Proxxon Mini Mill

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Revision as of 22:14, 17 December 2024 by J (talk | contribs) (To do)
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TechInc Inventory
Description Proxxon Mini Mill
Make Proxxon
Model MF 70 (NO 27 110)
Manufacturer Link
Category Mechanics
Operational Status Functional
Super Users User:Justa, J
Received at 2012/10/05
Acquisition Details donation to the space
Owner User:Justa

Current Status

The milling machine has been restored, and a new handwheel has been installed on the z-axis. The device is functional, though the y-axis and the z-axis are both hard to turn. The x-axis, by comparison, moves really easily. Note that the scale ring on the y-axis doesn't turn in tandem with the handwheel, so don't trust its readings.

To do

In order to make using it a bit more pleasant, I want to install larger handwheels on the y- and z-axis. Alternatively: I found that removing rust from the y-axis lead-screw helped a bit; I could try this on the z-axis too.

The x-axis is loose, very loose — possibly a bit too loose. Need to figure out how to make it more rigid before putting it to use.

I should add a base board to the bottom so that it can be easily bolted or clamped to the table for added rigidity.