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* https://wiki.techinc.nl/Tea_%26_Networking/2021-12-17
We are a small group of social connectors; we care about the social impacts of the Internet technologies.
We we want to keep in touch with each other & exchange information, in a series of informal social events.
Participating: Netwerk Democratie; Bits of Freedom, RIPE, FreedomInternet, LAG, ISOC, UvA, RIPE NCC, Gr1p, chaos.amsterdam...
For now, our focus is on Amsterdam (then The Netherlands, then the Western Europe, then Europe, then World).
Mailing List: https://lists.ghserv.net/mailman/listinfo/17-meetings
==Meetup Notes==
* 17 February 2023 -> ‘Huis van de Wijk de Meeuw’ 19:00
* 17 December 2022 (Saturday) : where?
* 17 November 2022 (Thursday) : _where_  (maybe Waag / with TMR)
* 17 October 2022: LAG
* 17 July 2022:
* 17 June 2022: TechInc https://wiki.techinc.nl/Tea_%26_Networking/2022-06-17
* 17 May 2022: Douwe
* 12th April 2022, LAG!
* 17 March 2022: Chaos Amsterdam
* 17 February 2022: Volkskamer [[Tea_%26_Networking/2022-02-17]]
* 17 December 2021 : BuurtBoerderij [[Tea_%26_Networking/2021-12-17]]
* 27 October 2021 : TechInc [[Wednesday_Social_Open_Evening_2021-10-27]]
* Featured:
** OONI community coordinator (deadline 12.6.)  https://ooni.org/post/2022-job-opening-ooni-community-coordinator/
** Greenpeace (digital activist) [[:File:greenpeace-Online_actievoeren.pdf]]
* MORE JOBS: https://wiki.techinc.nl/MeshNet#Jobs
(submit your (digital rights) activist jobs here: https://www.digitalrights.community/job-board-form )
* https://ripe.net/cpf (deadline 7. August)
* (rolling deadline) https://www.opentech.fund/funds/rapid-response-fund/
& more: https://wiki.techinc.nl/MeshNet#Funding
==Events 2023==
==Upcoming Events 2022==
* 1. September, 19:00 :: Greenpeace: Digital protest, but how? https://waag.org/en/event/waag-open-digital-protest-how/
* 8. Septmber, De Waag: TMR orga meetup -> continuation?!
* 1-4. September: End-Summer Camp near Venecia : https://www.endsummercamp.org/
* AUGUST 31 - SEPTEMBER 2: DATA NATIVES 2022, DATA SCIENCE AND AI EVENT; Berlin https://datanatives.io/
* NORDUnet: 3-15 September 2022, Iceland https://nordu.net/save-date-nordunet-conference-2022/
* SIGCAS (12 September) “Sustainability and Green Internet.”
* SDIA (22-23 September)
* BalCCoN, Novi Sad: 22-24. September https://2k22.balccon.org/index.php?title=Main_Page
* 30. September: NLNOG! Amsterdam  https://nlnog.net/nlnog-day-2022-the-20th-anniversary-edition/
* Bits & Bäume: October 1st to 2nd, 2022. Berlin https://bits-und-baeume.org/
* October 4 - 5th : another "climate justice x digital rights" event in Berlin -- no web page yet!
* 4. October: online: Understanding the Internet (yours truly!) https://ripe85.ripe.net/programme/parallel-events/student-event/
* (new) '''12th of October: Building the Quantum Internet at SURF Utrecht.''' https://www.surf.nl/en/agenda/workshop-building-the-quantum-internet
* (new) October, 10 - 16 ; Digital Health Week https://digitalhealthweek.co/
* '''18-20.10. RAI Amsterdam: https://networkxevent.com''' (new)
* RIPE85: 24-28. October 2022 Belgrade, Serbia https://ripe85.ripe.net/
* '''https://prague-2022.devrelcon.dev''' (new)
* 30 October 2022 : The First International Workshop on Greening the Web (GZW2022) Co-located with 23rd International Conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE 2022), Biarritz, France https://greening-the-web.gitlab.io/2022/
* 5-11.11. London: IETF115 https://www.ietf.org/how/meetings/115/
* Internet Governance Forum: 17th IGF 28 November-2 December 2022. Ethiopia https://www.intgovforum.org/en
* 5. December: IAB workshop : https://www.iab.org/activities/workshops/e-impact/
* 37th CCC will be in Hamburg! 27.-30. December https://www.ccc.de/de/updates/2022/37-chaos-communication-congress-in-hamburg
* https://radar.squat.net/en/events/city/Amsterdam
* https://amsterdamalternative.nl/agenda
