Ladies Night: Difference between revisions

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=Links to other initiatives =
=Links to other initiatives =

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===Mailing Lists===
===Mailing Lists===

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==Jobs for women==
==Jobs for women==


=Books, articles, references written by women=
=Books, articles, references written by women=
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* 2017: Times "person of the year" = Silence Breakers!  
* 2017: Times "person of the year" = Silence Breakers!  
* 2018: links are in this article :
"The journalist Christina Selby, writing at the Open Notebook, compiled a list of tips for diversifying sources. The journalist Mollie Bloudoff-Indelicato created Diverse Sources, a searchable database of underrepresented experts in science. 500 Women Scientists, a nonprofit, created Request a Woman Scientist, a similar (and larger) database. Both can be filtered by country, specialty, and more. Several scientists have compiled lists of women in microbiology, astronomy, physics, evolution, political science, neuroscience, and more."

===Personal list===
===Personal list===
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* How to get more women to the hackahton:
* How to get more women to the hackahton:

* Be a better ally
* "Fixing the Gender Imbalance in My Stories (STEM) ED YONG  FEB 6, 2018
** *

* "Be more Than Binary" - Deb Verhoeven: 'Has anyone seen a woman?', Digital Humanities Conference - 22 July, 2015, Sydney, Australia
* "Be more Than Binary" - Deb Verhoeven: 'Has anyone seen a woman?', Digital Humanities Conference - 22 July, 2015, Sydney, Australia
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* Have "exclusive" spaces: yes/no:

* Have "exclusive" spaces: yes/no:


* Ally training by Valery Aurora:
** Slides:

* Addressing the unconscious bias:  
* Addressing the unconscious bias:  
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***  " “The most important thing we did was normalize acknowledging that everyone has biases, whether they recognize them or not,” said Debra Weissman, a senior vice president at the company. “We had to make it O.K. for people to say, ‘I think I’m being unintentionally unfair.’”"
***  " “The most important thing we did was normalize acknowledging that everyone has biases, whether they recognize them or not,” said Debra Weissman, a senior vice president at the company. “We had to make it O.K. for people to say, ‘I think I’m being unintentionally unfair.’”"


* example : 4 out of 5 team members are women:
* example : 4 out of 5 team members are women:


* Talk from Lynn Root (Spotify) at EuroPython 2015:
* Talk from Lynn Root (Spotify) at EuroPython 2015:
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* Karolina Szczur Sep 8, 2017 Building Inclusive Communities
* 2020, Cloudflare:
* Karolina Szczur Feb 13 2018 Fundamentals of Effective Allyship
* Ally training by Valery Aurora:
** Slides:
* Be a better ally
* How to be a better man (ally)

==Improving privacy and security==
==Improving privacy and security==
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* (Deep Lab was founded to examine how privacy, security, surveillance, anonymity, and large-scale data aggregation are problematized in the arts and society. The Deep Lab is an all women research collaborative who are an international group of new-media artists, information designers, data scientists, software engineers, hackers, writers, journalists and theoreticians. )
* (Deep Lab was founded to examine how privacy, security, surveillance, anonymity, and large-scale data aggregation are problematized in the arts and society. The Deep Lab is an all women research collaborative who are an international group of new-media artists, information designers, data scientists, software engineers, hackers, writers, journalists and theoreticians. )
* Portugese / Spanish / English

==Gender gap in tech==
==Gender gap in tech==
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[[File:woman in tech bad time.jpg|right|400px]]
[[File:woman in tech bad time.jpg|right|400px]]
* '''1996''' ARTICLE ''Bias in computer systems'', Batya  Friedman, Helen Fay Nissenbaum ; Publication: ACM Transactions on Information Systems July 1996
* 2001:

* August 2020: Kate Manne’s “Entitled: How Male Privilege Hurts Women” presents a paradigm that maps neatly onto life in lockdown. Manne, a professor of philosophy at Cornell, argues that women “are expected to give traditionally feminine goods”—including physical and emotional care—and “to refrain from taking traditionally masculine goods,” such as power and authority. These assumptions result in a society in which men “are tacitly deemed entitled” to much of what life has to offer, while women are perpetual debtors, their very humanity “owed to others.”

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* Pros and cons for being woman in tech
* Pros and cons for being woman in tech
* "As a female tech entrepreneur.. in Silicon Valley.."  (Sept 2017)

*  "For some, "bro" culture offers one explanation for why there are so few women in tech"
*  "For some, "bro" culture offers one explanation for why there are so few women in tech"
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==Women and hackers==
==Women and hackers==

* "Free as in Sexist" : Free Culture & Gender Gap (2013)
** "the gender gap is, in part, a consequence of the culture, dynamics, and values of these communities. First, free culture can be unappealing to those unable or unwilling to hew to the stereotypical features of the online geek (i.e., an identity associated with an intense and narrow interest and argumentative style). Also, these communities’ openness means that a minority of difficult members (including, for example, a sincere misogynist or an insincere troll) can disproportionately affect the tone and dynamics of interactions. Finally, the ideology and rhetoric of freedom and openness can then be used to (a) suppress concerns by labeling them as “censorship” and, to (b) rationalize low female participation as simply a matter of women’s choice."

* Dear hacker community we need to talk  December 2012
* Dear hacker community we need to talk  December 2012
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* ,  Hobart  
* ,  Hobart  

===Feminism and Hackerspaces===

* May-June 2022: The Wetness of Hacking: A Transhacking feminist perspectives
* March 2022: A feminist hacklab’s resilience towards anti-democratic forces 
* Mar 2022  Hackerspaces as technofeminist sites for experiential learning, Annika Richterich

==Gender Equality at  Conferences==
==Gender Equality at  Conferences==
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* November 2013:
* November 2013:

* "Congrats, you have an all male panel!" Hof award:  
* #manel "Congrats, you have an all male panel!" Hof award:  

* How to invite more female speakers:
** Conference by only women called KATIE
** Check out these [[Ladies_Night#Organisations]]
** Tweet to these [[Ladies_Night#Twitter]]

* November 2016: RIPE meetings!  
* November 2016: RIPE meetings!  
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* How to invite more female speakers:
** Conference by only women called KATIE
** Check out these [[Ladies_Night#Organisations]]
** Tweet to these [[Ladies_Night#Twitter]]
** This:  and this:
** #NoExuses #STEM:

