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<-  Becha / Lika

LikaCamp2023 Planning

"we are all climate refugees" 
          -- Future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed


Staying in Touch

  • Group email: -> Mailing list instructions (subscribe / post / read the archives)
  • Wiki page(s) -> it's a wiki, so please edit it yourself!
  • Group chat on Signal


  • Long-term dream: living with multiple families in the Intentional Community in/near my (eco) village in Lika, Croatia (in 2026-2050 onwards)
    • I would like to attract many people to come and live In Lika, in that area, with us – in a commune, or in a village, or in the little town; in the rural area, in the mountains, on the farms... Land is "biological" as it was not used since the war (1991-1997); houses are cheap, but the existing peoples are ageing and moving to cities, and still traumatised by wars, poverty, corruption...
    • Mid-term plan (2022-2026): spending part of the year in my house in Lika
    • Short-term plan: offering Lika Lodge as a retreat / vacation place to friends, based on FLOSS ethics

More about me

Building Communities, Building Resilience