* NSRC: https://nsrc.org/calendar/
* RIPE NCC: https://www.ripe.net/participate/meetings/calendar
* GEANT events https://events.geant.org/
===Regular Events===
* Tuesdays:
** dinner @ De Peper : http://www.ot301.nl/public-spaces/1013/de-peper
** XR dinner at https://www.de-sering.org/the-people-s-kitchen
* Wednesday: Social Evening @ TechInc
* (every 2nd) Thursday: https://chaos.amsterdam
* Fridays: Community Events @ LAG https://laglab.org
* Saturdays: dinner & socialising @ MKZ
* NVC trainings: Amsterdam & International:  https://www.connecting2life.net/workshops-and-courses/
==Past Events==
* Computing within LIMITS:  21-22 June 2022. https://computingwithinlimits.org/2022/
* 22.6. Ukrainian Network Operators & Routing Security : https://www.ripe.net/participate/meetings/open-house/ripe-ncc-open-house-bgp-security-for-ukrainian-operators
* 26.6. Ruigoord : Midsummer activism  https://ruigoord.nl/evenement/midsummer-activism/
* 30.6. 19:00 TMR : The European Internet Blockade of Russian Propagandist Media https://spui25.nl/programma/the-european-internet-blockade-of-russian-propagandist-media
* 7.7. ClimateCafe by KasKantine @ TechInc: Internet’s Environmental Footprint Dilemmas https://wiki.techinc.nl/Internet_Footprint_Dilemmas
* A New HOPE: 22-24 July 2022, New York City & virtual (the ticket is 99$!) https://hope.net/
* May Contain Hackers: https://mch2022.org/ 22nd to 26th July 2022
* July 25 - August 6: https://summerschool.scholar.social/
* August, 5th to 11th : Electric Wonderland 2022, International maker/hacker camp; Velebit in Baške Oštarije, Croatia;
https://radiona.org/open-call-for-electric-wonderland-2022-is-launched/ ## https://www.electric-wonderland.eu/
* 1-8 August 2022 in Catalonia: TransHackFeminist Convergence 2022 – A call to all those who build Feminist Infrastructure: a self-organised, face-to-face, body-to-body meeting; https://zoiahorn.anarchaserver.org/thf2022/#ENG
* 6-10 June: RightsConn https://www.rightscon.org/attend/
* 13-17 June, Trieste, Italy: Terena Networking Conference https://tnc22.geant.org/
* 15–18 June 2022 '''A'''rt '''M'''eets '''R'''adical '''O'''penness '''#AMRO22''' (Festival dedicated to Art, Hacktivism and Open Culture), Linz, Austria http://www.radical-openness.org/en
* 17th June -> https://wiki.techinc.nl/Community_Organisers_Meetup_17th_
* TMR on 2. June: https://waag.org/en/event/tactical-media-meetup-2-ukrainian-video-art-times-war
* Book presentation: "Europa van Wenen naar Istanbul" , SPUI25 https://spui25.nl/programma/negen-steden-europa-van-wenen-naar-istanbul/
* Tactical Media Meetup #1: How to navigate the (dis)information landscape 28-4-22 20:00 - 28-4-22 22:00 , Waag https://waag.org/en/event/tactical-media-meetup-1-how-navigate-disinformation-landscape
* Techdenkers: het vrije internet in oorlogstijd, 8PM, De Balie https://debalie.nl/programma/techdenkers-het-vrije-internet-in-oorlogstijd-28-04-2022/
* Chaos Days: All creatures Welcome . Social Hacking + Jamming + Movie Screening ; Saturday, April 30, 2022 13:20 PM https://radar.squat.net/en/event/amsterdam/chaos-amsterdam/2022-04-30/chaos-days-all-creatures-welcome-social-hacking-jamming
* Introduction to Extinction Rebellion @ De Kaskantine Saturday, April 30, 2022 2:30 PM  https://www.meetup.com/Climate-Garden/events/285481508/
* May 9-14th, Ghent (Belgium) Microsolidarity Gathering  https://www.thehum.org/microsolidarity-gatherings
* May 10: NLUUG https://nluug.nl/events/vj22/index.html
* 10-11 May https://wiki.geant.org/display/SIGNOC/SIG-NOC+Special+Interest+Group+-+Network+Operations+Centre
* May 16-20, Berlin: RIPE84 http://ripe84.ripe.net/
* 11. April: The History of the Yugoslavian Internet Panel: Live at SEE 10 https://labs.ripe.net/author/becha/the-history-of-the-yugoslavian-internet-live-at-see-10/
* 11-12 April, SEE10, Ljubljana: http://ripe.net/see-10/
* 12.4. Theatre, Amsterdam: "Witnessing U" (place & time to be confirmed)
* 12th April -> LAG