* On 8th of March 2023, we call for a Counter Cloud Action Day.
===Before 2020===

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* "Don't call me a male feminist"  
* "Don't call me a male feminist"  
* Inter-generational feminist bridges & ruptures

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* 2021:

* "Patriarchy has always had room for the Exceptional Woman—the one woman smart enough, sweet enough, strong enough, soft enough, pure enough, sexy enough to satisfy all of our culture's contradictory demands on women, and thus make it to the top of a sexist system on merit alone. Patriarchy needs that woman. She provides men with an excuse to blame women for their own pain and struggles while simultaneously assuring women that sexism only needs to be outwitted to be overcome. "  
* "Patriarchy has always had room for the Exceptional Woman—the one woman smart enough, sweet enough, strong enough, soft enough, pure enough, sexy enough to satisfy all of our culture's contradictory demands on women, and thus make it to the top of a sexist system on merit alone. Patriarchy needs that woman. She provides men with an excuse to blame women for their own pain and struggles while simultaneously assuring women that sexism only needs to be outwitted to be overcome. "  

* Anti-Trump:
* Anti-Trump:
* Mona Eltahawy I swear to make the patriarchy uncomfortable. And I'm proud of it. (The more a woman is caught in the intersections of oppressions, the more her language is policed.)

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* Work-life balance in Patagonia (child-care)
* Work-life balance in Patagonia (child-care)
* This Moment Isn’t (Just) About Sex. It’s Really About Work. By  Rebecca Traister (in THE BODY POLITIC  DECEMBER 10, 2017)
* Why are (Dutch) women not working? documentary series, 2020

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[[File:guys named john.png|right|400px]]

==Bitcoin community & gender==
==Bitcoin community & gender==

[[File:guys named john.png|right|500px]]

* Beyond BLOKEchain

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* ... and gender gap in economics (kind of science..)
* ... and gender gap in economics (kind of science..)
* Gender Inequality in Wikipedia
** "It’s a Man’s Wikipedia? Assessing Gender Inequality in an Online Encyclopedia"
** Whose Knowledge?
** "Decolonizing the Internet Summary Report October, 2018"

==Gender Gap in Engineering==
==Gender Gap in Engineering==
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* 2018: Oprah's Golden Globe speech
* 2018: Oprah's Golden Globe speech

== women in atheism & sceptic community==                             
== Abuse in atheism, skeptic, pagan communities==                             


