Viewing the (h)ACTA as Social Evening

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Viewing the (h)ACTA as Social Evening
Date 2012/10/10
Location (h)ACTA
Type Social
Contact Contact, User:Becha
iCalendar Add to calendar

Wednesday 10.10. is the night for the "viewing" -- we will visit the "new space" and look around, talk about the design and usage (form follows function... ;) and brainstorm suggestions for decoration, cabling, seating...

  • When: Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 8PM
  • Where: (h)ACTA, Louwesweg 1, 1066 EA Amsterdam
  • What: look-around, think together, make plans
  • Who: all of you :)


I will be ordering pizza from PizzaExpress:

Let me know: email, irc, FB or here

  • which pizza
  • or: how much money you want to pay for shared pizza (vegetarian/meet/fish)
  • I will order at 6:00, to make sure we have it by 7PM.*