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Notes about Lika
"Lika" is a for me a symbol of unspoiled nature, rural living and escape from the civilisation.
= Gubavcevo Polje=
Visitor instructions:
[[File:Lika Lodge 2022 (1).png|300px|right]]
[[File:Screen Shot 2015-07-12 at 15.34.34.png|right|400px]]
===1st visit: July 2014===
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/User:Becha/Lika/DeGrowth-practice-lab
* festival...
Vesna, Arnd, Alisa & Charlie will be visiting 5-10.7. 2014. with a car, tent and other vacation materials.
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/User:Becha/Lika/LikaCamp2023
* NEW PROJECT: Connecting Lika / https://wiki.techinc.nl/User:Becha/Lika/ProjekatPovezanoPolje
+ 2 more small projects:
-> a pond! placing a big plastic sheet in a hole, then letting it fill with rain & grow local water plants, so that the frogs move in & the birds too...
-> Hügelkultur: a "raised bed" made of trunks & earth/mulch...
-> add LikaLodge to DeGrowth listings: https://map.degrowth.net & [["practice lab"][https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cqgcpExG5MxX771VNKALsZWT6snimxj5nXgM9oL95sE/edit]] by Milica kočović mickocovic @ gmail
-> apply for more funding: https://greenscreen.network/en/faq/
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/User:Becha/Lika/LikaCamp2022
* Neighbor house for sale!!! https://www.njuskalo.hr/nekretnine/kuca-gubavcevo-polje-gracac-dvije-kamene-kuce-60000-oglas-36788286
=2021 Dream=
* Long-term dream: living with multiple families in the Intentional Community in/near my (eco) village in Lika, Croatia (in 2026-2050 onwards)
** I would like to attract many people to come and live In Lika, in that area, with us – in a commune, or in a village, or in the little town; in the rural area, in the mountains, on the farms... Land is "biological" as it was not used since the war (1991-1997); houses are cheap, but the existing peoples are ageing and moving to cities, and still traumatised by wars, poverty, corruption...
* Mid-term plan (2022-2026): spending part of the year in my house in Lika
* Short-term plan: offering Lika Lodge as a retreat / vacation place to friends, based on FLOSS ethics http://tinyurl.com/Lika-Lodge
==2013 Dreams==
This is the area where I am planning to "return", back to wilderness and feral state, in order to make a "rural hackerspace" and a community of likeminded friends and family, in the year -2022 (when I am 50, and Alisa is 19 and Charlie 17...)-. (maybe 2025?) 
(more: [[User:Becha/Lika/2013-plans]]
===Nikola Tesla===
=Gubavcevo Polje=
[[File:Screen Shot 2015-07-12 at 15.37.27.png|right|400px]]
"Gubavcevo Polje" is a village in Lika, Croatia, where my grandparents used to live, and I used to spend every summer from 1972 to 1990 (when the war started).  
Birth house of Nikola Tesla is in the village Smiljan, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smiljan , 70 km away from Gubavcevo Polje
It's literally "in the middle of nowhere" (closest city is Gracac, the least populated arena in Croatia), and therefore has unspoiled nature and, absurdly, lots of peace, since all the refugees who left during Oluja in 1997 did not return any more.  
In Deringaj, 3km away, is the ruin of the church where uncle of Nikola Tesla was a priest.
==How to Get There==
===Cerovacke Pecine===
Address: Gubavcevo Polje 11 , Gracac, Lika, Croatia
1km away from Gracac
OpenStreetMap: https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=44.34056&mlon=15.93629#map=17/44.34056/15.93629
==Nearby Attractions==
===Nikola Tesla===
* part of MMK!!! ???
[[File:Screen Shot 2015-07-12 at 15.37.27.png|right|400px]]
Birth house of Nikola Tesla is in the village Smiljan, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smiljan , 70 km away from Gubavcevo Polje
* connect with unMonastery!
In Deringaj, 3km away, is the ruin of the church where uncle of Nikola Tesla was a priest.
* connect with Nomadic Village! http://nomadic.cd/index.html
* connect with Ship of Fools http://azart.org
* connect with BalCCon ??
* TIME : July - August!
* Cerovacke Pecine
* GrExit (Grachac-Exit, by Arnd!)
1km away from Gracac
* LIKA: Li-ttle KA-mp...
* UnXpected Squirrels
* Family ReUnion Earth & Ocean (FREO)
* Rural Hackers
* http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/library/rd-grantees-2014
[[User:Becha/Lika/LikaCamp2021 | LikaCamp 2021]]
* VonWou foundation??
* MeshNet funding...
Arnd went to Lika alone, from Barbariga; dropped off beds, bikes & brewed beer with Kruno.  
* Vesna
* [[LikaCamp2018]]
* Arnd
* !!!!!!! BOGDAN DIED! https://wiki.techinc.nl/User:Becha/Lika/Bogdan :(
* Alisa
** https://becha.home.xs4all.nl/bogdan
* Charlie
* Nana? + 3
* Nina? + 4
* LODGE Page [[https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/User:Becha/Lika/Lodge House instructions]]
* [[User:Becha/Lika2017]]
MM Kamp 2014: Gračac, Croatia  19 - 24 Aug 2014     
"Multimedia camp 2014 is an international camp with the transdisciplinary strategies focusing on the theme “Future Environments”. MMKamp'14 is two months extended/hybrid cultural event, situated in rural area of Croatia, near the city of Gračac, in region of Lika."
* LikaCamp 2016 project page: [[LikaCamp2016]]
Kruno Jost <udrugauke@gmail.com>
Danijela Zoroja <danijela.zoroja@gmail.com>                                                           
* The report: https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/File:Pdf-about_LikaCamp2016-story_in_pictures.pdf // [[File:Pdf-about_LikaCamp2016-story_in_pictures.pdf]]
BecHa / Vesna Manojlovic <BECHA@xs4all.nl>
Nina: nikolina manojlovic vracar <ninaman@net.hr>
===Announcement during CCCamp2015===
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hau7ivcHZYE#t=20m30s
* 8 things for off-the-grid: land, shelter, water, food, waste-disposal, electricity, storage, WILL  http://www.offgridworld.com/how-to-live-off-the-grid-8-things-you-need-now/
