From Technologia Incognita
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Participants Amx109
Skills electronics, making, welding, painting, coding
Status Dead
Niche Mechanics
Purpose Infrastructure

Technologia Incognita Space Status Engine Order Telegraph

The intention is to use one of these to indicate the space open/close state. it will probably be extended to indicate other space states, such as ´congress´ etc.


  • wheel

A wheel has been acquired. this will be the centre of the TISSEOT machine. it is 46cm in diameter and looks like a perfect exaggerated size for our needs (typically a EOT is 20cm diameter).


46cm diameter
central axis hole is 28mm
  • Handles
  • means of measuring handle-position (rotary encoder?)
  • means of maintaining handle position (*click* in position)
  • microcontroller
  • space-state-plate
  • backlight?


2013-02-16 - Acquired parts for axle. Axle is now built, except for collars for bearings. Design of mechanism has been finalised, albeit on the back of a napkin.