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House Rules
Official House Rules are available here: Huishoudelijk_Reglement
Rule Zero
- Do not be on fire
- Don't use power tools unless you've had a safety briefing on them first. Don't defeat or hack safety features/equipment. This is for other people's safety as much as yours. Check the wiki for instructions. Read the warnings. If in doubt, ask.
Making Decisions
- Concerning major activities, or future events ask the community. If you have a question or in any way in doubt about something, ask the community. The primary means for communication is the general mailing list. Additional means of communication are our membership meetings and IRC, however these only reach a fraction of our communty.
- Yes, you may. Any member wanting to work on a project who wants to make use of the space and its facilities can assume a YES. It's better to ask forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.
- If something is broken, fix it; Don't complain.
- Upon leaving, clean your spot and the spot next to you; leave it more excellent than how you found it. Return all tools to their proper location.
- Respect fellow members, their privacy and their possessions. Be excellent to one another.
- No sleeping in the space, be active.
Personal Items
- Members are allowed to store some personal items in the space, but they must be kept in a members box, labelled with your name. One box per member. Empty boxes may be recycled for other members if needed.
- All items not in members boxes must be labelled with a "Do Not Hack" sticker indicating the owner and an expiry period.
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