drugs-and-alcohol_us_582dce19e4b099512f812e9c
** unneccesariat
* (2017) Settle Down, "down to earth" https://godsandradicals.org/2017/05/04/settle-down/
** settling down with oneself, and one’s community, is just about the most radical stance a person can take these days.
** cultivating a healthy inner life. Having a sense of contentedness, equanimity, patience, inner peace, and wild-eyed wonder at the beauty our world has to offer.
** We must learn to slow down, to be present in each moment.
** A sense of duty, care, compassion, and collective responsibility for the planet and the meek of the Earth must be stoked among leaders in civil society.
** It is possible to draw strength from the planet, as well as lovers and friends and plant and animal allies, after all.
** Settling also means each of us has to learn how to become rooted in one’s community, state, and nation: growing a stable and harmonious identity, a sense of belongingness, and a meaningful culture.
**  Healthy food, continuing one’s education throughout life, being fulfilled in work and in play, learning to appreciate nature, and developing a spiritual practice are just a few basics.
** step back from the maelstrom of contemporary life in certain senses: to set examples by not jet-setting around the globe regularly, to give up luxury consumer items in solidarity with the working classes, etc
** '''walking barefoot on the soil, our mother Earth, will help people understand how to resist.''' (ecotherapy)
** Pacts within communities to promote some sort of egalitarian redistribution of wealth to decrease inequality will foster higher levels of trust, friendship, and reciprocity.
** Restraint, humbleness, and compassion must reemerge as key values for our descendants to have a chance at a prosperous future.
** Live simpler. Love harder. Listen to the wind, the rocks and soil, rushing water, a crackling fire. One can find answers by keeping still and listening.
* Resources for Addressing Harm, Accountability, and Healing http://criticalresistance.org/resources/addressing-harm-accountability-and-healing/
* (links) Mutual Aid https://wiki.techinc.nl/User:Becha/COVID-19#Mutual_Aid
[[File:Screen Shot 2015-01-01 at 16.43.15.png|right|400px]]
* [[:File:mapping_climate_communication_network_of_actors_15_oct2014-ll-printable.pdf]]
* Visualization: http://dev.informationisbeautiful.net/?attachment_id=6268 / http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/how-many-gigatons-of-co2/ / http://infobeautiful2.s3.amazonaws.com/IIB_Gigatons_CO2_PDF.zip
* Visualization: http://dev.informationisbeautiful.net/?attachment_id=6268 / http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/how-many-gigatons-of-co2/ / http://infobeautiful2.s3.amazonaws.com/IIB_Gigatons_CO2_PDF.zip
Line 367: Line 4,302:
* http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2013/09/27/2681861/15-things-ipcc-report/
* http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2013/09/27/2681861/15-things-ipcc-report/
* How global warming works, in videos http://www.howglobalwarmingworks.org by University in Berkley
* http://www.newrepublic.com/article/119697/scientists-preparing-apocalypse
* Why our brains are wired to ignore climate change http://www.amazon.com/Dont-Even-Think-About-It/dp/1620401339 && PDF of a ToC [[:File:Dont even think about it - George Marshall.pdf]]
** http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2014/nov/10/brain-climate-change-science-psychology-environment-elections
* [[:File:Modeling Inequality and Use of Resources in the Collapse or Sustainability of Societiesm - otesharrei-rivas-kalnay.pdf]]
* [[:File:monthlyreview.org-The_Internets_Unholy_Marriage_to_Capitalism.pdf]]
* 2017: reaching 410 ppm & the highest levels in 40 million years http://www.climatecentral.org/news/climate-change-unseen-50-million-years-21312
Line 381: Line 4,328:
* https://micromag.evidenceandinfluence.org/?issue=environment-and-justice
* https://micromag.evidenceandinfluence.org/?issue=environment-and-justice
* Noam Chomski, old video about Peak Oil etc (one of many) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQCTTKvNkic
* Noam Chomski, old video about Peak Oil etc (one of many) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQCTTKvNkic  
==Misc Solutions ==
(to be placed in categories later! Note to self!)
* How to save the world (a blog) http://howtosavetheworld.ca Dave Pollard
* [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14693062.2013.759726 Climate policies in a changing world context: is a paradigm shift needed?]]
* Thrivability as a criticism to sustainability  http://p2pfoundation.net/Thrivability
* Transition Towns http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transition_Towns
* Daniel Pinchbeck is the author of Breaking Open the Head (Broadway Books, 2002) and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Tarcher/Penguin. 2006). He is the Executive Director of Center for Planetary Culture, www.planetaryculture.com , a nonprofit think tank. He is the host of the talk show Mind Shift, www.mindshift.net , produced by GaiamTV. He co-founded Evolver.net – which publishes Reality Sandwich and The Evolver Learning Labs – and The Evolver Network, which organizes local community groups. He was featured in the documentary 2012: Time for Change, directed by Joao Amorim and produced by Mangusta Films.
Websites: www.planetaryculture.com www.mindshift.net www.evolver.net www.realitysandwich.com
* Bringing the jungle to the city: A techno-shamanic quest to reconnect urban life to ecological reality https://www.contributoria.com/issue/2014-06/534fee75c679a5ac42000014
* http://roarmag.org/2013/10/crisis-representation-autonomy-self/
To overcome the crisis of democracy and reaffirm our autonomy, we first of all need to liberate our empty self from mindless consumerism and conformity.
Representation places the source of legitimacy outside of oneself. Whether it is a corporate brand name, political party, an ideology or slogan, one looks for objects of representation through which something inside can be projected out onto the world.
* Permaculture (alternative food production) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permaculture
* Kursevi u Zagrebu!! http://www.zmag.hr/72-satni-tecaj-permakulturnog-dizaj
Slowly Boiling Frog (just like in "the story of B")
People are moving more and more outside of electoral politics. A call is arising for a new type of governance, for a ''real democracy'' where each person participates directly and manifests their own voice. This is a political act, but it is also much more. The current crisis of democracy is a crisis of representation. '''Images that perpetuate illusions about ourselves can no longer sustain our humanity.'''
===Russel Brand===
===Russel Brand===
* "Before we change the world, we need to change the way we think." http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2013/10/russell-brand-on-revolution  
* "Before we change the world, we need to change the way we think." http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2013/10/russell-brand-on-revolution  
(see quotes: [[Hackers_tribes_quotes_culture#Quoting_Russell_Brand]] )
* http://www.theguardian.com/environment/earth-insight/2013/oct/25/russell-brand-crisis-civilisation-what-now
* http://www.theguardian.com/environment/earth-insight/2013/oct/25/russell-brand-crisis-civilisation-what-now
Line 409: Line 4,375:
* http://roarmag.org/2013/10/russell-brand-resonance-revolution/
* http://roarmag.org/2013/10/russell-brand-resonance-revolution/
* http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/05/russell-brand-democratic-system-newsnight 
* ... and supporting argument: http://libcom.org/blog/dear-messrs-webb-lustig…-01112013
* ... and supporting argument: http://libcom.org/blog/dear-messrs-webb-lustig…-01112013
* ... and more: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/11/04/russell-brand-revolution-_n_4213849.html
* ... and even more: guardian's "portal" on Russell Brand: http://www.theguardian.com/culture/russell-brand
* About... https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2020/07/exiting-the-vampire-castle.html
==Oct 2017, Gert==
BIEN | Basic Income Earth Network http://basicincome.org/
Future Earth Forum http://network.futureearth.org/      crowd sourcing, academic
Solutions - Global Ecovillage Network https://ecovillage.org/solutions/ citizen, solutions, crowd sourcing
Appropedia http://www.appropedia.org/  solutions
Climate CoLab https://climatecolab.org/        academic, crowd sourcing, solutions, climate change
Regeneration International http://regenerationinternational.org/        ecology
Permaculture - practical solutions beyond sustainability https://www.permaculture.co.uk/        ecology
Ecolabel Index http://www.ecolabelindex.com/    labelling, standards
ISEAL Alliance https://www.isealalliance.org/  standards
Bill McKibben https://twitter.com/billmckibben  climate change, blogger, news, action
Naomi Klein https://twitter.com/NaomiAKlein    climate change, blogger, news, action
Finding Solutions | Publications | David Suzuki Foundation http://www.davidsuzuki.org/publications/finding-solutions/
AskNature - Innovation Inspired by Nature https://asknature.org/        biological knowledge
IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency http://www.irena.org/    government
Planetary (2015) - IMDb http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3462896/    documentary
A New We - Ecovillages in Europe http://www.cultureunplugged.com/documentary/watch-online/play/11913/A-New-We---Ecovillages-in-Europe  documentary

Latest revision as of 14:24, 15 August 2024

Participants Becha
Skills Community building
Status Planning
Niche Community
Purpose Fun
(imagine) "a society with a modest standard of living, conservative of natural resources, with a low constant fertility rate and a political life based upon consent" --Ursula K. LeGuin
"In our present numbers and enacting our present dreams, 
the human race is having a lethal impact upon the world." --Daniel Quinn
"You cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources." --Albert Bartellet 
"I’m fighting on behalf the species we’ve not yet driven to extinction. 
I’m fighting to increase the odds that Earth will be vibrantly green 10 million years from now." --Guy McPherson 


Hackers Tribes (Saving the World)

Why are hackers like tribes?

About hackers








Hacker Culture: Smári: Hacker culture is all about being able to learn and experience and interact. It takes an "anything goes" approach 
to altering reality. A hacker is somebody who has read-write-execute permissions on the universe. 
Within this mindset there is no right and wrong - such moral judgements are separate from hacker culture, 
and although hackers might argue heavily about what is right and wrong, 
they will all agree that tinkering is a good idea. A side effect of this is an incredibly liberal attitude towards almost everything. 
Once you recognize moral relativism for what it is, then we can move forward to do more interesting things than opining at each other, 
such as working together to build better communities.
The free exchange of information is a necessary precondition for this.
  • "The hacker is someone one can imagine as still having some shred of a utopian practice." Interview with @McKenzieWark http://owl.li/rPYGN
"You can't trust code that you did not totally create yourself." 

November 2014:

"The hacker ethos is wild and anarchic, indifferent to the trappings of success. 
Or it was, until the gentrifiers moved in" Brett Scott

About hackerspaces

  • "Barefoot into Cyperspace"

Learning from the mistakes

Why are hackerspaces like tribes?

"... Internet’s spirit of permissionless innovation, open entry, diversity and competition." http://www.internetgovernance.org/2013/10/20/plans-for-internet-commission-on-internet-cooperation-revealed/

  • & why are hackerspaces as "commons"?
“A commons must be animated by bottom-up participation, personal responsibility, transparency 
and self-policing accountability.” http://bollier.org/commons-short-and-sweet 

Hackers Ethics

Teaching Hackers Ethics

Hackerspaces Governance Models

Tips for Volunteer Organisations


  • (get some links from anarchist web sites!!)