Slides: [[File:lika-cccamp2015-gray.pdf]]
==Setting-up Community Mesh Wireless Internet==
Slides [[File:lika-cccamp2015-w&b.pdf]]
* [[MeshNet]]
* [[Book_Crossing]]
* [[User:Becha/LibrarianShip]]
Vesna, Arnd, Alisa & Charlie will be visiting 5-10.7. 2014. with a car, tent and other vacation materials.
* BiblioTech
Family Reunion visit in 2014:
* MarcelMars: Everyone is a Librarian! 
* http://edition.cnn.com/2014/06/09/travel/mayan-steam-bath/index.html?iref=obnetwork
*... and skinny-dippng ;-) http://uk.weather.com/story/travel/skinny-dipping-destinations-world-20140911
MM Kamp 2014: Gračac, Croatia  19 - 24 Aug 2014     
"Multimedia camp 2014 is an international camp with the transdisciplinary strategies focusing on the theme “Future Environments”. MMKamp'14 is two months extended/hybrid cultural event, situated in rural area of Croatia, near the city of Gračac, in region of Lika."
* AgroForestry - trees on farms http://www.worldagroforestry.org/downloads/publications/pdfs/wp14064.pdf
==Residency / inviting guests==
* Artist in Residence
* Hacker in residence [[Hacker_in_residence]] // place for the traveling hackers to stop by: http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Nomad_Hacker
=Theory / other examples=  
* http://grist.org/politics/an-occupy-founder-says-the-next-revolution-will-be-rural/
* Vis, the island (link?)
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/Hackers_tribes#Partial_Solutions
* Kunst in der Natur (Austria) https://www.altshiftfestival.org/location/  
* http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Cyberhippietotalism
* https://www.ecosystemrestorationcommunities.org/community/rocciaviva-italy/?skill=medicinal-herbalist
* They Built it, no-one came http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/05/17/style/they-built-it-no-one-came.html
a refugium, a place for ongoing departures and perpetual homecomings,
for temporary respite or lifelong retreat.
==Reusable templates==
* https://fo.am/events/reveil-2023/?fbclid=IwAR0jiZr5xE3_SB5r4dL0rppbc1KhZWA4KUGcirHtiAzhneMAW_BSNromCUo
* unMonastery
* Rural Tourism: https://www.ideasforchange.com/en/blog-archive/depopulation-and-accessibility-the-combination-to-boost-a-tourist-destination
** http://unmonastery-wiki.mirelsol.org/doku.php?id=book_of_mistakes:working_texts:start
** http://unmonastery.org/bios/#process-map
** http://unmonastery.org/#remote-contribution
** https://github.com/unmonastery
** http://www.methodkit.com/unmonastery-in-a-box/
=Becha: my situation in 2013 & long-term plan=
* The Community Network Roadmap is a tool designed to help communities create their own broadband network solutions for connectivity. It covers topics from community organising to network planning, technical training, organisational stability, community inclusivity and accountability, among others. https://cn-roadmap.github.io
* "Life after growth": Annual summer school, looking to explore a post-growth glimpse of life, work, and organization at the village of Kalentzi, tucked in the Tzoumerka mountains in Greece. https://www.cosmolocalism.eu/summer-school-life-after-growth/
- I was born in Belgrade, but my parents come from Croatia: Lika & Dalmatia
* Pirate Ben, near Berlin: "One man's 10 year plan to build a post climate-catastrophe community" https://thebarracks.substack.com
- I have two small children that I feel responsible for, but I share their care with their father - we don't live       
* Rosie, (re)building her own hut in Sweden!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NOtKSx4ssk
together, but are both bound to stay close to the kids.                                                                 
** https://roamingwildrosie.com
- I wish to do the best for my children, which, until rcently, meant "I want them to have Dutch passports" for the       
stability and prosperity that Holland meant for me, since I am from Yugoslavia -- country that does not exist any       
more...my parents are from Croatia but they are Serbian, so two out of 3 of my childhood homes are either unaccessible   
or destroyed, and the third is in the state of "early accumulation of capital", a.k.a. "candidate for the EU             
... and since last year, I think that "the best for them" would be to take them out of school, out of the city, out of   
this sinking country (pun intended), out of the "civilization",  and *back* to the war-wounded Croatian mountains,      
"behind God's back".                                                                                                     
- I was raised on atheism (communism?) and science, and in 1991, when I discovered "the Internet", I thought - this is   
the best thing, this is where I'll be living from now on. And I do: I work for the (NGO, not-for-protit) that           
"governs" the Internet; I play with hackers and frequent and build hackerspaces, I spend my vacations on hackers         
...however, virtual reality is becoming too un-natural for me, and recently the most spiritual connections I             
estabilished with myself and the world were while walking "in nature", such as it is available - parks in Amsterdam.    
My current plan is to spend next 10 years learning, preparing, and building a community for "natural living". I still   
* Collective in Hungary https://cargonomia.hu/a-roof-is-best-built-with-neighbours-support-cargonomias-communiity-house-project/
don't know what does that mean... that's the "learning" part. I will visit existing "communes", workshops,               
festivals... I will make connections with like-minded people -- YOU! I will raise my kids "in captivity", for now, and   
when they are "grown up" (legally, 18), I will be able to go on with a different kind of life, giving them a choice to   
build their own, or take part in mine...

