Skills exchange

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This page lists both people wanting to give workshops (or other skill transfer) and people looking to acquire certain skills.

Once an event becomes more concrete, it will be announced on the members list and will shop up on the events page.

Skills transfers on offer

List of workshops that members feel they have the skills to give.

Name Level Organiser Interested Notes
Soldering Beginner Brainsmoke voidz0r Soldering both through hole and SMD components.
Electronic circuit modelling using LTspice Beginner Chotee Julf, voidz0r Using the LTspice program to model electronic circuits
Electronics 101 Beginner/Intermediate Julf Basics of electronics - theory and practice
Principles of digital audio Beginner/Intermediate Julf Basics digital sound recording, reproduction and processing
Programming in Python beginner / intermediate Wizzup mi1es Learning to program using the python language.
(Unix) Programming (in C) intermediate Wizzup, Julf Learning to program with C (also for specific topics: Network programming, etc).
Arduino 101 Beginner mr_seeker Learning to work with Arduino
Hacking OpenWRT routers Beginner / Intermediate rad0, webmind Julf, voidz0r TBD - probably building your own image, piratebox, GPIO examples
USB Reverse engineering Intermediate stef voidz0r
Lockpicking Beginner / Intermediate muse voidz0r
Soldering All levels ultratux Soldering and tricks, from XT60 connectors down to SMD
Basic powertool safety and control Beginner ultratux How to best ascertain you control the power tool instead of it controlling you.
Building custom E-cig hardware realitygaps voidz0r
Creating 3d printable objects with OpenScad Beginner Chotee Julf Using OpenScad to design objects that can be 3d printed.
Laying out PCBs for manufacture intermediate Brainsmoke Chotee, Julf, voidz0r, sjaan I can teach the use of KiCAD (open source), possibly eagle as well, and how to get it printed
Creating designs for laser cutter in Inkscape. Beginner Brainsmoke Julf, sjaan Haven't cut anything with the cutter at techinc yet, but I can explain the things to think about when designing graphics for cutting.
SQL and MariaDB Beginner/Intermediate voidz0r MariaDB is easy to pick up, knowledge acquired here allows you to dive more easily into other RDBMSs as well
HTML5 and CSS3 Beginner voidz0r
Debian GNU/Linux Beginner/intermediate voidz0r The universal operating system (and its derivatives, if desired).
Sewing Beginner Narya Operating a sewing machine. Making clothes from a pattern. See Sewing_workshop
Bioinformatics and/or DNA sequencing all levels Narya voidz0r Theory and/or computer exercises

Skills requested

List of skills you would want to have that you think Techinc members could give a training in.

Description Interested Notes
Creating objects for 3d printing Julf Hands on, not 5 hours of talk.
Blender, all things Blender! ultratux, Julf, voidz0r++
FreeCAD ultratux, Julf
Brain-computer interfaces voidz0r
Pure Data or csynth voidz0r
Supercollider voidz0r
pf the OpenBSD packet filter voidz0r

What to expect

Workshops are giving my fellow members who want to share their skills or are enthusiastic about something and want to share that. It is not a professional training.