Governance in general

  • Internet Governance & Hackers [[Internet_Governance_and_hackers]

On Leadership

  • Talk about / dedicate yourself to / what you love


"Leaders are the ones who are brave enough to ACT on what they know to be true "
"Leadership is a choice"
"Bring the choice about what you do into alignment with what you love, and become a leader." 
  • Examples of other organizations - Red Cross:
"The Red Cross is a classic example of an organization that's been around too long 
and whose focus has shifted from fulfilling its mandate to guaranteeing its own success and survival. 
Typically, they're arrogant and unassailable. Individuals behave much the same way, 
only within a shorter time span. We have much to learn about how we handle change." 


  • Oxfam
" Leading by example means addressing and questioning inequity and abuse as they manifest in ourselves, and our organisations. Really practicing what we preach."

& " We actually have to continually be addressing structural oppressions as they show up"


p2p management

  • self management, worker ownership, social enterprise, workplace democracy…*

Other hackerspace related project

We are organized and unorganized individuals like you, fighting for our rights, for democracy, equality, justice, 
freedom and solidarity, for our and the planets’ survival.
GNUnion is a new type of transnational and p2p networked social movement union.
GNUnion strives with its entirity, to build and stregthen ties among all the nodes untill the humanity becomes 
One Big Meshwork.

Why are tribes important?

    • 2) The Boiling Frog
    • 3) The Collapse of Values
    • 4) Population: A Systems Approach
    • 5) The Great Remembering
  • The parable of tribes, Andrew Bard Schmookler
  • James C. Scott: Review of "The World until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies?" by Jared Diamond http://www.lrb.co.uk/v35/n22/james-c-scott/crops-towns-government
    • "Anthropology can show us radically different and satisfying forms of human affiliation and co-operation that do not depend on the nuclear family or inherited wealth. "
    • "our world of grains and states is a mere blink of the eye (0.25 per cent), in the historical adventure of our species."
    • "As Norbert Elias pointed out more than half a century ago in The Civilising Process, what the state does is to centralise and monopolise violence in its own hands"
    • relative non-violence and physical well-being of contemporary hunters and gatherers when compared with the early agrarian states.
    • strong social forces mobilised by kinsmen to restrain anyone contemplating a hasty and violent act that will expose all of them to danger.
    • It’s hard to imagine Diamond’s primitives giving up their physical freedom, their varied diet, their egalitarian social structure, their relative freedom from famine, large-scale state wars, taxes and systematic subordination in exchange for what Diamond imagines to be ‘the king’s peace’.
    • ((I also refer to "Against Leviathan", "Debt" by David Greaber, "Full House" by Stephen J Gaud, Daniel Quinn & Deric Janssen)

Becha's Talks and Papers


  • Proposal for the "Inverting Globalization" conference, topic of "Unsustainability, Precarity, Ecology" (refused) Hackers_tribes_GCC

* MAILING LIST! https://lists.puscii.nl/wws/info/uncivilization

Hackers Ethics

Beyond Civilization

Is this culture ever going to undergo voluntary transformation
to a sane and sustainable way of living? Derric Jensen


"books are ocularcentric, dumbing down things that shifts us out of our full body perceptions
and into virtual spaces of detachment, just as much as whatsapp or email" mp
  • Derrick Jensen: Endgame


  • A User’s Guide to the Crisis of Civilization: And How to Save It -- (2011), Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed:


  • Running on Emptiness: The Pathology of Civilizatio ... , John Zerzan
  • "Against Civilization: Readings and Reflections"
  • Naomi Klein - This Changes Everything
  • Norbert Elias: The Civilising Process,
  • Edward Abbey's "Desert solitaire?: a season in the wilderness", New York: Ballantine Books. 1971
  • Abbey: "The Monkey-Wrench Gang" is a classic story set in the Utah/Arizona wilderness -- it's the original inspiration for what is now called 'eco-terrorism'!
  • "The Man Who Walked Through Time" By Colin Fletcher - about a 3-month solo trip hiking the Grand Canyon && "The Complete Walker" was one that kept me dreaming for the times in the wilderness!
  • John Muir "Steep Trails" (and his other books)


New way of thinking

Quotes on Sharing, spirituality, morality, ethics, religion, Culture or "the new way of thinking" Hackers_tribes_quotes_culture

  • In the Absence of the Sacred, Jerry Mander
  • Born and raised in captivity...
  • The Great Turning

"somebody will take care of it... that's their job..." == THAT'S MY JOB!

Are we distroying the planet just to be a little bit more comfortable for a short while? Dimitry Orlov

What does a life well lived look like?

Socratic Questions / Social Justice issue : http://goodmenproject.com/social-justice-2/social-justice-climate-change-is-a-social-justice-issue/

  • "Myth" : The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. John F. Kennedy
7. Build consciousness of alternative stories

Many of the above show by example that a better world is possible, but that won’t be enough. 
Without a narrative to backup our actions we are easily ignored and relegated to the sidelines.
The current paradigm lauds competition, deems wealth a reward for being good, hard working, 
and smart, and equates poverty with personal failing.
We need to counter this with stories of cooperation and community. We need to strip poverty of it’s stigma. 
We need to show people that we can build on empathy and not greed.


  • "Cloud and Field -- On the resurgence of “field guides” in a networked age. We’ve moved from birding to dronewatching, from natural history to dark ecology. But are we still looking through colonialist binoculars?" https://placesjournal.org/article/cloud-and-field/


"the most important environmental book ever written. It is not Silent Spring, Small Is Beautiful or even Walden. It contains no graphs, no tables, no facts, figures, warnings, predictions or even arguments. Nor does it carry a single dreary sentence, which, sadly, distinguishes it from most environmental literature. It is a novel, first published (in 2006) , and it will change the way you see the world."

  • Generation A, Player One (Douglas Coupland)
  • Pingvin Island, Anatole France
  • Combined and Uneven Apocalypse, Luciferian Marxism "From salvagepunk to zombie hordes, wastelands to plagued cities, Combined and Uneven Apocalypse grapples with the apocalyptic fantasies of our collapsing era."
  • Great list, all on .onion: https://sindominio.net/futurereview/
    • 1984 - George Orwell, 1949. An operator manual for the modern surveillance society.
    • Accelerando - Charles Stross, 2005. A post-singularity novel.
    • The Bone Clocks - David Mitchell, 2014. Fantasy with good, realistic dystopian after-apocalypse.
    • Brave new world - Aldous Huxley, 1932. What to do in a prozac society.
    • The Circle - Dave Eggers, 2013. Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple merge and everything is just awesome!.
    • Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell, 2012. Stories of the resistance across time and space.
    • Daemon and Freedom - Daniel Suarez, 2006, 2009. Near-future technological dystopia/utopia.
    • The Dispossessed - Ursula K. Le Guin, 1974. Post-revolution anarchist self-criticism with interesting language. One of the most influential anarchist books of all time.
    • Distress - Greg Egan, 1995. Anarchists living in a beautful island called “Stateless”, until…
    • “The Enemy” series (Enemy, Dead, Fear, Sacrifice, Fallen, Hunted, End) - Charlie Higson, 2009. Dystopian after-apocalypse: how kids & teenagers survive and organise without adults.
    • Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury, 1953. Dystopian future where books are burned by firemen.
    • Fire on the mountain - Terry Bisson, 1988. Revolutionary abolitionist alternate history of US + Afro-futurism.
    • The Girl with all the gifts - M.R. Carey, 2014. Dystopian after-apocalypse.
    • He, She, and It - Marge Piercy, 1991. Award winning radical feminist cyborg cyberpunk.
    • Imperial Radch trilogy Ancillary Justice, Ancillary Sword, Ancillary Mercy - Ann Leckie, 2013. She (and her AI) attempt to revenge herself on the ruler of her civilization.
    • Lilith’s Brood: Dawn, Adulthood Rites, and Imago - Octavia Butler, 1987. Post-nuke alien sex, gender, race, and species (prepare to be mindfucked).
    • The Iron Council - China Miéville, 2004. Fantasy. On the challenges of revolution and everything that can go wrong.
    • The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin, 1969. Gender, aliens, solidarity.
    • The man in the high castle - Philip K. Dick, 1962. Alternate universe where the nazis won and the US is occupied.
    • Mars trilogy Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars - Kim Stanley Robinson, 1993-1996. Human settlement of mars: science, revolution, utopia. Robinson is an earnest socialist.
    • Oryx and Crake, The Year of the Flood, MaddAddam - Margaret Atwood, 2003. Near future bio-dystopian environmental activists.
    • Parable of the Sower, Parable of the Talents - Octavia Butler. Post-Trump apocalypse with radical evangelism to reach the stars.
    • A Scanner Darkly Philip K. Dick, 1977. Paranoia sect drug cloak.
    • Seveneves, Neal Stephenson, 2015. Can’t tell much. The moon, the space, humanity.
    • Silo Series: Wool, Shift - Legacy, Shift - Order, Shift - Packt, Dust Hugh Howey, 2011 . No spoilers!.
    • Woman on the Edge of Time - Marge Piercy, 1976. Cannon feminist utopia scifi.
    • The Word for World is Forest - Ursula K. Le Guin, 1972. Alien anti-colonial resistance to human invaders.


Cli Fi (#CliFi) is a label coined by activist/blogger Dan Bloom in 2008. 
Other names for it include anthropocene fiction, slow apocalypse fiction, climate fiction 
and hyperobject fiction.
  • http://www.sffworld.com/2016/06/interview-with-cli-fi-author-cat-sparks/
    • Cat Sparks: The Bride Price, Lotus Blue,
    • George R. Stewart’s Earth Abides (1954), J.G. Ballard’s 1960s drowned world disaster sequence and Brian Aldiss’s Hothouse (1962).
    • Barbara Kingsolver’s Flight Behaviour or Kathryn Heyman’s Floodline. Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandell
    • Margaret Atwood, Colson Whitehead, Cormac McCarthy, Claire Vey Watkins, Lionel Shriver.
    • John Joseph Adams’s anthology Loosed Upon the World. Kim Stanley Robinson’s Science in the Capital trilogy, (Green Earth).
    • James Bradley’s Clade, George Turner’s The Sea and Summer, Saci Lloyd’sThe Carbon Diaries, Paolo Bacigalupi’s Ship Breaker and The Drowned Cities, A Wrong Turn at the Office of Unmade Lists by Jane Rawson, Julie Bertagna’s Exodus.
“Anyone can do a dystopia these days just by making a collage of newspaper headlines.”  Kim Stanley Robinson



(and unrelated, but worth it: http://stevecutts.com )

  • "There is no tomorrow", animation


  • Michael Pollan's Food Rules vimeo.com Based on Michael Pollan's talk "Food Rules" given at the RSA, this animation was created in the context of the RSA/Nominet Trust film competition. Using a mixture…



Video & documentaties

  • What a way to go - LIfe at the end of the empire // WhatAWayToGomovie.com


  • Crisis of Civilization


  • Al Gore interview: Why civilization will not survive next 100 years:


  • And of course, "The Inconvenient Truth"
  • "There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside, first." - Jim Morrison // The sustainable Man


  • Films: "What the Economic Crisis Really Means" & "Peak Oil and Economic Contraction"







  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Curtis : Century of the Self: 1. Happiness Machines (17 March 2002) 2. The Engineering of Consent (24 March 2002) 3. There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed (31 March 2002) 4. Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering (7 April 2002) && All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace: 1.1 Love and Power 1.2 The Use and Abuse of Vegetational Concepts 1.3 The Monkey In The Machine and the Machine in the Monkey
  • http://www.demain-lefilm.com/ "As humanity is threatened by the collapse of ecosystems, Cyril, Melanie, Alexandre, Laurent and Antoine Raphäel, all in their thirties, go explore the world in search of solutions that can save their children and, through them, the new generation. From the most successful experiences in all fields (agriculture, energy, housing, economy, education, democracy ...), they will try to put the puzzle that will build another history of the future."