* 13. April: Crypto for the People; Wednesday, April 13th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. (USA time zone?!) / Zoom https://uwaterloo.ca/cybersecurity-privacy-institute/cpi-talk-crypto-people
* 16th April, Enschede: LED strips by Mitch Altman https://tkkrlab.nl/cybersaturdays/2022_04_16_ledstrips_mitch_altman/
* 31.3. evening, meetup, Chaos (CCC) Amsterdam: activists & hackers https://radar.squat.net/en/event/amsterdam/chaos-amsterdam/2022-03-31/chaos-amsterdam
* 1.4. 3-5 PM CEST, Amsterdam: closing day of Data-Sprint:  https://tinyurl.com/datasprint22
* 1.4. 4PM CEST discussion, online: "To sanction or not to sanction the Internet access: A SancNet debate" https://www.giga-net.org/to-sanction-or-not-to-sanction-the-internet-access-a-sancnet-debate/
* 7th April (online) https://internetfreedomfestival.org/wiki/index.php/April_7_2022_GM "Digital Privacy and Security Survey 2021"
* 26 March  2PM: 5G Infrastructure Walk @ the Bijlmer Arena https://www.oba.nl/agenda/bijlmerplein/5gsightseeingtourindebijlmerarena.html
* 26 March  2PM: "En-ROADS – Climate Action Simulation" , Climate Caffe @ KasKantine
* 26 March  5PM - 5AM PARTY https://wiki.techinc.nl/International_Open_Hackerspace_day_2022/Party
* 30.3. FramerFramed "A Lighter Internet" https://framerframed.nl/projecten/the-hmm-on-a-lighter-internet/ // https://thehmm.nl/event/the-hmm-on-a-lighter-internet/
*  14.3. "Alarming news, ecological issues, and self-care" (Webinar) https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/116568/lomake.html
* 17.3. "Tea & Networking", chaos.amsterdam 
* 22.3. (virtual)  GAIA IETF 10-12 CET (Alternative Internets)
* 22 March. (virtual) RIPE cooperation working group (virtual) session coming Tuesday,  13:00-14:30 UTC (14:00-15:30 CEST). To participate, you can register at https://www.ripe.net/s/register-coop-wg-20220322
* 26. March: Open Hackerspaces Day https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/International_hackerspace_Open_day_2022
* 26-27 March ATNOFS - A Transversal Network of Feminist Servers
https://varia.zone/en/atnofs-varia.html @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, 3082 BA Rotterdam, The Netherland
* 12 March, 2022 , 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM CET De KasKantine https://www.meetup.com/philosophical-garden/events/283140699/
* 12 March (+ 4 more days) : Amsterdam, World Building  https://veem.house/program/open-call-join-our-new-long-now-lab-on-world-building/
* offdem 5+6 March, Brussels:
** Announcement https://ps.zoethical.org/pub/offdem-activities
** Documentation https://pad.public.cat/offdem-o2-index?view & https://pad.public.cat/offdem-o2
* FOSDEM 5+6 February, Virtual
* 2.2. https://www.theengineroom.org/digital-rights-and-environmental-justice-intersections-and-funder-strategies-for-better-futures/
* (online) Feminist Internet https://privacycamp.eu/panel-a-feminist-internet/
* IRL: Art & Activism: Disobedience School https://veem.house/program/disobedient-art-school-training-for-trainers/
=Archived Announcements=
* old announcement page: https://wiki.techinc.nl/User:Becha/TeaInternetSociety
* https://wiki.techinc.nl/Wednesday_Social_Open_Evening_2021-10-27
==Online Communities==
** UnCiv Mailing List: https://unciv.nl
** Cultural Catalyst Lab: https://groups.google.com/g/catalyst-lab-a/c/hlGybIWGBw4/m/6lIo2OUbAQAJ?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer&pli=1
** RIPE "diversity list" https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/ripe-mailing-lists/ripe-diversity
* ˠ TechInc
* ˠ BuurtBoerderij
* ˠ Volkskeuken
* Budapest (WG-terein)
* OT301
* Risa's woongroup in ACTA
* ˠ chaos.amsterdam in NieuweLand
* Bits of Freedom
* KasKantine
* Green Tribe
* HW10
* Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem
& more: https://amsterdamalternative.nl/places
[[:File:brief buurtorganisaties.pdf | KasKantine: letter of invitation to participate in "Donut New West"]]

