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Critique of The Dawn (of Everything)
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My Critique of The Dawn
- Starting at the cover
- Calling the book "... of Everything" is arrogant
- BOTH authors are: white, cis-male, old, "western", able-bodied.
=> I find that they should have had as co-authors more people from marginalised groups
- Page one: "the world seems to be in such a mess"
- as a starting assumption, this statement the OPPOSITE of the proclaimed premise that they are dispelling the "myth of progress"!
=> from a cyclic-time PoV, the world is neither more nor less "in a mess" than long time ago, or far in the future
=> from the zen/spiritual PoV, "it is what it is", so calling it "a mess" is an unnecessary suffering, in addition to the existing pain
=> from the NVC PoV, this is NOT an "objective observation", but quite judgemental
=> AND it's ignoring the JOY that is ALSO present in the world, as both Zen & NVC "see"
- by page 10/600
- Plus points: anarchism, non-dualism, beyond “fall from grace” story.
- Minus: not enough humility nor deference to non-western non-male stories; didn’t mention Freddy Perlman yet; no pictures ;)
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