* February 2016:
* February 2016:
* November 2018 Pagan community

==Sexism and harassment==
==Sexism and harassment==

More comics:
* Hipster sexism
* Rebecca Solnit
** The Archipelago of Arrogance 2012
*** "Young women needed to know that being belittled wasn’t the result of their own secret failings; it was the boring old gender wars."
*** The Slippery Slope of Silencings: out-and-out confrontational confidence of the totally ignorant is gendered. Men explain things to me, and other women, whether or not they know what they're talking about: It's the presumption that makes it hard, at times, for any woman in any field; that keeps women from speaking up and from being heard when they dare; that crushes young women into silence by indicating, the way harassment on the street does, that this is not their world. It trains us in self-doubt and self-limitation just as it exercises men's unsupported overconfidence.
* Safety measures built for men ONLY
* Bsides Cleavelend introduces "secret guest speaker" & causes problems:
* 4chan white techDudes attacking an GitHub employee
* Katie Bouman
* Sexism at Amsterdam Dance Event / Dutch music scene / electronic music industry
** FAQ: [ Don't welcome sexism at ADE, remove Konstantin from the line-ups]
** "As with many top labels, the proportion of women involved in Giegling is vanishingly small; most operate, if at all, in the background. From the outside the label represents what in feminist circles is described as a boy's club—a homogenous, male-dominated group that seems impermeable to women. However, instead of—as one would expect from the typically left-leaning techno scene—arguing for more gender equality behind the decks and support for female and non-binary DJs... He considers it unfair that female DJs are supported so much at the moment, although they, in his opinion, are mostly worse DJs than men."
* Why I Am Not Speaking at OSCON - Coraline Ada Ehmke | July 11, 2018
* "smart home"
** Digital Tools for Domestic Abuse: (LED Gaslighting)
* How to protect ourselves
*** Security-in-a-box
* HAU / #hautalk
** Similar:
*** "Structural problems are problems because real people hurt real people. You cannot have a cycle of abuse without actually existing abusers. That sounds simple, which is why so many academics hate it. When scholars defend NNN, in part this is because we cannot stand believing what most people believe. The need to feel smarter is deep. Intelligence is a hungry god." 
*** Sometimes analysis is simply denial with more words.
*** A culture of critics in name only, where genuine criticism is undertaken at the risk of ostracism, marginalization, retribution — this is where abuses like  NNN's grow like moss, or mold.
*** "Personally, NNN may be a feminist,... but professionally, she is not a feminist scholar, any more than every person who believes that humans descended from apes is an evolutionary anthropologist. "
* Goodbye, Patriarchy! BY SPARROW, MARCH 2018
** Women are enculturated to be uncomfortable most of the time. And to ignore their discomfort.
** the flip side of a known psychological phenomenon called "relative deprivation," by which disenfranchised groups, having been trained to expect little, tend paradoxically to report the same levels of satisfaction as their better-treated, more privileged peers.
** we live in a culture that sees female pain as normal and male pleasure as a right.
** At every turn, women are taught that how someone reacts to them does more to establish their goodness and worth than anything they themselves might feel.
** One side effect of teaching one gender to outsource its pleasure to a third party (and endure a lot of discomfort in the process) is that they're going to be poor analysts of their own discomfort, which they have been persistently taught to ignore.
* September
** "Brett Kavanaugh Defenders Are Sending A Message: Women Aren’t People"
** But in the case of men sexually assaulting women, it is as if the difference between the sexes is an unbreachable firewall of the imagination
** "In a lifetime of reading novels written by men, watching television shows and movies starring men, watching politics enacted by male presidents and their advisers, I have learned to breach that firewall, to empathize with a male protagonist. There are no tired excuses about men being inscrutable or unknowable, about men’s emotions being invalid, to lean on. That’s because men shape even our imagined worlds."
** how many women’s bodies, how much theft of their spirit, is worth one man’s career?
** We have turned our finely honed empathetic imaginations against ourselves, less willing to “ruin a good man’s life” than to seek any justice for the theft of our autonomy.
** But over the past two years ― two grueling and seemingly endless years ― there has been a violent upwelling, along with our pain, of anger. We have begun to remind ourselves, and our male counterparts, that the ghosts of our wills possess the power to haunt.
** no one’s reputation can outweigh his deeds, and that we are owed some remedy for our pain. We are fully ensouled, possessed of the same capacity for ratiocination and for love as men are
** We are reminding you at the tops of our voices that we are human, though you might never acknowledge it. We are pushing your hands from our mouths.
'''We owe no one our silence.'''
I am so tired of the moment when you discover how little your weight counts against the train’s.
I want us to be the train and not the thing thrown under it.
I want us to be the thing too urgent to be stopped, not the thing that must curl up apologetically to make room for it.
====Anger Rage====
** ''what could be more terrifying than an angry, powerful woman, especially if you secretly care a little bit more about being comfortable than you do about justice?''
** Sex is not the problem. Sexism is the problem, ...
** An attack on patriarchy, male supremacy, and sexual oppression ... is far harder to allow.
** Right now, if a man makes a mistake and hurts someone, it might, just for once, ruin his career — but it seems that if a woman makes a mistake and hurts someone right back, or allows her pain to be twisted to serve someone else’s agenda, she damns not just herself, but all other women by association.
* Jan 2018: the court case & response:
** '''“Don’t say that to me. Don’t do that to me. I hate it.”'''
** & criticism:
* "Common danger responses by women include:fight, flight, freeze, appease, mend, tend, and befriend."
* Women! Reclaim your rage
** The Power by Naomi Alderman (read that if you want to feel a powerful and healthy sense of righteous fury;
** ‘To respond with anything but fury when confronted with the realities of the world is to be inhumane,’ writes Eddo-Lodge.
** Audre Lorde’s essay ‘The Uses of Anger: Women Responding to Racism’, which was first published in 1981
** '...enormous betrayal by a friend she has loved dearly. She is deeply upset and angry… Her rage corresponds to the immensity of what she has lost.’
** "‘I had just never really known that you were allowed to be angry."
** 'advice to all the angry women of 2017 is: organise. join up with other women and use your voices.’
** '''I'm angry because things needs to change.'''
** In the middle of the day or night, rage fizzes up inside my ribcage. .. now I’m biting my angry tongue. I’m sitting on my angry hands so I won’t wrap them around somebody’s infuriating neck
** so many men are assholes. I am just so sick of it.
** I don’t always feel just one way. I’m not always sure. And maybe that’s what it is to be a grown-up—living in the middle place, where you can’t decide quickly about everything. A misanthrope, in love with the world.
* Mona Eltahawy What the world would look like if we taught girls to rage
** (I am an angry woman. And angry women are free women)
* Teaching my daughter to say FUCK OFF:
** my anger is compassion. My anger is freedom. And feminism is freedom.
* Love is fierce. Love is strength. Love is anger.
* From Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women’s Anger by Soraya Chemaly.
**  It took me years to acknowledge my own anger, and when I did, I didn’t know what do with it.
** Anger  begets transformation, manifesting our passion and keeping us invested in the world. It is a rational and emotional response to trespass, violation, and moral disorder. It bridges the divide between what is and what ought to be, between a difficult past and an improved possibility. Anger warns us viscerally of violation, threat, and insult
* Britney Cooper: Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower 
* "The Dance of Anger", Harriet Lerner
** Anger is neither positive nor negative.  Anger simply is.  It’s an important emotion that deserves out attention and respect.
** "Anger is a signal, and one worth listening to. Our anger may be a message that we are being hurt, that our rights are being violated, that our needs or wants are not being adequately met, or simply that something is not right. Our anger may tell us that we are not addressing an important emotional issue in our lives, or that too much of our self – our beliefs, values, desires, or ambitions – is being compromised in a relationship. Our anger may be a signal that we are doing more and giving more than we can comfortably do or give. Or, our anger may warn us that others are doing too much for us, at the expense of our own competence and growth. Just as physical pain tells us to take our hand off the hot stove, the pain of our anger preserves the very integrity of our self. Our anger can motivate us to say ‘no’ to the ways in which we are defined by others and ‘yes’ to the dictates of our inner self.”
* What My Anger Thought Me
** it’s signalling that we’re in danger of betraying ourselves.
** slowly, I’m learning to use my anger to stand up for myself, to be certain that I’m heard.
** "My therapist taught me how to feel my anger without breaking things. She taught me that my anger was legitimate, that it had something to teach me."
She gave me a new equation:
Healthy Boundaries + Violation of Those Boundaries = Righteous Anger.

* Similar feelings to mine, about #partgate at TechInc:

* Blog posts :  
* Blog posts :  
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* Morgan Marquis-Boire & Jake (again)
* VULNERABILITIES AND EXPLOITS: What happened when the infosec community outed its own sexual predators
* VULNERABILITIES AND EXPLOITS: What happened when the infosec community outed its own sexual predators, by Sarah Jeong
** (* Morgan Marquis-Boire & Jake (again) )
* DAYNA TORTORICI: In the Maze: Must history have losers?
* DAYNA TORTORICI: In the Maze: Must history have losers?
** confusion of freedom of speech with freedom to ridicule, threaten, harass, and abuse.
** Women of color couldn’t be asked to wait for the white male capitalist class to fall before addressing the blight of racism or sexism on their lives — nor, for that matter, could men of color or white women. It was not solidarity to sweep internal issues under the rug until the real enemy’s defeat. Nor was achieving a state of purity before doing politics. But a middle ground was possible. Feminism and antiracism shouldn’t have to wait.
** THERE ARE MANY obstacles to honesty in conversations about sexual assault. Loyalty and pity, fear of judgment or retaliation, feelings of complicity or ambivalence — all are good enough reasons not to talk. Alleging sexual misconduct also tends to involve turning one’s life upside down and shaking out the contents for public scrutiny.
** At some point it’s irresponsible not to connect what a man says with what he does.
** Perhaps it was just time for my shift. People take turns in the effort to explain collective pain, and I’d tapped out plenty of times before, pleading exhaustion, depression, and rage. The fact that I had the emotional reserves to discuss harassment at all implied that it was my responsibility to do so. (“It is the responsibility of the oppressed to teach the oppressors their mistakes,” Audre Lorde wrote in 1980 — “a constant drain of energy.”) This is not to say I was good at it: I overestimated the length of my fuse, listening, talking, reasoning, feeling more or less levelheaded — then abruptly shutting down or crying. It was nevertheless more than some friends could muster. From each according to her ability, et cetera.
** What freedoms might one have to surrender in order for others to be free? And how to figure it when those freedoms are not symmetrical? A little more power for you might mean a lot less power for me in practice, an exchange that will not feel fair in the short term even if it is in the long term.
** less consoling, is the guarantee that some will find the world less comfortable in the process of making it habitable for others. It would be easier to give up some privileges if it weren’t so traumatic to lose, as it is in our ruthlessly competitive and frequently undemocratic country. Changing the rules of the game might begin with revising what it means to win.
** Perhaps redistribution is like that. To attempt it is not to guarantee that the future will be better than the past, only to admit that it can be.
** the suffocating ubiquity of harassment and abuse; the election of a multiply accused predator
** “It’s an absolutely bizarre thing to go through, and it’s fucking exhausting and horrible, and I hate it. And I’m glad. I’m so glad we’re doing it. And I’m in hell.”
** I’m half-frustrated by men who can’t differentiate between harmless flirtation and harassment, because I believe that most women can.
** Part of it is the decades we’ve spent being pressured to underreact, ... Resentments accrete, mature into rage.
** “I stuffed all my harassment memories in an emotional trash compactor because there are just so many,” says my friend Amina Sow. “Now the trash compactor is broken, and everything is coming up.”
** We can rebuff the harasser; we can choose not to fuck the boss. But in a world where men hold inordinate power, we’re still in bed with the guy.
** relatively affluent white women in elite professions, women who’ve worked closely enough with powerful white men to be available for harassment. Racism and class discrimination determine whose stories get picked up and which women are readily believed.
** Because without real, genuine penalties on the line, without generations of men fearing that if they abuse their power, if they treat women like shit, they’ll be out of jobs, shamed, their families devastated — without that actual, electric, dangerous possibility: Nothing. Will. Change.
** this world is stacked in favor of men, yes, in a way that is so widely understood as to be boring, invisible, just life.
** He didn’t consider this because in a basic way, he did not think of us as equals.
** power structures that makes it harder for women to do work because the whole thing is tipped toward men.
** how butt-groping or unsolicited kissing can exist on the same scale as violent rape -- the thing that unites these varied revelations is... professional harm and power abuse.
** sexual harassment is ... a form of discrimination.
** the systemic disadvantaging of a gender in the public and professional sphere.
** white men, have been afforded a disproportionate share of power.
** '''women are evaluated aesthetically by men whose evaluations matter more than women’s work, in contexts that have nothing to do with aesthetics.''' (RIPE75, mat-wg!)
** these are still the terms on which we are valued, by our colleagues, our bosses, sometimes our competitors, the men we tricked ourselves into thinking might see us as smart, formidable colleagues or rivals,
** We don’t consider all the women who — driven out, banished, self-exiled, or marginalized — might have been more talented or brilliant or comforting to us, on our airwaves or in our governing bodies, but whom we have never even gotten the chance to know.
** if they did not speak out against ____, they would be tarred as self-interested hypocrites;  if they did speak out against him, they would be viewed as self-interested executioners.
** None of this is simple; none of it is easy; it’s increasingly difficult to parse and to live through.
** ''Having this conversation as if it’s about sex, and not about equality, involves trauma and pain in its own ways: memories of the visceral fear, physical pain, emotional suffering of nonconsensual contact that so many of us have experienced, to one degree or another.''
** beginning to dismantle men’s unjustly disproportionate claim to every kind of power in the public and professional world.

====#MeeToo Salma Hayek & others====
====#MeeToo Salma Hayek & others====

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** "This is what happens when women actively place their own needs first. The whole damn world freaks out."
** "This is what happens when women actively place their own needs first. The whole damn world freaks out."
* (with many many links, to: "an extensive body of scholarship and activism, and they have been there this whole time for anyone who cared enough to pay attention. "
** We’re All Mad Here: Weinstein, Women, and the Language of Lunacy: “He has demons.” The language of madness is the last resort for a society that can no longer deny the evidence of structural oppression and violence.
** '''It is easier to cope with the idea of sick men than it is to face the reality of a sick society;'''

====Taylor Swift====
====Taylor Swift====
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* August 2017: responses to Google's employee's anti-diversity manifesto / memo
* August 2017: responses to Google's employee's anti-diversity manifesto / memo
** Taking Male Entitlement Seriously  
** Taking Male Entitlement Seriously  
*** And then, in October, another massacre by a mysogonist / abuser:  
*** And then, in October 2017, another massacre by a misogynist / abuser:
*** And then, in June 2018, another shooting by a misogynist: 
*** And the novel "The Girl on the Train" (2015)
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** Nial Murphy (Diversity and Inclusion in SRE: A Postmortem)  
** Nial Murphy (Diversity and Inclusion in SRE: A Postmortem)  
* SCIENCE DOESN’T EXPLAIN TECH’S DIVERSITY PROBLEM — HISTORY DOES - By Sarah Jeong and Rachel Becker  Aug 16, 2017, 2:28pm EDT

* Jan 2018: the court case & response:  
* Jan 2018: the court case & response:

===tech misc===
===tech misc===
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** e.g. "He is sorry for your misunderstanding"
** 2024: 'Nobody Wants To Talk About Jacob Appelbaum"
* Morgan
(dead link -> )

