
From Technologia Incognita
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1mx1m screen of RGB lights that slowly and independently change colour. All patterns are just your mind playing tricks on you.

Alternative name:

  • Free-Runner / Management-Intervention



  • 500 Slow color changing RGB leds.
    • max led forward current is 20mA.
    • RGBs forward-voltage oscillates between 3.2v and 3.8v (±15%)
    • LEDs max continuous current at 20mA.
  • 22x22 leds (484) [sqrt(500) = 22.36..]

20v supply

  • 20v/3.8 (V-max-led-forward) = 5.2 LEDs; 5 LEDs in a chain.
  • There are 96.8 chains [484/5]
  • Vmax = 5 * 3.8Vf = 19v; 1v left.
  • Vmin = 5 * 3.2Vf = 16v; 4v left.
  • current limit power-max: 4v*20mA = 80mW.
  • Total Current: 20mA * 97 = 1.94A
  • Total power: 1.94A * 20v = 38.8w
  • 22 leds; 4x5led chain + 1x2led chain.
    • 2 led chain needs a 470ohm ¼Watt resistor (or 2x1000ohm in paralel) to drop the voltage.




$ 1 0.000005 10.20027730826997 50 5 50
w 544 592 416 592 0
w 416 576 416 592 0
v 416 576 416 176 0 0 40 20 0 0 0.5
g 416 592 416 624 0
w 416 176 544 176 0
w 544 176 544 336 0
f 688 464 752 464 0 1.5 0.02
162 752 272 752 320 1 3.2 1 0 0 0.01
162 752 320 752 368 1 3.2 1 0 0 0.01
162 752 368 752 416 1 3.2 1 0 0 0.01
r 752 528 752 592 0 10
w 544 592 608 592 0
w 608 592 752 592 0
w 544 560 544 592 0
w 752 480 752 528 0
w 752 528 608 528 0
w 608 480 608 528 0
w 544 448 608 448 0
a 608 464 688 464 1 12 0 1000000 0.11134962704993533 0.11137629276054098
r 544 352 544 448 0 100000
w 544 352 544 336 0
r 544 448 544 560 0 560
162 752 224 752 272 1 3.2 1 0 0 0.01
162 752 176 752 224 1 3.2 1 0 0 0.01
w 752 416 752 448 0
w 752 416 688 416 0
c 688 416 688 176 0 1.0000000000000001e-7 -14.836678863009816
w 544 176 688 176 0
w 688 176 752 176 0
o 26 64 0 4099 20 0.00009765625 0 2 26 3
o 6 64 0 4099 20 0.05 1 2 6 3
o 10 64 0 4099 0.625 0.05 2 2 10 3