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My thoughts on why people don't care or/and can't change/exchange...

and some of nature's own 'cruel' examples added from what seems mostly a lot of 'thats-just-the-way-it-is' dynamics, seen also in humans, although it's 'maybe' 'in theory' that 'we could' 'choose' not follow the way of the 'Animal Kingdom' within our own species... with humans predatorial on other humans (workers, student loans etc).

HORIZONTAL LINES SHOWS A SECTION FIRST VERSION- Wonder if you can help edit or highlight best bits for yourself...? WHY DID I WRITE THIS? Started writing just after K introduced "No Way Out" to me and then V 's RIPE 86 VIDEO PRESENTATION / SLIDES were great too.

Now it's few weeks / months after that working on it off and on... I thought I'd send it to not loose track although I often wonder the conclusion other than "INVADERS MUST DIE" as a nature-sided reaction and reply.

WORK IN PROGRESS So even if it is not complete this might be part of the completion process... or just helping choose the best bits / cutting the crap :) AUDIO MEDIA (ATTACHED...) Audio clips / music is attached for a multi-media compliment to this text and to mix it up as you read...

(In future: maybe pics / memes also...

but for now audio music / podcast clips as some basic example / feeling of what I mean)



Why the kids / people can't change is because their very existence and creation is based on those bad things like a major branch of life without much going back to the trunk or roots of life.

There is a bit of room for reduction, for sure, but inside what others have already upgraded us into, effectively needing ridiculous death to exist (as material conversion or energy condumption greater than people care). Quick Question How do you get out of being born into what enabled you to be created in the first place? Quick answers I see right now are below

I try answer my own questions to see what I get...

People could try... ●'Living like Yo' ●Helping Yo types as a sub 'eco-system' itself... ●spiritual change in people and others ? Any more ? QUICK INTRO QUESTION / TEST ●Isn't there only a slim chance of humans operating outside the mode of 'just another animal' in the 'Animal Kingdom'? ●Humans for survival need mostly more 'animals' now than anything more advanced or even on the spiritual side ?

(advanced mentality is now not really needed since machines etc and clever just makes things worse unless it's spiritual?)

SO INSTEAD OF "CHANGE", MAYBE THE BETTER WORD IS "EXCHANGE" OR "TRANSFORM" QUOTES BY OTHERS (QUICK NOTION) My "friends" at the start of 2020 were, by April, saying that my children should die of starvation for good of the society rather than let me go back to work. Literally.

- istván @istvan@bozgor.org

 5 June 2023

MY COMMENT: The above is one for of basic survival / morality equation. We thought we could have children or made a mistake as it's not sustainable? SPIRITUAL EDUCATION - FREESCHOOL

I think education could be more personal or a hardened form of 'therapy' (many words instead of 'therapy' (like healing or repair) but these mainly mean to recover from various trauma and bad practices by past people / predecessors).

So ideally not just being in this equation of interaction below that doesn't improve much: "Hi...work for me 80% to get money / board / breakfast", but no spiritual increment & fun or less than 20% gain). LEARNING AND REAL TOGETHERNESS Passing the time well together - means solo missions but always comes back to tribe (society) and main 'fire' of work or fire of affinity.


Mentally I think documentaries and making media is not too bad and adding small or pure things to Internet as a small or larger part of human collective, is ok, but like my life and yours probably it's probably as we do it now with small time / small hardware footprints and similar to our mostly text-based or picture-based ways.

1 laptop + 1 mobile between a few can make all our work clearer without too much heavy bloat. Wiki perhaps is a good example of this. FOOTPRINT FROM THE PYRAMID OF MEDIA WORK IS HOW MUCH? Audio as voice is quite tiny in size (60mins=20-60mb) Pics can be small... 100kb 200kb max Text is amazing value per bit and byte. (1 byte per character letter).

ADDED to each of the above is how each to display it is (text being easiest and harder as you go up... but audio still fairly universal /flexible). MEDIA GIVES MOTIVATION AND MORALE The pyramid of media gives a variety of benefits - mainly perhaps to keeps us going in terms of motivation / morale.

We've personally done things in trying to fix the world offline so seeing it in others hrlps (if not next to us in person then also from afar as another example or inspiration).

MEDIA HELPS UNITY? KILLS BOREDOM AND NOT JUST KILLZING ENERGY? No farmer wants only 100% back-breaking work so info-sharing / learning is the perfect compliment (yes there is family etc but downtime / relaxing / learning is needed) USING LONER PEOPLE This is where loner people can help transform your busy/stuck life into "done, done, ok will prep," etc and then it's like "wow Yo you're the best and so fast!"). All needs a mix I feel from our differences but together in the end. OFFLINE AND ONLINE RELIEF So offline and online mixed has helped me really to alleviate that lonely / unprogressive pain from weak / uninterested / scared others around (otherwise I'm completing ALL WORKS for those that let me / enable me) especially when it's raining for days or mental downtime needed after running around in the sun most of the day (or days when mosquito bites needing some recovery inside from being outside too much / doing it in shorts)

(I can cut wood forever but not only cutting wood is good)

