Pledges/second dishwasher
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Pledge | |
Specification | |
Pledge Type | Education |
Pledge Leader | ultratux |
Approximate Target | €100 |
Running Total | €0 |
Status | Failed |
We are looking at purchasing a 2nd dishwasher for the space
The item
- Some secondhand dishwasher, to be determined
Budget estimation
- Price should cover a good secondhand one.
Additional information
- If people try to put their dirties in the dishwasher but it is full, they would be forced to check it is loaded correctly,
add soap tablet, and turn it on. And they'll have to save their own stuff for later (or even go as far as to wash it by hand!)
- With a second dishwasher, all this trouble can be avoided; people can just dump their stuff in the second one and leave the chore
of turning on the first dishwasher to the next member. Now they can return to coding or soldering sooner, so everybody is happy.
- This solution might not scale well.
- €0 -- Signor Moneybags
Further notes
- This pledge is a test of the pledge form and a display of sarcasm. Don't pledge.