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(multi-rotor construction workshop series announced)
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Revision as of 13:10, 21 August 2013

Participants Justa
Skills basic electronics, arduino, construction, Common sense
Status Planning
Niche Mechanics
Purpose Fun

I've recently finished my first quadcopter build (justa_copter_1) and have gone through the throes of learning how to fly it (justa_learning_to_fly). This obviously means that I am now an expert in the field of quad-copters and am fit to edumahcate the masses on proper construction and flying of these things, right ?

Well, let's just say that I know that there are at least a few people also interested in getting up to speed with this whole multi-rotor thing and it might be nice to do a series of talks and/or workshops on the subject to get people familiar with the concepts, up to speed with the required materials/skills and finally get the aircrafts constructed and flying.

Here's how I see things going:

  • A presentation on 'Me and my quadcopter, a lovestory' or 'Why wont you fly you piece of shit!'
  • A talk on the basics of quadcopters, what makes them fly, how they are put together and what is required to do so. A write-in for a workshop (series).
  • A workshop (series) that will be split in a
    • Planning phase: What do you desire, what platform/design satisfies your needs. Explanation of the different options.
    • A short 'ordering' workshop. Where to get all that stuff now you've had a good think about it; make sure you order the right things (and enough of it!)
    • Putting the stuff together, together. Grab all the stuff that got in the mail and bring it to the space, we'll make something pretty
    • Tuning and flying (likely following directly after the 'put together' part, but repeated again soon again)

I expect this to be something that will take a total of 2 to 3 months to complete and cost from 120 to 800 euro, depending on your wishes. To give you a basic idea for a quadcopter and it's costs, see justa_copter_1. In general , the costs are:

  • Frame: from 10$ and up
  • Motors: Generally around $10, you need four (or more ?) and one spare (trust me)
  • Speed controllers: Around $10 a piece, you need one per motor (and a spare)
  • Batteries: Again, (surprise) around $10 for one that'll fly a small quad-copter for about 15 mins. You'll want two at least (3s 1800mAH in my case)
  • Flight controller: between $15 and $250 dollar, depending on features. A $30,- board will do you really fine, however
  • Propellers: At around $3 per set of 4, you'll want a few sets, they do tend to break. Let's say 4 sets for $12.
  • Possibly prop-adapters: often supplied with motors. Good to have a few spares. $4 per set.

The justa_copter_1 has a direct cost of around $122 this way in motors, controllers, brains, battery ; about $39 in spares laying on the shelf


Recoupable/re-usable costs:

  • Transmitter/reciever set; preferably at least 6 channels. Around $40 for a set. $10 for extra RX-unit. Can be used for more/other models
  • Battery-charger: Around $15 to $40 for something useful; some models will charge all kinds of interesting batteries for RC or other projects

The justa_copter_1 has a transmitter I bought for a different purpose, before. I did by a battery-charger that is 'future proof' and will charge more heavy duty batteries as well as the ones I currently needed.

I aim to start the first of the above series at the next first TECHINC presentation-parties and proceed to do the next parts in the months directly after that. If you have any questions or remarks beforehand (or during) please contact me!