...that rhymes! :) BACK TO WHY CHANGE IS 'IMPOSSIBLE' ●People can't change much from what has already defined them (pre-birth; the fossil-fuel food for growing; mental 'training'/drilling during schooling).... ...UNLESS CHILDREN GO AGAINST IT .....unless children go against it accordingly at young age and from NOW to "find other things between each other... other than estrangement"

(John Zerzan paraphrased from "No Way Out")

SUMMARY OF THIS PART ●Defining people prior to them being born, is a big thing, as time and system goes on incrementing, and big win for THE SYSTEM (SYSTEMatic patterns). AUDIO CLIP - Bruce Lipton Bruce Lipton audio attached... listen

Children learn things very early... so your voices and feelings BEFORE BEING BORN (inside belly learn) IS IMPORTANT.

Children can recognise voices or songs from inside and outside mother. (baby's learn pre-birth). Same with other things - perhaps Tech habits included / Google etc embedded/natural. TELL THE CHILDREN So if you are serious enough, then you would say these thIngs to the children knowing these dirty games have to be overcone no matter what the outcome is. Right? (Do say if I'm wrong). OK SO WHEN YOU'RE GOING TO TELL THEM Many parents don't want to EVER tell their children. So when do you tell yours if you haven't?

(knowing truth is best longterm AND not lying to children or pretending it protects them from still-existing predator societies and institutions). 


□ 1..2...3..... 

(...in theory could go here to check with their children) DRAWING LINES WITH KIDS You ideally wouldn't let life get so far without drawing MASSIVE lines for you or children from those opposing freedom.

(No big judgement on those who have children already, but those that don't tell their kids from young age about uncaring bastard systems and don't dispel myths earlier and therefore prolong business / badness / banks etc... and simply end up reinforcing it / pushing kids into like it ok).

□ Do you agree the current system of banks or government robbing people is ok? □ Banks should be accepted as ever-normal while encroaching and $preading there $hit / d€bt everywhere?


Eventually going to a job after this delay of the school system (and various miseducations from society pushed by capitalism meanwhile) makes it NEAR IMPOSSIBLE to tell them all the things AFTERWARDS expecting them to have any effect...LOL.

(It's hard once child is 10 years old let alone adults stuck in their ways decades after!) MENTAL MISCONCEPTION IS ANOTHER TYPE OF DAMAGE I THINK DONE PRIOR TO ANYTHING GOOD ATTEMPTED I don't think it's given enough respect how set people are or hard it is to bend a tree back. There is natural misunderstanding like a boy liking machines while not understanding the metallic costs to earth or other parts, elements, industry etc.

While trying to teach it becomes more like 'avoiding breaking' people, since they are way past 'flexible' in thought. To admit things to another person (not to do solution) is still hard for some people. Recent conversation as example: ●PERSON A: Aren't you lonely Yo? (Probably meaning living In Lika) ●MY REPLY: (my reply in general) I feel really alone everywhere - Just seems nobody is spiritual or working on it - not giving time together etc... It's not just because I don't speak the language - just everywhere I've been it's the will or spirit of this process. It's just not in them or even wanted... they are busy with family as they say etc ●"Yeah that's a deep topic but you know I've got kids so..." ( IMMEDIATELY kids are put first... eventhough that person was doing good in many other ways... The finance for kids probably comes 1st or even to deflect my deep perspective instead of listing what they do do) . So this is not you or everyone but yeah many want to just end conversation - even the good in my limited-but-tested opinion. POWER TO THE CHILDREN / POWER THEM IF WE ARE NOT BRAVE ENOUGH? The kids without truth in the future or power to participate is as good as a waste of time like putting dud seeds in the ground.

So although parents are not a 0 in my scoreboard, JUST HOW QUICK the "I HAVE KIDS" statement comes out is constantly amazing - almost like a fast counter-card if we were playing cards... to end the game! I say "spirituality" and others play the "I have kids card" or "food and money is God/Top Trump"... and well frankly spirituality can easily become LAST ON THE LIST if at all times other things have to be done endlessly...



 IMAGINE people inviting more love into their world and growing children using whole the process... like there was no other solution and like the material-only survival solution is simply not a satisfactory option. 

BUT COMFORT IS KILLING US But having food on the table or the facades of daily life (kids to school / learning) means spirituality still remains unprogressive / stagnant. (especially if "spirit" is not just in the singular sense but *plural* as many people having spirit. And eventually probably aiming to increase size of spirit in a collective, eventually to most of the humans in the colony I'd say even if different.

If money can do such worldwide "spirit" in its own way then there might be hope if people can see the other sorts of 'profit' in spirituality.

TLDR MINI-CONCLUSIONS / SOLUTIONS 1 ●physical damage is already done

  (I would including destroying people as
  • their culture, heritage etc all reduced / eradicated in exchange for conformity / colonialism / being kept alive).

2 ●mental damage already done

The habits / misconceptions / buy-ins etc..

SO INSTEAD OF "CHANGE" - "EXCHANGE" OR "TRANSFORM" Later the word "exchange" came to my mind as...

 • physical transition and transform
  (one or many things for another, even in nature / more objectively / neutrally)
 • mental exchange (major need)
   (for people to see me and you or squirrels as more of a higher-need 'real progress' (spiritual exchange) towards real change by really converting people back to 'kindness' spectrum even as slow chipping away of the BigTech weeds. 

Doesn't have to be a 1-hit kill-shot but no spiritual involvement is almost as sure as spitting in the wind or slashing at thin air. $PIRITUAL CONVERSION After we have enough videos that really say it all - $piritual conversion is hardest to do and therefore probably least done proportionately. Call it therapy or a technical clinic or whatever. DOING OUR THING ALMOST POD-LIKE Starting in-house rather than broadcasting it through Internet as "a way to disrupt them" as it's about people we know enough and no need give the heads up / pre-warning to the other team before we've begun sharing in one space (with smaller space for someone). POWER WILL NEVER ALLOW US Power surely never would allow anyone to leverage against it unless it is to flip it's ugly face on you down the line like a game of Go (examples might be greenwashing, fairtrade coffee, sustainable plantations that suddenly come up on packaging, renaming ingredients, shifting goalposts, labels etc) HARD FAMILY WORK - IT IS PERSONAL Unless families from young age are trained to understand something more radical / really working together (and probably 100% illegal) then chances of "change" seems remote to near-0 in expect future adults to be ANY different than having pleasant disney childhood then fuck-off to the city... then realise at 30 "what am I doing to myself and others? ? God help me change now". Only conformity as job etc looms for those who have been decades deep into it!

How are you going to really change adults by that time? So that is not the sure way and just a side bonus I'd say. Even harder is changing adults with children.

●Focus on your kids BUT ALSO OTHER PEOPLE'S for real change using people like me as volunteers - making it appetising to all for long term change / more low level down-to-earth living. It is do or die as I'm not the last wave.

●Feeding time into less corporate stuff whole being under the wings of good providers (this includes cow or animal that can be real bulk of the real economy). TLDR VERSION ABOUT NATURE

"The battle done, the conquerors rushed to the defeated hive, bit the wings off their remaining victims and carried them to their own hive, where they were forced to build cells for the victors - becoming, in effect, slaves."

Book quote about bees - From the Land of Green Ghosts, pg 80, by Pascal Khoo Thwe QUOTE ABOUT ANTS ● Ants can commit suicide by popping of their own head ● Or case of big illness guards make checkpoint(s) for ill or fungus-infected ants where they take them away, kill the ants (and diseases hopefully) AND ki themselves to make sure queen doesn't get 'it' infected. Alternative people are slowly like those Native American Tribes / Iroquai, Samurai or just race resistant against change. Quoting myself from my daily chores ( cutting wood these few days kills ants )

"Every day I cut wood I'm sawing through a mini Eco-system each time within my own Eco system... and although I try "replacement" of the habitation sometime suddenly found as the contents of the wood (falling visibly out) still I am destroying or even let's say exchanging according to me nowadays since there isn't much choice for humans but survive almost 'by any means' with ants not so important but I don't ignore ot. Even theoretically more perfect wood means  this displacement or destruction needs to happen as part of 'eco-system' and 'food chain' + shelter and securing.

So occasionally I watch the ants come out of wood while about to be put it on the fire (they are so small and hidden you can wonder how much of was there if all out).

I do try eating ants and saying "thank you to each one" but avoiding consumption and burning these 'inhabitANTS' (Sorry makes editing fun) means wood is simply because I needed it to stay alive. The x3 population in about 80 years I agree it can't be overlooked or sustained (and without trying to leverage further) so although the babies are mostly elsewhere saying "no more babies" or stopping ourselves might help... but ANYWAY WHATEVER THE NUMBER THE ECONOMICS makes a proportion scandal to maximise however the many people there are and give home countries "jack shot nothing" and the "European" or More Civilised group get more in their maths or schemes temporarily or not before they close the show pretending to be partners or to leave them alone". REMINDER HOW THIS RELATES TO YOU BOTH) In both your writings topics are touched on in different ways...

1● V's RIPE 86 Video / Slides

 ☆ Lifecycle / Death cycle list

2● K's "No Way Out" John Zerzan

 ☆ Agriculture as "original trauma" 
      (copy of text sent before this email)

3● And my life experiences and efforts towards realistically trying something more togetherness based (sharing like our life depends on it and despite the formiddable false economics / false spirit in everything - and pumping love back in however we can). We need people's love. *♡* I need people's love, like the sunshine. (Audio clip attached shows this in audio form, from Dance Paradise, 1993)

In both mind and soul I think this is the way forward however much or not you believe me. SUMMARY OF IMAGES ATTACHED... which serves as another summary in itself for this writing

IMAGE LIST----------------------

● STOP the Metaverse. SAVE the Real World ● Wealth vs. Hard Work (SAME in Africa AND elsewhere, just in different ways) ● DRM = violation by design - can't choose how we use ● Economic Battle in El Salvador - Freedom seekers. (New economics) ● Business as usual - profit (and the unfair paradoxes) ● Royal Family leeches, parasites - Class war (another "Original Trauma" in my opinion) ● Internet as everything else - "all you can eat" downloading, streaming media) WHY IS YO SENDING ME THIS? This writing should be good to think about considering the recent writing and media sent from both of you... It can be long but can nail the typically assumptions / taboos / blind pots / vitue-signalling all good people seem to have (that I've met along the way) and just good to double check.


