Talk:PIP-GRL 31415

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Left the space leaving the following unresolved:

Somehow I lost 20px on the Y axis. The screen has a resolution of 320x240, but when I tap the screen with the tip of a pencil it stops at 220... This is especially annoying since the navigation buttons are located in those last/bottom 20px...

This always worked correctly up until a few hrs ago when I was messing with joystick buttons/controls/coordinates...

Also, finish up working on keyboard controls, winkey alt space and rmb menu. Then create sticky key functions for ctrl alt and winkey.

Before I noticed the lost pixels, I was working on the joystick left/right slider, code is now commented out, but wasn't ready for use! Last thing I can think of: joystick now only has axis, still needs buttons...

24/05: The screens missing pixels have been restored, and the nav. menu is reachable again. finished working on the joystick left/right sliders, and the X, Y & Z axis, the buttons still need work.

continued with the keyboard implementation, decided to rewrite some functionality so that shift/alt/control will alll be recognized properly. I stopped working after fixing the KEY_BACKSLASH in page_1.ino file when I continue, I need to copy the code from KEY_BACKSLASH to all the following KEY_ commands...