Hack Talk Party

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Hack Talk Party
Date 2013/11/30
Location ACTA
Type Congress
Contact Amx109
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A multi event day


1200 - 1500 : Quadcopter Workshop
1500 - 1800 : Random Hacking
1800 - 1900 : Food!
1900 - 2100 : Talks
2100 - late : Party

Random Hacking

Organisational Requirements

  • Mass order food for the evening


As ever, we'll be having guest lectures. Anyone is welcome to talk, about anything. Just add your name below. The time slots are 10mins each - if you want more then go for it.

Time limits on talks will be strictly enforced by the duck of shame.


1900 - Introduction by justa+amran with quick space update
1910 - Narya - immunology in 10 minutes
1920 -
1930 - MarckLeen van der Wijanden - On Design and Hacktivism
1940 - Tamura Yoshiyasu - Anime, Culture and philosophy
2000 - BREAK
2010 - JinX - TBA
2020 -
2030 -
2040 -
2050 - Powerpoint Karaoke

Organisational Requirements

  • Seating re-arranged
  • AV Setup+podium


Organisational Requirements

  • Enough Drinks?
  • Snacks?
  • DJ?