1● the thinking that sustainability-only ways are possible inside an overwhelming unfair and big head start the opposing power structure iterating has with existing and faster the death cycles. ( so yeah locally in a bubble this can be done to some level like doing things by hand but at some points there needs a bit of philanthropy for all this to work or simply be cheaper to WIN:WIN in other ways (real trickle-down instead of pulling one side to make it look longer from the side(s) ... (whole towns going down in Ireland and other UK COSTAL POINTS SIMPLY AS GOVS CUT BACK SO MUCH).

AND then spiritually ALL needs spiralling out to others NO TOO LONG AFTER (if we are to get their help or achieve our goals so that we can reduce this cancer of uncaring economics before it encroaches and takes over even more.) THEN is inevitable which is why I urge both of you to take me on / give more time). I consider V to have done this A LOT and rewards I think are evident back at her place and will show themselves. K WELL SEE IF YOU HAVE MUCH. TO SAY HER ●only "hard work pays off and everything will come to you that way" (mŕ ÷not totally wrong but it's not a fair game ). The moral or economic goalposts are moved and changed all the time to justify *their* plsns not the people's wants.

Important to really accept basics like this, and not the fair or ok position we think we're in we from any bubbles we've found bou in.

●We must accept it's unfair and try not use it against each other and do what we can if enough affinity or mind-power / will-power is there. Affinity, mind-power, will-power is what I have. Accordingly it doesn't get paid by governments for people to work against them *on any level*. WHAT DOES YO EXPECT AS A REPLY? Just Y/N is enough, if this has something new or enlightening to you?...

Everyone is trying to live under such incremental powers... and really I think standing cleverly is really pure.

START OF MAIN WRITING ● HEADERS and 1st lines of each paragraph tries to be a summary of that part of text. As people are fed and watered based on the Agricultural trauma (based on Fossil Fuels and the whole heap of crap involved to exist), so then it becomes near impossible to say that one can exist without the whole other stuff. Your very child or device would disappear otherwise. MORE SPECIFICS BUILDING ON THAT SENTENCE DIRECTLY ABOVE... Every iteration of Tech has put more of an ultimatum to agree or not; to have device or not, and to have injustices as the very base of creation or find some other way as old the ways are also being obsoleted / hidden.

In order to talk about democracy we are using these these things... if not we are not using these devices then we are not talking about democracy right? (What else is there allowed for democracy?)

Mastodon is good exception and real alternative but internet overall is deliberately most of what we have other than writing to our local representative (who is probably as powerless as we are?) THE PLATFORM(S) LIFE COMES FROM The very platform we are on is created and anchored on multiplying injustices (or adverts!). Every single time. Even with 0 adverts still not good.

You can't beat this personally unless it's near total opt-out or focusing on your own small world... which is good but not enough as effort to save others (which is like saving yourself).
It's good Kruno gives chance for people to work there and learn for example but I wonder how much of this 'other spiritual work' is done with people or if his finding more out may not slip into judgement accidently instead of "let's make a bit of time to do anything you want" towards finding something new. Language is limited or too multi-meaning so all needs a bit more time to see what you or I mean.

I didn't get this with V (but have spent much more time chatting on topics so this makes sense) but the trust V has I think is the clincher. INDUSTRY STILL CHARGES FORWARD REGARDLESS All the "reducing" helps but others in industry are still charging forward either way.

I can't even use some sites barely without lots of rigmarole and more time to 'hack' them. But I do try knowing it's worth it if it's that important and the deliberate opposites are there to make it hard work for old tech users who do not / cannot support in upgrading every few years.

●*Don't forget* to respect that MANY people high up, like bosses actually like this commanding-controlling mentality of progress, or even shiny nee things.

They might even know it's bad but don't want to cut it or stop progress to hsve a lighter form of the steroided versions. They just can't give up power built from 100's of years of work. It's like going back to the stone age or Yo's Year 2000 limited/restricted/'paranoid'-protective consumption to protect everything / everyone.

Yes we could stem all consumption a bit, BUT the increment of power through every single thing; language, tech, sciences.. is all 'progress' and again more 'power' in disguise, despite individual effort. I like this sentence ^_^


This means telling industry or those attached to reduce their power to decrease their hold on people (and their  conquest mentality) is quite a no-go zone by their own existence (or futile spending of energy considering "we told them 1,000 time already and they know smingly at the power it gives them). 

And apart from ego reduction, the natural reaction is why go back in time or more in the stone age ? They personally will not live to see the mess.

ALL mess is shared by the many so "it's ok" / manageable in their mindset (and they are not wrong in some way, even if mess is not equally shared out or justified).

