Code of Conduct

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This is an official document

Document Info Status: Draft, Approved by Dispute Committee: Yes (2024-01-10), Approved by Board: Yes, Approved by ALV: Yes (2024-04-21) Active Yes (2024-04-21)

Organisation values:

Technologia Incognita (Techinc) is an inclusive “not for profit” association which is led by its members via a chosen board.

Our Hackerspace is a community-operated workspace where people with common interests, such as computers, machining, technology, science, digital art, or electronic art, can meet, socialise, and collaborate.

Technologia Incognita aims to draw and welcome a wide variety of participants. We all have multiple and diverse identities, views and experiences, we come from different backgrounds and we value this diversity.

We are disabled and non-disabled, neurodivergent and neurotypical, we come from across the globe, speak different languages, may have or not have children or other caring responsibilities, have different sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions and are young and old to name just some of our characteristics. People may identify as queer, asexual, hetero, trans, pan and some choose to not publicly identify at all.

Any and all discrimination will not be tolerated.

02 Member Behaviour:

An environment of respect towards other members is expected and required. Tolerance and respect are paramount.

Members are expected to be aware of what and how they say things. Excessive use of swearing and excessive offensive jokes are neither appreciated nor are they appropriate.

Harassment in any form is not tolerated, this includes (but is not limited to)

- Offensive or unsolicited comments on gender, sexual orientation, disability, appearance, ethnicity and religion

- Pornographic images in the space (This also includes the online spaces like wiki and IRC) - Intimidation - Stalking - Unwanted taking of photographs or other recordings (which are actually not allowed at all) - Inappropriate physical contact

- Unwelcome sexual attention

Members who notice and or witness this kind of behaviour are expected to act upon this. They are expected to talk to the person acting out of line, or if they are not comfortable doing so, they are expected to at least inform somebody else either in person or via email / irc.

03 Confidentiality:

It is very important that the space as a whole offers a safe space for all participants.

Presumptions should not be made about a person’s identity or status and people’s confidentiality should be maintained. Some people’s safety or private life may be compromised by taking photographs or audio / video recordings and or by using people’s actual names in social media posts. Which is why these things are not allowed inside the space without explicit permission of the persons in question and definitely not allowed on social evenings.

04 Clean as you go Policy:

Members are expected to leave work areas behind clean and tidy for the next member. Leave the place as you would like to find it.

If personal items are left behind on a desk chances are that they, over time, will either get damaged, moved, miss-placed, reappropriated and or tossed out. Tech inc can not and will not store your private possessions.

Members who bring visitors should be aware that those visitors might not be familiar with the rules and regulations as stated in this c.o.c. and that they, as host, are responsible for cleaning up after them for instance.

Not only does this apply to the work spaces, but also for any other location in the space including the kitchen.

05 Visitors:

Members who bring visitors to the space should be aware that those visitors might not be familiar with the rules and regulations as stated in this c.o.c. Because of that, the responsibility for the visitor lie with the member that brings them, they, as host, are for instance responsible and liable for cleaning up after the visitor and financially for any drinks they might take from the refrigerators.

06 Facilities: Members are expected to use the facilities in the space with respect and care. A lot of the available equipment is either donated by or on loan from individual members. Treat all property and equipment in the space with the same respect that you would treat your own property.

Due to the open nature of the space, bringing private property to Technologia Incognita is entirely at your own risk. Members will have a member box in which they can store smaller personal items. Bigger items in the space that are private property should be labelled as such and have this visible with a “do not hack” sticker accompanied with an expiration date and preferably mention a way to contact the owner.

Items without any labeling will be seen as free game by other users. Some tools or facilities are not accessible without a workshop or clearance beforehand, this can be due to a number of reasons like confidentiality / privacy issues or a needed skill level to

operate a device safely.

Members are encouraged to take ownership of the space in the sense that if they see something that needs to be repaired, or cleaned, or rearranged they do so.

07 Statutes:

To enforce the rules stated in this Code Of Conduct, and those stated in the Huishoudelijke reglementen (the Houserules) and the Statuten, the Board has both the authority and responsibility to give a formal warning when a member of Technic violates the rules. The Board also has the authority and responsibility to revoke a person’s membership if the rules are violated again and or when the offence was so serious that it warrants an immediate revocation.

For further information on this please see the Statutes and the Huishoudelijke regelement:

Statutes: Huishoudelijk regelement:

08 Dispute Committee:

The dispute committee (DC) exists for all members. It is there to resolve conflicts between members, and to address problematic behaviour of people in the space.

The scope of their work includes issues as simple as two members not agreeing on how a 3D printer should be used, up to and including serious incidents of harassment or other problematic behaviour.

The DC can help as mediator and or via an appointed trustee from that committee in a couple of ways. In case of serious harassment, threats, stalking or abuse a trustee can help the victim to go to the proper authorities.

For further information on the Dispute Committee:

For further information on the Dispute Procedure: