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Revision as of 16:32, 4 May 2022

2013 Dreams

Lika" is a for me a symbol of unspoiled nature, rural living and escape from the civilisation.

This is the area where I am planning to "return", back to wilderness and feral state, in order to make a "rural hackerspace" and a community of likeminded friends and family, in the year -2022 (when I am 50, and Alisa is 19 and Charlie 17...)-. (maybe 2025?)


Kruno Jost <udrugauke@gmail.com>

Danijela Zoroja <danijela.zoroja@gmail.com>

BecHa / Vesna Manojlovic <BECHA@xs4all.nl>

Nina: nikolina manojlovic vracar <ninaman@net.hr>


Spiral indicators coe.png

Setting-up Community Mesh Wireless Internet


  • BiblioTech
  • MarcelMars: Everyone is a Librarian!



Residency / inviting guests

  • Artist in Residence

Sharing House

  • Lodge!
  • "bothy" - a simple hut or shelter in remote country, open to all & any who love wild & lonely places (Scots).


  • MOZAIX  :)

Theory / other examples

Communes/rural living

Personal friends



Women and Economy

Tiny Houses

Becha: my situation in 2013 & long-term plan


- I was born in Belgrade, but my parents come from Croatia: Lika & Dalmatia

- I have two small children that I feel responsible for, but I share their care with their father - we don't live together, but are both bound to stay close to the kids.

- I wish to do the best for my children, which, until rcently, meant "I want them to have Dutch passports" for the stability and prosperity that Holland meant for me, since I am from Yugoslavia -- country that does not exist any more...my parents are from Croatia but they are Serbian, so two out of 3 of my childhood homes are either unaccessible or destroyed, and the third is in the state of "early accumulation of capital", a.k.a. "candidate for the EU membership"...

... and since last year, I think that "the best for them" would be to take them out of school, out of the city, out of this sinking country (pun intended), out of the "civilization", and *back* to the war-wounded Croatian mountains, "behind God's back".

- I was raised on atheism (communism?) and science, and in 1991, when I discovered "the Internet", I thought - this is the best thing, this is where I'll be living from now on. And I do: I work for the (NGO, not-for-protit) that "governs" the Internet; I play with hackers and frequent and build hackerspaces, I spend my vacations on hackers conferences...

...however, virtual reality is becoming too un-natural for me, and recently the most spiritual connections I estabilished with myself and the world were while walking "in nature", such as it is available - parks in Amsterdam.

My current plan is to spend next 10 years learning, preparing, and building a community for "natural living". I still don't know what does that mean... that's the "learning" part. I will visit existing "communes", workshops, festivals... I will make connections with like-minded people -- YOU! I will raise my kids "in captivity", for now, and when they are "grown up" (legally, 18), I will be able to go on with a different kind of life, giving them a choice to build their own, or take part in mine...

tmp notes from Stoja

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; 
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -M. Mead

- location: “target”-like maps: - with 5 minutes - 10 minutes - 15 minutes walk distance & activities - 5km - 10km - 50km… and “destinations”: cerovacka pecina, kuca nikole tesle, climbing,

- donation-“score card” like “jang-ce” form: expenses x people x days x cost ; contribution too??

- make a new wiki page - Lika2016

- put some photos on the wiki page …

- how to get there: - train schedule (check MMK too..) -> COPY FROM MMK :) - flights to zadar or zagreb - by car… - by bike :)

povezi se sa darkom fritz — > http://sivazona.hr/


  • - family reunion
  • - squirellistan
  • - ruralistas
  • - rural hackers
  • - peasant-hackers
  • - hack-squirrels
  • - unexpected squirrels
  • - unexpected squirrels
  • exTechnoFetishist
  • City Exit
  • unXpected reUnion
  • PeYHuoH
  • Okupljanje
  • ReUnie