We can help weed people off somehow but just telling them is only small part of it and doesn't feel complete as an answer but is being done the most (since practical answers are maybe hard to come by).

It's also totally non-entertaining for others to change such a steep step back.

On my own level I'm able to type here offline, edit, attach a few pictures to send, even edit audio then send by email to my friends or person with affinity. And that is great. Nowhere near what others would accept as speed / level / ability. Not even the scared parents that are totally in now.

VIBER EXAMPLE - PURE EVIL AND GENIUS AT SAME TIME ●The Viber terms and conditions. Simply formidable as communication capture & data storage.

I can send the list of all the things it does and then you will see! NOT BEING HEARD WITHOUT TECH Asking most people to ignore their own existence (they live for, work and play)- nope not easy... maybe only if crisis hit them as probably it has hit me personally in the past or as we've all morally encouraged it. Basically the estrangement of all families, isolation, lack of apportioned time praising/building on others etc...

Not much more for us to do now there is enough media and avoid others because how complicated it gets. Gossip etc... HUNTER SPECIES OF HUMANS With the asking or begging the industry to stop / reduce it's much like asking a different species of human who are hunting a whole planet [and people on it] to "please stop hunting us and planet and go starve your own greedy selves". This really doesn't work andike the bees that use other bees to effectively enslave them. We are also in the same matrix.

There is more work to do and much has already been said / presented. That's why Free school previously was 1-to-1 travelling school of thoughts over a meal, visiting places, at meetings etc. 
I'm living it tougher myself as that is a real test of actual practical and spuritual connection - otherwise I'd be back at a flat paying rent, smoking with my friends and playing PlayStation games like there is no tomorrow and playing music, watching 2 films minimum a day... even after 9hrs work.

And for lesser industry types of people- individual people - they are still more or less involved by attachment or extention to the industry(s) so asking individuals to stop or reduce is also close to cutting off their benefits (like the feeling of not having any friends by not being on Facebook) or cutting the whole financial benefit(s) from their business design (even if that robs them of their personal data and business data to give it to the opposition as a terrible business model to make money from everyone's data through others). INJUSTICES AND ABUSE EMBEDDED It all kind of all feeds / tolerates people's existence as far as to abuse them and comes back to "original sin" or "original trauma" ("No Way Out" by John Zerzan) where people might have to accept death as the only salvation to transcend from this 1-way cancer and abuse especially at this type and level. Injustice infesting everything. Hard to reduce cancers for those who are determined people. Which are the every day people with "I musdt work" mentality ignoring whole heap of ethics or future consideration (which they don't even at same time as working). DEATH AS A WAY OUT / TRANSCENDENCE People in Sweden (I think) can pay for a graceful exit from life after a bit of screening / counsel... and this shows the demand for it (whether you think paying for relief is bad or not).

I agree if there is pill or injection to go nicely as more a graceful exit then if the psin of life is overwhelmingly and morally fucked then yes vote with your life (because I see there is literally no other choice but to run in between the cracks like I have or find others who are ok with money but have a larger spiritual side).

I am considering these thoughts not because I don't think I'll last but it'll only happen again and scrounging from people to "get" spirituality from them is quite humiliating (I think is the word) or just I tried it for a long while.

Being desperate for faith, love for people (or whatever sharing and progress needed) and relying on those others more of less in the Matrix is testing my patience and anyway an obviously losing game unless systems crash (and don't just get rebuilt the same or worse).

I spent my whole life running it seems since I studied all these business tactics early on. BACK TO TECH

All the upgrades and changes are the very progress of power and injustices that are circularly based on each other - ALL OF IT (which V's slides are ace♤ for showing and I list below). 

● extractivism ● exploitation ● fossil fuels ● pollution ● injustices

And asking people to go against their bad providers surely means risk of disconnection / cutting self off which also isn't complete solution. The bastards only try to take even more in other ways but if efforts are really low key, then at least people can enjoy some time together until ready to share with people in la-la Disney land for life.


It is rape ultimately I feel accross the board (the uncaring mental and physical force, passive abd aggressive, indirectly or otherwise to things I and many don't want).
Paperwork too is all part of this dominant  domestication. It could have a bit more sense from a caring perspective like tracking God's sheep in a loving structure or loving provider to live and really find our niches but near-0 caring just renders me as a number to prostitute from, and state as pimp, to be parasited on while messing up the whole planet from all contributions / not giving much back to anyone frankly. "Cha-Ching" sound effect goes here.

I respect you might pay a lot of tax directly or indirectly but I think this reinforces poverty and symbol of it. Not far from standing in front of jet, it could be your house you protest against one day to stand up for ethics side of it / ask "where the fuck all the money goes IN DETAIL PLEASE". But maybe you / others don't care and "I just want to be left alone" (which by paying doesn't necessarily help you or children).

Despite good people thinking they have services and pay an arm and leg for it directly and indirectly, it's all playing on their own morality since all we *can* build in more loving ways than debt-based economy (debt as human hours, government loans each year taken out in people's names or writing off many of the private bank's own reckless debt...using public money!! = 2008 bank crisis)

If change is ever the serious change then you realise you can't much have the tech and industry without going back to DIY hobbiests... and even those parts still need digging and importing from somewhere. Just not as much. Death but less.

