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TechInc Inventory
Description Circular saw & router table
Make self made
Category Mechanics
Operational Status Working
Super Users ultratux justa
Received at 32202/01/01
Acquisition Details self built and self sourced; router sourced by justa, saw machine sourced by branko
Owner techinc

Participants Justa, Ultratux
Skills Woodworking, Electrics, Metalworking, PrecisionMeasurements
Status Finished
Niche Mechanics
Purpose Use in other project

Project by user:Justa (inspiration, design & brainstorm) and User:ultratux (design & actual implementation) to 'morph' our tiny tablesaw into a large-format saw table with an integrated router.

Will be filled in further later.

Do note: You require training to use the saw / router table. It is not a tool that can be used safely without proper training on 1) How to use any table saw or router, 2) specific details and caveats of this one.