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TechInc Member
nickname 3p!c
Memberstatus member
Tasks being present while lurking mate
Part of Projects BlackHat-RGB-LedMatrix, FOSDEM, Domotica, Maemo, Arduino, Rpi, Soldering, Android, Another World Now, Internet Governance and hackers, Beehive-Embeded-Electronical-System (Bees)

Free text: Hell yeah! I'm for Free text!

   I'm for Free things in general, free-source also
   ATM i'm not attending as many socials as I would like due to several reasons.
   in 2020 I promised myself to attend more.
   So i decided something. Since the house is such a big bunch of projects,
   keeping me away from the space and i'm learning a lot from them to make them 
   TechInc projects!
   This way i'm more socially available in the space, 
   AND other people can join in and help/criticise/learn. 

One reason is my health which sadly has in some mysterious ways left me wanting. So I'm health hacking ATM also. But also the total renovation of a 30's house which is going to be rigged with domotica in almost every way thinkable by me.


Plans: - Drawn in 3D in Sketch-UP (which was the only workable option with my architect).

Walls/Separation - Most of the walls are going to be done in metal stud.

  mostly because the choice fell on sliding door system from Xinnix which IMHO are very nice.
  and i think easily mod'dable with Magnetic locks. but easily integrate-able with metal stud walls.
  Plus less wood which saves trees and less work cutting it all to size.
  Hope it will soundproof as well as a woodframe drywall.

- Doors systems, most of them are installed already downstairs in the souterain (posh French for half basement)

Wiring - ATM already 1,5Km's of CAT 8 cable is installed in the walls. - Most of the electric 220v cabling is in place - Most of the signalling cable is in place (sensors, automated doors etc) - Switch cupboard - Switchboard EATON Medusa 72 modules, - 20 x 16a EATON automatic switches - 4 lightning surge protectors (moeller series) - Relais board (going to use hacked and flashed Sonoff 4ch Pro mostly atm

Heating - Most of the airventilation is in place (air and heat recycling unit) - Most the airpipes for the environmentally friendly central heating powering fireplace need to still be placed

Plumbing - Dyka Sono partially in place still some parts need doing in the basement mostly - Uponor ISO 20mm still need doing - Pentair Jung Compli 300e sewage fecal pump still needs to be installed -


- Contract VVE >> Egbert
- detail tekening >> Prefab bak plus 
-  afwatering >> 

=====Regenpijp rechts (terugslapklep + bilgepomp) =====of sinkput (diepte grondwater) oplossing voor Kozijn/Wandafdichting =====pompen de straat =====naar de Jungpomp

- Gat graven . >> Riool!!   >> Egbert of koekoek (Lint, afscherming schot, afsluiting tijdens bouw)
   Klik melding >> Robert 3 dagen v.t.v.
- Betonbak (steen op steen)
- Kozijnen > Acoia geaccetyleerd houd (VRESELIJK GOED behandelen van te voren) en van binnenaf plaatsen in een aanslag (neus)  Opzwellende kit bij contact water
- Offerte  > Robert
- afdichting koekoek voor diefstal

- Balkon

- Contract VVE
- sloop achtergevel  (Verplancke) > Steen op Steen  CAR verzekering
  = Stempelplan!!
  + Staal
  + zijkant hout skelet
- kozijn
  - glas
  - Trap
- afdichting plaat en zeil op houten stel kozijn voor levering kozijn Tudor (LCD glas) >> eigenaar