Pledges/3d printer: v400

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Specification Giant 3d Printer (FLSUN V400)
Pledge Type Tools
Pledge Leader Grey
Approximate Target €850
Running Total €0
Status Current

I have pre-donated my v400 to the space.

This machine is not yet the spaces property, but is fulfilling a need for a working printer.

I am waiting on a replacement, bigger personal printer to arrive for my own use in my own home, at which point I would be donating the v400 anyway as it will become surplus to requirements, instead of selling it on, because I feel the space would benefit from access to it more than selling it to someone.

When the time comes, this machine will be freely given to the space at no cost.

I want to run some educational training on how to tend to the machine before handing it over completely.

In the mean time, the space can borrow it. When my new FLSUN S1 printer turns up, I will hand over ownership, hopefully to a maintainer team that I intend to foster. I also intend to remove the tablet that controls it and replace it with a managed print controller running on a space ewaste computer.

The item

Budget estimation

  • Nothing is needed except for time for my S1 to be shipped from china via slow-boat and to actually materialize at the port.


  • Print big objects really fast, relatively, for a printer.


  • The whole ass printer once my S1 arrives -- Grey