  • Down to Earth!

  • A Farm for the Future: https://vimeo.com/34816525 Wildlife film maker Rebecca Hosking investigates how to transform her family's farm in Devon into a low energy farm for the future, and discovers that nature holds the key. With her father close to retirement, Rebecca returns to her family's wildlife-friendly farm in Devon, to become the next generation to farm the land. But last year's high fuel prices were a wake-up call for Rebecca. Realising that all food production in the UK is completely dependent on abundant cheap fossil fuel, particularly oil, she sets out to discover just how secure this oil supply is. Alarmed by the answers, she explores ways of farming without using fossil fuel. With the help of pioneering farmers and growers, Rebecca learns that it is actually nature that holds the key to farming in a low-energy future.


  • Pearl Jam: Yield , album inspired by Ishamel (Daniel Quinn)
  • * "We are the Vogons" (spoof of "We are the robots" by Kraftwerk & HHGttG"

Other examples

  • Gypsies
  • Circuses

Against Anthropocentrism

  • ANTHROPOCENTRISM -- crazy idea that _people_ are more entitled to food / water / shelter then any other living beings!

Capitalism.jpg Anthropocentrism.png

"object-oriented philosophy, a recent movement that resists 
the notion that only the relation of humans to things matters." 



  • Human Difference / Supremacy
    • The Mysterious Stranger, Mark Twain




Responsibilities instead of rights

Rights of nature.jpg
  • "water is a human right" -> NO, keeping the water available and clean for plants and SQUIRRELS is a human RESPONSIBILITY!
  • instead of "civil liberties", responsibilities to the landbase (Derrick Jensen)

Animal Rights

& Animal Intelligence, Empathy, Emotions, Communication 
  • People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
  • Artist's paintings tell powerful story of survival with our animal allies buff.ly/1XiZfRL

Respect for Nature

  • "braiding sweetgrass" by Robin Wall Kimerer. She talks about the kind of mutually beneficial relationships we can have with the land, from the perspective of a scientist, an indigenous woman, and the person trying to balance those 2 worlds in life.

Consider the Squirrels!

Squirrels symbolize imperative of considering more then just humans, 
making "the commons" less anthropocentric.
  • Speaker for the Squirrels (like Naomi Klein is speaking for Earth, and Derrick Jensen speaking for the Salmon)
  • Carl Safina: "Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel" | Talks at Google // youtube.com/watch?v=SR4ewP
Jedi squirrels download.gif

Squirrels against technology

Other animals against Technology


Consider the Squids!


Tip of the middle finger of life on Earth.jpg


  • Donna Harroway: Tentacular Thinking: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene


  • "In the Malheur National Forest of eastern Oregon, a really gigantic specimen of Armillaria ostoyae, or the Honey Mushroom, is growing. The fruiting bodies of this vast organism are seen as clusters of mushrooms, but the continuous underground part of the fungus extends over 3.5 miles and an area of around 2200 acres. Such size is not attained without age, and this organism has been dated variously from 2400 years old to over 7000 years old. " http://www.viewzone.com/plants.html


Tree -- heaven and hell.jpg




"If the history of Earth were compressed to a single year, modern humans would appear on December 31st at about 11:58pm."

What has the civilization ever done for us.jpg


  • The Myth of "Takers": Greatness, Power over, Pinnacle of Evolution, God's chosen children
  • Peak Oil
  • Overpopulation
  • Climate change
  • Over-Consumption
  • Pollution
  • NTE

Takers Myths

The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, 
but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. 
 John F. Kennedy

The myth of superiority

  • The Great Delusion: The Myths Greatness, Power over, Pinnacle of Evolution, God's chosen children...
    • Daniel Quinn: Ishmael, Story of B, etc


Takers exhibit three characteristics:

(1) They believe (i.e. act as if) the world was made for humans to conquer and rule;

(2) they practice totalitarian agriculture, a form of agriculture predicated on the notion that all food on this planet belongs to humans exclusively; thus (a) food dedicated to human use may be denied to all other species, (b) any species that would compete for human food may be destroyed at will, and (c) food needed by other species may be destroyed at will to make room for the production of human food;

(3) they believe their way is the One Right Way for people to live and everyone in the world should live that way---and be forced to live that way, if necessary

The myth of progress

  • "genocide of the Holocaust and totalitarian systems [were] unnatural but the logical consequence of modernity. They were the culmination of the idea of progress and purity which, according to Bauman, were of crucial importance for the dynamics of modernity." https://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1701/msg00017.html
Myth of progress: Now is the best time, we never had it as good as now
Bill Gates: By almost any measure, the world is better than it has ever been. http://annualletter.gatesfoundation.org/ Seven out of ten people live in countries where economic inequality has increased in the last 30 years (1)
The bottom half of the world’s population owns the same as the richest 85 people in the world. (2)
* There are no problems, we never had it better then now, it's been only progress since 1850: http://slatestarcodex.com/2013/10/20/the-anti-reactionary-faq/ (first part only! = "1: Is everything getting worse?")
http://www.businessinsider.com/charts-that-will-restore-your-faith-in-humanity-2013-5 majority-of-us-public-school-students-are-in-poverty (3)
(we will live to be 150) https://techcrunch.com/2016/10/03/what-happens-if-we-live-to-be-150/ (BigData = loss of privacy, BigPharma = inequality; false analysis of the bubble finance models; case of techno-optimism induced blindness; see "Criticism of Capitalism" below)

(1) http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-01-22/top-1-has-65-times-more-wealth-bottom-half-and-global-elite-it-way

(2) http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/jan/20/oxfam-85-richest-people-half-of-the-world &&& http://www.oxfam.org/sites/www.oxfam.org/files/bp-working-for-few-political-capture-economic-inequality-200114-summ-en.pdf

(3) http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/majority-of-us-public-school-students-are-in-poverty/2015/01/15/df7171d0-9ce9-11e4-a7ee-526210d665b4_story.html

Feudalism then and now.jpg


  • ""Decolonising my syllabus" is to decolonisation what "reducing my carbon footprint" is to climate change - it's vital and ethical to take individual action, but it's not the main challenge. The language of radical change is being peddled by institutions (from petroleum companies to polytechs, from uranium mines to unversities) who want us to focus on individual choice precisely so they DON'T have to make systemic changes. Decolonisation =/= a change to the reading list and a land acknowledgement. It means land back and (at minimum) shared governance. That doesn't mean we shouldn't do what we can with what we have, but we need to be truthful about the scale of our efforts

You're 100% right, but the right thing to do may be to subvert this by interpreting decolonization more radically. It's not just land back etc. It's stopping the economic system which is still today destroying the lifeworld of the colonized to benefit the colonizers

The myth of humanity

It's NOT all the humans that are a problem -- it's just one CIVILIZATION (right now, 21st century) -- the TAKERS!

  • e.g. "Humans are “the ultimate invasive species” having spread from Africa to every corner of the planet (and beyond) in 100,000 years. In doing so, we have removed the habitats of other species, or affected them by moving other invasive species around, causing pollution and driving climate change."


NO -- for 90,000 years they stayed POOR and did not cause pollutions & extinctions!

Only in the last 10.000 years, since totalitarian agriculture, have we been waging a war on Nature!

Limits to Growth

Picture 15.png
  • and transcript


       "You cannot sustain population growth and / or growth in the                  
       rates of consumption of resources."
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is                                                            
our inability to understand the exponential function."        
  • "There is no tomorrow", animation


  • The Dream of the Earth, Thomas Berry; "The Great Wok"
  • Population: 10 Billion, by 2100:
  • #ScaledToDeath How to Avoid the 6 Traps of Exponential Growth


  • It took 200.000 years for our human population to reach 1 billion and only 200 years to reach 7 billion youtube.com/watch?v=PUwmA3 https://t.co/COiJyFpNjp

The Population Myth

it's NOT overpopulation, it's INEQUALITY & overconsumption 


  • Mahatma Gandhi ("there is enough for everyone's needs, not for everyone's greed'),
  • Mahmoud Mamdani: the Myth of Population Control). here's a short review:



