Open day Hackerspaces 2014

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Open day Hackerspaces 2014
Date 2014/03/29
Location (h)ACTA
Type Other
Contact Contact, voidz0r
iCalendar Add to calendar

March 29th 2014

10:00 - late


 10:00   doors open 
 16:00   lightning talks 
 19:00   BBQ 
 afterwards   party! 

Here's how, just in case =]

On the 29th of March 2014 Techinc opens her doors again for anyone interested. Visitors can see what hacking is, what we are working on and are free to start their own awesome projects.

On this page, we organise the event. You can help making it AWESOME!

How to get there

Come! It's super cozy!

We might need more parking spots! Please add your suggestions, thanks!


Join our BBQ!

The various teams of volunteers will be formed and self-coordinate on the day, but we'd like to encourage people to participate. Please add yourself so we have an idea of how many people are willing to help during the day, because we includes you!

What Who
3D printing
BBQ AndreasR
Laser cutting
Liaisons See below
Poking fun voidz0r


What do?


  • Soldering

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED who can assist with (de)soldering some abusable electronics

  • Laser cutting


  • 3D printing I

We will print some models for demonstration purposes throughout the day, visitors are likely to come up with crazy ideas but we ought to print small things like rings and initials.

  • 3D printing II

We have 4 (four) rather more rare/unique delta-type 3D printers in our space. Two of them are almost finished, we may see them partially working today. Then there is the first printer, that printed all the parts that were needed to build number 2, 3 and 4. And there is the fourth printer, which just got finished and which currently we try to calibrate well so that it prints beautifully. Depending on circumstances, you ought to be able to see two (or more) of them printing all kinds of objects during the day.

  • other...?


There will be plenty of this

We will host talks in the auxiliary room, BEWARE the projector we'll be using has an 800x600 resolution (unless you can bring a better one, contact us!)

Try to talk no more than 10 to 15 minutes, slots are 20 minutes to leave room for questions and to let the next speaker prepare. Please keep the technical stuff fairly lightweight and digestible as we're expecting a mixed audience.

Slot Topic Who
16:00-16:20 Keynote: brief overview of TechInc YOU
16:20-16:40 Quadcopters JnX, maybe others?
16:40-17:00 Android without Google? Realitygaps
17:10-17:30 Package management for beginners User:voidz0r
17:30-17:50 Introducing Closetbox User:Chotee
Surprise talk User:becha

More slots can be added after dinner/BBQ (don't hesitate to do so!).


In collaboration with our Artwork department and MiniTrue, we'd like to print some brochures so visitors will have something to take home. You can help! Please use IRC or mailing list to send in your proposals, nothing has been finalised yet.



We want YOU! To introduce guests to the space (open the door, welcome them in, answer questions). It'd be nice if you'd wear our shirt. If you don't have a shirt yet, we have them for sale in a very wide choice of sizes and colors for €19 each.

Time Who
10:00 - 12:00 Milo, webmind
12:00 - 14:00 voidz0r, julf
14:00 - 16:00 julf, tew
16:00 - 18:00 tew
18:00 - 20:00

Please take as many shifts you want, and give our guests a welcoming hand =]


  • What makes a model helicopter fly? -- Phicoh
  • A colorful light installation built using a Raspberry PI, Python, a USB-DMX controller and left over parts from OHM2013 -- Phicoh
  • The French FX-7 robot, with a Carabola 2 in it. -- Miles
  • Occulus Rift
  • you?


< amx109> if the weather holds a bbq sounds like fun
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED (can you roast beef? Yes, you can! ;)

BBQ to-do list

  • 3 days before: check sausages, sate, meat from butcher (not a good idea for freshly made meat!! Only for shrink-wrapped plofkipmeat!!)
  • Buy / check levels of coal and starter
  • 2 friday evening: fetch stuff from
  • Possibly buy more cutlery / plates / platters (and wash!) (I'll check out kringloop
  • 24 hours before: check buy beer + white and rose WINE + Ice bags + many paper towels. Put beer in fridge to cool.
  • Make sure we own a big bucket for cooling, else purchase.
    • check sauce-levels
  • Saturday afternoon: get fresh produce from local shops, like butcher etc. (2 a 3kg Merguez is what I'll try to bring Ultratux
  • Clean bbq grill with steel brush. Outside please.
  • 2 hours before: Start preparing: soak sate sticks, cut merguez loose, clean vegetables, make edible and roastable stuff

UPDATE: Forecasts are in! Weather will be AWESOME


  • 10:00 Open for public
  • 16:00 Lightning talks
  • 19:00 BBQ

Shopping list

nb. Amounts subject to being adjusted based on doodle participants, weather, and gut feeling.

Yay open daY!!1

Yay open daY!!1

Yay open daY!!1

Yay open daY!!1

Yay open daY!!1

Yay open daY!!1

Yay open daY!!1
  • Biscuits
  • Cola normal
  • Cola zero
  • Cola light
  • Spa rood
  • Many Paper towels
  • Crisps
  • nuts, like peanuts or so
  • Beer, 2 crates or more
  • white wine
  • rose wine
  • red wine
  • Fruit juice
  • sauces (which ones)
  • Meat
    • Merguez (ultratux)
    • bbq sausages (AndreasR)
    • hamburgers (20) (AndreasR)
    • chicken drumsticks (AndreasR)
    • lamb chops if possible (ultratux?)
  • Fish(?!)
    • [Some type of] Fish on brochettes is nice.
    • Alternative is using alu foil "pakketjes" with fish/olive oil/herbs.
  • satestokjes/brochettes
  • Potatoes
  • aluminium foil
  • big champignons
  • Vegetables:
    • paprika
    • onions
    • sweet onions?
    • red onions
    • knoflook
    • cherry tomatoes?
    • Courgette
    • Aubergine
    • carrots??
    • unsure what else 'works' on a bbq...?
    • don't forget stuff for on 'brochettes'
  • Turkish bread
  • French baquettes
  • Buns (for the hamburgers)
  • Huzarensalade (vegetarian please, so no meat salad)
  • Some bags of ice cubes (use common sense)

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