Latest revision as of 09:38, 11 February 2023



We are a small group of social connectors; we care about the social impacts of the Internet technologies.

We we want to keep in touch with each other & exchange information, in a series of informal social events.

Participating: Netwerk Democratie; Bits of Freedom, RIPE, FreedomInternet, LAG, ISOC, UvA, RIPE NCC, Gr1p, chaos.amsterdam...

For now, our focus is on Amsterdam (then The Netherlands, then the Western Europe, then Europe, then World).

Mailing List: https://lists.ghserv.net/mailman/listinfo/17-meetings 


Meetup Notes



(submit your (digital rights) activist jobs here: https://www.digitalrights.community/job-board-form )


& more: https://wiki.techinc.nl/MeshNet#Funding

Events 2023


Upcoming Events 2022

  • 8. Septmber, De Waag: TMR orga meetup -> continuation?!
  • SIGCAS (12 September) “Sustainability and Green Internet.”
  • SDIA (22-23 September)
  • October 4 - 5th : another "climate justice x digital rights" event in Berlin -- no web page yet!
  • 30 October 2022 : The First International Workshop on Greening the Web (GZW2022) Co-located with 23rd International Conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE 2022), Biarritz, France https://greening-the-web.gitlab.io/2022/


Regular Events

Past Events

https://radiona.org/open-call-for-electric-wonderland-2022-is-launched/ ## https://www.electric-wonderland.eu/


https://varia.zone/en/atnofs-varia.html @ Varia, Gouwstraat 3, 3082 BA Rotterdam, The Netherland

Archived Announcements



Online Communities


  • ˠ TechInc
  • ˠ BuurtBoerderij
  • ˠ Volkskeuken
  • LAG
  • Budapest (WG-terein)
  • OT301
  • Risa's woongroup in ACTA
  • ˠ chaos.amsterdam in NieuweLand
  • MKZ
  • Bits of Freedom
  • KasKantine
  • Green Tribe
  • HW10
  • Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem

& more: https://amsterdamalternative.nl/places


KasKantine: letter of invitation to participate in "Donut New West"