SDR sunday Jan 2015

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SDR sunday Jan 2015
Date 2015/01/25
Location ACTA Louwesweg 1 Amsterdam
Type Workshop
Contact cmpxchg
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Software Defined Radio sunday
A whole day with access to RF testing equipment to test and demonstrate self-built radio concepts, radio software, (de)modulators, protocol decoders, diversity transmitters/receivers, through-wall imaging radars, SAR, and any other radio-related topics to discuss.
There will be at least one PC-based spectrum analyser available, some RF recording equipment, a low-power tracking generator for filter and antenna tests, and various other RF accesories. Note that this day is only meant for low-power radios - please leave your travelling wave tube equipment and dummy loads at home!
Start @ 13:00 PM, till max 18:00.
Location: Louwesweg 1 Amsterdam, use door near inner corner of square. Call +31 6 57245257, 'landline' +31 20 7716647 or PMR channel 6 (446.06875 MHz) for door opening