If the change is small and ineffective then sure, this allows big business to continue (and they might even allow you to live while making a business of you too).

Stopping private jets is a good example of children getting in the way, almost dying / giving up life / risking rights on principle, voting with their life etc... since the cancers that have made it all are so intolerable telling us to reduce and pay more for their such incredible levels of greed, unspiritual glut and pollution-based spirit - And totally lying to all of us or ignoring - All is totally unfair and deliberate. No?

Good to face it despite not liking it... and make what we can in our own small space and worlds.

LIFECYCLE / DEATHCYCLE EQUATION ... The "Lifecycle" (more like a death cycle as said by V's RIPE 86 presentation) is obviously based on unbearably too much... ● extractivism ● exploitation ● fossil fuels ● pollution ● injustices

All the above is just too dedicated and cut-throat to try "reduce" it.

Not saying impossible but not the same telling-to-people ways as before -which is why I've sat in people's houses and rooms and meeting people instead as alternative form of personally explaining what they really could do and why if not trying things as a test with me then its their kids who they will need to practise these things will. I only ask to try a few of what I've mentioned usually or regular chats but talking about it 1hr a week,  30mins... is too much. Mostly no takers or no will-power or brave people... unless toxified with beers and well maybe that can work but soon gets into complaining mostly.

"SILENCE is the new DENIAL" ( V's presentation ).

Or worse "Let them deal with it when they grow up"... ! AN EXAMPLE FOR YOURSELF / OTHERS Imagine you have a virus or cancer on your body or child's body. There comes a point in the history of this virus or cancer that you simply can't have it there (it's death or amputation etc). Especially if you look at the planet as one body or skin (now with legions of cancer everywhere sucked to death like a zombie patient with all but final litres of blood left to keep them alive) it makes sense to consider cutting (or sharing the non-diseased parts) wherever possible... ENERGY HUNTERS But in terms of revisiting the hunting aspevt (with people hunting other's energy, body and planet), for hunters it's better to keep the prey alive and host the cancer / virus / energy usage in offspring, and live from them physically (more than anything else). This is why only using people's body eco-farming is limited without the real-talk / spiritual-sharing parts.

Use people and watch your empire and department grow in whatever sense. Build your house up right? (Same as what they are doing). Has some truth to it as well as faults. The higher you go with this body-only way the more crooked it gets. ●DAMAGE IS DONE BEFORE ANY CHANGE IS POSSIBLE So if many bodies of people and business put death and not caring first inherently, then it's already done and out the window before "change" is even on the menu and even before someone has used the tech or device!!


Suggestions for a alternative word to "change"... or something reflecting action AFTER the damage is done?

I think subconsciously we don't see this damage or think we have a chance to change industry and profit AFTERWARDS.

People do laugh at change I think, subconsciously and correctly somewhat, because they realise it's simply not true/impossible once the damage is already done and then given to them inherently to either use it or not.


●"BEYOND ECONOMIC REPAIR" (BER) A way or excuse of seeing it too expensive to sort things in terms of man-hours needed or material or anything. B.E.R. labelling leads to " just get rid of it / it's not worth spending money/time on it " attitude... and to move on to what is more profitable, like selling a new unit or 'new' gadget. UNDOING THINGS To kill energy and planet is too much to ask to undo or reduce.... UNLESS there is really no further production - like stalling the making of new tech etc - leveraging the existing - and then we reuse everything already around including those who have hardware. But nobody cares since there is new everywhere and again cleverly updated to change so the old is not as compatible or just plain annoying (I've installed and uninstalled a lot to get perfect longterm setup which now makes it easier offline and let's face it quite a lot of cap apps around too).

Even back to using our hands & feet sometimes would be justice with 'net time' more like when we were kids in the dial up days when it became free/ cheaper tarrifs after 6pm or midnight.

But this is yet another mental challenge for people with always-on tech and sometimes instant is good... but asking them the equivalent to handwash or fetch water manually or stop using electricity or petrol so much I think blows their mind  (and habits from trained and embeddex birth). E.g... Wash your hands ever 2 seconds etc... with increasing more chemicals for soap... bullshit. 

BigOil = BigTech = Internet So kinda take it or leave it.. BLACKOUT / NO TECH GLOBAL RESTRICTION AS SOLUTION? (This would 100% be hi' jacked by government and manipulated by personally ok... again NOTHING GOVERNMENT-RELATED WILL WORK!

"No Tech" personally would allow us some time or some thinking space, more than the puking of more stuff and easily finding excuses to use and play with it; for fun, for money and roots of encroaching on human rights justified by basing further newborns grown by it (the main purpose of many governments). But we need it a bit more... SO STILL THE MAIN PROGRAM WE ARE IN is to increase power of the country

or funnel money/tax to leaders, tax people and keep people down, punish people's existence... etc... which is all about harvesting us as entities.
Pretty sick stuff.