moving from precariat to unnecessariat

  • https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2016/nov/17/diversity-can-distract-us-from-economic-inequality
    • "Rich western liberals, Michaels argues, don’t want to challenge the economic structures that produce inequality because that might seriously impact on their own standing and wealth. Instead they insist on the elite being as diverse as the poor, as a way to justify the very existence of the elite."
    • "If a Muslim woman is better at doing the job than a white man, the logic of capitalism is entirely non-discriminatory. She rightly gets the job. Thus capitalism is applauded as an agent of social progress. And yet the poor get poorer and the rich get richer." -> The issue, of course, is NEOLIBERAL capitalism.
    • social justice CAN mean a commitment to both social diversity and economic equality
So your meditation for today is this: Who would you be in a refugee camp? 
  • USA aristocracy https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/06/the-birth-of-a-new-american-aristocracy/559130/
    • The meritocratic class has mastered the old trick of consolidating wealth and passing privilege along at the expense of other people’s children.
    • We are the principal accomplices in a process that is slowly strangling the economy, destabilizing American politics, and eroding democracy. Our delusions of merit now prevent us from recognizing the nature of the problem that our emergence as a class represents... History shows quite clearly that, in the kind of game we’re playing, everybody loses badly in the end.
    • If your parents are high on the ladder, the (elastic) band will pull you up should you fall; if they are low, it will drag you down when you start to rise.
    • We are the people of good family, good health, good schools, good neighborhoods, and good jobs. We may want to call ourselves the “5Gs” rather than the 9.9 percent. We are so far from the not-so-good people on all of these dimensions, we are beginning to resemble a new species.
    • We 9.9 percenters live in safer neighborhoods, go to better schools, have shorter commutes, receive higher-quality health care, and, when circumstances require, serve time in better prisons. We also have more (successful) friends
    • We have figured out how to launder our money through higher virtues.
    • New forms of life necessarily give rise to new and distinct forms of consciousness. ... Class accretes faster than we think. It’s our awareness that lags, trapping us within the assumptions into which we were born.
    • "On the game": finance, management consulting, medicine, or law; pharmaceutical, software, and entertainment sectors;
    • Who is not in on the game? Auto workers. Caregivers. Retail workers. Furniture makers. Food workers.
    • when educated people with excellent credentials band together to advance their collective interest, it’s all part of serving the public good by ensuring a high quality of service, establishing fair working conditions, and giving merit its due. That’s why we do it through “associations,” and with the assistance of fellow professionals wearing white shoes. When working-class people do it—through unions—it’s a violation of the sacred principles of the free market. It’s thuggish and anti-modern.
    • Education: Instead of uniting and enriching us, it divides and impoverishes.
    • This economic and educational sorting of neighborhoods is about the consolidation of wealth in all its forms,
    • Gilded zip codes deliver higher life expectancy, more-useful social networks, and lower crime rates. Lengthy commutes, by contrast, cause obesity, neck pain, stress, insomnia, loneliness, and divorce,
    • Zip code is who we are. It defines our style, announces our values, establishes our status, preserves our wealth, and allows us to pass it along to our children. It’s also slowly strangling our economy and killing our democracy.
    • In part what we have here is a listening problem. Americans have trouble telling the difference between a social critique and a personal insult. Thus, a writer points to a broad social problem with complex origins, and the reader responds with, “What, you want to punish me for my success?”
    • ... routinely conflate the stress of status competition with the stress of survival.
    • The source of the trouble, considered more deeply, is that we have traded rights for privileges. We’re willing to strip everyone, including ourselves, of the universal right to a good education, adequate health care, adequate representation in the workplace, genuinely equal opportunities, because we think we can win the game. But who, really, in the end, is going to win this slippery game of escalating privileges?
    • Perhaps the best evidence for the (inequality of) power is to be found in the degree of resentment it provokes. The surest sign of an increase in resentment is a rise in ... division and instability.
    • No one is born resentful. As mass phenomena, racism, xenophobia, anti-intellectualism, narcissism, irrationalism, and all other variants of resentment are as expensive to produce as they are deadly to democratic politics. Only long hours of television programming, intelligently manipulated social-media feeds, and expensively sustained information bubbles can actualize the unhappy dispositions of humanity to the point where they may be fruitfully manipulated for political gain. Racism in particular is not just a legacy of the past, as many Americans would like to believe; it also must be constantly reinvented for the present. Mass incarceration, fearmongering, and segregation are not just the results of prejudice, but also the means of reproducing it.
    • The toxic wave of wealth concentration that arose in the Gilded Age and crested in the 1920s finally crashed on the shoals of depression and war. Death and destruction & The financial collapse were the real agents of change.
    • In The Great Leveler, the historian Walter Scheidel makes a disturbingly good case that inequality has reliably ended only in catastrophic violence: wars, revolutions, the collapse of states, or plagues and other disasters.

No Growth != Economic Collapse

Food = Totalitarian Agriculture

  • " Civilization will eat itself" Ran Prieur & "Superweed"
  • Acheiving food security in the face of climate change



  • ECOLOGICAL overshoot!! (not *only* population!)

  • "Overshoot" -- the ecological basis of revolutionary change
  • Footprint & "energy slaves" = equivalent of human work , done by machines, using energy & resources
  • "Unguarded gates" Otis Graham
  • "as Perlman makes plain, population growth is purely a product of civilization: 'a steady increase in human numbers [is] as persistent as the Leviathan itself. This phenomenon seems to exist only among Leviathanized human beings. Animals as well as human communities in the state of nature do not proliferate their own kind to the point of pushing all others off the field.' "
  • CRITICISM of overpopulation / overshoot theories*

VIDEO: 6 million years of human evolution in 30 seconds https://t.co/W5cwJScE23

Energy & society

> Bailey, K.D., 2006. Living Systems Theory and Social Entropy Theory. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 23, pp.291–300.

> Georgescu-Roegen, N., 1976. Energy and Economic Myths, New York: Pergamon Press.

> Price, D., 1995. Energy and Human Evolution. Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 16(4), pp.301–320.

> Pimentel, D. & Pimentel, M.H., 2008. Food, Energy, and Society 3rd ed., Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

> Cottrell, F., 2009. Energy and Society, Available at: http://www.eoearth.org/view/article/51cbedae7896bb431f693338/

> Cimbleris, B., Economy and Thermodynamics. Available at: http://ecen.com/eee9/ecoterme.htm



  • "The Party's Over" , Richard Heinberg
  • The World according to Pimm, Stuard Pimm
  • Grassland, Richard Manning

Capitalism & Climate

"“The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses.” – Utah Phillips
  • (2020) We can stop climate change with class war https://tribunemag.co.uk/2020/10/we-cant-stop-climate-change-without-class-war
    • the richest 1% of people alone are responsible for double the emissions of the poorest 50% of the global population.
    • Green capitalism will never facilitate the scale of action that is necessary to keep warming below 1.5ºC because it refuses to take on the powerful people and industries that are fuelling the climate crisis in the first place.
    • actively dismantling the economic structures that facilitate the wealth accumulation

As ecological breakdown looms, the basic material needs of billions remain unmet. We estimate the minimal energy for providing decent living globally & universally. Despite population growth, 2050 global energy use could be reduced to 1960 levels. This requires advanced technologies & reductions in demand to sufficiency levels. But sufficiency is far more materially generous than many opponents often assume.


  • November 15, 2013 by Adbusters 'Sleepwalking to Extinction': Capitalism and the Destruction of Life and Earth

by Richard Smith https://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/11/15-3#.UoukAlRq0jc.twitter // http://www.paecon.net/PAEReview/issue64/Smith64.pdf // Upcoming book: "To Save the Planet, Turn the World Upside Down"

  • 2018: “Standing in the way is capitalism. Can you imagine the global airline industry being dismantled when hundreds of new runways are being built right now all over the world?

IPCC 5th report

Full 05 history water-563x420.jpg
In the HAIKU form: http://daily.sightline.org/2013/12/16/the-entire-ipcc-report-in-19-illustrated-haiku/ 
  • 27 sept 2013 the 5th IPCC report got published, and results from their year study are summarized :

http://www.ipcc.ch/news_and_events/docs/ar5/ar5_wg1_headlines.pdf http://www.tyndall.ac.uk/communication/news-archive/2013/ipcc-report-released-today-stockholm http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21929360.200-climate-science-why-the-world-wont-listen.html#.UkVjjKw4_T0 http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/sep/27/ipcc-climate-change-report-ar5-live-coverage http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24292615

the revolutionary nature of climate science http://www.newstatesman.com/2013/10/science-says-revolt

"our entire economic paradigm is a threat to ecological stability."

challenging currents economic paradigm is humanity’s best shot at avoiding catastrophe

"ditching of this cruel system is no longer a matter of mere ideological preference but rather one of species-wide existential necessity"

"we have an economic system that fetishises GDP growth above all else, regardless of the human or ecological consequences"

"Today, after two decades of bluff and lies, the remaining 2°C budget demands revolutionary change to the political and economic hegemony"

  • 2018: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/08/01/magazine/climate-change-losing-earth.html
    • Thirty years ago, we had a chance to save the planet.
    • Long-term disaster is now the best-case scenario. Three-degree warming is a prescription for short-term disaster: forests in the Arctic and the loss of most coastal cities.
    • Four degrees: Europe in permanent drought; vast areas of China, India and Bangladesh claimed by desert; Polynesia swallowed by the sea; the Colorado River thinned to a trickle; the American Southwest largely uninhabitable. The prospect of a five-degree warming has prompted some of the world’s leading climate scientists to warn of the end of human civilization.
    • Everybody knew. In 1958, on prime-time television, “The Bell Science Hour” — aired “The Unchained Goddess,” a film about meteorological wonders, produced by Frank Capra, warning that “man may be unwittingly changing the world’s climate” through the release of carbon dioxide.
    • These theories share a common principle: that *CIVILIZED* human beings, whether in global organizations, democracies, industries, political parties or as individuals, are incapable of sacrificing present convenience to forestall a penalty imposed on future generations.
    • If human beings really were able to take the long view — to consider seriously the fate of civilization decades or centuries after our deaths — we would be forced to grapple with the transience of all we know and love in the great sweep of time. ->> BUT THERE WERE / ARE "human beings" THAT ARE ABLE!!

Water Shortage

  • Bottled Life: The Story, Bottled Life, 1 January 2012

Sea level raise




=> solution?! http://www.step-initiative.org (solving the e-waste problem, UN)

  • the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations, a Dutch NGO: http://genderchangers.org/docs.html
    • Corporate social responsibility issues in the ICT hardware manufacturing sector.
    • Also by SOMO: Critical issues in the mobile phone industry.
    • And one by Greenpeace: Toxic chemicals in computers.
  • https://www.nature.com/articles/s41560-017-0032-9 Published: 08 December 2017 "Understanding future emissions from low-carbon power systems by integration of life-cycle assessment and integrated energy modelling" " On average, a solar panel generates 26 units of solar energy for every unit of fossil energy required to build and install it. For wind turbines the ratio is 44 to one."

Litter -- Garbage -- Rubbish

  • What we leave behind, Deric Jansen

Near Term Extinction

“A typical person is more than five times as likely to die in an extinction event 
as in a car crash,” says a new report.
  • Previous mass extinctions : ....
  • Devouring all life & resources on the whole planet:
  • "The World is Blue" (a book)
  • A Good House" (water shortage!)

Animals extinction

Instead of extinction, let’s adopt the word ecocide.

See also: Hackers_tribes#Animal_Rights & SQUIRRELS

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  • Bees...
ExtinctionBees meme.jpg

Trees and forests destruction


  • "Collapse" , Jared Diamond? Another guy?
  • "5 stages of collapse" & "6th stage"
  • Kees van der Pijl:
".. a frozen constellation, in which the oligarchies collude with the national security apparatus, 
keeping each other in power,  is unable to deal with popular demands and with 
objective, life-threatening crises that result from the destruction of the Earth’s biosphere." 


