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* October 2024: [[:File:ngi-nlnet-Connecting_Lika-Rural_Digital_Commons.pdf]]  
* October 2024: [[:File:ngi-nlnet-Connecting_Lika-Rural_Digital_Commons.pdf]]  
** https://wiki.techinc.nl/File:Lika-vesna.pdf
* Funding applications
* Funding applications

Latest revision as of 22:26, 14 October 2024

Gub polje.png
Lika Lodge 2022 (1).png

Project Connecting Lika

October 2024 update: IEEE Grant received!!!! (10-10-24) 
Getting Lika Connected, Short Summary (11-11-22)
  • Idealistic goals: rejuvenation & reconnection of the remote rural communities,
    • while following “Environmental Justice in Tech” principles (Limitations / Reparations / Solidarity)
  • Practical goal: bringing internet connectivity to Gubavcevo Polje
    • optional: as a "community mesh network"
  • Duration: 3 years, in 4 phases (November 2022 - November 2025)
  • Funded by “Digital Rights & Climate Justice” funds https://wiki.techinc.nl/MeshNet#Funding
  • Performed in cooperation with family, local community, emigrants, international communities of hackers, activists, artists and friendly experts
  • Core Team: 3-5 people
Part of: https://wiki.techinc.nl/User:Becha/Lika

Projekat Povezano Polje

Povezano Polje, ukratko
  • Idealistički cilj: podmladjivanje i pononvno povezivanje zabačenih seoskih zajednica
    • sledeći principe o "ograničenjima / nadoknadama / solidarnosti" za postizanje PRAVEDNOSTI (justice)
  • Praktični cilj: povezati stanovnike (i goste) Gubavcevog Polja na Internet
    • uvjetno: da lokalna Internet mreża bude u zajedničkom vlasništvu
  • Trajanje: 3 godine, u 4 faze
  • Podržano fondovima CJxDR https://wiki.techinc.nl/MeshNet#Funding
  • Zajedno sa porodicom, lokalcima, emigrantima, hakerima iz "inostranstva", aktivitkinjama, umetnicama, stručnjacima i prijateljima
  • Uža grupa: 3-5 ljudi

Work in Progress

Phase 1 Exploration


Budgeting Exploration Phase

  • Minimum (3500 €)
    • sustainable local transport: second-hand cargo e-bike (2500 €)
      • for the local NGO, on loan to me when I visit there
    • donations to local NGOs: 500 € each = 1000 €
    • pro-bono: Vesna's work of documentation, project management, fundraising, promoting)
    • pro-bono: work of technical experts
  • Optional (+2000 € -- +5000 €)
    • expert fees for NVC mediators, for negotiations within local community (1000 €)
    • travel expenses for the visit to local NGOs (100-500 € for the train ticket x 2 = 1000 €)
    • stipend for core-team members who are self-employed (500 € per month per person x 3 months x 2 = 3000 €)
    • pro-bono: accommodation in LikaLodge
  • Even More Optional (2000 - 7000)
    • Mobile StarLink subscription: 480 € + 150€ per month x 12 = 2300 € for the first year
    • Organising LikaCamp2023 : 2000 € - 4700 €

Budgeting Building Phase

  • equipment: antennas, servers, cables, poles, batteries, solar cells = 2000 €
  • connectivity fees: 100€ x 12 = 1200€
  • electricity costs (in case we do not get enough renewable solar energy) 15€ x 12 = 300€
  • stipends for experts: 2x500€ = 1000€

Budgeting Maintenance Phase

Per Year: 5000€
  • stipend for local-team members (100 € per month per person x 12 months x 2 = 2400 €)
  • connectivity fees: 100€ x 12 = 1200€
  • electricity costs (in case we do not get enough renewable solar energy) 15€ x 12 = 300€
  • repairs of equipment: 1000 €
  • Insurance 100€
  • travel to two conferences: 2x1000€
  • donations to local NGOs: 500 € each = 1000 €

Other Organisations

Technical Details


  • 2025
    • HRNOG!
    • BattleMesh?!
  • 2024
    • -HR.NOG 2, (2024)-
    • -BalCoNN (September 2024)-


Ieee sumit award announcement.png

=> https://wiki.techinc.nl/MeshNet#Funding