Can I ask why you chose a wheel? Cause, if I understand it correctly, you're not making the 'steering' wheel, but the 'full|half|slow' thing, right ? That is afaik not a wheel, but a handle that moves around a 'solid' circle, totally not like a wheel.
For that part you're better off choosing some sort of cylindrical body, like um, maybe a paint can, food container, anything but a wheel. The handle is harder obviously, for the right look it'd have to be copper/brass. I'm sure browsing through a market in the box of old 'hang- en sluitwerk' you'll find suitable stuff tho. Pity the Waterlooplein market is not what it once was...
Ultratux 02:13, 20 November 2012 (CET)
I think the point was that 1) it's metal and 2) it's round, and the project can go from there. Maybe it's a little too narrow, but considering we only need one handle, and that will also add width to the whole construction, I think it's ok.
My only issue is that it's quite over-sized for a typical EOT, but that also has it's comical value.
Btw, why mess with leds and photodiodes when you can just use a rotary-encoder? I do think it would be nice to have LEDs for backlight (maybe different colours to signal something)
Dreamer 14:10, 20 November 2012 (CET)