  • "Nomads, empires, states", 2 books

http://www.bookdepository.com/Modes-Foreign-Relations-Political-Economy-Nomads-Empires-States-v-1-Kees-Van-Der-Pijl/97 80745326016

http://www.bookdepository.com/Modes-Foreign-Relations-Political-Economy-Foreign-Encounter-Myth-Religion-v-2-Kees-Van-D er-Pijl/9780745323169


2016: Brexit, Trump, AltRight, Neo-Nazies, Refugees...

Partial Solutions


Guy McPhearson: "I’m fighting on behalf the species we’ve not yet driven to extinction. 
I’m fighting to increase the odds that Earth will be vibrantly green 10 million years from now." 

Bright Side


  • Always look on the bright side of life...
  • "I am planning on living forever -- so far, so good" (Groucho Marx)
  • Comedians! (Russel Brand, Ship of Fools....)
  • OBOS (anti-commercials for Norvegian housing corporation) (thanks, Patrice!)

Changing Culture

Covek praznih saka.JPG
  • You can and must be the one to change the world. You are the One. "saving the world isn't the work of specialists" - Daniel Quinn


  • "Pirates are the only hope that culture has left" http://falkvinge.net
    • "Pirate Cinema", Cory Doctorow

"fighting climate change requires “a clear moral vision of the alternative being fought for,” said Klein. Just as Mandela fought for a new “rainbow egalitarian society” rather than simply against racism, environmentalists need to establish a new approach to society.

It is time for a new generation of environmental activism to emerge, she said—one that is not dominated by acceptance of the prevailing world view, but one that breaks free from the “ideologically shackled environment in which we all operate”.

Failure to challenge an ideology based upon self-interest and an all-powerful market ... the ideas that have been our greatest obstacles—especially the idea that there is no society, that we are defined by self interested, consumer desires.”

    • Improving Public Engagement With Climate Change: Five “Best Practice” Insights From Psychological Science DOI: 10.1177/1745691615598516

No Techno Fix

  • To Fix Climate Change, Scientists Turn To Hacking The Earth, by NPR STAFF


  • Review of "Who Owns the Future" by Jaron Laniers


delusion that we are separate from nature is the perilous essence of the techno-topian myth.
  • Same as It Ever Was: Why the Techno-optimists Are Wrong, By Martin Wolf


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Internet and Capitalism

"[IT companies/Social Media] are, in fact, just the latest version of the large capitalist enterprise: 
 John D Rockefeller 3.0" 
Piramide of internet classes.jpg

"We need new interventions that interrupt, outlaw, or regulate                                                                    
1) the initial capture of behavioral surplus,                                                                                     
2) the use of behavioral surplus as free raw material,                                                                            
3) excessive and exclusive concentrations of the new means of production,                                                         
4) the manufacture of prediction products,                                                                                        
5) the sale of prediction products,                                                                                               
6) the use of prediction products for third-order operations of modification, influence, and control, and                         
7) the monetization of the results of these operations.                                                                           
This is necessary for society, for people, for the future, and it is also necessary 
to restore the healthy evolution of capitalism itself."
  • https://thebaffler.com/salvos/all-effd-up-levine
    • "Google’s emerging surveillance-based advertising business"...
    • "That shitty internet we all inhabit today? That system dominated by giant monopolies, powered by for-profit surveillance and influence, and lacking any democratic oversight? EFF is directly responsible for bringing it into being."

[digital technologies are] upholding the status-quo: a simulation of social or political progress 
that simultaneously upends current practices and studiously protects existing wealth and power inequities.

"how the network would funnel the energies of the people into a centrally administered, tightly monitored 
information system organised to enrich a small group of businesses and their owners."

technology *is* ideology

Pinkertons, and that ideology is deeply embodied in centralized services, asymmetric bandwidth, the culture of mediation, and Newspeak of instant messaging. Instead, the left, as bumbling idiots, cheered the use of apps to organize "protests". The left interpreted this ideology as inevitable technological progress, and lost the battle and the war at that very moment. Instead of reading McLuhan, the best it could think of was to use the same centralized ideotechnology from its masters to indoctrinate crowds, but for the left causes. It's fascinating how it manages to stay repeatedly surprised as it gets beaten into the ground over and over again. Fuck such left and its "academic crowd". The faster it dies out, the better.

  • Geoff Huston: "The Internet's Gilded Age" (March 2017) http://www.potaroo.net/ispcol/2017-03/gilding.html
    • "that monopolies are unconditionally an intolerable imposition on the proper functioning of society. The notion of "crony capitalism" and the use of money to purchase political power to further corporate aggrandisement is both an historical and a current problem with large entrenched monopolies"
    • "The result was much the same as before: a small number of corporate behemoths dominated the Internet and its portfolio of services and content."
    • "Who are these new barons of today’s Gilded Age? Any casual poll would nominate Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft."
    • "these new corporate giants have a far smaller workforce and far shallower social roots."
    • "In today’s world, there is once more a massive concentration of corporate power. There are fewer public companies and more are disappearing than appearing while this process of concentration and aggregation is underway. Now corporatism is the new thinking, and any politician that has a desire to curb corporate influence and social power is forced to work with a sparse set of thin regulatory frameworks to advance the cause of the public good. The more common mantra is to surrender the ground to so-called industry self-regulation, and hope that the resultant feeding frenzy does not generate an unpalatable level of collateral damage."
    • This is no longer just a conversation about carriage and communications. It is probably not even a conversation about carriage and communications at all. The changing face of the Internet is no longer a matter of public communications, but a matter of public services. And with this observation we are back to a more basic theme. The essential topic of the conversation is how to strike a sustainable balance between a rapacious private sector that has amassed overarching control of the digital service and content space, and the needs of the larger society in which we all would like some equity of opportunity to thrive and benefit from the outcomes of this new digital age.
    • PLUS (Economist, May 2017) http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21721656-data-economy-demands-new-approach-antitrust-rules-worlds-most-valuable-resource

  • Trump & Internet & news-media (and the end of freedom of information & speech ) https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/27/trump-free-speech-media-bans-tweets-internet-deregulation
    • "The internet-access industry has become a tight oligopoly,"
    • "The large internet providers are now acquiring the media properties for which, increasingly, their services are essential. ... A large portion of the news media will soon be owned by enormous companies with very strong special interests of their own.
    • "kleptocracies and dictatorships don’t usually appear overnight; they creep up on you gradually. And this would definitely be one of those times to start looking over your shoulder, early and often."
  • "Coders of the world, unite: can Silicon Valley workers curb the power of Big Tech?" https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/oct/31/coders-of-the-world-unite-can-silicon-valley-workers-curb-the-power-of-big-tech
    • The idea that computer networks are inherently democratic and democratising has deep roots in the counterculture that emerged in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1960s.
    • "Hippies and rebels [and hackers] ... claimed personal computing as an instrument for personal liberation."
    • "digital platforms have become inextricably entangled in the political process."
    • activists within the industry ... want to teach their colleagues to see that tech work is work; Then, they want to organise them, .. [to] bring political transparency and democratic accountability to the platforms they have worked to build.
    • Tech Workers Coalition : https://techworkerscoalition.org/
    • what engineers do is work; & white-collar professionals are not the only tech workers ; Engineers are not immune to the forces of capitalism;
    • Leigh Honeywell, a security manager at Slack, who has since become a Tech Fellow at the ACLU, Ka-Ping Yee, a developer, and Valerie Aurora, a diversity consultant, released a public statement called the Never Again Pledge: http://neveragain.tech/
    • the Democratic Socialists of America, which has grown from 7,000 to more than 30,000 members in less than 12 months: http://www.dsausa.org/
    • acknowledging that platforms are political. Banal engineering decisions have political consequences.
    • engineers should establish codes of conduct, like doctors or librarians. (There was one such organisation in the 1980s, called Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.)
    • "The daily work of organising takes time. TWC members shyly struck up conversations with the people who cooked and served their meals and cleaned up after them. "
    • the possibility of collectively shaping the world we must live in together.

Decolonising Internet

When Fanon was talking about "decolonization" he was talking about land return, 
native sovereignty, wealth redistribution, etc, things that can only be achieved 
thru violent struggle.
So, no, you can't "decolonize academia," "decolonize our English dept" or whatever. 

( see also: https://wiki.techinc.nl/Hackers_tribes#Colonialism )

  • https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.04068 Decolonial AI: Decolonial Theory as Sociotechnical Foresight in Artificial Intelligence Shakir Mohamed, Marie-Therese Png, William Isaac
  • #DigitalDivide http://www.ipsnews.net/2018/10/developing-countries-losing-digital-giants/
    • data "National data policies should be designed to address four major issues: who can own data, how data can be collected, who can use such data, and on what terms. They should also address the question of data sovereignty, e.g., which data can leave the country, and consequently are not governed by domestic law. South-South and regional cooperation can help small developing countries build their digital skills, capacities and capabilities."
    • infrastructure? IP addresses, equipment, fiber, satellites, telcos?
    • knowledge?

  • https://artificeofintelligence.org/non-consensual-bots-and-personal-space/ Flavia Dzodan
    • the coloniality of the algorithm (ie the way technology perpetuates colonial practices of resource accumulation and the foundational moment of capitalism as a system based on taxonomies and hierarchies designed to maintain control of resource accumulation).
    • In this coloniality, non consent remains a necessary feature, an underpinning that sustains these practices through time.

  • ""Strike out against techno-colonialism." randy bush https://archive.psg.com/020405.rhodes.html
    • "Technology is not an end in itself, it is only a tool to assist our humanity, and should be used for good. That is technologists must take responsibility for the social results of our work. Techno-colonialism is as dangerous as political imperialism, at least to us nerds and those we enable. Life is not just about money and capital success; education and privilege come with responsibility to our societies and to humankind which follows us all our lives. And each of us, as individuals, through our daily acts, can and must do what we can to affect positive social evolution and change."

Internet, Electrical Energy Efficiency, Pollution

Sustainability & the Internet


"a clear responsibility to understand and explore ways of reducing the costs of its conference-focused approach to promoting exchange of ideas"




No Fossil Fuels


  • "Green Wizardry" lessons
  • appropopedia

Bikes instead of cars

Human-powered transport!!

  • My own idea: multi-user-rickshaw-with-roof :)

Public transport

Train Travel

hackathon on a train

Alternatives to Consumerism

crisis regions can learn from ecovillages // applied sustainability:
- Natural water management.
- Decentralised energy autonomy. 
- Local food autonomy. 
- Community based economy.
- Holistic Planned Grazing.
- Community Knowledge


1. Define clear group boundaries.
2. Match rules governing use of common goods to local needs and conditions.
3. Ensure that those affected by the rules can participate in modifying the rules.
4. Make sure the rule-making rights of community members are respected by outside authorities.
5. Develop a system, carried out by community members, for monitoring members’ behavior.
6. Use graduated sanctions for rule violators.
7. Provide accessible, low-cost means for dispute resolution.
8. Build responsibility for governing the common resource in nested tiers from the lowest level up to the entire interconnected system.

