Pledges/plastic crates

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Specification Plastic storage crates
Pledge Type Infrastructure
Pledge Leader user:ultratux
Approximate Target €21
Running Total €21
Status Completed

EDIT: this pledge was paid for by Techinc since it was deemed responsibility of the association to provide the memberboxes. I've bought six crates, and with a banana box from AH we liberated some 8 member boxes, amongst which 4x large ones. Ultratux 01:33, 28 May 2013 (CEST)

We are looking at purchasing additional crates/boxes for the space

Reason for purchase

  • We've really started running out of member boxes. Many boxes destined for member box use are now used for random storage. This is unwanted. Examples of items stored in that type of box: plotter-cutter parts, 3D printer supplies, wall warts, various paints, tools, various other junk.

The item

  • Crates to store various items in

Budget estimation

  • Undefined, 'cause depends on number and brand


  • Should be transparent for quick identification.
  • Should fit well in our shelves ie. not too deep nor shallow
  • Impact-resistant

Additional information

  • Suggestions welcome as to which shops sell good ones


  • €7 -- Ultratux