Hacker in residence
Projects | |
Participants | Becha |
Skills | Community building, Home Improvement, Networking |
Status | Planning |
Niche | Community |
Purpose | Use in other project |
"Hacker In Residence" is an initiative from Noisebridge (Mitch & Praveen).
Hacker In Residence is a person who comes to visit a non-native hackerspace, and temporarily becomes a "member" and contributes to the local community, taking part in the projects and events, brining his/her unique qualities, and experiences from his/her own hackerspace or community.
Artist-in-residence and writer-in-residence are well-known references: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artist-in-residence
Planning @ TechInc
Time Slots
- One month (September) - Capo?
- Two weeks before OHM - Frantisek?
To Do
Becha: what i want to add is:
- temporary fob
- temporary key
- temporary OV-chipcard
what still needs to be done is:
- temporary payment (cashe?)
- temporary membership "form"
- other things?
- (introduction info-page? meet&greet tour? "exit" procedure"?)
Connect with Other Places
(Mitch: 11-Jan-2013 funding ideas)
- Using an Awesome Foundation model is a great idea.
- We can probably also do Kickstarter, and/or other crowd-source funding.
(Praveen: 25-Jan-2013 )
- Matt Senate has been working on a Bay Area Consortium of Hackerspaces which this may fold into.
(Becha: 26-Jan-2013) *Ideas for planing*:
- We need to have a strucuture & communication setup to make this not messy ;-)
- Application: what does the visiting hacker offer: skills, time.. and needs: interests, level of comfort needed...
- Listing of what each hackerspace offers (facilities, time slots available...) & Needs: skills preferred, open projects..
- Funding: can we support hackers that can not afford to travel; how about visas?
(Jenny Ryan, 26-jan-2012) *Some ideas*:
- We could set up a wiki page on hackerspaces.org [hackerspaces.org] and send a
callout to the mailing list for hackerspaces that wish to participate to a general fund (even $25 a month could go a long way if we get enough spaces participating). SchoolFactory may also be interested in supporting this. This could also be a sweet project to kickstart BACH (Bay Area Consortium of Hackerspaces [hackerspaces.org]).
- Crowdfunding platform for the hacker community? I'm collating a list of
crowdfunding platforms at http://thepyre.org/wiki/Funding [thepyre.org] - with open source platforms listed at the top. That wiki is currently being botstormed, so in case it's inaccessible I recommend Catarse and Goteo.
- A longer-term vision could be working out a model for funding 'hacker
hostels' proximate to hackerspaces, maybe trying to tap STEM-funding orgs.. or tourism bureaus? This would probably necessitate an application process and some kind of project-based deliverable.
- Even longer-term: maker villages! Or as my friend Evan coined,
'technecovillages'. We're collating research and ideas for that here: http://eudea.liminoidforest.org [eudea.liminoidforest.org] (soon to be http://wikitown.cc [wikitown.cc]) and meeting every other Tuesday at Sudo Room.
Other examples
Related projects
- Hackerspaces_exchange & Hackerspace_Travel_Programme
- Hackerspaces Tour also Hackerspaces_tour
See also:
Artists in Residence examples
(August 2014)
Res Artis: worlwide network of artist residencies. Worldwide listings. Deadline: asap. http://www.resartis.org/en/residencies/upcoming_deadlines/ [www.resartis.org]
DutchCulture | TransArtists: Your artist in residence guide. Worldwide listings. Deadline: asap. http://www.transartists.org/deadlines [www.transartists.org]
The Skaftfell Residency Program at Skaftfell - Center for Visual Art. German artists are eligible to apply for a 2 month residency with a grant, courtesy of Goethe-Institut. Iceland. Deadline: September 1, 2014
http://skaftfell.is/en/residency-program/ [skaftfell.is]
nternational Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP) Open Call for artists and curators, New York City, USA.
Deadline: Ongoing
http://www.iscp-nyc.org/apply/guidelines.html [www.iscp-nyc.org]
Applications to Nes Artist Residency may be submitted at any time (open call). Iceland. Deadline: ongoing http://neslist.is/application/application-form/ [neslist.is]
The Spark Box Studio Residency Program provides artists, working in a range of mediums, a place to live and work, without distractions. Artists-in-residence stay with us, Chrissy and Kyle, in a charming century farmhouse located just outside the town of Picton in Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada. Deadline: Ongoing http://sparkboxstudio.com/residency/ [sparkboxstudio.com]
La Fragua artist residency is looking for artists who are working with moving projects that aim to dynamically reinterpret the rural environment through contemporary artistic practices and experiments. For more information contact javi@lafragua.eu. Belalcázar, Córdoba, Spain. Deadline: Ongoing http://lafragua.eu/residency [lafragua.eu]
McColl Center for Visual Art's residency program: ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE + ENVIRONMENTAL ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE. USA.
Deadline: Anytime
http://www.mccollcenter.org/artists-in-residence/submit-materials-for-residency-programs [www.mccollcenter.org]
Artist in Residency Program, Shanghai @ The Swatch Art Peace Hotel, Shanghai, China. Deadline: Anytime. http://www.swatch-art-peace-hotel.com/apply [www.swatch-art-peace-hotel.com] Chinese Arts Centre: The Whisper Residency gives you a taster session of Breathe, being able to live and work within the residency space but for 1 month. Manchester, UK. Deadline: Anytime. http://www.chinese-arts-centre.org/get-involved/professional-development/residency-programmes/ [www.chinese-arts-centre.org]