Hackerspace Flags
Hackerspace Flags
A system that allows hackerspaces to communicate information to each other, with the end point being either 'offline' (think, a map) or 'online' (traditional website). The hope is that the underlying system can also be used as an information system at OHM2013
Initial Development
This will take place at Hack in the Box Amsterdam 2013
Hack in the Box Amsterdam 2013: Hackerspaces Challenge
- to get hackerspaces to collaborate in a contest. (Non-HITB-attending members are also allowed to join, but there should be a representitive of your space/community @ HITB)
- hackerspaces should work towards a common goal
- hackerspaces should be able to be creative and unlimited in the methods they use to achieve their chosen task
Task Selection
All hackerspaces decide on which goal(s) to achieve
If they cant decide between themselves, then goals are chosen at random
- Create a physical map of Benelux, on where the hackerspace information is shown
- Decorate the physical map, so it actually looks like a map and is pretty
- Display the open/closed states of the hackerspaces on the map
- Display, per hackerspace, the last wiki edits on the map
- Display, per hackerspace, the last tweets on the map
- Display, per hackerspace, the last facebook messages on the map
- Integrate hackerspaces.nl information in the map
- Document all the individual projects of the map, so it can easy be reused or reproduced
- Make the physical map interactive
- Make sure there is an online copy of the physical map - with the same information and abilities (but no more)
Costs and Equipment
Sponsorship to cover the basic costs of equipment is being arranged. Suggestions for what is needed is welcome. Here is a brief list
- Paint
- Wooden Board
- LED Lighting
- Micro-controllers
Useful Links
- Space API
- SpaceSplurper - scraper for twitter/wiki edits
The winning hackerspace will be the hackerspace with the most unique, creative and most complete implementation of the task(s). Chosen by an independent Jury, mostly likely the OHM orga that will be attending the event. The prize will be promotion only im afraid - hopefully via HitB and OHM outlets.