Pledges/Zeefdruk clothing reprise

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Specification T-shirts and hoodies
Pledge Type Promotion
Pledge Leader user:Ultratux
Approximate Target €1350
Running Total €1350
Status Completed

We are looking at printing another batch of full-colour t-shirts

The item

  • Identical/Similar shirts and/or hoodies as were printed earlier.

Budget estimation

  • To force price down, we decided to take the plunge and buy 100+ items. This means the wholesale price for a t-shirt should drop to around 14 euros give or take, including BTW. Meaning that the suggested retail price might be 15,-, 17,50 or 20,-, to be determined still.
  • A guesstimate suggests that hoodies will now be around 45 euros instead of 50.


  • Same shirts and hoodies as before, but can be other fabric or other base color, according to wishes. I'm looking into suitable colors...
  • There has been light debate on changing text location to front, but there was no concensus and it drove price up a bit, so no.

Additional information

  • Printed by Morecolor on Veemarkt, Amsterdam

Special Thanks

This order was made possible because the following people each privately contributed 100 euros as a loan / sponsorship for this purchase:

  • Justa
  • Becha
  • HAK-IT
  • Stef
  • The_Jinx
  • Dregian
  • Aswin

This order was made possible because Ultratux, the pledge leader, vowed to double that amount, ie. contribution of a loan of 650 euros.


Phicoh:     1 hoodie, size L, black
Ultratux:   1 hoodie, size M, black
HAK-IT:     1 hoodie, size L, color grey
Epidemik:   1 Hoodie, size L, (black?)
AndreasR:   1 Hoodie, size XL (black) (by email)
Stef:       1 Hoodie, size XL, grey (by email)
Nathan7:    1 Hoodie, size M, black (by IRC, via Ardaxi)
Aswin:      1 Hoodie, size 3XL, black (by email)
Mattronix:  1 Hoodie, size M, black (wednesday)

Proposed size & color distribution of t-shirts

  • Regular S: 0
  • Regular M: 6
  • Regular L: 24
  • Regular XL: 24
  • Regular XXL: 18
  • Regular XXXL: 6
  • Regular 4XL: 3
  • Regular 5XL: 5
  • Womens S: 2
  • Womens M: 3
  • Womens L: 3
  • Womens XL: 0
  • What about kids' sizes...? Do we do those, at all ?
  • Maybe a bit more M and possibly S? Or is the majority of hackers fat?
Maybe... But we have ordered some S sizes in first batch: we sold none of them, not even to our thinnest members. I think the fact 
that hackers prefer loose fit over tight fit also plays a large role in this. I DO hesitate between 6 or 12 M sizes though. Ultratux 02:39, 28 May 2013 (CEST)

Colors: While taking into account colors in current stock, I aim to order four or five colors, all in equal quantities where possible:

  • Deep black (same as in previous batch)
  • Mouse grey (same as in previous batch)
  • Bottle green (same as in previous batch)
  • Army
  • Denim
  • Zinc
  • Marine

Artwork / content suggestions

All of the below ideas were economically unfeasible due to enormous price increases... alas.

  • Someone suggested putting the text not on the back in large, but small, in front, possibly to the side and down near the bottom...
  • Maybe we can do a small limited series with a mention of our "Knuffelhacker" stigma...?
  • For an Ohm themed idea: their logo, plus this text: "Observed 'em. Hacked un1ver5e. Made this t-shirt."
  • Or very simply: The Ohm logo, and the word: "Volunteer" Or "Attendee" or "Been there"
  • Or yet: their logo, plus text: "Ohm's Law: voltage divided by current is futile"