ALV January 2014

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ALV January 2014
Date 2014/01/26
Location ACTA
Type Meeting
Contact Board
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Practical Details

Date: 26th January 2014 (Sunday)

Place: (h)ACTA

Time: 3 PM

Proxy Voting Form : File:Generic proxy vote techinc.pdf


  • Chair, minute taker, # members present, # proxy votes, handing out voting post-it's
  • Approving the notes from the previous meeting ALV_2013_10_27_shorter_notes (based on the longer minutes ALV_2013_10_27_minutes )
  • Finalising agenda (any new points?)
  • Financial report from ex-treasurer about 2012
  • Notes from the board (At least: Abraham, HXX loan, CCC, Work on administration system, LDAP?, Digitalising ID cards, Doorbot project?)
    • Financial report about 2013
    • Report from the secretary on current number of members (on paper) and estimated number of still-current ("actual"/"paying") members.
    • Financial outlook on 2014
    • Statement of board how many people pay the "suggested minimum" amount (or very close to that) or less.
  • Voting for new board members.
  • Votable points.
  • Any other business.

Board member candidates

The following people have shown interest via the mailing list:

  • Control-K
  • Mattronix
  • brainsmoke

Votable Points

0 Moving

added by User:Control-K

Two plans for adding more hacking space are on the table right now:

  • Add space behind the beamer wall to ours
  • move to WG building

more details can be found at the Space_Requirements/Location_Proposals page. Note: if we stay at ACTA and rent the adjoining space, we can relinquish the storage space to decrease our total rent by ~100 euros.

TODO: Decide on voting on space. (Wizzup removed the previous suggested method as it does not suffice)


  • Add extra 46m2 behind the beamer wall to our space
  • Move to the WG building
  • None of the above

1 Membership fee per month

Article 7.3 from our statutes allows the ALV to decide that members are allowed to pay their membership fee on a monthly basis instead of the standard yearly basis.

The following point will be voted upon with a yes/no vote, if the vote passes, it will be added to the huishoudelijk regelement:

 Members can choose to pay their membership fee yearly or per month. If they
 choose to pay per month they must pay before the 7th of the month they pay
 their membership fees for.

2 Commitment to membership fee

2a Vote

To get a clearer view on our finances we can ask our members to commit to a membership fee for the coming year.

The following point will be voted upon with a yes/no vote, if the vote passes, it will be added to the huishoudelijk regelement:

  On joining techinc a person will commit to a certain membership-fee
  and communicate this to the board. If the member wishes to
  change his/her commitment he/she can do this in the first two weeks of the new

2b Vote

If point 1 passes it is also important to know if a member is paying on yearly basis or monthly basis. If point 1 fails the following point will not be voted upon

The following point will be voted upon with a yes/no vote, if the vote passes, it will be added to the huishoudelijk regelement:

  On joining techinc a person will commit to either yearly payments of the membership-fee or monthly 
  payments. If the member wishes to change his/her commitment he/she can do this in the first two weeks of 
  the new calender-year.

2c Vote

The following point will be voted upon with a yes/no vote, if the vote passes, it will be added to the huishoudelijk regelement:

 Any member can request a change of his or her membership fee throughout the year, but will have to provide valid reason to the board.
 Valid reasons can be, but are not necessarily limited to: moving house/job relocation/getting fired/unforeseeable financial setbacks.
 Ultimately it is at the board's discretion. The board is expected not to accept trivial or fabricated reasons as valid justification.

3 Membership for existing members

If one of the three votes from point 2 passes, existing members should commit to a membership-fee/payment period and inform the board of this. If point 2 fails the following point will not be voted upon.

The following point will be voted upon with a yes/no vote, if the vote passes, it will be added to the huishoudelijk regelement:

 Members registered before 26-01-2014 will inform the board of their
 membership-fee-commitment before the 7th of Febrary 2014


Becha (as Board member)

I think that the deadline of 7th February is unrealistic and will practically NOT be fulfilled, and I am afraid for the Board having to decide "what do we do then". Unrealistic because the board will first have to inform all the members that they have to inform us back about their commitment... and two weeks is not enough. We can either decide to leave the date decision to the board, or decide it on ALV together.

Alternative proposal:

 Members registered before 26-01-2014 will inform the board of their
 membership-fee-commitment before $SOME_DATE

4 Non paying members

Added by Control-K

At the moment nothing happens when a member stops paying. To get a better overview of our members and make sure people don't just forget to pay while they want to, the following is proposed.

The following point will be voted upon with a yes/no vote, if the vote passes, it will be added to the huishoudelijk regelement:

 * When a payment is missed, an automated email will be send to the member with a reminder.
 * If after a month the payment is still due, a board member will try to personally contact the member.
 * If after 2 months the payment is still due, your fob will be disabled and an other email will be send by the board.
 * If after 3 months the payment is still due, you will no longer be a member.

To clarify, the definition of "month" herein shall be the payment due date (refer to point 1 above) plus 31 days. OR will it be the end of the month that was not paid for plus 31 days? [We have to decide on one or the other]

5 Warning system and revoking membership

The following point will be voted upon with a yes/no vote, if the vote passes, it will be added to the huishoudelijk regelement:

 When a member has been disruptive to the community (and the board have recevied a formal complaint) they will get a warning from the board.
 When three warnings have been given to a member (for different types of disruption) their access privileges will be revoked.
 When a member has repeated the same disruptive behaviour that warranted a warning, a second warning will be deemed enough to revoke access privileges.

This has been the process used recently for dealing with these types of issues.

6 Making the established rules part of the huishoudelijk reglement to ratify them

The following point will be voted upon with a yes/no vote, if the vote passes, it will be added to the huishoudelijk regelement:

Our rules, as published on the wiki since $date, shall from now on become part of the huishoudelijk reglement.