Economy of No Growth

IMG 7881.PNG
  • Applying permaculture principles to finance


  • "Triple bottom line investing (TBLI) reflects an enlightened understanding of self-interest: we profit most by contributing to something greater than ourselves."

  • (degrowth.org)

Caring Economy

"valuing all the activities that society needs for humans to flourish."

  • Riane Eisler, The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics.
International network for recognition & payment for all caring work, 
and the return of military spending to the community starting with women the main carers everywhere.

  • https://serendipstudio.org/sci_cult/leguin/
    • The mother tongue is language not as mere communication but as relation, relationship. It connects.
    • the art of making order where people live
    • Art as a way, a skillful and powerful way of being in the world.
    • NVC: "using the whole intellect not half of it, talking with one another, which involves listening. We tried to offer our experience to one another. Not claiming something: offering something."

https://jacobinmag.com/2018/06/bullshit-jobs-david-graeber-work-service -> layer about CARE!!!

(reference to feminist theory within broader society&economy..) http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/mar/26/caring-curse-working-class-austerity-solidarity-scourge

(maintenance = caring) https://aeon.co/essays/innovation-is-overvalued-maintenance-often-matters-more

http://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/opinionator/2015/10/15/a-feminism-where-leaning-in-means-leaning-on-others/ gendered, hierarchical division between “production” and “reproduction” is a defining structure of capitalist society and a deep source of the gender asymmetries hard-wired in it. There can be no “emancipation of women” so long as this structure remains intact. feminist ideas are being twisted to serve neoliberal, capitalist ends.

Working Less

Sharing Economy

"Interestingly, women are pioneers in the so-called sharing economy, which conservative Milo Yiannopoulos slated as an "emasculating, dispiriting and demotivating" realm of insipid do-gooders. Poor Milo, frightened by the thought of his manhood being threatened by people actually wanting to co-operate and share stuff.)"

(this links to my Women in Technology page Ladies_Night

  • Social solidarity economy: http://www.ripess.eu/ Intercontinental Network of the Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS)
Mythical ver2 F2-2-1024x768.jpg

  • Sebastian Orma...

  • @casparhenderson : As @jimmy_wales said, 'communism' may not be right word, but recalling @davidgraeber, whenever action proceeds from each according to their abilities to each according to needs, we have 'everyday communism.' More neutral terms include 'solidarity,' 'mutual aid,' 'conviviality'...


Criticism of capitalism

  • (add all the other links from the above)
unfettered capitalism is unstable, empowers predatory behavior and worsens inequality
I do coke so I can work longer so I can earn more so I can do more coke 
    • 20th century was: I drink to forget...

  • Concerning Violence: Frantz Fanon
    • "Angered by the racism he witnessed on Martinique during the Second World War, Fanon here examines the roles of class, culture and violence, and expresses his profound alienation from the idea of colonialism and its bloodshed. More than four decades on, Fanon's work still inspires liberation movements today."
  • https://bookshop.theguardian.com/wretched-of-the-earth.html
    • Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon
    • Provides inspiration for anti-colonial movements ever since, analysing the role of class, race, national culture and violence in the struggle for freedom. In this book, the author makes clear the economic and psychological degradation inflicted by imperialism.

  • http://www.focaalblog.com/2018/06/22/patrick-neveling-hau-and-the-latest-stage-of-capitalism/
    • capitalism feeds on the exploitation and superexploitation of workers ...
    • tax evasion; and the inertia of national governments and international institutions in the face of this blatant refusal to partake in social contracts
    • academia (is) an integral part of the capitalist world-system. In fact, scientific research and theorizing were central components to the rise of capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, fascism, and neo-imperial postcolonialism and to all the major crimes against humanity.


  • Sustenance Farm


  • by LaDonna Harris there's "Indigeneity, an Alternative Worldview: Four R’s (Relationship, Responsibility, Reciprocity, Redistribution) vs. Two P’s (Power and Profit).
  • Sharing the Journey Towards Conscious Evolution" (w J Wasilewski), also
  • Vanessa Watts "Indigenous place-thought & agency amongst humans and non-humans (First Woman and Sky Woman go on a European world tour!)".
  • In the Chamoru culture, we call this inafa'maolek. I would argue that this is our most important value. It's the idea of everyone doing good for everyone, such as through our practices like chenchule' (reciprocity) or patte (sharing).

Against Individualism

  • Teach your child the importance of communal achievements as opposed to the banality of narcissistic goals.
  • About individualism: Jitterbug Parfume, book by Tim Robbins
  • Difference between individual freedom & autonomy & connection
It is thus precisely in this binding we do with other human beings that our autonomy lies.
  • From "The Invisible Committee" (https://events.ccc.de/congress/2014/Fahrplan/events/6459.html)
    • "Freund” and “frei” in German come from the same Indo-European root, which conveys the idea of a shared power that increases. Being free and having ties was one and the same thing. I am free because I have ties, because I am linked to a reality greater than me.
    • how ridiculous and what a scam the individual freedom of “I do what I feel like doing” is. If they truly want to fight the government, the hackers have to give up this fetish. The cause of individual freedom is what prevents them from forming strong groups capable of laying down a real strategy,

Existing Communities


(and many more… http://bwcd.vdcn.org/doku.php/links/similar_projects )


  • https://embassynetwork.com/ "a global housing layer for the new world // We are building a cooperative movement for those leveraging housing towards greater aims, where those aims are strengthened by operating in community with others, global fluid mobility, and by connection to other networks."

  • A community in Australia
    • Download the film at http://happenfilms.com/a-simpler-way
    • "A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity" is a free feature-length documentary that follows a community in Australia who came together to explore and demonstrate a simpler way to live in response to global crises. Throughout the year the group build tiny houses, plant veggie gardens, practice simple living, and discover the challenges of living in community. This film is the product of hours and hours of footage that I shot during that year-long experiment in simple living.
  • LE JARDIN VICTOR - Community house in Coulanges-Sur-Yonne https://lejardinvictor.wordpress.com
    • This beautiful house is the property of Patrice and his sister Brigitte, who would like to turn it into a community hub for organisations working on the common good, while serving the local community. An association is in the process of being formed to bring together all individuals and organisations who...

Building Communities

Community Building 

  • (maybe move to another category?) http://www.chelseagreen.com/lean-logic
    • "Lean Logic is David Fleming’s masterpiece, the product of more than thirty years’ work and a testament to the creative brilliance of one of Britain’s most important intellectuals.
    • A dictionary unlike any other, it leads readers through Fleming’s stimulating exploration of fields as diverse as culture, history, science, art, logic, ethics, myth, economics, and anthropology, being made up of 472 engaging essay-entries covering topics such as Boredom, Community, Debt, Growth, Harmless Lunatics, Land, Lean Thinking, Nanotechnology, Play, Religion, Spirit, Trust, and Utopia."
    • http://thackara.com/learning-institutions/lean-logic-a-dictionary-for-the-future-and-how-to-survive-it-2/
  • http://indigenousrising.org/blog-the-battle-ahead-lies-in-our-hearts-by-cherri-foytlin/
    • How do we build, in what looks to be one of the most regressive and oppressive eras of our time?
    • "birth and growth are painful exercises. "
    • "wealth as example, wealth as inspiration, wealth as knowledge, wealth of understanding "
    • "birth and growth are also not passive deeds. We must then take ourselves to the battle grounds, and organize and educate -- must we be standing in defiance of that injury or assault."
    • "we must recognize the basic humanity in each of us. Yes, there will be arguments, frustrations, and challenges within our circles. Tactics will be different, skills will vary, leadership will shift and change, along with strategies and narratives.... and give each other the benefit of allowance of growth, understanding, and opportunity to make mistakes along the way."
  • "According to researchers, the key to hooking new recruits into any movement, and to getting them increasingly involved over time, is to simply give them activities to participate in. This often precedes any deep ideological commitment on the recruits’ part and, especially early on, is more about offering them a sense of meaning and community than anything else."
  • "Courage Before Hope: A Proposal to Weave Emotional and Economic Microsolidarity" (Rich Bartlett, December 2018)


Reusable templates

Tips for organising events

  • BarnCamp
    • "How to runa BarnCamp (Patrice) ... which is a small-scale (70 pax), rural setting hackers-activists one week camp. This one is in a community farm, on the border between England and Wales, high on a hill. The pup is down

the hill, across the river on an old, disused ramshackle railwaybridge, in Wales (better beer!)

Help & Funding =

Conflict Resolution





Protests & Revolutions & Resistance

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  • Russel Brand (see below)
  • How to start the revolution, Meaning conference (link later)

Energy issues will also set the stage for more aggressive geopolitics and will substantially destroy the ecosystem services 
on which society is wholly dependent. These are but a few of the impacts that the double energy problem 
of climate change and oil decline have in store for us.

Political Action: DGR groups will only engage in aboveground, nonviolent activities. These can include legal demonstrations as well as civil disobedience.

Solidarity: Non-indigenous members of DGR remember that we are living on stolen land in the midst of an ongoing genocide. The task of the non-indigenous is to build solidarity with indigenous people in defending the land, preserving traditional cultures, and protecting sacred ceremonies from exploitation.

Justice: We are enmeshed in overlapping systems of sadistic power built on stolen wealth, white privilege, misogyny, and human supremacism. As individuals, it is our responsibility to acknowledge those systems, overcome our entitlement, and make alliances with the dispossessed. Collectively, it is our task to bring those systems down.

Liberty: DGR groups have a zero-tolerance policy for abuse of anyone, human or nonhuman. Physical integrity and emotional safety are basic human rights that DGR is sworn to defend. DGR will banish any members who rape, batter, or abuse any living creature. Masculinity, with its militarized psychology and its violation imperative, has to be abandoned personally and dismantled globally.

Character: DGR is a serious undertaking that requires loyalty, commitment, integrity, and courage. Members are expected to treat everyone with respect.

Security: All DGR members are required to abide by principles of security culture and to address breaches directly. Both lax security and paranoia are dangerous to our organization. All non-political illegal activity puts everyone at risk and is inappropriate for members. DGR groups are required to educate new members on security culture.

"If we say that it is wrong to make schools uber-competitive through testing and the response is that "life is competitive", 
the conversation will naturally move to whether we should change life, change our culture, change absolutely everything. 
Increasingly, the Western world tends to value people by how hard they work, how much money they earn and 
how many possessions they have. These values are instilled in children from the minute we compare them with one another 
and the result has been the sacrifice of our collective mental health. We’re talking revolution, here." 


Digital Activism

Enemy according to DHS.jpg

Digital Safety


  • The Dispossessed - Ursula K. Le Guin, 1974 One of the most influential anarchist books of all time.