Latest revision as of 09:42, 21 May 2024

IMG 5223.jpg

"Lika" is a for me a symbol of unspoiled nature, rural living and escape from the civilisation.

Visitor instructions: 
Lika Lodge 2022 (1).png



+ 2 more small projects:

-> a pond! placing a big plastic sheet in a hole, then letting it fill with rain & grow local water plants, so that the frogs move in & the birds too...

-> Hügelkultur: a "raised bed" made of trunks & earth/mulch...

-> add LikaLodge to DeGrowth listings: https://map.degrowth.net & [["practice lab"][1]] by Milica kočović mickocovic @ gmail

-> apply for more funding: https://greenscreen.network/en/faq/


2021 Dream

  • Long-term dream: living with multiple families in the Intentional Community in/near my (eco) village in Lika, Croatia (in 2026-2050 onwards)
    • I would like to attract many people to come and live In Lika, in that area, with us – in a commune, or in a village, or in the little town; in the rural area, in the mountains, on the farms... Land is "biological" as it was not used since the war (1991-1997); houses are cheap, but the existing peoples are ageing and moving to cities, and still traumatised by wars, poverty, corruption...
  • Mid-term plan (2022-2026): spending part of the year in my house in Lika
  • Short-term plan: offering Lika Lodge as a retreat / vacation place to friends, based on FLOSS ethics http://tinyurl.com/Lika-Lodge


2013 Dreams

This is the area where I am planning to "return", back to wilderness and feral state, in order to make a "rural hackerspace" and a community of likeminded friends and family, in the year -2022 (when I am 50, and Alisa is 19 and Charlie 17...)-. (maybe 2025?)

(more: User:Becha/Lika/2013-plans

IMG 3818.PNG

Gubavcevo Polje

"Gubavcevo Polje" is a village in Lika, Croatia, where my grandparents used to live, and I used to spend every summer from 1972 to 1990 (when the war started).

It's literally "in the middle of nowhere" (closest city is Gracac, the least populated arena in Croatia), and therefore has unspoiled nature and, absurdly, lots of peace, since all the refugees who left during Oluja in 1997 did not return any more.

How to Get There

Address: Gubavcevo Polje 11 , Gracac, Lika, Croatia

OpenStreetMap: https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=44.34056&mlon=15.93629#map=17/44.34056/15.93629


Nearby Attractions

Nikola Tesla

Screen Shot 2015-07-12 at 15.37.27.png

Birth house of Nikola Tesla is in the village Smiljan, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smiljan , 70 km away from Gubavcevo Polje

In Deringaj, 3km away, is the ruin of the church where uncle of Nikola Tesla was a priest.


  • Cerovacke Pecine

1km away from Gracac




 LikaCamp 2021


Arnd went to Lika alone, from Barbariga; dropped off beds, bikes & brewed beer with Kruno.




Announcement during CCCamp2015


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hau7ivcHZYE#t=20m30s

Slides: File:Lika-cccamp2015-gray.pdf

Slides File:Lika-cccamp2015-w&b.pdf




Vesna, Arnd, Alisa & Charlie will be visiting 5-10.7. 2014. with a car, tent and other vacation materials.

Family Reunion visit in 2014:

MM Kamp 2014: Gračac, Croatia 19 - 24 Aug 2014


"Multimedia camp 2014 is an international camp with the transdisciplinary strategies focusing on the theme “Future Environments”. MMKamp'14 is two months extended/hybrid cultural event, situated in rural area of Croatia, near the city of Gračac, in region of Lika."




  • Vis, the island (link?)
a refugium, a place for ongoing departures and perpetual homecomings, 
for temporary respite or lifelong retreat.
  • The Community Network Roadmap is a tool designed to help communities create their own broadband network solutions for connectivity. It covers topics from community organising to network planning, technical training, organisational stability, community inclusivity and accountability, among others. https://cn-roadmap.github.io