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TechInc Member
Lika GIF pictures.gif
nickname Yo
Memberstatus wannabe

Hi I'm Your Spirit, CONTACT: keepthespirit [@]

POWERS: Growing plants and people.

MOTTO: "Growing plants and people, with people and plants!" (both at the same time!).

Any more than the above may confuse you so email if happy with that!

I'm also happy to hear what you do or care about. What everybody thinks is important to me, not only towards friendship for me - but for overall in humanity. Because we are connected or can be better friends / sharers / lovers of things.

Was looking to go to NL but not sure - shoot me an offer!


I am looking for any like-minded and equally passionate person like Vesna or group to stay with so I can do my usual self-propelled work, at the same time as all other work.

IDEAL LIVING CONDITIONS: Nature and solid people anywhere I am is what it's all about.

What is listed on this page can be expanded on. What you do or care about in life is needed, since much is relative and probably similar in essence to the intention and why we do things / why we stay alive.

I'm here to generally work with anyone and make friends with the world (basically "for the way") though people often don't want that (the comfort or perception all is ok or doesn't need out help - perhaps more fake money than real sense) and in general the keywords and ideas listed here may give you more things to consider. If you can imagine being friends imperfectly for better and even the slightly annoying things then things can work, because nobody is perfect. If you look for perfection only you're setting the bar too high and even falling into fascistic intolerant ways of human errors. Trying to get along actively without dumping on each other" works... for those that can. Because nobody is perfect and getting on with what we can (alone and together) is the basic flow while allowing people to live and try doing things around us.

If really you're comfortable with money and don't care. and don't like talking/sharing with people then I'm not for you...

I'm also happy to hear what you do and what you need either way. Life shouldn't be an ultimatum even if we know we don't like a lot of things strongly. More knowledge means we are more sensitive sometimes and it's ok if we can work together on that and existing passions.

What I can offer:

  • Organising & Archiving (physical or digital media)
  • Collecting, Researching & Generating ideas (Passionate about what others are passionate about)
  • Creative audio “Content” to really serve like-minded people, from downloads, music, to summarising or note taking audio files, subtitles for videos... Basically can review anything as information and document it in basic text for notes and then transforming into something else optionally.
  • Gardener - green fingers, pictures are my track record (prefer it in cooperation with other people growing EVERYTHING - people and plants)
  • Assisting in (off-the-grid) Life (Philosophy)

What do I need:

  • Creative collaboration
  • Food & place to stay
  • Inspiring talk and contact for exploring together any of the above

CONTACT: keepthespirit [@]

Please let someone know if you think we are a good match.

Do I know anyone here?

For some context, Vesna recommends me as a good communicator and as a person to work with (personally and in person). We wrote this page together.