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Date 2021/10/06
Time 1800-2300
Location Technologia Incognita (Louwesweg 1)
Type Party
Contact 3p1c
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Every one that wants some 𝝅 please RSVP in this event before tomorrow morning 12:00, October the 6th

Event: Finally I should have found the answer to life, the universe and... everything. Having turned on this insignificant little blue green ball 42 times yesterday! (4th 0ctober)

That's why there will be '3.14(𝝅) in space' (Louwesweg 1) this time coming 'social' (Wednesday 6th of October from 18:00-Open end)

The only wish we all share this year is making our space 'great again' :-P. Celebrate our differences and combine them in a good way.

So no gift list apart from a donation in the jar of which the proceeds will be donated to TechInc.

Myrthe (G-Soft) will also be present so don't be afraid to bring your significant other(s). Because of southern influences from Myrthe there will be 'Limburgse Vlaai'

Please RSVP for the Pie with your name under the 'Vlaai'. So we can make sure there's enough

- Kersenvlaai

+ Egbert
+ BEcHa
+ Karla

- Abrikozenvlaai

+ BEcHa

- Limburgse Roomvlaai

- Appelkruimel Vlaai

+ Myrthe

- Appel Stoofpeer kruimel Vlaai

+ BEcHa

(BecHa: YES, I do want 3 pieces of Pie! I will bring tea, and SlagRoom!)