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Date 2013/07/17
Location ACTA
Type Social
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our regular open evening


  • teamwork
  • organic food
  • BBQ

variety of vegetarian/vegan and organic snacks by FAA

  • Stef and tg(x) will help shopping
  • preparation of variety of snacks in the group environment (carnivore = car; vegetarian = v; vegan - veg)

  • List of proposed food projects

- garlic/cheese spread (veg)

(garlic, shredded cheese, mayonnaise, mustard, salt, citrus juice)

- mackerel spread (car)

(mackerel, onion, mayonnaise, salt, citrus juice)

- spicy kefir spread (v)


- kim (nori) salad (veg)

(kim, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce)

- roasted kim (nori) snack (veg)

(kim, sugar, soy sauce)

- vegetable salad (veg)

BBQ (standard stuff)

AndreasR will get meat and sausages for about 20 people again but because of time and budget restraints I can not buy organic for so many people :( AH-grade sausages, burgers and some marinated meat and two boxes of greasy mayo/potato salad and some baguettes

vegetarian food