Green Anarchism


Green Syndicalism vs. Anti-Civ: Social Revolution or Primitivist Reaction? / http://ecology.iww.org/node/283

Primitivist Primer: http://www.primitivism.com/primer.htm

Queer ecology (Timothy Morton) http://www.academia.edu/1050754/Queer_Ecology

Participating in existing Political structures

  • Jeremy Corbyn !!!!!!
To overcome the crisis of democracy and reaffirm our autonomy, 
we first of all need to liberate our empty self from mindless consumerism and conformity. 
Representation places the source of legitimacy outside of oneself. 
Whether it is a corporate brand name, political party, an ideology or slogan, 
one looks for objects of representation through which 
something inside can be projected out onto the world.
Slowly Boiling Frog (just like in "the story of B")
People are moving more and more outside of electoral politics. A call is arising for a new type of governance, 
for a real democracy where each person participates directly and manifests their own voice. 
This is a political act, but  it is also much more. The current crisis of democracy is a crisis of representation. 
Images that perpetuate illusions about ourselves can no longer sustain our humanity.

Recovery from Privilege, Supremacy, Abuse, Opression


  • Taking Male Entitlement Seriously (Abuse / Violence / Intolerance ) http://tim.dreamwidth.org/2035407.html
    • "Abuse is not "sharing an opinion". Being an abuser is not an identity; abusing is something you do, not something you are. Abuse is not "questioning assumptions" or "challenging conversations". Abuse is not justifiable, and should not be tolerated, accommodated, or empathized with."
    • Neutrality is a myth; being "neutral" in this conflict means siding with the abuser.
    • abuse is about power; it means that a person is taking advantage of a power imbalance to exploit or control someone else." (Bancroft, p. 123)
    • Entitlement is central: Domestic abusers (Bancroft writes) feel entitled to physical, emotional, and sexual care-taking; deference; and freedom from accountability from their partners.
    • "Anger and conflict are not the problem; they are normal aspects of life."
    • non-abusive people find non-abusive ways to express their hurt feelings.

  • https://medium.com/@sheaemmafett/abuse-in-polyamorous-relationships-d13e396c8f85
  • https://theestablishment.co/what-the-facebook-live-murderer-can-teach-us-about-domestic-abuse-e0827ca8daf0
  • https://www.damemagazine.com/2018/01/24/gun-violence-is-not-an-act-of-passion/
    • Our culture teaches boys to feel entitled to girls' attention, affection, and love, which breeds a vicious cycle of misogyny and violence.
    • weaponized misogyny and male entitlement, the hallmarks of a culture of toxic masculinity that teaches boys and men that they are owed the time and bodies of girls and women—any girls and women, anytime. Toxic masculinity teaches us that “boys will be boys” and that girls will soothe and accommodate. Non-compliant girls and women are punished in all kinds of ways, by society and boys and men. Sometimes they are punished violently. Sometimes they are killed. We often call this love.
    • Women know this. Hell, we don’t just know it, we feel it. We live it, every time we smile and shift away from a boss’s hand instead of throwing a stapler at his temple.
  • the famous quote attributed to Margaret Atwood about domestic violence: “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.”
  • https://www.damemagazine.com/2014/10/14/sex-can-be-complicated-consent-not/
  • https://themindsjournal.com/dating-emotional-predator-signs-narcissists-sociopaths-psychopaths/
  • Book "Why Does He Do That" Bancroft
Guiding Principles for Community Care

LInks to Anti-Globalisation Movement

Small Steps


Get prepared

  • Links about "preparation & transformation" rom "What a Way to Go"


  • Scientists say new approach to climate preparedness essential to help people adjust to coming changes


(heaven read yet!)

Clean Energy

  • What *CAN* technology help with? http://worrydream.com/ClimateChange/ (November 2015)
    • the lack of attention to climate change in the tech industry
    • “How do you think the tech community (startup community, or any community) can contribute to tech and/or policy solutions on a global scale?”


(put your money where your mouth is)

  • ikstapover.nl

Managing environment

  • Mountain regions in Europe... Sustainable Land-use Practices in European Mountain Regions under Global Change: an Integrated Research Approach


Urban Gardening and Food

Bees Keeping


Practical Survival



Spend time in Nature

  • "people find happiness in person-to-person (p2p!) relationships, contact with nature, and being in harmony with themselves" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y395J6W6i1E (TEDxTokyo!!!) = de-growth, de-materialization, de-ownership

Nomadic life

UN, EU & other attempts to solutions

  • "How to feed the world in 2050", a video etc

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjtIl5B1zXI&feature=youtu.be // http://ccafs.cgiar.org/news/commission-sustainable-agriculture-and-climate-change/world-scientists-define-united-approach#.UpDgJRZEB3a

Gender & Climate Change

Emotional Healing

  • Geneen Roth - the feeling of *enough*
  • Brene Brown: Vulnerability, and "Daring Greatly"
  • Byron Katie:
    • Loving What Is and
    • How to live in harmony with the way things are (A Thousand names for Joy, Tao te Ching)
    • The Work
    • (scientific research to confirm "question the assumptions" http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/psp/69/6/1069/) : "consider-an-alternative strategy for debiasing judgments."

Mental Health

  • Resources, by Tiffany Howard @OnlineWithTiff1
    • 1) Open Path Collective is a directory of U.S therapists that offer therapy at lowered rates than normal. openpathcollective.org
    • 2) Recovery Inc: This saved my life. Online and in person group therapy mtgs based on proven therapy methods. recoveryinternational.org
    • 3) @7Cupsot: Online community offering free trained "listeners" and also online chat, and small steps you can do each day for mental health.
    • 4) One of many online therapy options. Cheaper than traditional therapy. Will work with you if you have $$ issues. betterhelp.com
    • @SipandOm meditation podcast. Meditation goes a long way in promoting mental well being, reduced stress. Host Mary Meckley is wonderful.
    • 7) @therapy4bgirls podcast hosted by a black female therapist covering issues that pertain to black American women specifically.


  • Non-Violent Communication & Self-empathy
FREE to read online: https://leanpub.com/littleguide/read // PDF (soon)


We all need your compassion and empathy. Start with yourself. 
Know that my acceptance depends on yours.

    • (I want to be like) Someone with healthy boundaries (who) is confident enough in their own ability to say yes and no that they can act interdependent and responsive to others without losing themselves, either in the moment or in the long term. If it takes you a month to know that you did a thing you didn’t want to do, your boundaries may be overly porous and need healing. If you erect walls that are so rigid you cannot hear or see when someone you love needs you, your boundaries may be overly hard and you may need to develop responsiveness and receptivity. Ideally, someone with healthy boundaries can trust in live time their own capacity to listen to their body, needs, and feelings, and not need external permission to do so, while they also have the resilience and self-awareness that lets them empathize with and respond in the moment to those they care about. Healthy boundaries let you assess your own needs and the needs of others, in a moment-by-moment way. They let you act responsive to others and responsive to yourself.
    • When he does something wrong, his adults show him how to make it right and they also let him know they love him and he is good just as he is. He is loved and good, he did a thing that hurt someone, and he has to make it right. These are not mutually exclusive, but connected. https://norasamaran.com/2016/08/28/variations-on-not-all-men/
    • http://www.guidetopsychology.com/boundaries.htm
    • http://polyamoryonpurpose.com/abuse-boundaries-and-incompatibilities-in-monopoly-relationships/
    • https://medium.com/@whatjosaid/bad-dates-boundaries-and-why-i-might-just-burn-my-bra-e314c94f1278

Group Empathy

  • PreConquest Consciousness: https://www.functionalhumanoperatingsystems.com/post/preconquest-consciousness
    • "empathetic intuitive rapport", "heart-felt rapprochement based on integrated trust", "unconditional open trust" ; "small populations surrounded by tracts of open territory into which anyone can diffuse at will", "sociosensual type of infant and child nurture", "absence of private property, which allows constant cooperative usage (sharing) of the implements and materials of life for collective benefit." // liminal awareness was the principal focus of mentality in the preconquest cultures contacted; simultaneously individualistic and collective—traits immiscible and incompatible in modern thought and languages; unabashed open honesty is the foundation on which their highly honed integrative empathy and rapport become possible "
  • https://unherd.com/2023/05/left-brain-thinking-will-destroy-civilisation/
  • Mature Societies Tim Fox (from Dark Mountain: https://dark-mountain.net/rivershift/ )
    • It’s as simple (and as difficult) as promoting ways of human living where communication is direct eye to eye and voice to ear, where mobility is accomplished with feet, where the sources of food, water, shelter and all other material necessities can be accessed by those feet, and where the stories, songs and celebrations that matter most are those that directly bind us, our families and communities to the land which gives us our existence at every level: physical, emotional and spiritual.
    • > deflection, obstruction and blockage of [capitalist] business-as-usual
    • "our stories will frame this transformation to a steady-state in terms of maturation rather than collapse, stagnation, regression or a devolutionary ‘going back’. Thus we will stop struggling at all costs to preserve a ten thousand year condition of arrested development (ceaseless adolescent growth) and embrace our long-postponed adulthood."
  • "Brain of Eden": https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22713882-return-to-the-brain-of-eden
    • "...our culturally acquired left-brain dominance has cost us our sanity, but if we have alienated ourselves from nature and our original state of wholeness, there may be a way back."
    • ... author(s) say that this happened for multiple reasons: change in food from fruits to grains, "mutations" that created individuals with predominant rational,linear,agrressive style -- and their short-term advantages against the more *trusting* people; and the way to "get back" to exprience that kind of connection to others is: (psychoactive) drugs!
  • in the book "Between Us" by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batja_Mesquita " on "(HOW) CULTURES CREATE EMOTIONS" , there is a merger between anthropology & psychology, claiming: emotions are NOT individual, they happen BETWEEN people!
  • https://imahentaotaotano.com/2018/10/18/inafamaolek/
  • https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/sres.631
  • https://norasamaran.com/2016/07/21/for-men-who-desperately-need-autonomy-make-it-dont-take-it/
  • Dreamtime: "the relationship between people, plants, animals and the physical features of the land; the knowledge of how these relationships came to be, what they mean and how they need to be maintained in daily life and in ceremony" (wikipedia).


