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Specification Black toner cartridge for our laser printer
Pledge Type Infrastructure
Pledge Leader user:webmind
Approximate Target €40
Running Total €40
Status Completed

We are looking at purchasing a new black toner

The item

  • black toner for HP color laserjet 1600 series

Budget estimation

  • depends on brand and supplier, should be somewhere between 50 and 80 euros.


  • It makes the black dots on the paper

Additional information

  • Printer shows it's empty. We can wait until it refuses to print, or we can act now, and make sure when that happens we have the toner in store. We all know it will refuse to print at some point.

Toner in space, please pay up.


  • €10 -- Signor Moneybags (paid)
  • €5 -- Ultratux (paid)
  • €10 -- Narya (paid)
  • €10 -- webmind (paid)
  • €5 -- tg (paid)