OHM Preparty

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OHM Preparty
Date 2013/07/27
Location ACTA
Type Party
Contact Contact, User:Realitygaps
iCalendar Add to calendar

As a local hackerspace to OHM were planning to have a pre-party @ techinc. Saturday seemed like a idea as most people will be at ohm setting up before the 31st (from the 29th onwards).

Come join us on Saturday evening from 6pm, drinks, social and maybe some decent music.

If you are a techinc member who can help with arranging stuff for the party (many people will be away @ohm already) - leave your name below:

  • realitygaps
  • ReeseNemesis
  • BecHa
  • you?.....

See you on Saturday!

The journey to the end of the day that was planned is cancelled (postponed)