LDAP Installation
Following along with the [SpaceFed] instructions.
Worked well until step 4 (Add a samba domain Unix ID pool). Here the command to add the objects had to be:
sudo ldapadd -x -D cn=admin,dc=techinc,dc=nl -W -h localhost < id-pools.ldif
Added structural objects: ou=people,dc=techinc,dc=nl and ou=groups,dc=techinc,dc=nl
Added groups:
- cn=everybody,ou=groups,dc=techinc,dc=nl - all people/meatsacks (not machines, systems or automations) in the system.
- cn=members,ou=groups,dc=techinc,dc=nl - all members should be in this group
Importer system
Created dedicated non-login user "memberizer" that will run the member creation script.
Created gpg keyring with 324B E31C F74F 3078 1EB9 AB22 F71A 39FF D2AB FD78
Imported keys of Chotee and Wizzup.
Secondary products
Created a CA authority for signing the LDAP SSL certificates. No idea of Techinc already has something like this. Might need to regenerate the files if it turns out a CA already exists and is being used.
If not, we now have a CA to sign our stuff with.