==Dealing with Harassment==  
==Dealing with Harassment==  
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  "Plucking one early weed from a bed of germinating seeds changes everything.
Small actions by focused participants change the tone of the whole.
  It is possible to maintain big healthy gardens online.
The solution isn't cheap, or easy, or hands-free. Few things of value are." Xenia Jardin
(online community manager)
===Examples of CoC===
** 2019, RIPE79
** draft 3.0 2019
** draft March 2021
* RightsCon 2021
* Write the Docs
* DjangoCon 2018
* TechInc hackerspace
* Debian
* Digital Rights Community Team
* Mozilla's "Consequence Ladder"
[[File:EnforcingCodeOfConduct Chart 01.jpg|200px|right]]
==RIPE CoC training==
Big Picture
* "How Community Management Is Like Network Management": Valerie Aurora (RIPE85, October 2022)
** Video:
** Slides:
Specific Details
* "RIPE Code of Conduct"
** and all the documents linked from there:
*** RIPE Code of Conduct: Process and Consequences
*** RIPE Code of Conduct Team: Appointment and Responsibilities
*** RIPE Code of Conduct Team
*** Reporting Code of Conduct Violations
* RIPE86 report :
* Operational details
** communication channels,
*** team mailing list
*** (secure) chat-room
** shared (secure) documentation & storage platform
** internal procedures
Background Knowledge
* Code of Conduct resources :
** Book & Video
** Extra:
==JEDI Education==
* Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion

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* "Conflict is Not Abuse" -
* "Conflict is Not Abuse" -

===Conflict Resolution===
===Conflict Resolution===
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* Patching exploitable communities
* Patching exploitable communities
* Accounting for Ourselves: Breaking the Impasse Around Assault and Abuse in  Anarchist Scenes
* Accounting for Ourselves: Breaking the Impasse Around Assault and Abuse in  Anarchist Scenes
* "The way that justice works is you recognize hurt, you take responsibility for it and then you begin to repair it."
* Own, apologise, repair:
* Real apology:
** "“I am sorry that I hurt you.  My words were cruel and I have no intention of defending them.  They were wrong.  I was wrong.  I apologize.”
** “You are my friend and you are important to me.  It grieves me that I hurt you.”
** “I love you and it hurts me that I hurt you.”

===Enforcement of Principles===  
===Enforcement of Principles===  
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[[File:EnforcingCodeOfConduct Chart 01.jpg|400px]]
[[File:EnforcingCodeOfConduct Chart 01.jpg|400px]]
* Complaint

===Further Reading after 34c3===
===Further Reading after 34c3===
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* Witches and how they are silenced
* Witches and how they are silenced
* Silencing Tactics
* "'''We owe no one our silence.'''
* '''"We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains. That's what I want - to hear you erupting."'''
** I am sick of the silence of women. I want to hear you speaking all the languages, offering your experience as your truth, as human truth,
** Ursula Le Guin's speech:                                                                       
* Online Bullying
** British MP: &
* Interrupting
*** How about let’s have 2015 be the year that we stop looking for “rockstars” and stop tolerating “rockstar” behavior like people who constantly interrupt and speak over others because their “rockstar” opinion is just that damn important. If we all mindfully work to interrupt this interrupt culture, all voices can be heard, and everyone wins.
*** When a woman speaks in a professional setting, she walks a tightrope. Either she’s barely heard or she’s judged as too aggressive. When a man says virtually the same thing, heads nod in appreciation for his fine idea. As a result, women often decide that saying less is more.

Line 982: Line 1,448:

==The other way around: discriminating against men==
==The other way around: discriminating against men==
* *

Line 991: Line 1,459:
* "WHTM tracks and mocks the New Misogyny online, focusing especially on Men's Rights, Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), and Pickup Artist (PUA) sites."
* "WHTM tracks and mocks the New Misogyny online, focusing especially on Men's Rights, Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), and Pickup Artist (PUA) sites."

* "Make nurses" ?
* "Male nurses"  
** It's about how the nursing profession is probably relatively safe in the short term from automation, and how we need a shit-ton of nurses, and how it is pretty well-paid. And also how 90% of nurses are women (in the US at least), and why that is. Only 8.5 minutes, but information-rich.                                         
** It's about how the nursing profession is probably relatively safe in the short term from automation, and how we need a shit-ton of nurses, and how it is pretty well-paid. And also how 90% of nurses are women (in the US at least), and why that is. Only 8.5 minutes, but information-rich.                                         
Line 1,039: Line 1,507:
"be vigilant, make yourselves trustworthy. Every day"
"be vigilant, make yourselves trustworthy. Every day"

=Gender Equality=
=Gender Equality=
Line 1,068: Line 1,540:
** what is being asked of you is to acknowledge that (white/male) privilege does exist and to not only to treat people of races that differ from yours “with respect and humor,” but also to stand up for fair treatment and justice, to not let “jokes” or “off-color” comments by friends, co-workers, or family slide by without challenge, and to continually make an effort to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, so we may all cherish and respect our unique and special contributions to society as much as we do our common ground.
** what is being asked of you is to acknowledge that (white/male) privilege does exist and to not only to treat people of races that differ from yours “with respect and humor,” but also to stand up for fair treatment and justice, to not let “jokes” or “off-color” comments by friends, co-workers, or family slide by without challenge, and to continually make an effort to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, so we may all cherish and respect our unique and special contributions to society as much as we do our common ground.
* if you are as anti-racist as you like to think you are, then you won’t be scared of being LOUDLY anti-racist:

Latest revision as of 19:34, 21 June 2024

Participants Becha
Skills Community building
Status Active
Niche Community
Purpose Use in other project

Ladies Night is an initiative to bring more female members to the hackerspace, and to organise activities of interest to women.

Tech Inc Meetings

historically important

ALV_2013_04_06 & ALV_2013_04_06/Minutes

In Media

Links to other initiatives




Mailing Lists


netggrls: "subscribe net-grrls" to







Feminist Frequency @femfreq





Jobs for women


Books, articles, references written by women


alternative networks and commons | Critique of the mainstream networks | hackers culture & ethics & history & (hack)tivism | Technology & society, digital human rights & Internet Governance | engineering & networking | alternative economy, against capitalism | Climate Change | feminism

Bechas Writings

Role models


Very detailed list with names: 

"The journalist Christina Selby, writing at the Open Notebook, compiled a list of tips for diversifying sources. The journalist Mollie Bloudoff-Indelicato created Diverse Sources, a searchable database of underrepresented experts in science. 500 Women Scientists, a nonprofit, created Request a Woman Scientist, a similar (and larger) database. Both can be filtered by country, specialty, and more. Several scientists have compiled lists of women in microbiology, astronomy, physics, evolution, political science, neuroscience, and more."

