KasKantine Meetup 1

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KasKantine Meetup 1
Date 2021/11/13
Time 14:00 - 16:00
Location (h)ACTA
Type Cancelled
Contact Becha
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  • CANCELED!!! due to new anti-covid restrictions!!! *

Event Content Description



Description for KasKantine visitors


Visiting a hackerspace is a unique experience ;-) Looking forward to welcome you here!

Facilities: WiFi, toilets nearby, library, tools, music & video equipment, sofas, chairs, tables... and friendly people! We have some free refreshments available (tea, water) and other drinks, on donation. You can bring own snacks.

How to get here


Address: Louwesweg 1 1066 EA Amsterdam Netherlands

If the front door is open: come up to the first floor, top left corner of the "floor".

DoorBell: +31 85 201 6320' : Please call this number when you are out front door, ask for someone to open the door for you.

DESCRIPTION for TechInc Members

KasKantine Collective is organising interesting meet-ups, and they temporarily need an indoor meeting space.

There is some overlap with the projects between KasKantine & Teching members, so please join!

Please let me know if you have any questions.