Recommended: focus on commonality:

happiness can never result from the exercise of choice alone: we are social beings, 
and the building blocks of happiness lie in looking out for each other, acting together, being in teams 
and pursuing common goals for the common good. 
Families, schools, colleges, unions, newspapers, sports clubs and even firms should all understand that 
such commonality should be part of their core
  • Radical Joy

  • http://sandiegofreepress.org/2016/11/ecopsychological-imperative-dismantle-civilization/
    • The awe I feel with the beauty of it all is an antidote for despair. Instead of ruminating, I am celebrating. The lie that the world seeks to destroy me is replaced with the truth that the land is conspiring to give me life. For the next six hours, I lose myself trying to describe the color of the sky, the wisdom of stones, and the fragrance of pines.
    • The aspens have given me a great gift. They have reminded me how to step out of my own small mind into the communities surrounding me and giving me life. They have taught me that there is no such thing as isolation in the natural world. They have given me a weapon against the despair: listening. While I am busy listening, I am not ruminating. The less I ruminate the healthier I am.
    • Aspens give me medicine as effective as the anti-depressants my psychiatrist prescribes me. Aspens teach me an invaluable skill for resisting rumination as effective as the techniques my therapist teaches me. In doing so, aspens become allies in my personal struggle to overcome depression. As I get better, my mind is less dominated by rumination, and I am better able to contemplate problems beyond myself.

  • Grief due to "Planet of the Humans" https://medium.com/@goodgriever/triggered-planet-of-the-humans-a-call-for-emotional-intelligence-630c8b510f5
    • any meaningful solutions will come from those of us who have been courageous enough to take the time and energy to feel these scary and discomforting feelings. Through processing our griefs and facing reality, we open to new solutions that were previously unavailable to us.
    • We cannot start unweaving until we courageously face the truth that this way of life is killing us. And if we keep pushing forth measures to prop up our lifestyles, we, too, will die. Sit with that realization. Be with the feelings that arise from reading those words. It’s a lot, I know. But it’s also true. We must face our mortality and the mortality of everything. Everything we know and love will die. Our lifestyles have been desperate attempts to ward off our deaths. We are ephemeral beings who have gotten lost in our quest for immortality. These truths don’t change in relation to our ability to stomach them.
    • For those of us privileged enough to have our basic needs met and a stable income, it is on us to use that privilege to start scrutinizing the current paradigms. It is time to start unraveling the threads of our toxic culture. It’s on each of us to begin to heal from the inside out. You must tend to those feelings overwhelming you right now. You are responsible for feeling your full range of feelings, acknowledging your privilege, and taking seriously the situations in which you find yourself. You, and everyone else, is obliged to deconstruct your belief systems and come from a place of curiosity and nimbleness. You are not alone in doing this nor are you responsible for fixing everything yourself. Many of us are entering into collective spaces to heal these wounds and build courage for the road ahead. This is your invitation to come together in heart-centered community to build consciousness around these predicaments.
    • Allow meaning, compassion, insight, and grace to direct the way. There is no more time to waste.


In the field of cultic studies, the rhythm of the double world is understood as a driver of disorganized attachment and trauma bonding. The cult member is actively confused by the oscillation between terror danger and care. The leader’s main impact is not to communicate content, but to forge an exploitative relationship through that confusion, which can only be resolved by staying, committing, and investing. Psychologist and cult survivor Alexandra Stein is the pioneer in the field of applying disorganized attachment theory to cultic bonds. Her thesis is that disorganized attachment, a condition first observed by child psychologists studying young children who develop erratic and high-stress responses to traumatizing caregivers, is the very model for cultic bonding, in which the group member feels contradictory impulses of terror and love that can only be resolved through devotion."


(see also: CARING ECONOMY on this wiki) Hackers_tribes#Caring_Economy

  • "Labor can be outsourced. Caring can't." @mipsytipsy

Emotional Labor

  • Jijaze is about recognising that taking care of and healing yourself is a core component of creating lasting change. http://www.jijaze.com
  • https://thebaffler.com/latest/the-queer-art-of-failing-better-penny
    • queerness is gently suggested as an antidote to the hot mess of toxic masculinity under late-stage capitalism. I am absolutely here for it, as long as we all get paid.
    • descend on one hapless, shlubby, usually straight (white) guy and sort his life out... give him a whole new look, redesign his home and wardrobe, teach him some basic kitchen skills, and provide scripted space to talk about his feelings
    • heterosexuality is a disaster, toxic masculinity is killing the world, and there are ways out of it aside from fascism
    • On this show, men do not compete with each other. They touch each other, a lot, They cry and admit to one other how much it hurts to be alive. There are no winners on Queer Eye—just better losers.
    • it is possible to live well without a woman to take care of you—and if you’re lucky enough to have one offer to do so anyway, maybe you should show her some consideration by picking up after yourself
  • Further Materials Toward a Theory of the Man-Child By MOIRA WEIGEL AND MAL AHERN, JULY 9, 2013
    • https://thenewinquiry.com/further-materials-toward-a-theory-of-the-man-child/
    • Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt later used the phrase “affective labor” to describe the emotional exertion that white-collar jobs increasingly require.
    • Women’s long history of performing work without its even being acknowledged as work, much less compensated fairly, may account for their relative success in today’s white-collar economy
    • "In institutions that reward competence with more unpaid labor, the Man-Child needs the Grown Woman to take care of him, and she needs him to need her."
    • almost a definition of "hipster sexism": When casual sexism pervades leftist theory, one assumes it is ironic; when progressive institutions ignore gender politics, one assumes this is because struggles for equality have already been won, or must be deferred so we can attend to more pressing political needs. Intellectuals tend to show class allegiance, bracketing or ignoring casual sexism in their own circles. They project misogyny outward, onto Middle America megachurches and racialized others, or onto the powerful men that pander to those masses.
    • In many radical political groups in the 20th century, sex and gender {and race} were treated as issues for “after the revolution.” ... (in order to) put off thinking about how differences of gender, sex, and sexuality {and race} operate in diverse lives. That sort of thinking takes work, work that many of us would often rather avoid. Because utopia never arrives, this labor gets passed on to the exploited, who do not have the choice of temporarily ignoring the question. In many workplaces, including academic departments, this means that race becomes the “job” of people of color; sexual politics the “job” of people who are female and/or queer and/or transgendered.
    • What would Preliminary Materials for a Theory of Motherhoodlook like? Maybe instead of more smarter-than-thou critiques, we need more imagination, more courage. In place of obscurantism, clarity and organization. In place of indecision and irony, a praise song and a program


  • "I’m finding it relatively easy to enjoy polyamorous harmony in my life because I know that it’s a projection of inner harmony. Being able to love multiple people is the same thing as being able to love the various parts of myself." http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2010/08/dream-lovemaking/

Accepting Death

  • "What we leave behind", book about decomposing and activism by Dereck Janssen
  • Embracing Life-Affirming Awareness of Death: How to Transform Yourself and Possibly Save Human Civilization http://bit.ly/1aPbdK0

USA	https://funerals.org/start-an-fca/
Other options: http://www.architarium.com/funeral-planning-help/


  • "Culture", "Myth", "Ethics", "Spirituality", "Empathy", "Community", relationship with Nature -> "RELIGION"
When people have lost their sense of participation in or meaning relative to anything larger than the day-to-day, 
I have no problem calling that a spiritual crisis, even if the roots can be found in hard economic and political realities.
  • ETHICAL TRUTHS (from the anarchist collective The Invisible Committee)



Being physical, feeling with all your senses, being "in the body" 

Sexuality, Flexibility, Strength, Health 
  • Yoga
  • Exercise: cycling
  • Movement: Dance, Swimming, Skating...
  • Connection between body and emotions and spiritual
  • Connection between body and Nature




  • (2017) Settle Down, "down to earth" https://godsandradicals.org/2017/05/04/settle-down/
    • settling down with oneself, and one’s community, is just about the most radical stance a person can take these days.
    • cultivating a healthy inner life. Having a sense of contentedness, equanimity, patience, inner peace, and wild-eyed wonder at the beauty our world has to offer.
    • We must learn to slow down, to be present in each moment.
    • A sense of duty, care, compassion, and collective responsibility for the planet and the meek of the Earth must be stoked among leaders in civil society.
    • It is possible to draw strength from the planet, as well as lovers and friends and plant and animal allies, after all.
    • Settling also means each of us has to learn how to become rooted in one’s community, state, and nation: growing a stable and harmonious identity, a sense of belongingness, and a meaningful culture.
    • Healthy food, continuing one’s education throughout life, being fulfilled in work and in play, learning to appreciate nature, and developing a spiritual practice are just a few basics.
    • step back from the maelstrom of contemporary life in certain senses: to set examples by not jet-setting around the globe regularly, to give up luxury consumer items in solidarity with the working classes, etc
    • walking barefoot on the soil, our mother Earth, will help people understand how to resist. (ecotherapy)
    • Pacts within communities to promote some sort of egalitarian redistribution of wealth to decrease inequality will foster higher levels of trust, friendship, and reciprocity.
    • Restraint, humbleness, and compassion must reemerge as key values for our descendants to have a chance at a prosperous future.
    • Live simpler. Love harder. Listen to the wind, the rocks and soil, rushing water, a crackling fire. One can find answers by keeping still and listening.



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Misc Solutions

(to be placed in categories later! Note to self!)

  • Daniel Pinchbeck is the author of Breaking Open the Head (Broadway Books, 2002) and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (Tarcher/Penguin. 2006). He is the Executive Director of Center for Planetary Culture, www.planetaryculture.com , a nonprofit think tank. He is the host of the talk show Mind Shift, www.mindshift.net , produced by GaiamTV. He co-founded Evolver.net – which publishes Reality Sandwich and The Evolver Learning Labs – and The Evolver Network, which organizes local community groups. He was featured in the documentary 2012: Time for Change, directed by Joao Amorim and produced by Mangusta Films.

Websites: www.planetaryculture.com www.mindshift.net www.evolver.net www.realitysandwich.com


Russel Brand

(see quotes: Hackers_tribes_quotes_culture#Quoting_Russell_Brand )

Oct 2017, Gert

BIEN | Basic Income Earth Network http://basicincome.org/

Future Earth Forum http://network.futureearth.org/ crowd sourcing, academic

Solutions - Global Ecovillage Network https://ecovillage.org/solutions/ citizen, solutions, crowd sourcing

Appropedia http://www.appropedia.org/ solutions

Climate CoLab https://climatecolab.org/ academic, crowd sourcing, solutions, climate change

Regeneration International http://regenerationinternational.org/ ecology

Permaculture - practical solutions beyond sustainability https://www.permaculture.co.uk/ ecology

Ecolabel Index http://www.ecolabelindex.com/ labelling, standards

ISEAL Alliance https://www.isealalliance.org/ standards

Bill McKibben https://twitter.com/billmckibben climate change, blogger, news, action

Naomi Klein https://twitter.com/NaomiAKlein climate change, blogger, news, action

Finding Solutions | Publications | David Suzuki Foundation http://www.davidsuzuki.org/publications/finding-solutions/

AskNature - Innovation Inspired by Nature https://asknature.org/ biological knowledge

IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency http://www.irena.org/ government

Planetary (2015) - IMDb http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3462896/ documentary

A New We - Ecovillages in Europe http://www.cultureunplugged.com/documentary/watch-online/play/11913/A-New-We---Ecovillages-in-Europe documentary