Personal list

And more WOMEN'S VOICES: Female_experts

Links to resources and news

Increasing the gender diversity


Improving privacy and security

  • (Deep Lab was founded to examine how privacy, security, surveillance, anonymity, and large-scale data aggregation are problematized in the arts and society. The Deep Lab is an all women research collaborative who are an international group of new-media artists, information designers, data scientists, software engineers, hackers, writers, journalists and theoreticians. )

Gender gap in tech

  • August 2020: Kate Manne’s “Entitled: How Male Privilege Hurts Women” presents a paradigm that maps neatly onto life in lockdown. Manne, a professor of philosophy at Cornell, argues that women “are expected to give traditionally feminine goods”—including physical and emotional care—and “to refrain from taking traditionally masculine goods,” such as power and authority. These assumptions result in a society in which men “are tacitly deemed entitled” to much of what life has to offer, while women are perpetual debtors, their very humanity “owed to others.”
  • "For some, "bro" culture offers one explanation for why there are so few women in tech"

  • August 2013: Over-presence of incompetent men ;-)
    • reason for the uneven management sex ratio is our inability to discern between confidence and competence.
    • leaderless groups have a natural tendency to elect self-centered, overconfident and narcissistic individuals as leaders, and that these personality characteristics are not equally common in men and women.
    • Most of the character traits that are truly advantageous for effective leadership are predominantly found in those who fail to impress others about their talent for management.
    • The result is a pathological system that rewards men for their incompetence while punishing women for their competence, to everybody’s detriment.


  • Outreachy -> also google-summer-of-code
  • Ladies that FOSS
  • Rails Girls Summer of Code
  • Open Tech School


Women and hackers

  • "Free as in Sexist" : Free Culture & Gender Gap (2013)
    • "the gender gap is, in part, a consequence of the culture, dynamics, and values of these communities. First, free culture can be unappealing to those unable or unwilling to hew to the stereotypical features of the online geek (i.e., an identity associated with an intense and narrow interest and argumentative style). Also, these communities’ openness means that a minority of difficult members (including, for example, a sincere misogynist or an insincere troll) can disproportionately affect the tone and dynamics of interactions. Finally, the ideology and rhetoric of freedom and openness can then be used to (a) suppress concerns by labeling them as “censorship” and, to (b) rationalize low female participation as simply a matter of women’s choice."

Women's hackerspaces

Feminism and Hackerspaces

Gender Equality at Conferences

  • "sailor mercury @sailorhg : .@ghc you cannot claim to be for women in tech when you won't compensate your speakers for travel and lodging, let alone the cons ticket"



Before 2020

File:feminist principles of the internet.pdf

    • "feminism is a movement that seeks to achieve equal rights for women. This focus is necessary, because we live in a world of historically and culturally inscribed female disadvantage. "
    • "Most of the feminists I know care about how gender inequality affects men. Of course they do – they're egalitarians. "
    • Men: "You don't have to be a feminist. There are plenty of ways to be awesome without working towards equal rights for women."
    • "please, if you are worrying about what feminism will do without you, stop. The feminist movement does not need you. It's doing a pretty incredible job of tackling female disadvantage without pandering to reluctant allies."



  • "Patriarchy has always had room for the Exceptional Woman—the one woman smart enough, sweet enough, strong enough, soft enough, pure enough, sexy enough to satisfy all of our culture's contradictory demands on women, and thus make it to the top of a sexist system on merit alone. Patriarchy needs that woman. She provides men with an excuse to blame women for their own pain and struggles while simultaneously assuring women that sexism only needs to be outwitted to be overcome. "


gendered, hierarchical division between “production” and “reproduction” is a defining structure of capitalist society 
and a deep source of the gender asymmetries hard-wired in it. 
There can be no “emancipation of women” so long as this structure remains intact.
feminist ideas are being twisted to serve neoliberal, capitalist ends. 
The solutions for women will not be found in parity in a trade economy. 
The answer is not that women should be paid, it’s that men should not.
International network for recognition & payment for all caring work, 
and the return of military spending to the community starting with women the main carers everywhere.
  • No women in the boards of directors of these Dutch companies:


"We live inside a system and we need to see ourselves as whole in a system that wants to separate us out into parts." 

Bitcoin community & gender

Gender gap in Science

  • Morozov-Medina...

Gender Gap in Engineering

Women in tech are the canary in the coal mine. Normally when the canary in the coal mine starts dying 
you know the environment is toxic and you should get the hell out. Instead, the tech industry is looking at the canary, 
wondering why it can't breathe, saying “Lean in, canary. Lean in!” 
When one canary dies they get a new one because getting more canaries is how you fix the lack of canaries, right? 
Except the problem is that there isn't enough oxygen in the coal mine, not that there are too few canaries.

Gender gap in Gaming

gender Gap in Movies

Abuse in atheism, skeptic, pagan communities

Sexism and harassment

More comics:

  • Rebecca Solnit
    • The Archipelago of Arrogance 2012
      • "Young women needed to know that being belittled wasn’t the result of their own secret failings; it was the boring old gender wars."
      • The Slippery Slope of Silencings: out-and-out confrontational confidence of the totally ignorant is gendered. Men explain things to me, and other women, whether or not they know what they're talking about: It's the presumption that makes it hard, at times, for any woman in any field; that keeps women from speaking up and from being heard when they dare; that crushes young women into silence by indicating, the way harassment on the street does, that this is not their world. It trains us in self-doubt and self-limitation just as it exercises men's unsupported overconfidence.





