Wednesday Social Open Evening 2021-10-27

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Wednesday Social Open Evening 2021-10-27
Date 2021/10/27
Time 19:00 - late
Location techinc
Type Social
Contact Becha
iCalendar Add to calendar

Standard description, B.C. (Before Covid)

Weekly social evening, every Wednesday from 7pm till late, open to everyone!
Non-members welcome, guests welcome, expats welcome, visiting hackers welcome, refugees welcome!

Additional Info, D.C. (During Covid)

DURING THE PANDEMIC we ask everyone to take care of themselves and of others! 

Official Dutch Government rules for preventing-covid-spreading are "relaxed", so the masks are optional. We keep the windows & doors open, and there is enough space to keep distance between ourselves (and the maximum of 20 people!).

  • if you are feeling unwell, stay at home, rest & heal!
  • please ask for consent before touching others: shaking hands, hugging or even getting into their "personal space" is NOT a default any more
  • keep the space clean: if you eat or drink, tidy-up after yourself ASAP

Enjoy being social again!

^^^ BecHa

+ on this evening there might be a meet-up of several additional visitors. If we are too many, we will move to Radion or the ground floor common area.