ALV December 2013
ALV December 2013 | |
Date | 2013-12-08 |
Time | 15:00 |
Location | CANCELLED |
Contact | Board |
Minutes | ALV December 2013/Minutes |
Practical Details
THERE WILL BE NO ALV ON THE 8TH OF DECEMBER! See mailinglist for more information
Date: Sunday, 8 December 2013
Place: (h)ACTA
Time: 3 PM
Proxy Voting Form : File:Generic proxy vote techinc.pdf
- Chair, minute taker, # members present, # proxy votes, handing out voting post-it's
- Finalising agenda (any new points?)
- Financial report.
- Notes from the board
- Report from the secretary on current number of members (on paper) and estimated number of still-current ("actual"/"paying") members.
- Voting for new board member.
- Votable points.
- Any other buisness.
Votable points
1 Membership fee per month
Article 7.3 from our statutes allows the ALV to decide that members are allowed to pay there membership fee on a montly bases instead of the standart yearly bases.
The following point will be voted upon with a yes/no vote, if the vote passes, it will be added to the huishoudelijk regelement:
Members can choose to pay their membershipfee per month, if they choose to pay per month they pay before the 1st of the month they pay their membershipfees for.
2 Comitment to membership fee
2a Vote
To get a clearer view on our finances we can ask our members to commit to a membership fee for the comming year.
The following point will be voted upon with a yes/no vote, if the vote passes, it will be added to the huishoudelijk regelement:
On joining techinc a person will commit to a certain membership-fee and communicate this to the board. If the member wishes to change his/her commitment he/she can do this in the first two weeks of the new calender-year.
2b Vote
If point 1 passes it is also important to know if a member is paying on yearly bases or mothnly bases. If point 1 fails the following point will not be voted upon
The following point will be voted upon with a yes/no vote, if the vote passes, it will be added to the huishoudelijk regelement:
On joining techinc a person will commit to either yearly payments of the membership-fee or monthly payments. If the member wishes to change his/her commitment he/she can do this in the first two weeks of the new calender-year.
3 Membership for existing members
If one of the two votes from point 2 passes, existing members should commit to a membership-fee/payment period and inform the board of this. If point 2 fails the following point will not be voted upon.
The following point will be voted upon with a yes/no vote, if the vote passes, it will be added to the huishoudelijk regelement:
Existing members will inform the board of their membership-fee-commitment before the 13th of January 2014
4 Non paying members
At the moment nothing happens when a member stops paying. To get a better overview of our members and make sure people don't just forget to pay while they want to, the following is proposed.
The following point will be voted upon with a yes/no vote, if the vote passes, it will be added to the huishoudelijk regelement:
* When a payment is missed, an automated email will be send to the member with a reminder. * If after a month the payment is still due, a board member will try to personally contact the member. * If after 2 months the payment is still due, your fob will be disabled and an other email will be send by the board. * If after 3 months the payment is still due, you will no longer be a member.