ShapeOko2 CNC

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TechInc Inventory
Description ShapeOko 2 CNC
Make ShapeOko
Model 2
Manufacturer Link 2
Category Mechanics
Operational Status BROKEN
Super Users user:Wally
Received at
Acquisition Details
Owner user:Wally


Shapeoko 2 is a low-cost desktop milling kit that lets you carve woods, plastics, and soft metals with precision.

The effective working area is approximately 300mm x 300mm x 625mm.

I have ordered the complete kit from RoboSavvy (

This is a generic light/medium duty CNC platform and could in principle be used for a number of things. I persoannly am interested in milling wood and alu, but PCB's can also be made with it for quick PCB prototypes.


Assembled, was working with stock spindle. Moved to the space, added end-stops, need to finish the wiring of the endstops. Changed spindle, need to mount spindle with 3d printed spindle mounts.

Additional notes

I'll be building this one at home mostly, to speed up things. Once complete and I have some experience with it, it will move to TechInc.