ALV October 2013
ALV October 2013 | |
Date | 2013/10/27 |
Time | |
Location | ACTA |
Type | Meeting |
Contact | Board |
Date: Sunday, 27 October 2013
Time: 3 PM
Proxy Voting Form : File:Generic proxy vote techinc.pdf
Administative points
- Finalising agenda (any new points?)
- Financial report.
- Notes from the board
- Financial report from ex-treasurer
- Report from the secretary on current number of members (on paper) and estimated number of still-current ("actual"/"paying") members.
- Statement of board how many people pay the "suggested minimum" amount (or very close to that) or less.
Votable Points
- (Chotee) Shall the board have an discretionary budget to purchase consumable items needed to satisfactorily run the space from common funds.
The goal is to let the space run smoothly (apply common sense). Receipts should be presented to the treasurer for accounting. Agreements will be documented on the wiki.
For the maximum value available is specified:
- None, this is a bad idea. - max 10 euros per month. - max 20 euros per month - max 50 euros per month. - There is no max (we trust our board! ;-) ) - For the purchase of new "category of items", agreement is neede by at least 4 members and 1 board member.
(Voting procedure: First we vote for the "None" option. Only if the "None" did NOT get a majority, we all hold up our hands until there is no longer a majority. The last option with a majority is the selected value).
- (Vesna) Paying the loan back to HXX
- (Merlijn) "we should pay the loan back to HXX from TechInc, under conditions we negotiate "
- (Vesna) "we should pay the loan back to HXX from the private donation"
- (Vesna) "will TechInc accept a loan from a private individual, for the borgh/down-payment for current ACTA space, under the favourable conditions to be clarified in the next votable point"
- (Vesna) "loan of 2000 Euro to be payed back after 1.1.2016, with 0% rate, in 5 monthly instalments"
- (Ultratux) Shall we increase the recommended membership fee?
- No, we keep it at 20euros per month. - Yes, we'll change it to 22,50 Euro per month. - Yes, we'll change it to 25 Euro per month. - Yes, we'll change it to 30 Euro per month. - Yes, we'll change it to 40 Euro per month.
(Same procedure as for the point of budget for consumables)
- Shall we move to another space?
(Voting procedure: First round we vote on each of the options separately. Each option that get a majority vote continue to the next round. We then take all of the surviving options and vote them against all the other options (example with options A,B,C: A-B, A-C, B-C, A-C). The option that gets the most wins wins overall.)
The positive and negative aspects of the each of the voting options have been put in the Mailing list before the ALV and will be summarized before voting. Voting options are:
- None, we do not move at all and stay where we are. - Move to the Larger space within the ACTA building. - Move to the Cruquiusweg space. - Add the space of one of our two direct neighbours to ours.
- If the "None, we do not move" wins. There is a votable point: Renting the 11m2 extra storage room for the duration of us-not-yet-having-moved. Cost of 105 Euros per month (with 1 month notice)
- Brainsmoke: (1) Do we want to have "huishoudelijke regelementen"?
(2) Do you agree that "Pricing Guideline" (5 Euro minimum per month) & "Becoming a member" become rules, under "huishoudelijke regelementen"
Membership#Pricing_Guideline: Membership#Becoming_a_Member
- AOB (any other business.)