    • Women are enculturated to be uncomfortable most of the time. And to ignore their discomfort.
    • the flip side of a known psychological phenomenon called "relative deprivation," by which disenfranchised groups, having been trained to expect little, tend paradoxically to report the same levels of satisfaction as their better-treated, more privileged peers.
    • we live in a culture that sees female pain as normal and male pleasure as a right.
    • At every turn, women are taught that how someone reacts to them does more to establish their goodness and worth than anything they themselves might feel.
    • One side effect of teaching one gender to outsource its pleasure to a third party (and endure a lot of discomfort in the process) is that they're going to be poor analysts of their own discomfort, which they have been persistently taught to ignore.
  • September
    • "Brett Kavanaugh Defenders Are Sending A Message: Women Aren’t People"
    • But in the case of men sexually assaulting women, it is as if the difference between the sexes is an unbreachable firewall of the imagination
    • "In a lifetime of reading novels written by men, watching television shows and movies starring men, watching politics enacted by male presidents and their advisers, I have learned to breach that firewall, to empathize with a male protagonist. There are no tired excuses about men being inscrutable or unknowable, about men’s emotions being invalid, to lean on. That’s because men shape even our imagined worlds."
    • how many women’s bodies, how much theft of their spirit, is worth one man’s career?
    • We have turned our finely honed empathetic imaginations against ourselves, less willing to “ruin a good man’s life” than to seek any justice for the theft of our autonomy.
    • But over the past two years ― two grueling and seemingly endless years ― there has been a violent upwelling, along with our pain, of anger. We have begun to remind ourselves, and our male counterparts, that the ghosts of our wills possess the power to haunt.
    • no one’s reputation can outweigh his deeds, and that we are owed some remedy for our pain. We are fully ensouled, possessed of the same capacity for ratiocination and for love as men are
    • We are reminding you at the tops of our voices that we are human, though you might never acknowledge it. We are pushing your hands from our mouths.

We owe no one our silence.

I am so tired of the moment when you discover how little your weight counts against the train’s.
I want us to be the train and not the thing thrown under it.
I want us to be the thing too urgent to be stopped, not the thing that must curl up apologetically to make room for it.

Anger Rage

    • what could be more terrifying than an angry, powerful woman, especially if you secretly care a little bit more about being comfortable than you do about justice?
    • Sex is not the problem. Sexism is the problem, ...
    • An attack on patriarchy, male supremacy, and sexual oppression ... is far harder to allow.
    • Right now, if a man makes a mistake and hurts someone, it might, just for once, ruin his career — but it seems that if a woman makes a mistake and hurts someone right back, or allows her pain to be twisted to serve someone else’s agenda, she damns not just herself, but all other women by association.
  • "Common danger responses by women include:fight, flight, freeze, appease, mend, tend, and befriend."
  • Women! Reclaim your rage
    • The Power by Naomi Alderman (read that if you want to feel a powerful and healthy sense of righteous fury;
    • ‘To respond with anything but fury when confronted with the realities of the world is to be inhumane,’ writes Eddo-Lodge.
    • Audre Lorde’s essay ‘The Uses of Anger: Women Responding to Racism’, which was first published in 1981
    • '...enormous betrayal by a friend she has loved dearly. She is deeply upset and angry… Her rage corresponds to the immensity of what she has lost.’
    • "‘I had just never really known that you were allowed to be angry."
    • 'advice to all the angry women of 2017 is: organise. join up with other women and use your voices.’
    • I'm angry because things needs to change.
    • In the middle of the day or night, rage fizzes up inside my ribcage. .. now I’m biting my angry tongue. I’m sitting on my angry hands so I won’t wrap them around somebody’s infuriating neck
    • so many men are assholes. I am just so sick of it.
    • I don’t always feel just one way. I’m not always sure. And maybe that’s what it is to be a grown-up—living in the middle place, where you can’t decide quickly about everything. A misanthrope, in love with the world.
  • From Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women’s Anger by Soraya Chemaly.
    • It took me years to acknowledge my own anger, and when I did, I didn’t know what do with it.
    • Anger begets transformation, manifesting our passion and keeping us invested in the world. It is a rational and emotional response to trespass, violation, and moral disorder. It bridges the divide between what is and what ought to be, between a difficult past and an improved possibility. Anger warns us viscerally of violation, threat, and insult
  • "The Dance of Anger", Harriet Lerner
    • Anger is neither positive nor negative. Anger simply is. It’s an important emotion that deserves out attention and respect.
    • "Anger is a signal, and one worth listening to. Our anger may be a message that we are being hurt, that our rights are being violated, that our needs or wants are not being adequately met, or simply that something is not right. Our anger may tell us that we are not addressing an important emotional issue in our lives, or that too much of our self – our beliefs, values, desires, or ambitions – is being compromised in a relationship. Our anger may be a signal that we are doing more and giving more than we can comfortably do or give. Or, our anger may warn us that others are doing too much for us, at the expense of our own competence and growth. Just as physical pain tells us to take our hand off the hot stove, the pain of our anger preserves the very integrity of our self. Our anger can motivate us to say ‘no’ to the ways in which we are defined by others and ‘yes’ to the dictates of our inner self.”
  • What My Anger Thought Me
    • it’s signalling that we’re in danger of betraying ourselves.
    • slowly, I’m learning to use my anger to stand up for myself, to be certain that I’m heard.
    • "My therapist taught me how to feel my anger without breaking things. She taught me that my anger was legitimate, that it had something to teach me."
She gave me a new equation: 
Healthy Boundaries + Violation of Those Boundaries = Righteous Anger.




