Sdr sunday december 2015

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Sdr sunday december 2015
Date 2015/12/20
Time SDR sunday
Location Techinc headquarters ACTA Louwesweg Amsterdam
Type Party
Contact cmpxchg
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Sunday December 20th another SDR sunday will be organised at the Techinc headquarters, Louwesweg 1 Amsterdam. This time the theme is DSSS, or Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum modulation and it's applications in for example WiFi, GNSS systems like GPS and Galileo and long-range communications.

Presentation about DSSS will be around 16:00. There is plenty of room for discussion, and during the day there is access to measurement equipment for wideband applications, wideband RF recording and playback, accurate power measurements, attenuators and RF amplifiers.

Location: Louwesweg 1 Amsterdam, use door near inner corner of square. Call +31 6 57245257, 'landline' +31 20 7716647 or PMR channel 6 (446.06875 MHz, FM modulation) for contact and door opening. Door opens around 13:00, ends around 18:00.