Office Space

From Technologia Incognita
Revision as of 08:09, 7 December 2013 by Voidz0r (talk | contribs) (actual content)
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Participants Voidz0r
Skills Creative thinking, Design
Status Active
Niche Other
Purpose Infrastructure
This project is brought to you by Minitrue™

In order to serve participants better, we aim to inform them so they'll be less uninformed. We at Minitrue™ understand the need for better information like no other. For this reason, we gratuitously provide TechInc with signs in and around the space making it a better place to be for all of you. On behalf of our staff we'd like to thank you for working with us.

The format we use is clear and consise; short words on separate lines in a bold monochrome font for maximum readability. You can see an outline in the project image. The font is Liberation Sans Bold at 88 points. The text is horizontally aligned to a guideline at 10cm from the left edge excluding page margin (1cm). The text is vertically aligned to the bottom margin (also 1cm).

The project is named after the software used in the creation of the signs, which is LibreOffice. We also use Inkscape and the Gimp but the alternatives "Scape Office" or "Gimp Office" have a somewhat less official ring to them.