  • VULNERABILITIES AND EXPLOITS: What happened when the infosec community outed its own sexual predators, by Sarah Jeong
  • DAYNA TORTORICI: In the Maze: Must history have losers?
    • confusion of freedom of speech with freedom to ridicule, threaten, harass, and abuse.
    • Women of color couldn’t be asked to wait for the white male capitalist class to fall before addressing the blight of racism or sexism on their lives — nor, for that matter, could men of color or white women. It was not solidarity to sweep internal issues under the rug until the real enemy’s defeat. Nor was achieving a state of purity before doing politics. But a middle ground was possible. Feminism and antiracism shouldn’t have to wait.
    • THERE ARE MANY obstacles to honesty in conversations about sexual assault. Loyalty and pity, fear of judgment or retaliation, feelings of complicity or ambivalence — all are good enough reasons not to talk. Alleging sexual misconduct also tends to involve turning one’s life upside down and shaking out the contents for public scrutiny.
    • At some point it’s irresponsible not to connect what a man says with what he does.
    • Perhaps it was just time for my shift. People take turns in the effort to explain collective pain, and I’d tapped out plenty of times before, pleading exhaustion, depression, and rage. The fact that I had the emotional reserves to discuss harassment at all implied that it was my responsibility to do so. (“It is the responsibility of the oppressed to teach the oppressors their mistakes,” Audre Lorde wrote in 1980 — “a constant drain of energy.”) This is not to say I was good at it: I overestimated the length of my fuse, listening, talking, reasoning, feeling more or less levelheaded — then abruptly shutting down or crying. It was nevertheless more than some friends could muster. From each according to her ability, et cetera.
    • What freedoms might one have to surrender in order for others to be free? And how to figure it when those freedoms are not symmetrical? A little more power for you might mean a lot less power for me in practice, an exchange that will not feel fair in the short term even if it is in the long term.
    • less consoling, is the guarantee that some will find the world less comfortable in the process of making it habitable for others. It would be easier to give up some privileges if it weren’t so traumatic to lose, as it is in our ruthlessly competitive and frequently undemocratic country. Changing the rules of the game might begin with revising what it means to win.
    • Perhaps redistribution is like that. To attempt it is not to guarantee that the future will be better than the past, only to admit that it can be.
    • the suffocating ubiquity of harassment and abuse; the election of a multiply accused predator
    • “It’s an absolutely bizarre thing to go through, and it’s fucking exhausting and horrible, and I hate it. And I’m glad. I’m so glad we’re doing it. And I’m in hell.”
    • I’m half-frustrated by men who can’t differentiate between harmless flirtation and harassment, because I believe that most women can.
    • Part of it is the decades we’ve spent being pressured to underreact, ... Resentments accrete, mature into rage.
    • “I stuffed all my harassment memories in an emotional trash compactor because there are just so many,” says my friend Amina Sow. “Now the trash compactor is broken, and everything is coming up.”
    • We can rebuff the harasser; we can choose not to fuck the boss. But in a world where men hold inordinate power, we’re still in bed with the guy.
    • relatively affluent white women in elite professions, women who’ve worked closely enough with powerful white men to be available for harassment. Racism and class discrimination determine whose stories get picked up and which women are readily believed.
    • Because without real, genuine penalties on the line, without generations of men fearing that if they abuse their power, if they treat women like shit, they’ll be out of jobs, shamed, their families devastated — without that actual, electric, dangerous possibility: Nothing. Will. Change.
    • this world is stacked in favor of men, yes, in a way that is so widely understood as to be boring, invisible, just life.
    • He didn’t consider this because in a basic way, he did not think of us as equals.
    • power structures that makes it harder for women to do work because the whole thing is tipped toward men.
    • how butt-groping or unsolicited kissing can exist on the same scale as violent rape -- the thing that unites these varied revelations is... professional harm and power abuse.
    • sexual harassment is ... a form of discrimination.
    • the systemic disadvantaging of a gender in the public and professional sphere.
    • white men, have been afforded a disproportionate share of power.
    • women are evaluated aesthetically by men whose evaluations matter more than women’s work, in contexts that have nothing to do with aesthetics. (RIPE75, mat-wg!)
    • these are still the terms on which we are valued, by our colleagues, our bosses, sometimes our competitors, the men we tricked ourselves into thinking might see us as smart, formidable colleagues or rivals,
    • We don’t consider all the women who — driven out, banished, self-exiled, or marginalized — might have been more talented or brilliant or comforting to us, on our airwaves or in our governing bodies, but whom we have never even gotten the chance to know.
    • if they did not speak out against ____, they would be tarred as self-interested hypocrites; if they did speak out against him, they would be viewed as self-interested executioners.
    • None of this is simple; none of it is easy; it’s increasingly difficult to parse and to live through.
    • Having this conversation as if it’s about sex, and not about equality, involves trauma and pain in its own ways: memories of the visceral fear, physical pain, emotional suffering of nonconsensual contact that so many of us have experienced, to one degree or another.
    • beginning to dismantle men’s unjustly disproportionate claim to every kind of power in the public and professional world.

#MeeToo Salma Hayek & others

Taylor Swift


tech misc

* April 2017: This Twitter thread!!!!

  • Links to conferences with anti-haressment policy

& procedure:

It is time to focus the work on holding the men in charge accountable 
- not just trying to do things to “help women”.
  • Announcing A website addressing sexism and misogyny in the GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, museums) sector.


(dead link -> )

Dealing with Harassment

 "Plucking one early weed from a bed of germinating seeds changes everything. 
Small actions by focused participants change the tone of the whole.
 It is possible to maintain big healthy gardens online. 
The solution isn't cheap, or easy, or hands-free. Few things of value are." Xenia Jardin
(online community manager)

Examples of CoC

RIPE CoC training

Big Picture
Specific Details
  • Operational details
    • communication channels,
      • team mailing list
      • (secure) chat-room
    • shared (secure) documentation & storage platform
    • internal procedures
Background Knowledge 

JEDI Education


  Examples of Guiding Principles
  • Guiding Principles
  • Code of Conduct
  • Policies & Rules

e.g. TechInc

Conflict Resolution

Enforcement of Principles

Further Reading after 34c3

More about silencing

  • "We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains. That's what I want - to hear you erupting."


CODE documentary exposes the dearth of American female and minority software engineers 
and explores the reasons for this gender gap.  CODE raises the question: 
what would society gain from having more women and minorities code?

Learn to code

The other way around: discriminating against men

  • "WHTM tracks and mocks the New Misogyny online, focusing especially on Men's Rights, Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), and Pickup Artist (PUA) sites."
  • "Male nurses"
    • It's about how the nursing profession is probably relatively safe in the short term from automation, and how we need a shit-ton of nurses, and how it is pretty well-paid. And also how 90% of nurses are women (in the US at least), and why that is. Only 8.5 minutes, but information-rich.
    • things are not so different in other countries: (Shane)
    • sexism in nursing: (John Hawthorne )

Women and Climate Change


March 2013

"be vigilant, make yourselves trustworthy. Every day"


Gender Equality

In bands

Racial Diversity

  • White privilege / similar to "male privilege"
    • what is being asked of you is to acknowledge that (white/male) privilege does exist and to not only to treat people of races that differ from yours “with respect and humor,” but also to stand up for fair treatment and justice, to not let “jokes” or “off-color” comments by friends, co-workers, or family slide by without challenge, and to continually make an effort to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, so we may all cherish and respect our unique and special contributions to society as much as we do our common ground.