BigOil = BigTech =Internet [loop / make a circular diagram]

...lose friends instantly by showing others!

I took a lot from "No Way Out" by John Zerzan but knew from a long time from trying to tell people personally everywhere on different levels that the container they / you are in (Agricultural "Original Trauma" or "Original Sins" others have called it) increasingly defines us adults and children.

To jump in a container as our platforms and use holes for what we are constantly expected to refill for others (debt %, Graeber etc) is more of a hope thing to work unless really something more substantial than talking happens (such as sharing everything and living together).

It's like me asking K to try *more sharing* to see what I mean- isn't it enough he has his own family and who wants to accept how grave (y)our children's situation is- when later its they who will be at someone else's door (if the have similar ethics or God-forbid you pass before that.)

So we might as well test this strong-Yo guy measurably. But it's the spirit which is hard for most people... and therefore many virtue-signalling happens not really spiritual stuff - religion is lost and no longer breathing together and making best we can (build Spirit). Popular excuses are ●"I have to look after my family first" (not others at the same time). ●"I don't have time" (don't want to fit it in) Etc Etc

All the above looses site of 1 planet or 1 people (and dismisses it for "the system doesn't make me do spiritual stuff or you're weird so let's not help ourselves and rely and trust the anonymous Matrix-peoole mostly").

Good people can also be incredibly misguided in my experience from lack of exploring often obvious things and if they can't see / admit deliberate mismanagement, negligence or holes or see how money works (paying more than face value as loans devaluing it all exponentially) then even God can save them... and in turn can't save me (since we're in a colony / spiritual domino effect). If people don't see or do then the spirit of things die or spiritually degrade to not that breathing together or Spirit not being performed between people... and the net might be similar to that Spirit to solve all that consumption by doing / being something else.

To deny activist type thoughts is easier than measured Yo chat that he considers filtered over many years. A simpler way is just accepting each others imperfections (above a certain similar affinity in life) and letting things grow / test as time passes fairly nicely.

Typical people assume fairness in the world, being blind to what takes a hold on people's thinking before they came about and instead using the same broken tools to expect different things to happen.

THIS is also part of it. So while all around things can measurably be seen and felt to get worse people are selectively blind and don't see the tricks as so detrimental.

"Just use it, you'll be alright".

If they have a job they might not see it at all as it covers and conforms to what is a fatal drop if job doesn't exist any more or goalposts are shifted again. 

I would group many Christians or religious I've met (measurably again from my active discussions and going to see people as part of FreeSchool) as this is the type of ignorance (despite me loving them still) is really classic and stereotype according to modern culture, regions and general mainstream candy too tempting for people to ask about giving personal data to big American companies ^_^.

Picture the image about "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" (exactly that). [AUDIO CLIP INSERT 2Pac - U Can't C Me]

Because they and most can't even bring themselves to admit they sre trapped ir banks have extortionate power prostitution their energy at whatever value or % asked as usury, tax (robbing) money itself, and maybe only they admit a bit that government and banks collaborate for power between them OVER the people. "Isn't it explicitly or passive aggressively bad / reckless / deliberate?"

"Errr well Yo... I have put food on the table..." (see this is not the shirt term point). "And sorry Yo I have to go out and err wash the dog soon so do you mind stepping out. See you next week maybe..."


Silence even to the levels of perpetuating  it in their silence, and fear from talking- because that would mean taking on the powers that be, even though God / church is supposed to be their #1 not money / banks or even food. Where is their spirit?

Isn't it constantly diluted and faded through delay and occupying themselves totally with their children for a worse tomorrow? (If they are not acting with/through their children).

"But what about food?" Most iften said to me as an end point - though I also point out the reinforcing distraction from their own Godly principles (so it is not just feeding children bad food but bad spirituality through things like food from uncaring / wicked hands / people iterating power control) IT'S NOT because supermarkets / banks / lrnders really feed people!!

Same as a bank wants to feed you %'s and debt. $ame model.

Now with whole countries totally under this spell which has become part of our quest to get out of (using love and logic mostly).

All the corruption ignored for food also doesn't work long term as they are losing / exchanging their religion AWAY.

(Apart from Sunday's lol. Some do go but Mon-Sat thry go to another church called APATHY!). [Perhaps apathy is not 100% the word]

The system is apathetic / a power-control types of dominating religion against other treligions - it's anti-religion / anti-culture. Death! [ AUDIO CLIP INSERT Homeschooling end bit about children going to school 9months 40hrs a week and being conditioned / coming back numb emotionally and spiritually. Negative spirituality you could say] SHARING EVEN MORE Even if people / farmers do have enough financially or ecologically produce more - there is this 'Adam & Eve' type sin or craving in man embedded to hoard / profit / etc... so people (me perhaps included if I had a farm) might find it hard to share even though communication and other politics come into it usually distancing people as you're just a 'worker' and I'm the host that benefits most (economically) even if a few visitors are headaches.

To share from their cows some cheese might be hard for them.

The other politucs is being so personal and even loving-family with some people, because it would attract too much attention to themselves (at church if people ask for example) or risking them being unconformist elsewhere compared to others (whoare playing it far too safe...).

