Hackers tribes

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Participants Becha
Skills Community building
Status Planning
Niche Community
Purpose World domination

Hackers Tribes (Saving the World)

  • To Fix Climate Change, Scientists Turn To Hacking The Earth, by NPR STAFF


Why are hackers like tribes?

About hackers

http://mobilizingideas.wordpress.com/2013/07/19/everyday-hacking/ http://mobilizingideas.wordpress.com/2013/07/19/the-multifaceted-hacker/







http://lifesoperatingmanual.com by Tom Shadyac http://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/138190455?

Hacker Culture: Smári: Hacker culture is all about being able to learn and experience and interact. It takes an "anything goes" approach 
to altering reality. A hacker is somebody who has read-write-execute permissions on the universe. 
Within this mindset there is no right and wrong - such moral judgements are separate from hacker culture, 
and although hackers might argue heavily about what is right and wrong, 
they will all agree that tinkering is a good idea. A side effect of this is an incredibly liberal attitude towards almost everything. 
Once you recognize moral relativism for what it is, then we can move forward to do more interesting things than opining at each other, 
such as working together to build better communities.
The free exchange of information is a necessary precondition for this.

Why are hackerspaces like tribes?

"... Internet’s spirit of permissionless innovation, open entry, diversity and competition." http://www.internetgovernance.org/2013/10/20/plans-for-internet-commission-on-internet-cooperation-revealed/

On Consensus

  • Wired 3.10: How Anarchy Works www.wired.com/wired/archive/3.10/ietf.htm
  • (get some links from anarchist web sites!!)

On Leadership

Other hackerspace related project

Why are tribes important?

    • 1) The Great Forgetting
    • 2) The Boiling Frog
    • 3) The Collapse of Values
    • 4) Population: A Systems Approach
    • 5) The Great Remembering
  • The parable of tribes, Andrew Bard Schmookler

Becha's Talks and Presentations

  • September 2013, (h)ACTA Open Day, Amsterdam Hackerspace Technologia Incognita (slides to be added later)

Beyond Civilization


  • Daniel Quinn


  • Derrick Jensen: Endgame


  • (2011), Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed: A User’s Guide to the Crisis of Civilization: And How to Save It


  • Running on Emptiness: The Pathology of Civilizatio ... , John Zerzan
  • Against Civilization: Readings and Reflections


New way of thinking

Quotes on Sharing, spirituality, Culture or "the new way of thinking" Hackers_tribes_quotes_culture

  • In the Absence of the Sacred, Jerry Mander
  • Born and raised in captivity...
  • The Great Turning

"somebody will take care of it... that's their job..." == THAT'S MY JOB!

Are we distroying the planet just to be a little bit more comfortable for a short while? Dimitry Orlov

What does a life well lived look like?

Socratic Questions / Social Justice issue : http://goodmenproject.com/social-justice-2/social-justice-climate-change-is-a-social-justice-issue/

  • "Myth" : The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. John F. Kennedy



"the most important environmental book ever written. It is not Silent Spring, Small Is Beautiful or even Walden. It contains no graphs, no tables, no facts, figures, warnings, predictions or even arguments. Nor does it carry a single dreary sentence, which, sadly, distinguishes it from most environmental literature. It is a novel, first published (in 2006) , and it will change the way you see the world."


(and unrelated, but worth it: http://stevecutts.com )

  • There is no tomorrow", animation


  • Michael Pollan's Food Rules vimeo.com Based on Michael Pollan's talk "Food Rules" given at the RSA, this animation was created in the context of the RSA/Nominet Trust film competition. Using a mixture…


Video & documentaties

  • What a way to go - LIfe at the end of the empire // WhatAWayToGomovie.com


  • Crisis of Civilization


  • Al Gore interview: Why civilization will not survive next 100 years:


  • And of course, "The Inconvenient Truth"
  • "There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside, first." - Jim Morrison // The sustainable Man



  • Pearl Jam: Yield , album inspired by Ishamel (Daniel Quinn)
  • * "We are the Vogons" (spoof of "We are the robots" by Kraftwerk & HHGttG"


  • The Myth of "Takers": Greatness, Power over, Pinnacle of Evolution, God's chosen children
  • Peak Oil
  • Overpopulation
  • Climate change
  • Over-Consumption
  • Pollution
  • NTE

Takers Myth

  • The Great Delusion: The Myths Greatness, Power over, Pinnacle of Evolution, God's chosen children...
    • Daniel Quinn: Ishmael, Story of B, etc
  • "Myth" : The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. John F. Kennedy

Limits to Growth (Oil, Population, Consumption)

  • and transcript


  • quote:
       "You cannot sustain population growth and / or growth in the                  
       rates of consumption of resources."
  • quote
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is                                                            
our inability to understand the exponential function."                               
  • "There is no tomorrow", animation


  • The Dream of the Earth, Thomas Berry; "The Great Wok"

No Growth = Economic Collapse

Food = Totalitarian Agriculture

  • " Civilization will eat itself" Ran Prieur & "Superweed"
  • Acheiving food security in the face of climate change



  • "Overshoot" -- the ecological basis of revolutionary change
  • Footprint & "energy slaves" = equivalent of human work , done by machines, using energy & resources
  • "Unguarded gates" Otis Graham
  • "as Perlman makes plain, population growth is purely a product of civilization: 'a steady increase in human numbers [is] as persistent as the Leviathan itself. This phenomenon seems to exist only among Leviathanized human beings. Animals as well as human communities in the state of nature do not proliferate their own kind to the point of pushing all others off the field.' "


