Interspatial pale ale

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Participants Justa
Skills fermentation brewing beer social
Status Planning
Niche FoodHacks
Purpose World domination

Throughout the ages, people have enjoyed beers of various styles and tastes , suited to their time and environment.

A large part of what caused people to look for new things to brew were solutions to problems of transportation.

One of these styles is the well-known Indian Pale Ale (IPA) that was designed to be brewed twice as bitter and twice as strong in alcohol content to allow mixing with water on the receiving side until it was deemed 'drinkable'. Of course, the fact that we now still know IPA as a style tells us enough of what happened there.

Nowadays, however, the world is a much smaller place. Transport problems are solved by adding speed, reducing temperature or even just sterilizing the product.

This means we might be losing out on new styles just because we deem to have solved all the problems that are out there.

As a consequence, we should be looking for new problems, new challenges and boundaries, to assure that we have to push the envelope and encourage the chance that we will stumble onto something never done before.

We propose 'Interspatial Pale Ale' as project to try and achieve this. A Pale Ale desighed for space... Or, well, for between spaces.

The idea being that we could/should/would design a collaborative project of brewing beers in a number of different ways.

- In paralel ? - Using 'local' specific ingredients ? (lambic yeast?) - Using a characteristic of the space ?

In any case, the opportunity is there to unify the art and fun of beer brewing with the social and technical aspects that concern hackerspaces; bringing these domains to understand eachother better and perhaps, possibly, hopefully, produce a product that doesnt exist yet.