But if it's just about giving away money or paying people (not real justice or long term security) then it's easier for people and they might consider doing that- but this doesn't help overall as money = middleman(s) --> government + banks  (which = bad mediums / bad exchange of energy)


It is not a fair game and all unsustainable to start - let's get that clear. 

Quote - Bees..."The battle done, the conquerors rushed to the defeated hive, bit the wings off their remaining victims and carried them to their own hive, where they were forced to build cells for the victors - becoming, in effect, slaves."

Book quote - From the Land of Green Ghosts, pg 80, by Pascal Khoo Thwe

Even after years on a homestead the economics (land-based with animals producing mostly the real economy); it's still hard to invite everyone to do it similarly or try for togetherness.

Inside and out an already unfair unsustainable way to live means spirituality or your spirit is ignored and nonexistent to systems. Hard to tell the good people it's unfair from the start. And probably you know about the uncaring side.. or is shocking like "No way. Surely power and 'progress' wasn't just interested in only furthing it's own power... but even worse than beforer?"...

People tend to think it's fair to start with or they can fix it with hard work despite faulty economics and parallels of Labour Skill vs. Rent / House prices (Etc).

In California people with 2 jobs say theu can't make it and there are 1000's of people all around Cali now outside in Te ts (one youtuber drives 1 straight road showing encampments going on forever and visiting them personally).

People think doing more as hard work / brute force means they can help a rigged power system or unlock something more.

Nooo. All increments are near 100% reinforcing / feeding / recreation of the same power (clue: NOT freedom!).


TO BE IN SYSTEM... OR NOT TO BE. (Poetic joke referring to last line spoofing "To be or not to be... above) When Shakespeare said "To be, or not to be... That is the question." I believe he was referring to the unbearable system lol... :)

But seriously, I remember a 'trick' in language... When thinking of language, consider a lot of sentences 'missing words' or details, so as a person speaks they can often skip or shorten sentences or prefer it short WHICH with the extra words can improve and unlock what they mean abd your understanding accordingly... happens a lot or helps ask as explorative process if you feel sentences can be extended with more info.... "To be [in the system] or not to be [in the system]"<----- is an example where you could assume "To be" to mean to live or dies but if you add [in the system] then it's A LOT CLEARER IT'S NOT ABOUT LIVING OR DYING PRECISELY but the system... so imagine how a few more words changes the amount of assumptions and permutations that longer sentences can miss the correct direction each section intended to mean.

Like hospital workers who might think they can give even more of their extra time and life as indicated / groomed by their seniors to help the corrupt heads of hospitals who are basing hospital ecomonics purely on profit and unwritten hour spent by staff. Though their bosses in between might be nice and shrugging about what goes on, it's all deliberate.

People killing their energy and themselves in the wrong way or mono /same-same ways. Spiritually near-0 progress.

Big Therapy is needed more than Big Tech. FINAL BIT....

A LOT *IS GOOD TO TRY* but expectations to tell others within things that define their existence (incl. Tech) often needs more than what we have tried- like some extreme OR unbalanced sharing going between people (money / food / space, spirit, mentoring) in order to compensate for all existing imbalances and increase the spirituality of people if anything, as a better incremental residue and exchange from any efforts. Not just physical labour either as another spectrum or smaller version of Capitalism. 

Therapy... hmmm could be with some Moderation. Of all farmers, most didn't want to engage in this kind of chat. Drinking yeah! But talking without drink not so much. Drinking did help sometimes but fine line between comical irony and satire, black humour etc and drunken end of day blowouts.


Watch your children have the same future ultimatums which is why i suggest testing me more softly because future will seal the holes and have even tighter traps than today for children (literally each day changes happen not just ever 5years).
Ailsa protesting is a good example. Wonder where she will go or what relationship she will seek as any child tries to attach to another relationship likely inheritantly abusive as the top of chain.

To finish a quote

REAL CHANGERS... Banks / financial institutions...

BlackRock CEO said recently: “You have to force behaviors”. That's exactly right, same with Internet and all iterations of finance, tech etc ... so despite the candy, even the knowledge and benefits perceived by us, it's just another product or angle to do the same things again (even if for a split-second it was innocent or needed its development stage before it was seized / regulated like everything / everyone). It's another iteration of power.

Link to video clip below...(on Mastodon for safer linking & video clips)



1● Scorzayzee - Great Britain = MUSIC about "GREAT" BRITAIN... super lyrics [#Conscious #Rap / #Reality / #RealTalk / Anti-Colonial ]


Alternative link = https://yewtu.be/watch?v=GbT13c1n4mQ 2● Midnite - Bushman (+ Lyrics) https://invidious.slipfox.xyz/watch?v=b-7oF4NPMWg

LYRICS AS TEXT https://www.elyrics.net/read/m/midnite-lyrics/bushman-lyrics.html FINAL QUOTE All that we are is a result of thought... -Buddha ●AUDIO Bruce Lipton Thoughts mostly makes our reality... (A few minutes of a podcast clip)