  • "The Paryt's Over" , Richard Heinberg

  • The World according to Pimm, Stuard Pimm
  • Grassland, Richard Manning
  • "Published on Friday, November 15, 2013 by Adbusters 'Sleepwalking to Extinction': Capitalism and the Destruction of Life and Earth

by Richard Smith https://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/11/15-3#.UoukAlRq0jc.twitter // http://www.paecon.net/PAEReview/issue64/Smith64.pdf // Upcoming book: "To Save the Planet, Turn the World Upside Down"

IPCC 5th report

  • 27 sept 2013 the 5th IPCC report got published, and results from their year study are summarized :

http://www.ipcc.ch/news_and_events/docs/ar5/ar5_wg1_headlines.pdf http://www.tyndall.ac.uk/communication/news-archive/2013/ipcc-report-released-today-stockholm http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21929360.200-climate-science-why-the-world-wont-listen.html#.UkVjjKw4_T0 http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/sep/27/ipcc-climate-change-report-ar5-live-coverage http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24292615

the revolutionary nature of climate science http://www.newstatesman.com/2013/10/science-says-revolt

"our entire economic paradigm is a threat to ecological stability."

challenging currents economic paradigm is humanity’s best shot at avoiding catastrophe

"ditching of this cruel system is no longer a matter of mere ideological preference but rather one of species-wide existential necessity"

"we have an economic system that fetishises GDP growth above all else, regardless of the human or ecological consequences"

"Today, after two decades of bluff and lies, the remaining 2°C budget demands revolutionary change to the political and economic hegemony"

Water Shortage

The Global Search For Liquid Gold, Urban Times, 11 June 2013 http://act.sumofus.org/go/2394?ak_proof=1&t=5&akid=.1859150.b05Aq7 Bottled Life: The Story, Bottled Life, 1 January 2012 Water Facts, Food and Water Watch http://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/water/interesting-water-facts/?ak_proof=1



Near Term Extinction

  • Previous mass extinctions : ....
  • Devouring all life & resources on the whole planet:
  • "The World is Blue" (a book)
  • A Good House" (water shortage!)


  • "Collapse" , Jared Diamond? Another guy?
  • "5 stages of collapse" & "6th stage"

Partial Solutions


Guy McPhearson: "I’m fighting on behalf the species we’ve not yet driven to extinction. 
I’m fighting to increase the odds that Earth will be vibrantly green 10 million years from now." 

Bright Side

  • Always look on the bright side of life...
  • Comedians! (Russel Brand, Ship of Fools....)
  • OBOS (anti-commercials for Norvegian housing corporation) (thanks, Patrice!)
  • There are no problems, we never had it better then now, it's been only progress since 1850:

http://slatestarcodex.com/2013/10/20/the-anti-reactionary-faq/ (first part only! = "1: Is everything getting worse?") http://www.businessinsider.com/charts-that-will-restore-your-faith-in-humanity-2013-5

Changing Culture

  • You can and must be the one to change the world. You are the One. "saving the world isn't the work of specialists" - Daniel Quinn


  • "My name is Chellis and I'm in Recovery of Western Civilization"
  • Off the Map , Chellis Glendinning
  • "Pirate Cinema", Cory Doctorow

No Techno Fix

No Fossil Fuels

Alternatives to Consumerism

crisis regions can learn from ecovillages // applied sustainability:
- Natural water management.
- Decentralised energy autonomy. 
- Local food autonomy. 
- Community based economy.
- Holistic Planned Grazing.
- Community Knowledge

Economy of No Growth


  • Sustenance Farm

Existing Communities


Sharing Economy

  • p2pfoundation.org (EVERYTHING about peer to peer & sharing!!)

Misc Solutions

(to be placed in categories later! Note to self!)

Green Anarchism

Protests & Revolutions

  • Russel Brand (see below)
  • How to start the revolution, Meaning conference (link later)
Energy issues will also set the stage for more aggressive geopolitics and will substantially destroy the ecosystem services 
on which society is wholly dependent. These are but a few of the impacts that the double energy problem 
of climate change and oil decline have in store for us.


Small Steps


Get prepared

  • Links about "preparation & transformation" rom "What a Way to Go"


  • Scientists say new approach to climate preparedness essential to help people adjust to coming changes


Clean Energy


(put your money where your mouth is)

  • ikstapover.nl

Managing environment

  • Mountain regions in Europe... Sustainable Land-use Practices in European Mountain Regions under Global Change: an Integrated Research Approach


Urban Gardening


Practical Survival

Emotional Healing

  • Geneen Roth - the feeling of *enough*
  • Non-Violent Communication & Self-empathy
  • Polyamory & anarchism
  • Polyamory & tantra

UN, EU & other attempts to solutions

  • "How to feed the world in 2050", a video etc

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjtIl5B1zXI&feature=youtu.be // http://ccafs.cgiar.org/news/commission-sustainable-agriculture-and-climate-change/world-scientists-define-united-approach#.UpDgJRZEB3a



To overcome the crisis of democracy and reaffirm our autonomy, we first of all need to liberate our empty self from mindless consumerism and conformity.

Representation places the source of legitimacy outside of oneself. Whether it is a corporate brand name, political party, an ideology or slogan, one looks for objects of representation through which something inside can be projected out onto the world.

Slowly Boiling Frog (just like in "the story of B")

People are moving more and more outside of electoral politics. A call is arising for a new type of governance, for a real democracy where each person participates directly and manifests their own voice. This is a political act, but it is also much more. The current crisis of democracy is a crisis of representation. Images that perpetuate illusions about ourselves can no longer sustain our humanity.

Russel Brand

(see quotes: Hackers_tribes_quotes_culture#Quoting_Russell_Brand )